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the carillon

The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper since 1962

March 31 - April 6, 2011 | Volume 53, Issue 22 |

cover Acclaimed, revered, and suc-

cessful – and they aren’t even
officially a U of R team. The U
of R’s cheerleading squad,
which is technically a club,
has quietly toiled away for
hours every week, and this
year the mostly-rookie squad
the staff has seen their hard work met
Editor-in-Chief John Cameron with national and interna-
Business Manager Kent Peterson
Production Manager Mason Pitzel
tional championship victories.
Copy Editor Rhiannon Ward
News Editor Kimberly Elaschuk sports 16–17
A&C Editor (vacant)

Sports Editor Jonathan Hamelin

Op-Ed Editor
Cheyenne Geysen
news arts & culture
Features Editor Dietrich Neu
Graphics Editor Ali Nikolic
Ad Manager Josh Jakubowski
Tech. Coordinator Matthew Blackwell
News Writer Ed Kapp
Iryn Tushabe
A&C Writer Paul Bogdan
Sports Writer Autumn McDowell
Photographers i hate things that dissolve 4 get high like cranes 8
Kelsey Conway Kim Jay
Jarrett Crowe Marc Messett
Matt Duguid Matt Yim
sports op-ed

Martin Weaver, Wollel Manie, Jonathan Petrychn,

Megan Narsing, Edward Dodd, Taouba Khelifa

the paper

Raquel Fletcher, Kristy Fyfe, Jenna Kampman,

Melanie Metcalf, Laura Osicki, Rhiannon Ward, Anna
227 Riddell Centre


University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway taylor’s story 16 you are dignified 22
Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2
Ph: (306) 586-8867 Fax: (306) 586-7422
Circulation: 3,500
Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc., Saskatoon
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be edited for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity.

crucial to us.
The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no af-
filiation with the University of Regina Students’ Union.
Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly
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Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertise-
ments appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers
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to a Canadian University Press survey about your Carillon-

The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester

reading habits, which will help CampusPlus tailor their adver-

during the fall and winter semesters and periodically
throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The
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tising (and help you win an iPad). And also on page 23, there’s
a gigantic hiring ad, which could help you get a job and help us
the manifesto
In keeping with our reckless, devil-may-care image, our of-
fice has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s

continue to exist as a paper!

formative years readily available. What follows is the story
that’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty

So please look those things over.And if you haven’t gotten

In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the con-
struction of several new buildings on the campus grounds.

enough advertisements, you can go to our website and adver-

One of these proposed buildings was a bell tower on the aca-
demic green. If you look out on the academic green today,
the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing

tise with an advertisement by clicking “advertise”! Ad

resembling a bell tower.

The University never got a bell tower, but what it did get
was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell
tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each
and every student.
photos News: URSU; A&C: John Cameron;

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Sports: Marc Messett; Op-Ed:;
Cover: U of R cheerleading team
news News Editor: Kimberly Elaschuk
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

An international environment
Confucius Institute comes to U of R

important to us to have people know

us,” Chou said.
martin weaver
Dr. Timmons was confident that
the institute has the proper resources
Students at the University of Regina for this to be a success.
will soon have more access to the inter- “There will be Chinese language
national community. Dr. Vianne classes. There will be visiting experts
Timmons and the University of Regina from China coming regularly to talk
announced earlier this month that an about art, history, culture, language.
application to have a Confucius So, we will have a constant stream of
Institute on campus has been ap- experts from Hunan University who
proved. have to be nationally qualified and
The approval of the institute came seen as experts in their field.”
after months of hard work putting to- Over the past few years, the uni-
gether the application. versity has been working hard under
“Both putting together the appli- Timmons to expand internationally.
cation and partnering with Hunan This semester there was over 800
University on the application took a Chinese students on campus and, in
while. We had to meet with the recent years, there has been a lot of
Chinese embassy in Canada; we had to work done to strengthen relationships
do a lot of advocacy work and infor- with other countries like Nigeria and
mation sharing about the reason why Saudi Arabia. Chou thinks that despite
it should be funded at the University I came here there was no institute here. for them to learn about Chinese cul- those understandings then we en- not having a Confucius Institute previ-
of Regina.” I just wondered when we could get ture.” said Timmons. She added that hance those relationships.” ously, the U of R had already estab-
Dr. Timmons has been the presi- one here because there are a lot of whether it’s a business student, a stu- As China is one of the world’s lished a good environment for
dent of the University of Regina for Chinese people here and it is a good dent wanting to go on an exchange fastest-growing economies, with over international students to come and
three years, and she felt that this puts way for people other than Chinese program, or someone just curious 1.3 billion people, many feel that it is learn.
her closer to the ultimate vision she people to know our history,” said about Chinese culture, everyone will important for Canadians to know “I know there are a lot of events
has for the University. Yinglan Chou, a fourth-year account- profit immensely. about their culture – including for international students and they let
“I think it’s a real step forward in ing student from China. This new collaboration is just one Timmons. us communicate with each other. They
our relationship with China and my While the institutes provide many of many that have been done in the “It is a power to be reckoned with have some Chinese language classes
goal to internationalize our university. opportunities for Chinese students, it strong relationship between U of R and we do a lot of economic activity and I’m already impressed about it be-
I want a student that is from Regina to is students from every part of the and China. Timmons was hoping the with China. In this province it’s critical cause it means some people want to
come to the University of Regina and world that benefits from this. Confucius Institute could be set up in that we all get a better understanding learn the Chinese language.”
walk away after four years and say, ‘I “Of course, Chinese students will October 2011 just in time for celebra- and build that relationship; both for She did, however, admit that more
had such a great international educa- benefit and will enhance the under- tions marking U of R’s 30-year rela- our economy, but also our students could be done.
tion.’” standing of China among all our stu- tionship with China. should become global citizens.” “Sometimes I think it’s not good
A Confucius Institute is a public dents, so that will benefit them, but “It will be a very great opportu- From a Chinese student’s perspec- enough, but in development you need
institution funded by the Chinese gov- for our students that are from other nity for people in Saskatchewan to tive it is also important. “We are al- some time.”
ernment that supports understanding countries and from Canada and learn more about the art, history, and ways proud of our long history. We Dr. Timmons said that the univer-
of Chinese culture, language, and his- Regina it will provide opportunities culture of China and once we enhance have a large population and it’s very sity plans on building more relation-
tory around the world. There are more ships and are currently working hard
than 300 such institutes in almost 100 to try and get more international stu-
countries with a small number of them dents from India. For the time being
in Canada. The application must be she was excited about the eventual es-
submitted and approved by the head- tablishment of the Confucius Institute.
“ I want a student that is from Regina to come to the University of Regina
quarters in Beijing. and walk away after four years and say, ‘I had such a great international ed- “This has been a real complement
For many Chinese students in to our campus. This investment will
Regina it was a comforting feeling to make a direct difference for students
learn about this announcement. and that’s exciting for me.”
“Before I came here, China had Here’s hoping this will bring us
said that they had many Confucius closer to a country that is so far away.

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Vianne Timmons
Institutes around the world, and after

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March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
4 news

