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Captain Louis tells players to go toward the capital and gives directions on where to go

Margath(capital) common square where quest to go to cornerstone is find dwarf named midas yoju
gives details on what to do with quest and go to margmart to gear up for long journey

Marmart met guy named chaz skylar is douche chaz sends people on quest to village sare to deliver
goods in exchange for reduce cost on store products must bring back seal from sare mayor as proof that
gooods are delivered

Bandit encounter to sare pay or fight fork in road one leads to sare other leads to flax’s farms

Village sare is a fishing village nothing much happening deleiver goods head back to chaz

Flax’s farms beautiful farm animals are feed and happy though the pigs seem sad

Flax’s house: max is inside asking adventures to find his pig tater tot that ran away pig is “unique” side
note max has a shit ton of gold on him

Come across 3 directions one goes to pig one goes to sare the last to gowards mine

To the pig: tater tot is standing on top of a rock commanding bears to do his bidding he can talk in
common and has a crown on his head bears attack when tater decides to go back home assuming he is
convinced to return

Gowards mine: Guard watching the road tells travelrs that the mine closed so now work to be had
players enter to find goward argueing with guard captain goward offers players work to clear the mine
of the 6 trolls 3 in each section of the mine

Wagon encounter: players find broken wagon can help if they do then they are attacked by beetles

Camp: players rest for the night along with trader’s encounter can happen

Middenberg: players find loa gives a quest to retrieve mask at old tower ruins (where the mages were
sent to learn magic and safety practices) shops and a tavern around at tavern players learn about
prooblems at lidea and illadeah if players return the mask she is thankful but she is working for demons
so don’t give that away unless prompted

Old tower ruins players explore looking for Lisas mask its guarded by keeper of the mask (boss) has the
key to free the mask

Wolf encounter nothing fancy here

Lidea: players enter guard lets them know that there’s been a murder player can help with murder guy
killed is Ned he was married to Mary trail of blood can be seen going towards bridge leading to the
woods but blood disappears as there is a puddle before bridge. Ned is hit in the head and stabbed
multiple times in chest. Guard doesn’t let players near until they talked to captain Malcom. In the tavern
in Lidea there is Kai who saw someone run off to the woods he looked short and notified the guards.
Mary tells players ned had gambling problems and owed money players find a cave nearby with louy in
it not the killer players continuing onward find Nile a dwarf and is killer can players can convince him to
come back if skill check is good otherwise he attacks
Zombie encounter straight forward weak zombies

Illadeah: as players get closer to the village the area becomes darker and humid players meet Nova and
tells players to leave while they can undead has attacked the village and the source seems to be coming
from the cemeteries if players leave and come back they see village destroyed. If players go forward
they are attacked by undead until they meet Dea she is raising dead she is a mini boss has a key on her
to her house just behind the cemetery in deas house is a letter that says “ Our lord has spoken you are
to help her with whatever she needs you ill be rewarded for your service later” players explore the next
part of graveyard kill undead and when they leave meet nova (boss) attacks players upon killing her
undead die

Bandit camp is along the way to noi

Noi8 is a craftsman town where players can get nice equipment and hear about orcs amassing to the
north of the town

Troll guarding bridge to cornerstone answer 3 riddles or kill it

Paladins hold: players see an old ruin tower busting with paladin activity they enter and meet Captian
Quinn he tells them about the attack on cornerstone they met 1 st sergeant Leoric on the way to
cornerstone with Quinn and are ordered to retake the town form the demons

Cornerstone: is destroyed by a bunch of demons inside there are paladins fighting already with the
reinforcements from quinn arriving the town is recaptured and the players are asked to help get
survivors out while the paladins finish with the demons an armory can be seen in the area it has a boss
but decent loot on the area

Demon portal: paladins are inside trying to shut down the portal players fight off waves of demons

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