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Asking and Giving Opinion (2)

Exercise of Opinion

Dear students,
Assalammualaikum, wr.wb.
How are you, hope you all are always being healthy. In this meeting, you will have 3
exercises. It’s all about asking and giving opinion and agreeing and disagreeing.
Let’s see and do your tasks.

1. Code 1 Task

Complete the following dialogue with the expressions of agreeing and

disagreeing with opinions.

A : How do you feel about wearing uniforms in school?

B: ( agree and give reason)
C: ( disagree and give reason)
D: ( partly agree)
E: ( avoid opinion)

2. Make a dialogue of asking and giving opinion on current matters ( choose

one matter from these following matters).
a. Environtment
b. Traffic jams
c. Pollution
d. Illegal logging
e. School bullying

3. Write your opinion about one of the following issues (you only choose one).
a. Corruption in Indonesia
b. Cyber crimes
c. Technology in the classroom
d. Junk foods

Thank you for your attention.

Good Luck
Wish all your dreams come true... Aamiin.

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