Don’t drink and vote

Plastered students dish on federal politics

photos by URSU

Surprisingly, these people had very astute observations about Canadian politics

in his arms] but I dunno. I don’t think he’s done Layton as a leader they’re ever going fuck?
GD: Uh, well, I dunno. I don’t even very well, but I don’t think he’s done to make up for anything more than SK: Fuck Stephen Harper.
john cameron
editor-in-chief know what that means. very bad, either, so it’s hard to judge they’ve made up for right now. TC: Alright.
TC: Well, thank you very much, Greg. on that. Alright, so, I dunno. That’s They’ve accomplished more in the last SK: Good enough?
On Friday, Mar. 25, Canada made his- my opinion. I’m kinda open to it, couple terms with Mr. Harper in TC: Very lucid.
tory as the first nation in the TC: Sam, what are you dressed as? right? So. I kinda go both ways, so. It’s power than they will if they were to go Nearby girl: [leans into recorder]
Commonwealth to have a government Sam K.: The fraternity from Old School. whatever has. Yeah. to an election again. I think they would ‘Elloooo.
fall due to a non-confidence motion TC: Sam – today Canadian Parliament lose more of their electoral vote. And TC: Thank you.
based on a contempt ruling. The mo- was dissolved and we’re going to an TC: And what are you dressed as to- at the end I’d just like to say that
tion, put forward by Liberal leader election next month. What do you day, Michelle? Harper is likely going to strengthen TC: Your first names and your last-
Michael Ignatieff, called Stephen think about that? Michelle: A Troll. his minority. There’s no way he’s Leah D.: Kay, I need one thing. My
Harper and the Conservative govern- SK: I don’t agree because I’m a TC: So, um, you heard the question gonna make a majority but I think that name is Leah D.
ment out on being found in contempt Conservative and Conservatives but I’ll just reiterate it. Canadian a lot of people are happy with the way Linnea S.: And Linnea S.
of Parliament following a ruling by should stay in power. Parliament was dissolved today based he dealt with the economic system and TC: Okay so you heard the question?
the procedure and house affairs com- TC: Do you think that Conservatives on a non-confidence motion put for- that they’re just actually pumped on And you heard the question?
mittee that the Government was with- being found in contempt of Parliament ward by Michael Ignatieff addressing him and they’re gonna continue elect- LS: No, repeat it.
holding vital information – such as was an important thing, or do you the motion of contempt – er, the ing him even though he is a complete TC: The Canadian government- the
estimated costs on corporate tax cuts, think it was something that in the big Conservatives being found in con- fascist pig. Conservatives were found in contempt
crime legislation, and the controver- scheme of things wasn’t that impor- tempt. What do you think about that? TC: Right. I got one quick follow-up of Parliament, Michael Ignatieff [put
sial purchase of a fleet of Lockheed tant? M: I think I agree. I don’t really fully which was you talked about the poli- forward] a motion of non-confidence
Martin F-35 fighter jets – thus prevent- SK: I do think it was an important trust Harper, you know what I mean? tics, like, how you are surprised that based on that, and the Parliament got
ing members of parliament from being thing because I believe that Liberals There’s a part of him that I don’t com- the Liberals would allow it cause dissolved, so we’re going to an elec-
able to do their jobs. are – I don’t know what the word for it pletely agree with, like, it’s a democ- they’re not up in the polls, but the mo- tion next month.
Mar. 25 was also the 39th Keg-a- is, but I would say that Conservatives racy, people should be able to say what tion of non-confidence was based on LS: Can you explain that in English?
Rama, the annual Business Students’ are the future, Liberals are downgrad- they wanna say. But how Harper has the government being found in con- TC: Sure, um, [launches into convo-
Society fundraiser for the ing things. such like a, like his party’s so tempt. Do you think that played into luted explanation of non-confidence
Saskatchewan Professional Firefighter whipped, it’s a bit too much, you the motion passing? motion, Conservatives being found in
Association Burn Fund. University of TC: What are you dressed as today, know what I mean? “R.W.”: I don’t think it remotely mat- contempt, etc.]
Regina students and members of the Teagan? Just so I can remember when TC: Right. ters. The people who support Harper LD: I think the Conservative govern-
community teamed up to raise $19,100 I’m writing it down. M: It’s a bit too much in the sense that are Conservatives and they don’t care ment is a piece of shit.
for burn victims across Saskatchewan Teagan K.: Uhhhhhhhhh, Troll. Troll. they’re not allowed to speak free of what Liberals say. They were found TC: Okay.
the best way that university students TC: Troll? Okay. Teagan, were you will, they have to go through Harper, on contempt but it was on textu – tech- LD: And for them, like, for them to lie
know how ¬– by rolling a keg around paying any attention to Canadian pol- and then speak, you know what I nicality unless I’m mistaken so I do is bogus. Like, this is someone we’re
and then drinking copiously. itics today? Do you know that we’re mean? not think they are going to take it as a trying to trust? And for them to fuckin’
The Carillon wanted to know what going into an election next month? TC: Okay, so do you think it’s a good serious detriment against Harper. And lie on something is ridiculous.
students thought of the impending TK: I heard that because of the thing that we’re going to an election on top of that I think that a lot of the TC: That was Leah. And what’s your
election. What better time to do it than budget? next month? people that support the Liberals are name again?
when everyone’s drunk? We asked TC: Right. It’s actually, they voted on a M: I think it’s good. I think it’s good to gonna look at this and go, “Well LS: Linnea.
students, and they responded; in many non-confidence motion after [the get a change. It’s been – it’s been, like, done.” But the people who actually TC: What’s your opinion, Linnea?
cases, they did so with a lot more Conservatives] were found in con- enough time, they’ve been in govern- support the Conservatives are gonna LS: I don’t think it’s fair, I actually
vigour and knowledge than you’d ex- tempt. ment a long enough time for people to continue voting with the lines that think it’s – are we allowed to swear?
pect from people who’ve been drink- TK: So does that go to the Queen then, judge whether it’s been beneficial or they had before. TC: Yeah, yeah. It’s a university news-
ing for four hours. Last names have or how does that work? not beneficial, so yeah. It’s been paper.
been omitted to protect the inebriated. TC: It goes to the Governor General. enough. It’s been enough time. TC: What are you dressed as today? LS: I think it’s bullshit.
And now Stephen Harper’s going to Simon K.: Robosexual. TC: Which is bullshit?
The Carillon: And what are you ask him to dissolve Parliament and [Note: The next interviewee had what he TC: Robosexual, okay. So the Canadian LS: Being able to say something and
dressed as today, Greg? we’re going to an election. said was a “unique” name, and requested government was found in contempt – then- [gets distracted by someone
Greg D.: I’m dressed as Risky Business. TK: An election. Yup. that he be identified as “R.W.” Also, we the Conservatives were found in con- pulling on her hair] You see that?
Risky Business. It’s- TC: What do you think of the forgot to ask what he was dressed as, but tempt of Parliament, a non-confidence Sidetracks me. [unintelligible]
TC: Risky Business? Parliament being dissolved based on a there was tie-dye involved.] motion was [put forward] and the TC: So are you saying it’s bullshit to
GD: Tom Cruise, you know? contempt ruling? “R.W.”: So, um, first of all, stunned government was dissolved. We’re go- say something and then-
TC: Okay. So. Parliament was dis- TK: [pause] Oh, fuck. that the Liberals would even allow this ing to an election next month. What do LS: Go against your word. Not cool.
solved today and we’re going into an TC: Yeah. [laughs] Just go with it. to happen because of the fact that in you think about that? TC: So do you think it makes sense
election. What do you think about TK: I think it’s good. I think we need the polls they’re so behind and clearly SK: I hate things that dissolve. that we’re going to an election next
that? change. I think a good change of gov- Ignatieff is the leader that is not going TC: What? month?
GD: I don’t know. I don’t pay attention ernor, of government would be good. to bring the Liberals to new fruition SK: I hate things that dissolve. LS: No. Yes. No. [looks startled]
to that shit. Um. Yeah. That’s my opinion on that. and they’re not going to win. But on TC: Okay. TC: Okay, thanks. Awesome.
TC: Okay. Fair enough. Do you think I think we need change. I think top of that I’m even more stunned SK: So I think the new government
you have an obligation to your baby? Canada needs to change. I think though the NDP would allow this to will be way better.
[gestures to infant doll GD is cradling Stephen Harper has had his chance, happen because I don’t think with Jack Nearby girl: [to TC] Are you sober as
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
news 5

No confidence The cost of

The possibility of a coalition disaster
government feels vaguely familiar The disaster in Japan isn’t getting
the same attention as others
impact of swings in financial markets,
and the costs arising from damage to
ed kapp
the Fukushima reactor – does include
news writer
damage to homes, factories, roads, and
According to new figures and esti- other infrastructure.
mates, the earthquake and subsequent According to a statement made by
tsunami that destroyed much of Japan, Japan’s Foreign Ministry, 133 countries
in conjunction with the ongoing crisis at along with 39 international organiza-
a number of nuclear reactors, may tions have offered some form of assis-
prove to be one of costliest natural dis- tance.
asters to date. Despite being one of the first coun-
According to Japan’s National tries to offer support in the immediate
Police Agency, as of Sunday Mar. 27, aftermath of the disaster, as of Mar. 25,
the disaster had accounted for nearly Canada’s response to Japan’s series of
11,000 casualties, while more than disasters has left, according to many,
16,000 remained missing. quite a bit to be desired. It is especially
Among those fortunate enough to when compared to the amount of sup-
survive the earthquake and tsunami, port generated after the earthquake in
nearly a quarter of a million Japanese Haiti in early 2010.
citizens are currently living in shelters. Geneviève Déry, a spokesperson for
Additionally, the Japanese government the Canadian Red Cross in Quebec said
has evacuated everyone – 177,500 resi- Canadians had contributed $12 million
dents – within a 20 km radius of the to earthquake relief in Japan in the two
quake-stricken nuclear plant. weeks immediately following the disas-
While the 9.0 magnitude earth- ter.
quake and subsequent tsunami, accord- In contrast, individual Canadian
ing to the National Police Agency, has contributions to Haiti surpassed that
completely destroyed nearly 19,000 amount within hours of the initial
buildings in Japan, there are still nearly earthquake. To date, Canadians have 200,000 homes without electricity and contributed 200 million USD to rebuild-
over half-a-million households in 10 ing projects in Haiti.
prefectures without running water The federal government, as of Mar.
Party, was carried with 156 MPs in nied the notion that he aspired to
across the nation. 18, said that they have no intention on
favour of the motion and 145 form a coalition government in 2004.
ed kapp
Although it is truly hard to tell matching individual Canadian contri-
against. The following day, Prime “I wasn’t trying to bring the
what the final cost of the disaster will be butions, unlike in Haiti.
news writer
Minister Stephen Harper visited Martin government down. I wasn’t
at this point since estimates are based Regardless, on Friday, Mar 18,
On May 2, for the fourth time in just Governor General David Johnston’s even tabling a confidence motion [in
purely on speculation, the Japanese Japan’s ambassador to Canada thanked
over a decade, Canadians will once residence to officially dissolve 2004],” the Prime Minister said.
government is saying the potential cost the country for its donations.
again have the opportunity to cast Canada’s 40th Parliament. “When we tabled a confidence mo-
of the disaster could be upwards of $300 “I want to thank Canadians deeply,
their ballot in a federal election. Stephen Harper has insisted for tion, it was for one purpose, we did
billion USD, and pegged the rebuild- Kaoru Ishikawa said at a business
On March 21, a report done by a weeks that – with Canada’s econ- it in 2005, and that was to defeat the
ing project to take at least five years. luncheon in Montreal, Quebec. “We are
committee of Members of omy still recovering and with a government so we could go to an
These financial estimates – excluding so grateful indeed.”
Parliament found that the number of new conflicts potentially election and get our own mandate.”
factors like lost economic activity, the
Conservative government was in arising around the globe – a Layton, the leader of the New
contempt of parliament. The report Canadian federal election is not a Democrat Party, refuted Harper’s
cited the government’s failure to priority for most Canadians. Yet, on claims at a campaign event in
produce all requested documents or Saturday, March 26, Harper told Surrey, British Columbia last week-
provide a satisfactory explanation journalists that Canada must elect a end.
for withholding them and con- majority Conservative government “What Mr. Harper was intend-
cluded that the Conservative gov- or risk instability. ing to do – it is absolutely crystal
ernment’s actions impeded the Additionally, a day later, at a clear to me – was to attempt to be-
ability of MPs to carry out their du- rally in Brampton, Ont., with come prime minister even though
ties, and were therefore in contempt Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, he had not received the most seats in
of Parliament.
On March 25, the Conservative
Party’s government was defeated in
a confidence vote. The motion,
Harper and Kenney repeated that
Canada needs a strong, stable
Conservative government and
warned against the coalition they
the House. And that letter was de-
signed to illustrate that such an op-
tion is legitimate in Canadian
constitutional traditions,” Layton
ow hiring!
which was tabled by the Liberals swear the Liberals, the Bloc said. “And there was no question
and supported by the Bloc Quebecois, and the New Democrat about it; I was in the meetings where
Quebecois and the New Democratic Party intend to form. this was discussed.”
“Unless Stephen Harper is re- On March 26, in response to
elected with a strengthened majority Harper deeming a potential coali-
mandate, the Liberals, the NDP, and tion government as both unstable
the Bloc Quebecois will re-form their and “reckless”, Liberal leader
coalition. They did it before, they’ll Michael Ignatieff addressed those
do it again, and make no mistake – concerns to reporters; saying that
“ This is about a we will all pay the price,” Kenney the Liberals had no intention of
said. “Never before has the choice forming a coalition government.
been so clear.” “This is about a Liberal govern-
Liberal govern-
Interestingly enough, as many ment and not a coalition govern-
political pundits have recently ment. This is an election about
ment and not a
coalition govern- brought up, in 2004, then-Leader of democracy. I feel I owe it to the
the Opposition Harper signed a let- Canadian people to be perfectly
ter – along with Bloc Quebecois clear so they know what they are
ment. This is an
election about Leader Gilles Duceppe and NDP doing when they vote for the Liberal
Leader Jack Layton – to then- Party.”
Service Technician
democracy.” Governor General Adrienne Although the intentions of any
Casual part-time positions in Regina
Clarkson asking her to consider all of the nation’s political parties are at
options and to consult the opposi- this point unknown, it is now clear
Starting wage: $21.81/hr

tion parties if then-Prime Minister that Canadians will, on May 2, have

Michael Ignatieff
Paul Martin asked her to dissolve the opportunity to take to the polls

c asna d i
a n f
e d e ra ti
o n ofstud e n t s
Parliament. and cast their ballots in a federal
As a Service Technician, you will provide excellent

sm a k a tc h e w a n s tude ntscoa l
t i
o n -
customer service by answering questions and resolving or
Not surprisingly, at his rally in election.

