KD 3.1 Asking Opinion 1

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Dear Students, 3. How to Express General Opinion.

In this meeting you will study about Asking and

To express general points of view, start
Giving Opinion. It’s our first KD material.
You will study about this KD in three meetings.
• It is thought that...
• Some people say that...
Let’s start our Learning.
• It is considered...
• It is generally accepted that...
Expressions of Asking and
Giving Opinion.
Then, make the opinion clear, in
statement form.
1. Definition of Asking and Giving Opinion.
• Ex. “Many people say that he is a bad
Opinion is including the words of
opinion and argument/reason.
Then, provide reasons and details to
Opinion- how an individual feel about
support the opinion.
*Note: An opinion may contain or be
• “He is a poor public speaker.”
based on facts, but an opinion should
• “He has made our relationships worse, not
never be stated as a fact.
2. How to Express Personal Opinion.
4. Expressionfor Asking someone’s
Start with a phrase like:
• In my experience…
In expressing dialogue have two
• As far as I'm concerned…
situations; formal and informal.
• Speaking for myself…
• In my opinion…
 Formal expressions are used in a
• Personally, I think…
situation where you are talking in a formal
• I'd say that…
situation, such as in the office or school
• I'd suggest that…
between the teacher and students.
• I'd like to point out that…
• I believe that…
 Informal expression is used in a situation
• What I mean is…
where you are talking between friends or
close friends.
State your opinion
•Ex. “I think that the library should be open
The expressions usually respond to
something that you discuss in an informal
Then, provide reasons and evidence to
support your opinion.
Asking for opinion
•“It closes at 8 pm, and I am usually
Formal Situation
studying until 10 pm, which means I have to
find a new place to go.”
Have you got any comments on...?
•“It is inconvenient to have to interrupt my
Do you have any idea?

Do you have any opinion on...?

Would you give me your opinion on...?

What is your reaction to...?

What is your opinion about...?

Disagreeing with an Opinion
What are you feeling about...? • That's different.
• I don't agree with you.
 What are you views on...? • However…
• That's not entirely true.
Please give me your frank opinion? • On the contrary…
• I'm sorry to disagree with
you, but…
Informal situation
• Yes, but don't you
Asking for opinion • I'm afraid I have to
• What do you think about...? disagree.
• What is your opinion?
• Why do they behave like that?
• Do you think its going? Additional Note!
• How do you like?
• How was the...? Having strong opinions
5. Introducing your own opinion.
Common adjectives used when giving
Formal Situation. opinion
• I think it’s a brilliant idea!
- I personally consider ...
• He thought the restaurant was disgusting.
- I personally think/feel ...
(veryunpleasant, terrible, etc.)
- I hold the opinion ... • Your project is ridiculous.
- My own view of the matter is ... • I think her work is really original.
- Well, personally ...
- If I had my view, I would ... Expressing strong disagreement
• I’m afraid I don’t agree (with you) at all.
Informal situation • I totally disagree (with you).
- I think I like it.
- I think it’s good/nice/terrific ... Agreeing partially
- I don’t think I care for it. • I agree with this point of view, but...
- I don’t think much of it. • This idea is right, but...
- I think that awful/notice/terrible... • I agree with you, but...
- I think that ...
- In my opinion, I would rather... Example:
- What I’m more concerned with..
- What I have in my mind is... Bella : How are you?
Ricky : I am fine, how about you?
6. Responding To Opinion Bella : Fine too thanks
You can agree or disagree. Ricky : Hey, what do you think about my new
Agreeing with an Opinion Bella : Wow, I think it is a good bag with the
• Of course. newest style. Where did you buy it,
• You're absolutely right. Ricky?
• Yes, I agree. Ricky : My auntie bought it for my birthday
• I think so too. gift.
• That's a good point. What’s your opinion about the color?
• Exactly. Bella : Hmm in my opinion, it has a bad color
• I don't think so either. Ricky : Why? You know it's my auntie's
• So do I. choice
• I'd go along with that. Bella : Because the color is glamour and look
• That's true. too over for boy like you, but I
• Neither do I. appreciate it
• I agree with you entirely. Ricky : Yeah. Thanks for your opinion, Bell
• I couldn't agree more. Bella : No, Problem.
That’s all your material for today.

Then, these are your following task!

1. Write down a summary of those

material (Tulislah sebuah rangkuman
dari materi tersebut).
2. Read and record that dialogue example
(Bacalah salah satucontoh dialog yang
ada, lalurekamlah dan kirimkanke
google class).

Silahkan bertanya ke group jika ada

kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas.

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