ch a e j
l c kso n m ovi
ay t
o nun d e r
dispatching customer issues and reports.
Brampton last Sunday, Harper de-

ne a t
cpt e
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w st
wa n
Start your career now!

d y g a g a t-
p a i
n a u tot
u ne rec
e s si
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Our story meetings are held every Monday at

afe gh
altahnisctaarn taasn
Apply online at

h eb
Application Deadline: April 8, 2011

12:30 in the Carillon office (Rm. 227, Riddell

Centre). We’ll see you there!
ed. board meetings immediately follow story meetings
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
6 news

Manie’s story Students OK with

A refugee’s gratitude, a student’s hope
wollel manie
other hand, refugee camp became an
exceptional school for various rea-
sons. The refugee way of life has
tuition increases,
helped me to understand, to interact,
First and foremost, I would like to say
thank you for the people and the gov-
ernment of Canada in general and my
fellow Canadian students and the
and to communicate with various cul-
tures easily regardless of other differ-
ences. Due to firsthand experiences, I
feel and consider the injustices, the
budget cuts: study
Group for Refugees at the University misery, and the difficulties of others
of Regina in particular. They are not like mine. Closing the gap in tough financial times is a two-
only sponsoring me to come from the Thanks to the people and the gov-
refugee camp to Canada but also they ernment of Canada, particularly spe- way street, students say
support, facilitate, and give me a cial thanks to my fellow Canadian
chance to continue my further educa- students and the Group for Refugees
tion at the University of Regina. As a at the University of Regina, my life is all of the consultation that we get is tees that see the budget, as well as
result of this, I came to the University saved and changed in a number of very good at helping us to under- the university’s board of governors,
tannara yelland
of Regina in 2006 from one of the ways. Immediately after my arrival in
cup prairies & northern stand why the university is in the po- who approves the budget. There is
largest refugee camps in Africa, Regina, I joined English as a Second
bureau chief sitions that they are,” he said. “But I also a student-at-large position on the
Kakuma Refugee Camp, through Language for nine months. Despite don’t necessarily think that it will board.
World University Service Canada my lack of interest in joining ESL at SASKATOON (CUP) — When stu- make us happy that tuition is going But on a board that has 21 mem-
(WUSC). Currently, I am a fourth year the beginning, in the end I enjoyed it. dents know their university is facing up or that budgets are being cut.” bers, the three students would have
student of International Studies at the I got valuable knowledge and unfor- a budget crisis they are willing to ac- The University of Manitoba’s stu- to convince several other members to
University of Regina in the faculty of gettable experience from my fellow cept both tuition increases and dents’ union president Heather vote with them in order to achieve
arts. students and from lovely instructors. budget cuts, according to a new Laube said in a recent email that de- anything.
WUSC matters a lot and changes After ESL, I joined U of R in 2007. study. spite being involved in planning the It appears students – at least
the lives of those poorest of the poor I enjoy a wonderful life at the U of R Higher Education Strategy U of M’s budget each year, students members of students’ union execu-
Refugees across the globe. It is a non- due to a family-like way of life from Associates found that when asked to “unfortunately are often a minority tives and student councils – are kept
profit organization which consists of fellow students and from very helpful consider a university’s situation in voice on the [budget advisory] com- abreast of the changes taking place
individuals and post-secondary insti- University professors. Currently, I am dealing with a budget crisis, most stu- mittee,” especially when asking for in their school’s budget that may af-
tutions across Canada. Its main goal is very interested in studying dents are willing to see their tuition lower tuition. fect them. However, whether stu-
to “foster human development and International Studies in the faculty of rise. Laube said she finds the main dents actually have a voice that can
global understanding through educa- Arts. In addition to my interest, I Slightly more than 50 per cent of benefit to sitting on the committee is affect any change in those budgets is
tion and training”. Particularly, the or- strongly believe that at the moment students responding would accept an not in directing policy and funding, another question, and it appears that
ganization supports refugee students, and in the years to come, our major increase in tuition between $3,000 but in “obtaining advance informa- students and administrators have dif-
who are fleeing war or persecution, concerns and interests are global in and $9,000. Only one student in six tion on what the next year’s univer- ferent answers to that question.
in order to continue their post- sec- nature so I and the rest of my fellow said they wanted tuition frozen at any sity budget will look like.” Until this is resolved, students
ondary education at Canadian univer- students will contribute our best for cost. HESA’s study found that “while may be left wondering, in the wake of
sities and colleges. the betterment of our world. Over one third of students would [students] think it might be appro- tuition increases and budget cuts,
I fled from my country in search The last but not the least, it is be- accept a five per cent tuition increase priate for a university to ask students whether they could have been
of peace and freedom mainly due to yond my words to appreciate and to if it were coupled with budget cuts of to pay more to close a budget gap, avoided.
repression and persecution by the say 7.5 per cent, and another third said a they also want to see the pain
government in my home country, thank you to the people and the gov- tuition increase of 10 per cent and shared,” but as Laube explained, stu-
Ethiopia. For this reason, I have been ernment of Canada on the one hand budget cuts of five per cent would be dents often feel they have little say in
in one of the largest refugee camps in and my fellow students and the acceptable. how funds are actually allocated.
Africa, Kakuma Refugee Camp, for Group for Refugees at the U of R on Given these facts, it seems Perhaps unsurprisingly, univer- “ While [students]
four years. It consists of over 80,000 the other for what they are doing for strange that students would greet sity administrators say their budget
refugees from nine African countries. each tuition increase or budget cut planning process allows for ample
think it might be
me and for those who are in need
My life in the refugee camp was very across the world. At the same time, it with anger, though they frequently student input. appropriate for a
mixed – most difficult and painful for will be one of the great responsibilities do. Perhaps, then, the issue is one of When Phillip Stack, associate
awareness. If students do not realize vice-president of risk management
university to ask
various reasons on the one hand, and in my life to do whatever is necessary
full of valuable experiences on the for the people and the government of their institution is in a dire financial services at the U of A, was asked
students to pay
other. Canada in particular and for the rest situation, they may think they are whether students are involved in more to close a
In the camp basic needs were met of the world in general. simply being bilked of money they budget planning, his answer was
with one meal a day. It was full of feel they need more than their school simply, “Absolutely.”
budget gap, they
malaria and poisonous insects, had does. He continued by saying that “it’s also want to see
security problems from bandits, had James Eastham, vice-president critical that students actively partici-
very harsh climatic conditions, had academic at the University of pate in the process.”
the pain shared.”
no employment or chance to move Alberta’s students’ union, disagrees. At the U of A, the presidents of
from one place to the other. It was “I would say that the current situa- the undergraduate and graduate stu-
simply an open prison house. On the tion that we have [at the U of A] with dents’ unions sit on several commit-
HESA study


Oh, the irony. The tragic, tragic irony. Earth power. However, for this Earth Hour, It’s the end of an Air-a. One of the founders of when he succumbed to leukemia. He had been
Hour occurred last Saturday, Mar. 26. The occa- Edmonton’s power usage actually jumped up the iconic Canadian comedy show, Air Farce, fighting the illness for 14 years.
sion is usually celebrated by having people shut one percent. Is that any way to treat your died Mar. 26. Roger Abbott was 64 years old
of lights, TVs, radios – anything that consumes mother?

Juno reminds some of Zeus’ wife, and more of Canadian-focused music awards show saw The world’s most beautiful woman has died. nign brain tumour, a 35-year addiction to sleep-
a movie. But, for Canadians, it represents Arcade Fire take home four trophies, the Biebs Elizabeth Taylor died Mar. 23 at the age of 79. ing pills, have two hip replacements, breaking
awards we actually have a chance of winning. got two, and 65-year-old Neil Young won Artist Taylor died of heart failure, but had been prone her back five times, skin cancer, an emergency
Hosted by Canadian hip hop star Drake, the of the Year. He accepted the award, saying, to illness her whole life. She had survived a be- tracheotomy, and a whole whack of marriages.
Junos took place Sunday, Mar. 27. The “What year is it?”
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
news 7

Journalistic morals of high value,

proves Yukon court
Controversial case sees journalist versus journalist action in a battle for sources
community had more than doubled
and tripled respectively between 2002
danielle pope
and 2003. Thomson also reported at
cup western bureau chief
the time that Watson Lake's sole doc-
VICTORIA (CUP) — Nancy Thomson tor was also the town’s only pharma-
can sleep better now, knowing that cist.
the Yukon court system has backed “It's very good,” Thomson said
her decision not to reveal her confi- outside court after the agreement was
dential sources. reached. “I mean, I would be hard-
The CBC news reporter in pressed to do my job at all if I was not
Whitehorse was caught in a battle be- able to protect sources.”
tween journalists these past few Yukon News lawyer David
months, when Thomson aired a con- Sutherland was not available for com-
troversial series of reports in an in- ment after the court results, though
vestigative radio series that aired in he had previously expressed his de-
2004 about drug and alcohol abuse in sire not to argue the case in the media.
Watson Lake, Yukon. He did add, however, that
Local paper the Yukon News Thomson had been nothing but sup-
picked up wind of the criticism portive with assisting in the newspa-
Thomson was receiving over the se- per’s case – with everything other
ries and flew to her defence for ex- than disclosing her sources, of course.
celling in real investigative “The information requested [had]
journalism. But the heated editorial to be relevant in order to be ordered
that editor Richard Mostyn printed, revealed, but, in our view … it’s so
criticizing the critics and calling for readily apparent and notorious that
more action on the issues at hand, it’s not worth challenging a constitu-
landed the newspaper with a heavy tionally protected right – freedom of
lawsuit from Watson Lake physician expression – to get it,” said Kozak.
Said Secerbegovic, who alleges the pa- “We’re not talking about secrets
per defamed him. here, but it was information given to
In an effort to prove the informa- Ms. Thomson by people who said,
tion correct, the Yukon paper asked ‘My story is important but I don’t
Thomson to provide evidence of her
sources – something she had sworn to
keep anonymous to the individual’s
“It is very unfortunate that a me-
dia outlet is trying to force another
journalist to reveal her sources,”
Arnold Amber of Canadian
Journalists for Free Expression told
want to be revealed because my repu-
tation in this small community is on
the hook.’ And they only gave her that
info after she promised confidential-
Now the Yukon News will have to
pay the CBC’s legal fees associated
with the case, according to the
agreement. The paper will await its
media before the case was heard. “It’s own court case, slated for May of this
very difficult to do investigative re- year. • Hands-on • Small classes
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We hope that these important interests fidentiality between a journalist and
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case.” but this is a peculiar situation. You
To the relief of the organization have to assess whether the injury that SIAST Industrial Trades programs
and journalists everywhere, Thomson would arise from a source being re-
was taken to court on March 21, vealed is greater than the benefit from
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Thomson had spoken with 11 don’t keep promises – that hurts

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Yukon. The report revealed that or bad guys, it’s about all of us pro-
claims for Tylenol 3 and Ativan in the tecting our sources.”
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needs. we said we were all burned out last week
but that was a lie because this week
1:02 PM March 29 from print media

is much much worse
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The Carillon
a&c Arts & Culture Editor: (vacant)
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

Cranes for Vertigo Reading

change Series soars high
U of R student’s art project lets view-
ers donate cash, receive paper cranes Local writers’ showcase brings authors
and readers together

John Cameron

So Blaisdell began making more

origami cranes, first replacing the
john cameron
editor-in-chief white cranes which had been dam-
aged since finishing the class assign-
When University of Regina educa- ment, then selecting more decorative
tion student Whitney Blaisdell had paper and making a new set of cranes
to do a sculpture project for visual specifically for her new project. And
arts professor Barbara Menaley ear- as of 6 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30,
lier this semester, she took inspira- the old and new cranes are hanging
tion from Félix Gonzáles-Torres, the from strings in Atlantis Coffee on
Cuban-American sculptor whose lat- Victoria Avenue, for customers and
ter pieces – like a pile of packaged passersby to take home. All she’s ask-
candy titled “Untitled (Public ing in return is a minimum donation
Opinion)” – invited viewers to take of $2 to $5, all of which will go to re-
parts of the artwork home with them. lief efforts for Japan.
Blaisdell also took inspiration from Blaisdell explained that she’s dis- Marc Messett

the story of Sadako, a Japanese girl playing the cranes at Atlantis because
who was two years old when the it has more potential for foot traffic
atom bomb dropped on her home- and people who don’t know about off to the writers.” Having hosted the Vietnam War”, and Collapse of the Veil,
town of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945. her project to make a donation. “I show for almost one year, the show a science fiction novel whose main
jonathan petrychyn
According to Japanese legend, just figured Atlantis is downtown. contributor marked the last one she would host, character is a teen mother.
anyone who makes a thousand paper It’s really accessible, and then not as she was handing the series over to Brandhagen took the mic one last
cranes will be granted a wish. So af- only would people hopefully go to The Vertigo Reading Series is the only the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, and time at the end of the night, thanking
ter developing leukemia at the age see the cranes or to make a donation, one of its kind in Regina. In fact, it is to the founder of the Vertigo Reading the audience for coming. “You be-
of 10, Sadako spent the rest of her but they’ll also just get a lot of natu- the only reading series in Regina, a Series, Tracy Hamon, after almost two come a writer here. You don’t wake
days in a nursing home, making ral traffic. And maybe people will surprising fact considering Reginans years of performances. “They will be up and you are one,” she said.
origami paper cranes. When she just see it and want to participate a pride themselves on their artistic en- able to be more available and more “Without a listener, audience, or a
started the assignment, Blaisdell got little bit.” deavors. accessible,” Kris said. “It will nice to viewer, as a reader, you don’t have
the paper and set aside the time, and Ease of access to the display was “The Vertigo Reading Series is a have it back in the hands of the peo- the energy coming back to you.”
started making her own cranes. important for her. Being a student, platform for writers to share the work ple who care about it.” The next Vertigo Reading Series
After Blaisdell’s project was dis- Blaisdell understands how hard it is that they’re doing,” said Kris The night began with Southey will take place Sunday, Apr. 24 at 7
played for one day in the fine arts for people on tight budgets to help Brandhagen, administrator of the writer Rolli, who read a series of po- p.m. The location remains to be an-
faculty, she suddenly found herself out in moments of international crisis Vertigo Reading Series, in an inter- ems from his published book Plum nounced. They are always looking for
with a thousand paper cranes and such the current hardships in Japan. view before the show. “If the Vertigo Stuff, some unpublished poetry from new and established writers to share
nothing to do with them. When dis- That’s why she chose a venue that Reading Series didn’t exist, we what he describes as his “gothic novel their work.
aster struck Japan on March 11, how- ordinary people frequent, one that is wouldn’t have these renowned writ- in poems”, as well as a short story For more information on the
ever, she – and her cranes – suddenly already a part of many urban ers coming to town ... We want to in- ostensibly about a using a very large Vertigo Reading Series, where to go,
had a purpose. Reginans’ lives – especially students. crease literary awareness in Regina, coupon. and who to talk to about reading,
“[I figured] there’s not much I “My parents and some people and give authors who are doing book The show then progressed check out their blog at vertigoread-
could do, I don’t have enough money that I’ve spoken to are like, ‘Don’t tours an audience.” through Melissa Richardson’s per-, or find
to send over to actually make a dif- put it at Atlantis, you should put it The series takes place once a sonal poetry about her grandparents them on Facebook.
ference,” Blaisdell remembered. “So I at-’ and then started naming these month at Orange Izakaya on and an excerpt from her unfinished
just decided to, and it was also with places that aren’t accessible to the Robinson Street just off 13th Avenue, novel. “I’m nervous as all heck”, she
my manager [at Chapters] who kind public or students ... I know a lot of though a dine-and-dasher at a recent quipped before she read “Chilliwack
of gave me the idea of giving away students don’t have, like, $150 to show has forced the series to move to Man”, a poem about a homeless man
the cranes for donations.” send away to feel good about. But an unannounced location for their in Chilliwack, BC. The poem hit a
this way, even if you make a $2 dona- next show. Informal and intimate, nerve in the midst of a housing crisis
tion – if everybody only made a $2 Orange Izakaya lent itself nicely to and skyrocketing rates of homeless-
donation and I actually managed to the small reading series, and it’s a ness in Regina “But newspaper has
“ [Even if you give away all thousand, that’s $2,000 pity they’ll have to move. More than always kept him warm”, she read,
“ If the Vertigo
that you get to feel a part of. And I one writer stepped away from the “and up to date.” Reading Series
think that, like, that just goes to show mic that night to read their works to After a brief intermission, in
make a $2 dona-
tion – if everybody that even the smallest donation can the small audience of about 20 peo- which the audience ate, drank, and
didn’t exist, we
make a big difference.” ple. purchased books from the authors
In the most popular version of
only made a $2
The series is free for anyone to reading that night, the show moved
wouldn’t have
donation and I ac- Sadako’s story – Sadako and the attend, and anyone to read. “It is for onto reading by Jarrett Rusnak of a these renowned
Thousand Paper Cranes, the 1977 any kind of writer, emerging or estab- few scenes from his unpublished
retelling by Saskatchewan-born au-
tually managed to
lished,” said Brandhagen. “People play, That Moment In Between, in
writers coming to
thor Eleanor Coerr – the 12 year-old seem to think that going to hear writ- which “a script writer in agony
give away all thou-
only made it to 644 cranes. Her
sand, that’s $2,000 ers perform would be dry, but we’ve watches key moments of his life flash
friends and classmates finished the had some really amazing perform- before his eyes on stage.”
rest. Then they raised the funds to ances come through and it’s been re- The show ended with a reading
that you get to feel
build a statue of Sadako holding a
Kris Brandhagen
a part of.” ally exciting ... It’s not academic; it’s by award-winning and critically-ac-
golden origami crane in Hiroshima about sharing creativity” claimed Regina author Alison
Peace Park. Usually the host, Brandhagen Lohans. She read excerpts from two
Whitney Blaisdell And every donation – no matter stepped away from the mic for the of her novels, Don’t Think Twice, a
how small – helped. March 27 evening show, “passing it book written as “a protest against the
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
a&c 9

Cautionary tales Soul sounds

Stars of Fusion Project improvise their Concert Choir and Chamber
Singers want to make choral
own fairy tale concerts exciting
ble in ways that they might not have
previously done. “I think that students
paul bogdan
are really keen to try new things with
a&c writer
me ... in both choirs ... which is really
While the school year may be winding nice to [be able to] say that we’re going
down for most students, it’s really start- to do [something like] ... the flash-mob,
ing to pick up for the Music and everyone got really excited about it
Department. Two upcoming produc- and did it.”
tions from the Music Department are Students can get into the perform-
the Concert Choir here at the University ance for free with their ID, but they are
Theatre and Chamber Singers on the asked to make a donation to the Regina
smaller Shubox Theatre next door on Open Door Society. “We talked to them,
April 3 and 7 respectively. The Concert and asked them if they’d be interesting
Choir is a non-auditioned group of sev- in having a benefit concert, and that we
enty-five students from all different ar- would collect books for little kids be-
eas of the university. However, the cause they have a child care centre.
Chamber Singers is 25-member, audi- We’re collecting books, and people can
tioned group that usually consists of make a donation at the door that goes
upper-level music students, but also directly to them. There’s no ticket price
has a few professors here at the univer- for the concert; it’s all donations.”
sity who perform with the group as The Chamber Singers performance
well. on April 7 is focused around the life of
The Concert Choir performance fo- the late Courtney Milne, a
cuses on themes of both communica- Saskatchewan photographer who
tion and the lack thereof. Jean-Marie passed away this past August. “The
Kent, director of choral activities for the concert that we’re doing, Landscape of
Music Department, was thinking about the Soul, is in memory of Courtney
“the way that music is a tool for com- Milne, who ... was an honorary
munication ...[so] we’re doing a concert Doctorate at the University of Regina,
that’s about the difficulty of finding the and then he moved from there to pho-
right words to say in different situa- tographing around the world. The mu-
tions. There’s [also] some things about sic follows the arc of his life.”
miscommunication ... I decided that it’s Choir performances often feature
a really good match to do as a concert some sort of visual aspect in one way or
that would benefit an organization that another, but the Chamber Singers per-
is about learning language and liter- formance will feature projections that
acy.” will be cast upon the students and the
Students were already given a floor so that “it’s more seamless be-
miniature preview of the Concert Choir tween what [the choir] is singing and
performance earlier in the month when what [the audience] sees ... often times
the choir flash-mobbed the Riddell in concerts there’s a separation between
Centre, performing a song and choreo- what you see and what you hear on
graphed routine during the middle of stage, and we wanted to combine the
the day that sufficiently mind-fucked two more fluently.”
just about everyone that witnessed it. Being an auditioned group, the
Globe Theatre Kent doesn’t want to put on the ar- level of musicianship with the Chamber
chetypical choir performance; she is Singers is quite high. Kent says the au-
keen on “engaging the audience in new dience can expect “pure beauty” from
[the audience] get[s] to follow the proving to be beneficial to develop-
ways so that the audience doesn’t just the performance. “We had a rehearsal in
stories of these characters over the ing young talent, as Wensel says, “I
paul bogdan
sit, listen, and clap – that their role will the Shubox Theatre, [and it was] just
course of the show. Fusion pieces are think there’s tons [of young, Regina
be more than that ... I’m hoping that really gorgeous. The music sounds
a&c writer
typically episodic pieces, but [co-di- talent]. Coming to the decision of
there will be some surprises.” This will good in there; there are really nice
“Fusion is where I began my profes- rector Lucy Hill and I] made it a goal who’s in the ensemble this year was
prove to make the production much acoustics for singing. Paired with every-
sional theatre career, [and] having of ours this year to try to have some a really difficult one because there
more exciting, entertaining, and acces- thing else, I think it’s really beautiful.”
learned these skills as a young per- really clear stories that we were try- were so many great applicants.
sible. “It’s supposed to be really fun. Both performances are set up to be
son is immensely helpful to me, now, ing to tell, and I think that we were There’s a lot going on in the city for
It’s only an hour long; it should be ac- two spectacular shows. Seating is more
as a professional,” explained Judy successful in that; we understand youth that helps kind of develop this
cessible to everyone that comes.” limited with the Chamber Singers per-
Wensel, one of the co-directors for who these people are ... where they interest in theatre. It seems that a lot
Finding new ways to engage the formance, so don’t hesitate to reserve a
the Globe Theatre’s latest are coming from, and what happens of young people really jump on ... an
audience is aided by the students’ will- spot. This can be done by getting in
Shumiatcher Sandbox Series work, to them.” opportunity like the Fusion Project.”
ingness to be open to new ideas and touch with Jean-Marie Kent at 585-5538.
the Fusion Project. What’s so unique to the produc- Because the Fusion Project was
think of performing in a choral ensem-
The Fusion Project features a cast tion is fresh and animate character. created by its performers, the piece
of young people that are between Changes to the production “happen helps to develop more than just the
the ages of sixteen and nineteen. Not right up until opening night because acting skills of the artists. The per-
only are they actors, but the writers it’s a new work, and there’s this formers’ abilities to improvise, cre-
of the performance as well. “The great energy behind it because it’s so ate, and collaborate were all
Fusion Project is a collaborative the- fresh to the ensemble.” This con- enhanced during the project. “So of-
atre creation project that the Globe stantly evolving piece makes touch- ten in development stages, Lucy and
does every year for the past seven ing up and polishing the I [would] just give the ensemble a re-
years. Over the course of several performance particularly interesting, ally loose starting point, and then
months, the group works together
to create a new show that is then
with “some really interesting charac-
ters in the piece [coming] through
say, ‘You have half an hour; create
something,’ and then at the end of
premiered as part of the Sandbox in the last week of rehearsal.” the half hour, they have a little piece. ADVERTISEMENT
Series.” By getting young people in- Also, collaborative theatre creation
This year’s production will con- volved in theatre, the Globe helps to really has a focus on learning how to
trast youthful innocence with stark build and develop the skills of the create a fully-realized piece and un-
reality. It features children living in youth here in Regina. Doing so helps derstanding how things fit together.
an adultless world. Wensel says that to ensure the growth of the theatre It’s different than sitting down and
BUT your campus newspaper wishes it were...
“inspiration [was drawn] from such community in the city; thus, aspiring writing a play because the writing is
classics as Heinrich Hoffman’s theatre artists are no longer being done on your feet.”
Struwwelpeter – a collection of cau- pushed away to larger cities. “The If you’re planning on attending,
1. Fill out a survey;
tionary children’s tales and the Globe certainly is really focused to- expect “some laughs ... and a really
world of “Dick and Jane” stories. wards the development of young memorable theatre experience. The
This year’s Fusion Project explores a artists, and I think the Fusion Project thing about Fusion Projects is that
2. Support campus
world imagined, ruled, and influ- was part of this goal of theirs to you get to witness something that is
enced by children. It’s about chil- make the Globe Theatre where really dear to the people involved. newspapers;
dren living in a world without Saskatchewan artists could work They were there since its inception.
adults, how they manage on their and develop their craft ... even ten When watching theatre pieces, you
own, and how these childlike per- years ago, no one stayed in Regina to can really tell when the people per- 3. Possibly win an iPad.
sonalities interact. The idea of child- start their career; they had to go forming it are really proud of it and
hood innocence bashing up against someplace else. There’s this genera- really passionate about it. [The audi-
darker undertones and themes.” tion of young people in Regina right ence] can expect a really enjoyable
Establishing a strong narrative now, of which Lucy [Hill] and I are night at the theatre.”
element into the Fusion Project was a both a part of, that are so fortunate to The Fusion Project runs until
goal of the directors. By constructing have the Globe Theatre who pro- April 2, and tickets can be purchased
firm, definite characters in the pro- vides us with these opportunities to at the Globe Theatre or online at glo-
duction stages, this was able to hap- work here in the city.” for $20.
pen. “Every ensemble player plays a Things like the Fusion Project
really particular character, and then and the Globe Theatre School are &83B6859(<LQGE 30
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
10 a&c

Suburban Kids in the Hall

trumps urban comedian giving
at Junos character new life
Arcade Fire walk away with four Junos,
but Canada’s music awards don’t
reflect the Great White North just yet
Scott Thompson takes on the graphic
But much was missing. Rap
josh o’kane
Album of the Year? Given out the
canadian university
press night before at a gala dinner. R&B
Album of the Year? Gala dinner.
TORONTO (CUP) — Neil Young Reggae? Country? Aboriginal? Rock?
stands up, shakes his neighbour’s Alternative? Jazz? Gala dinner, too.
hand, and begins walk to an elevated Just about any reflection of any kind
platform. He is wearing a black cow- of diversity of Canadian music – both
boy hat, a black coat, and a red scarf. in terms of creators and consumers –
He takes his time; he high-fives some was left out of the official ceremony
fans for a few moments, then gives to leave more space for the Justin
up and heads up to the platform. He Biebers and Arcade Fires.
hugs Randy Bachman. He turns to a Of course, the ceremony only has
microphone. so many hours it can take up – two
“Is this real?” he asks. “What and a half to be precise – and, in fair-
year is this?” ness, is indeed meant to be a celebra-
It is 2011, and Bachman has just tion, which is perhaps best done
handed the Artist of the Year Juno through live performances by our
Award to 65-year-old Young, who re- celebrated artists. Most of these were
leased his 33rd studio album, Le delightful, though they skewed pre-
Noise, last year. dominantly white and were largely
The Junos, now in their 40th year, guitar-driven pop and rock, and were
are meant to be a celebration of completely anglophone.
Canadian music. While its previous The night’s other winners in-
iterations have been lauded for an cluded Meaghan Smith, for New
arguable disconnect from real pop Artist of the Year; Justin Bieber, for
culture, some saw this year as the in- both Pop Album of the Year and Juno
troduction of cool to the Junos. After Fan Choice Award; and Young Artists
all, hip-hop giant Drake was to host, for Haiti for Single of the Year, for an
and critical darlings the Arcade Fire adaptation of K’Naan’s “Wavin’
were nominated for a slew of awards. Flag”.
In that sense, the system worked: Winners from the night before in-
Arcade Fire walked away with four cluded Matthew Good for Rock Melissa Ritchie
awards, including Album, Group, Album of the Year, for 2009’s
and Songwriter of the Year. Drake Vancouver (yes, 2009); Said the Whale
for New Group of the Year; Johnny want and no one can say, ‘That’s too but there is going to be something
was charming, despite being com-
crazy, that’s obscene, that’s too ex- most likely coming from Buddy very
lindsey rivait
pletely shut out by the awards – at Reid for Country Album of the Year,
pensive.’ Those are the three things soon,” Thompson teased.

ssjattacuna d ia n f
e d e ra ti
o n o f
six, he had the most original nomina- for A Place Called Love; and Shad for
lance (university of
that I love – crazy, obscene, and ex- Also new for Thompson is his

de n t s s
a s k a tc h e w a n
tions – and led the ceremonies with Rap Album of the Year, for TSOL.
pensive,” he said. website, featur-

u de n t s co a t
l o
i n m c
ih a el
WINDSOR, Ont. (CUP) –– Scott “This whole project was just a ing videos, blog posts, podcasts and

ks o n m o v ie l
a y to n
Thompson’s phone isn’t co-operating way for me to release my imagination more. The website is a new incarna-

u n d e
or f
aetst,h aant soptheeerc h
as well as it should as he speaks with and not worry about whether it’s pos- tion of Thompson’s online project

sk t e p
ph de cn sh a rp de r c an a-
me from Los Angeles. He always opts sible to do and whether it was even from the 1990s,

C he c k o u t o ur b lo g s,
d a
in e e
l c t o
i n t w t
ite rt
i u n e s
for cheap phones when he’s down smart to do. This is just a really pure “Finally the Internet is caught up

a ny e w e s t l
a d y g a g a t
there. creative endeavour.” to ScottLand in a way. We had no idea

p ai
n a u t o tu n e re c e ssi
o n
“I get one of those drug dealer The past few years have been dif- how naïve we were when we were

a fgh a n s
i ta n t a s e rsd o m e
phones that are disposable, but I’m ficult for Thompson, but he says he is creating that site. We just thought

i u t s h ea t
l h c a re b a n k
always having people call me con- thankful to have a project like Husk to everyone will be able to see it. But it

on lin e e x c lu siv es a t
stantly,” Thompson explained. see him through. After being diag- turns out very, very few people could
Thompson recently released a nosed with B-cell non-Hodgkin’s gas- ever really access what it was sup-
graphic novel focusing on one of his tric lymphoma in March 2009, posed to be,” Thompson said.

c a r illo n r e g in a .c o m
classic Kids in the Hall sketch charac- Thompson underwent chemotherapy One of the most popular features
ters – Danny Husk. The graphic and radiation and is now cancer-free. on ScottLand was the chat rooms
novel, Danny Husk: The Hollow Planet, “For me, chemo, radiation, where Thompson himself would of-
is the first book of the Husk trilogy Hollow Planet, Death Comes to Town, ten visit and chat with fans.
and is based on a screenplay family and friends, those are the “I don’t have a chat room yet, but
Thompson wrote 10 years ago. things that got me through this,” he that’s going to be the next thing. I
“I tried to get it made for years said. hope to create a real online little em-
and everybody told me that it was “What’s really interesting for me, pire,” he continued.
‘wonderful, original, hilarious, fan- and kind of scary, is that so much of Thompson is a busy guy, adding
tastic – we’ll never make it.’ After what I went through the last couple new projects to his roster regularly.
years of heartbreak, I went, ‘Oh jeez, years is mimicked by Danny Husk. He’s pitching a series in the U.S.,
LSAT MCAT I have to get this story out, it has to be Danny loses everything, even his hair, working on a project for Canadian
told,’ so I decided I would do it as a just like me, and he comes back, television, writing a movie, doing
GMAT GRE graphic novel,” he explained. stronger and better. In my darkest stand up and putting together a new
The story centres on Danny, who days I would look at those pictures one-man show.
loses his son at an amusement park. and go, ‘Well, look at what Danny’s “And my number one thing is
Years later, no one in his family has lost.’ It’s kind of weird to talk about keeping my health and I’m very
Preparation Seminars
moved on and just when you thought an imaginary person like that, but healthy. I beat cancer, so now it’s all
Danny has lost everything, he ends that’s how I roll. I sound like Charlie about, how do I maintain that and
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up losing more. It sounds entirely too Sheen.” keep moving forward,” explained
depressing, but it’s also funny, charm- When Thompson was in his third Thompson.
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ing, and kind of sexy. It’s the type of chemotherapy treatment and had lost Thompson’s passion and dedica-
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The second book reveals what comic book artist Kyle Morton, de- Thompson’s life more than ever now.
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happens to Danny’s wife the night picting Husk with no body hair. “I decided I could never let this
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Danny disappears. “She’s been left “It kind of freaked me out be- project die. So, I had the symbol that
on the surface of the earth with three cause I wrote that whole idea 10 years Danny has branded on him tattooed
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missing people she can’t explain. It’s ago, how would I know? It’s almost on my shoulder. It always reminds
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going to be a lot of fun to see what as if the book was there to help me me that I must never rest until this is
get through it,” said Thompson. done. And also to make sure that
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happens to her,” said Thompson,
who is about one fifth of the way Beyond Husk, we may see proj- when the movie comes out, I’m play-
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through working on the second in- ects featuring Thompson’s other pop- ing Danny. ‘Wait a second, I perma-
stallment. ular Kids in The Hall characters, nently marked myself. You’re going
One of the benefits of Husk not namely Buddy Cole. to save hundreds of dollars not hav-
1-800-269-6719 becoming a movie is the limitless cre- “I definitely hear Buddy calling ing to do the tattoo every day,’” said
604-683-3430 ative freedom Thompson now has. lately. He’s like, ‘Dude, where have Thompson. “I can write whatever the hell I you been? It’s time.’ I can’t say yet,
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
a&c 11

video game reviews

standbys (Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, fusal to do anything new. Besides the addition of
Captain America, Hulk, etc.) and more obscure an animal companion and a far less dark aes-
Marvel vs. Capcom Torchlight
characters from Marvel’s backlog, like thetic, as well as the almost-complete gutting of
3: Fate of Two XBLA
Taskmaster, Sentinel, and M.O.D.O.K. That’s not anything resembling a narrative thrust for your
to say that the list from Capcom isn’t good – any actions, Torchlight simply is Diablo (and Diablo,
Runic Games
Xbox 360/PS3
game that lets you see Mayor Mike Haggar in all of course, was only a slightly more complicated
of his bare-chested glory beat up on Amaterasu evolution of the formula laid down by the arcade

from Okami is going to be awesome – but there classic Gauntlet). It’s a completely mindless expe-
are bizarre omissions, like the lack of Mega Man. rience, as you kill wave after wave of enemy, not
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is most definitely a fan- really requiring very much skill or foresight,
boy’s (or fangirl’s) game, then, but at least it has only persistence.
the good sense to play up this aspect in its game- That’s not to say it’s not strangely satisfying.
play as much as possible. Sure, it’s not quite the Much like Diablo, the real “carrot” for gamers is
Me: “Which button do I press to change charac- curio museum that something like, say, Super Despite the pages of statistics, thousands of dif- the collection of the various pieces of armor and
ters?” Smash Bros. Brawl is, but it has some really awe- ferent items to collect, spells to learn, and ene- weaponry that you gain by killing enemies.
James Brotheridge: “I don’t know, this one?” some references to classic Marvel comics as well mies to slay, Torchlight’s appeal lies entirely in Unfortunately, Torchlight lacks any multiplayer
Me: [unable to speak due to being roasted by a as a terrific selection of alternate costumes. If two aspects: mindless killing and the acquisition (an oversight being rectified in the sequel), so
gigantic column of fire] you’ve ever wanted to see Captain America of goods. This approach has its merits, but don’t this acquisition is a fairly meaningless affair. It’s
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is exactly this, over and wear a Punisher outfit, well, you can do that go into Torchlight expecting anything to mean only cursorily tied to your progression, and it ba-
over again. Never before has a fighting game here. There’s not much to see outside of the anything. sically turns what should be an epic quest into a
ever so perfectly captured the correct balance be- fighters themselves (you can unlock artwork You name your warrior and choose from scavenger hunt.
tween accommodating the entry-level fighter and cutscenes), but seeing the characters at all is three different classes: the up-close and personal And just like Diablo, Torchlight is defined by
who never learned the correct sequence of but- enough. melee warrior, the ranged weapons expert, and how mindless it is. It’s a really good way to
tons to pull off a hadouken (i.e. me) and the ex- What will bring you back to Marvel vs. the mage. From there, you have to set out into blow off steam after work. The problem is that
pert fighter who can learn strategies, memorize Capcom 3 is its incredibly tight and fast game- the catacombs beneath the town of Torchlight there’s literally nothing in this game that hasn’t
combos, and essentially kick the ass of beginners play, making for a game that’s perfect for high- and discover the source of the “ember poison- been done better by Diablo, except that Diablo is-
like myself (i.e. James). Simply pushing buttons level tournament play as well as a fun way to ing” that is killing both the town and yourself. n’t on the 360 (yet). If you’re jonesing for a sim-
will result in shiny rainbow explosions, but for beat up on friends. Unless your friend is James. This story is told entirely through porten- ple hack-and-slash, you could certainly do
those who crave a deeper experience, Marvel vs. tous narration and scrolling text, recalling the worse, but don’t expect anything resembling an
Capcom 3 delivers that in spades as well. heyday of PC RPGs from the mid-90s. That’s a intellectual experience.
Outside of the game’s expert and solid fight- very deliberate choice, as Runic Games (the cre-
ing mechanics, the main draw for Marvel vs. ators of Torchlight) are comprised of several ex-
Capcom 3 is the fighting list, bringing together a staffers from Blizzard and seem to have a real
diverse list of characters from the Marvel and affinity for Diablo.
Capcom universes. Overall, Marvel’s list is the matthew blackwell Ultimately, though, Torchlight is pretty un- matthew blackwell
stronger one, balancing a good selection of tech coordinator derwhelming, mainly because of its staunch re- tech coordinator

cd reviews
Breezy is back again with his fourth album

Hey, U of R stu-
F.A.M.E. – Forgive All My Enemies. With this
strong album you can’t help but give CB some

dents! Want to stay

serious credit. The album is strong in catching
the emotion of whatever mood you’re in that
day. With talented artists like Timberland,
Ludacris, Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes, Tyga, and
Suggestions View all
up-to-date on
so many more, Chris brings back every song
campus news and
hard and strong. With strong lyrics in all his
songs you can tell he made a heavy effort to
events? Follow
@the_carillon for all
come back with a force. Be warned, this album
is not for you to play around your grandparents,
Your student
of your campus-
parents, or young children. “No BS” is very, well
sexy. I warned you. The titles of “Wet the Bed” newspaper since
1962 related information
and “Beg for It” are pretty suggestive, to say
the least. But it’s not all about sex on this album;
it leaves you feeling uplifted, fresh, and excited.
Even if you don’t agree with his past actions Add as a needs.
(which I’m not going to get into) the man has
great music and talent, and this album show- friend 2:55 PM March 28 from print media

cases every aspect of that musical genius inside
Chris Brown


The Carillon

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features Features Editor: Dietrich Neu
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

Viral Videos
10 videos that took the internet by storm
has gone from startup garage website YouTube also created an easy av- other with the way word of a video with an exceptional skill, a kid slinging
to the third most-viewed webpage in enue for millions users to find content travels from person to person. TV around a broomstick like a light-sabre,
dietrich neu
the world, right behind Google and to watch. Not only was it easy to up- needs advertising and promotion to or the remixed interview of a ghetto
features editor
Facebook. load content, it was easy for people to build a program, whereas Internet feminine hair dresser – internet videos
Over the past 7 years we have seen a Although posting videos online access it whenever they wanted. The videos are almost all promoted have the proven ability to eclipse any
massive shift in the medium by which wasn’t an impossible task before accessibility of the content allowed for through people talking to one another mainstream media in popularity and
information is shared. Written letters YouTube’s inception, it was much popular videos to spread via word of and sharing through social media. provide their creators with fame and
has been replaced by sending email, more difficult, and therefore much less mouth quickly and easily. A friend Although YouTube has accelerated fortune in a relatively short amount of
CD sales being swallowed by MP3s, appealing and widespread. With its could tell another about something the viral video phenomenon, it would time.
cell phones are better described as mo- simple interface, YouTube allowed in- they had seen, and that person could be a lie to say that’s where the trend In light of YouTube’s most recent
bile computers, and TV is slowly los- terested users to post videos online view the content within seconds. In started. Several videos have reached viral hit “Friday”, a gut-wrenching
ing ground to video streaming with relative ease. The accessibility of today’s age of smartphones, you don’t viral status through person-to-person pop tune created by “artist” Rebecca
websites all over the world. The inter- the website allowed for anyone, any- even have to be at a computer to view sharing software, and uploads to var- Black, the Carillon has compiled a list
net has quickly become the go-to where, to post whatever they wanted a popular video. ious pre-YouTube websites. of the most popular viral internet hits
medium for people to express them- – for the world to see. The most popular videos on For almost as long as it was possi- from the past decade. Some of them
selves through writing, music, and The result of this was explosive YouTube are some of the most- ble for upload videos to the internet, are funny, others ugly, and some of
video. and people started uploading like watched content in the entire world, people having been capturing what- them are downright weird. But, for
Our generation has been affection- madmen. YouTube allowed everyone, with some gaining millions of views ever they see and posting it online for whatever the reason, these videos and
ately dubbed by some as the “YouTube not simply the computer savvy, to dis- over a few days. the world to enjoy. This has resulted in Internet memes have slowly worked
generation”. Millions upon millions of play their creative talents or even just When someone finds a hit video fame for some, humiliation for others, their way into the fabric of our pop
viewers flood to the web every day to a funny moment in their lives. They on YouTube, others find out, fast. This and most importantly, entertainment culture.
watch anything from legitimate short could express their views on a video has lead to the popularization of the for viewers.
films, to clips captured by a camera blog, or post a video of their kids play- term “viral video”, comparing the way For whatever the reason – whether
phone. In just six short years, YouTube ing hockey. a virus spreads from one person to an- it be because the video displays a child

The Homeless Man With a Golden Voice (2010)

Of all the viral videos in existence, this video was posted to YouTube, years.
one has the most heart-warming story Williams started getting interview re- This might be the best feel-good
to go along side. Ted Williams, a home- quests from news stations around the story of them all, the world watched as
less man from Columbus, Ohio, was US. Next came job offers, a lot of them. a man went from a homeless, de-
captured on video performing his Williams eventually decided to work pressed drug addict, to a man who has
golden radio voice for a videographer for MSNBC and Kraft Foods doing been reunited with his mother and liv-
from Columbus Dispatch. The video voiceovers. Not bad for a man who ing his dreams of becoming a success-
displayed Williams doing voiceovers, was homeless just a short time ago. ful voiceover artist. Just a plain old
much like what you would hear dur- The media had a field day with feel-good story, not to mention great
ing radio commercial breaks. His crisp, the Williams story, telling the world PR for MSNBC and Kraft Food.
booming voice was shockingly radio- about his struggles and his rise to And most importantly, this sends a
worthy, and unsurprisingly word fame. The attention from large broad- message to all the other homeless peo-
spread very quickly about the home- casting corporations like MSNBC also ple out there: you need an act.
less man with the golden pipes. allowed Williams to be reunited with

Only two days after the original his mother, who he hadn’t seen in
“The Bed Intruder Song” (2010)
Leave it to the YouTube generation to Internet celebrity overnight, doing ra-
turn something like a news report on dio interviews all over the world and
an attempted rape into one of the live performances at events such as
most popular music videos of the the 2010 BET awards.
year. What is now known as “the Bed In January of this year it was an-
Intruder Song” started out as a rou- nounced via MSN that Dodson had
tine news report on the attempted begun filming a pilot episode for a
rape of a young woman named Kelly new reality show, following him and
Dodson. An interview with Kelly’s his family on their move to L.A. and
brother Antoine was posted to Dodson’s attempt to capitalize on his YouTube as part of the news station’s newfound fame.
YouTube channel. Two days after the People can now buy “Bed
“Star Wars Kid” (2002) video was posted, a group of musi- Intruder” costumes modeled after the
cians who call themselves The outfit that Dodson was wearing at the
For most of us, watching someone Unfortunately for him, a copy was ac- streak, and what a streak it was. Gregory Brothers remixed and auto- time of the interview, other merchan-
make an ass of himself is an irresistible cidently left in the studio and one of Although the video hit its popular- tuned the interview into a song; it dise such as t-shirts, imitation do-
opportunity to feel slightly better his classmates found it and converted ity peak before YouTube was in play, went viral within days. Millions of rags, wigs, and iPhone apps are being
about ourselves. There is something it to an electronic file on his computer. the video was still a massive hit. The people flooded to YouTube to watch sold to capitalize on the video’s noto-
oddly satisfying about watching some The video was then distributed around Viral Factory estimated that the video Dodson’s passionate and flamboyant riety.
obscure event and asking yourself the school before one student started to has been viewed over 900 million interview remixed to a beat. The Although the massive popularity
“what the hell is this guy thinking?” post it on P2P applications such as times since its creation. video started to make its way into of this video has died down signifi-
For people who enjoy the misery of Limewire. Spoofs of the video have been Billboard charts around the world, cantly, the impact it had on the
others, Star Wars Kid is a classic, a pre- The video became an instant cult done by the likes of South Park, topping at number 89 on Billboard’s Dodson family and The Gregory
YouTube classic in fact. The video de- favourite and a huge underground American Dad, and Arrested Hot 100, and selling over 100,000 Brothers has changed their lives per-
picts a young high school student from Internet meme – a little too huge in Development, among others. The first thousand copies on iTunes. manently. If you need an indication of
Quebec wielding a golf ball retriever fact. The student in the video, who has copy of the video was posted on The effects of the video were pro- how powerful a viral video can be in
around like a light-sabre. had his identity concealed, issued a YouTube in 2010, eight years after the found, immediately skyrocketing today’s day and age, you need look
The video was filmed in the stu- lawsuit for the emotional damage he original release, achieving over 20 mil- Antoine and the Gregory Brothers no further than “The Bed Intruder
dent’s high school film studio. endured during the video’s popularity lion views. into the spotlight. Antoine became an Song.”
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
features 13

a crowd in the background cheers

him on. The clip is pretty impressive.
The balls it takes to get on stage and
dance like Laipply did is worth some
respect. All of the dance moves in the
video go hand in hand with the time period of the songs playing, and
Liapply pulls them off quite well.
“The Numa Numa Dance” (2004) Liapply’s video has earned him
appearances in BBC commercials, in-
This is the video responsible for the America, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, terviews on the show Rude Tube, and
Numa Numa phenomenon. A man and VH1’s The Best Week Ever. a quick showing in a Weezer music
named Gary Brolsma decided to re- According to the New York Times, video. Like Leeroy Jenkins, “The
lease a video of himself lip-syncing to Brolsma was turned off by the idea of Evolution of Dance” was used as a
the song “Dragostea din tei” by the becoming a media celebrity and can- clue on Jeopardy. The popular TV
band O-Zone. What was intended to be celled several media appearances, “The Evolution of Dance” (2006) show The Office also paid homage to
a silly waste of time turned into a mas- keeping himself out of the spotlight the video when the character Andy
sive Internet hit and one of the most for several years. Dancing is an interesting activity. some as “the funniest 6 minutes you did the dance in an attempt to dis-
widespread internet memes in history. Brolsma reappeared years later in Pretty much everyone sucks at it, will ever see.” That’s up for debate, tract another character.
The video is a short clip of Brolsma a Vizio ad during the Superbowl, and which is probably why it is so fun to but the video is freaking hilarious Before “Charlie Bit My Finger”,
dancing and enthusiastically lip-sync- even conducted a band to play the watch. The YouTube monster hit “The nonetheless. this was the most-watched YouTube
ing to the words of the O-Zone track song at halftime during an NCAA col- Evolution of Dance” capitalized on “The Evolution of Dance” fea- clip in the world, as well as the high-
before the video cuts off mid-song. But lege football game. “Numa Numa our society’s love affair with watching tures a man named Judson Laipply est-rated and most-discussed.
the short minute and a half was Dance” has also been seen and men- people dance. It’s just plain funny. dancing his way through a progres-
enough to get the job done; it was a tioned in shows like NCIS and South This video has been described by sion of 12 popular dance songs while
monster hit. Park as well. In Brolsma’s case, becom-
The video was originally posted to ing famous was as simple as turning
the website Newgrounds; after that it on his headphones, a web camera, and
The act of rickrolling has made
was copied to hundreds of others. To letting his inner nerd run wild on
its way across all corners of the
date, it is estimated that the video has screen – just like that, permanently in-
Internet, and even into public events
been viewed over 700 million times, grained in pop culture.
such as basketball games and pa-
trailing only “Star Wars Kid”.
rades. It is arguably the most conta-
Brolsma has received media at-
gious theme for a bait-and-switch
tention from ABC’s Good Morning
ever made. On the Internet, rick-
rolling has become a harmless way to
pull a fast one on absolutely anyone.
The great thing about rickrolling is
that it’s nearly impossible to see it
coming. This technique has even been
used to illuminate security defaults
Getting Rickrolled in websites like Facebook and PayPal,
to prank call news and radio call-in
OK, this isn’t really a single viral link, thinking that it’s relevant, and shows, and even to make a copycat
video, but it is one hell of an Internet boom, they are greeted by the video website that tricked users with a sim-
meme using a YouTube video. for Rick Astley’s song “Never Gonna ilar domain name to a popular “Rickrolling” as it is known, is a bait- Give You Up”. At that point, the user Scientologist website, then hit them
and-switch where a user clicks on a has been rickrolled. with some Rick Astley upon arrival.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (2002)
Originally posted on the Whatever the reason, PBJT was a mas-
English accent.
forums as an amusing waste of time, sive Internet hit.
As the numbers show, this was
the song “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” is The song is incredibly easy to re-
another monster hit. Debuting in
now one of the most popular and rec- member as well; if you can remember
2007, the video has averaged six mil-
ognizable Internet phenomenons in the the title, you can remember the song,
lion hits a month for the last four
world. because that’s pretty much the whole
years. The baby-on-baby crime was
The video shows a repetitive, pix- thing. “PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIII-
ranked as the number one viral video
elated, dancing banana gyrating and IME!” rinse and repeat.
of all time by Time magazine.
fist pumping his way around a screen The song’s creators, The
Although the parents of the two
to the tune of the Buckwheat Boyz Buckwheat Boyz, turned the song into
boys have said that they do not want
song “Peanut Butter Jelly Time”. some minor success, such as an open-
to commercialize their children by
Maybe it is the repetitive nature of ing gig for rapper Nas. But the fame
creating merchandise with their faces
the song. Or maybe it’s the idea that didn’t last, and The Buckwheat Boyz’s
on it, some web experts estimated that
there is a banana dancing to a song 15 minutes of fame ran out a long time
they could have made around 100,000
called “Peanut Butter Jelly Time”. ago.
euros from advertisements played
during the video alone.
“Charlie Bit My Finger” (2007) The boys now have their own
video blog online. The blog captures
I don’t know what is so funny about The idea is simple enough; the all the riveting drama in the lives of
a young baby biting the finger of his two boys are sitting in a chair, the three-year-olds; and yes, it gets mil-
older brother, but apparently 286 mil- younger one bites his older brother’s lions of hits per episode. According to
lion people do. The video “Charlie Bit finger, and then seemingly grins at their mother, the boys are just begin-
My Finger” is the most popular ama- his handiwork while he brother ning to learn about what they are a
teur video on YouTube. screams “Charlie bit me!” in a thick part of.

continue the display. The result was a

split second on his feet, followed by a
lumbering fall off camera with
nunchucks swinging all the while.
“Leeroy Jenkins” (2007) When Hicks was asked about the
video later he stated “I was sick be-
With the massive popularity of the on- easily killed as Leeroy runs headlong cause it takes a long time to gain re-
line multiplayer RPG World of into battle and the meticulous plan spect and trust in the stunt business ...
Warcraft, it seems like it was only a falls apart. I felt like this video would destroy all
matter of time before the game pro- The video became an instant hit, that I had worked for by making me
duced a massive Internet meme to go and the quintessential cool moment for look like a goof.”
along with it. World of Warcraft. For many, it was Thankfully for Hicks, he was
The video was released to YouTube the only cool moment the game pro- given another chance at the role, and
by a Warcraft players guild named duced. he won. He is also making a film ti-
“PALS FOR LIFE” and immediately The game show Jeopardy featured tled Afro Ninja, and has made an ap-
became famous, not only in the “Leeroy” as a clue during their college
“Afro Ninja” (2006) pearance on the Tonight Show to
Warcraft community, but in the main- week tournament; no one buzzed on Who doesn’t like watching someone video attempting to do a back flip fol- discuss the video. Although Hicks has
stream media as well. the clue. References to the video have fall flat on their face? No one! That lowed by an impressive display of his never embraced the video, claiming
The video depicts the guild mem- been made on South Park and in the would explain why “Afro Ninja” nunchuck skills. Instead, Hicks, who that it has only made things harder
bers carefully discussing detailed bat- Armed Forces Journal. “Leeroy” Easter went viral. The video is leaked was apparently suffering from jetlag, for him, it is certainly a viral video
tle plan for an imminent assault on eggs and achievements have been per- footage of an audition reel for a Nike botched the opening flip by landing that will be forever etched in Internet
their enemies; but, one of their mem- manently added to the World of commercial with LeBron James and on his face, not his feet. Hicks, se- culture.
bers, Leeroy, was away from his com- Warcraft game. famous martial artist Jim Kelly. Mark verely concussed and confused, at-
puter. Leeroy returns, completely Ben Schulz, the creator of the char- Hicks, the “Afro Ninja”, is seen in the tempted to get back to his feet and
ignorant of the strategy, and runs into acter, was invited to BlizzCon 2007 to
the battle screaming “Leeeeroy speak about the creation of the video
Jenkins!” This subsequently ruined the and how it all happened. When asked
carefully planned attack for the others. if the video was staged, Schulz replied,
As Leeroy dives into the battle, his “No, we were all drinking 40s and
guild mates chase after him in a yelling at each other.” Interesting.
swirling sea of confusion. Everyone is
sports Sports Editor: Jonathan Hamelin
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

Give me a S-U-C-C-E-S-S
Taking an in-depth look at the University of Regina cheerleading
team and its amazing season

photos courtesy of University of Regina cheerleading team

The U of R cheerleading squad celebrates its collegiate small co-ed team national championship, having added another national title and one international title this season

from across Canada. The U of R com- teams this year. The U of R was in the they start it early on and they have As a rookie, Herchak certainly no-
peted in two divisions: collegiate small collegiate co-ed team level 6 division. highly competitive teams early on. ticed it.
jonathan hamelin
co-ed team (small schools with both Regina finished fourth out of six Some schools in the States have amaz- “It wasn’t that bad of an adjust-
sports editor
boys and girls) and collegiate quad teams. Rath was happy with the ing teams in elementary school. We ment, because all of the veterans were
The University of Regina cheerlead- (four members compete). Regina team’s performance, especially be- don’t really get highly competitive really nice and super helpful,” said the
ing team has had plenty of reasons to picked up a national title in each. cause of some of the circumstances teams until high school. The States 18-year-old arts student. “It’s not hos-
cheer this season. In the five-team small co-ed team they were up against. breeds awesome cheerleaders.” tile at all at practice. Everyone’s there
And now, with the season division, the U of R racked up 783.5 “At Cheersport, we were up to help everyone else. It was mostly a
wrapped up, the squad has the chance points to finish almost 40 points ahead against teams that have 10 or 12 guys fun experience.”
to sit back and properly reflect on all of of the next competitor. They scored and we only have one,” he said. “A lot The athletes were not the only
A young team
its accomplishments. This season, the 83.5 points and finished over 10 points of co-ed teams down there take as What makes the success of the U of R ones on the team with a lack of colle-
U of R won an international title, two ahead of second-place Carleton in the many guys to competitions as possi- cheer team even more unbelievable is giate experience. It was the first full
national titles, had a couple other top three-team collegiate quad division. It ble. To get fourth is a testament to how their lack of collegiate experience. year of coaching at the collegiate level
finishes, raised a lot of money, and was not only the first time the U of R good our team is. The team is made up of approxi- for Rath, who was a member of the
even hosted its own successful cheer- has picked up multiple national titles “Also, I don’t even think some of mately 23 members, and 15 of these cheerleading team as an athlete from
leading competition. during the same meet, but it was the schools were schools. There was are rookies. Out of the 15 rookies, 13 2004-08. The same holds true for his
Suffice it to say, for an organiza- Regina’s second national title in both the University of Louisville Gym Time. are in their first year. In this case, it two assistant coaches: Janessa Rath
tion that had previously only won two of the divisions ever. The Gym Time at the end of it means looks like youth has trumped experi- (his wife), who was on the team from
national titles since it started up in “The celebration after was pretty it’s an all-star team. They take some ence. 05-09 and Jade Baiton, who competed
2000, this year was one for the record fun,” said Rath. “It’s always good to athletes who aren’t in college and stick “Did I expect us to win nationally on the team in the 05-06 campaign.
books. come home with two national titles them on the collegiate team. It’s a little and internationally? No, I actually did- “I was an assistant coach for the
“I would say this is one of the best under your belt. fishy.” n’t think we’d pull it off that well,” second half of last year,” said Rath. “I
years the U of R has had as a pro- “Nationals have always been big Next, the U of R achieved an inter- said Rath. “With so many rookies, I stepped in last year because their head
gram,” said Thomas Rath, the U of R’s for me – trying to represent your national milestone at the USA nation- didn’t think we’d win much. I coach Nicole Bidwell had to leave
cheerleading head coach. “There have school within Canada. It’s something als, which included hundreds of thought, maybe if I could retain all of halfway during the season. I stepped
been some very exciting years before, huge for me and something I take a lot teams. Regina’s collegiate group stunt these rookies for the 2011-12 season in with her assistant coach at the time,
but we’ve progressively grown more of pride in.” team finished first out of three teams, we could win nationals. Lo and be- Mishayla Potts, and we kind of did the
competitive each year. We’re definitely After taking the rest of December helping Regina capture its first inter- hold, they did it this year. It’s a pretty remaining part of the year. It was good
growing every year in talent.” off for finals and holidays, the cheer national title ever. Regina’s small co-ed rocking year for a lot of those rookies because I got my feet wet and then
“It’s so exciting,” said Ashley squad began preparing for two inter- team also broke a record, earning the to be on this good of a team.” was able to overhaul a lot of the inter-
Herchak, a rookie on the cheer squad. national competitions in February. The school’s highest international team fin- Of course, though they are labeled nal stuff.
“Once you win something on this first was the Cheersport nationals, Feb. ish ever, as they finished third in the as a rookie, it does not mean these “Our coaching staff this year has
level, it makes you feel really good 18-20, in Atlanta, Ga., followed by the five-team divison. members of the U of R squad were in- worked awesome together. We all
and that you’re really part of a team.” USA collegiate nationals, Feb. 26-28, “Winning our first international ti- experienced. Many of the cheerleaders have a slight different style. Some are
The first competition Regina took in Anaheim, Cali. tle was a pretty huge victory for us, had previous experience, whether it nice and some are mean. It balances
part in this year was the 2010 univer- At the Cheersport nationals, but the third-place finish was just as was at the high school level or a club. out quite nice.”
sity and open national cheerleading which is the biggest cheerleading com- big in my mind,” said Rath. “Those Plus, the inviting atmosphere created It appears that Regina has sent a
championships in Brampton, Ont., petition in the world, there were teams down in the States can come by Regina’s veterans helped the rook- message to the cheerleading world: if
early in December. It was an event around 20,000 athletes and over 1,000 from different breeds. They live it – ies adapt. you want to win, go with rookies.
which boasted 19 collegiate teams

“ It’s so exciting. Once you win something on this level, it makes

you feel really good and that you’re really part of a team.”
Ashley Herchak
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
sports 15

a lifestyle,” he said. “They live it be-

cause they have to. You almost have to
Lots of hard work
If there is anyone who thinks the suc- really want to be on the team so much
cess of the U of R cheerleading squad to offer what they do and sacrifice
has come easily, they are sorely mis- some of that extra social time and free-
taken. dom. There’s a lot of sacrifice there.”
It has taken a lot of hard work and
dedication. Members of the team have
to attend practices, fundraise and help
Becoming a member
out in the community, all the while at- The U of R cheerleading team has
tending classes and jobs. done some great things for Rath.
The life of a cheerleader is hardly a “The cheerleading team is where I
cakewalk, though this is not exactly met Jade. We started dating that year
the common perception of them. and eventually got married,” he said.
“I never think we get enough credit,” “The cheer team has given me so
said Herchak. “People think cheer- much. Pretty much all of my friends
leading’s kind of like a dance-y sport now are cheerleaders and my wife’s a
and nothing is really involved in it. cheerleader. It’s in my blood now. “
They assume we’re like the people And, while Rath cannot promise
who cheer on the sidelines. We do this, you will meet your future partner on
but most people don’t realize what the team, there are plenty of other rea-
stunting involves and how far cheer- sons to get involved on the U of R
leading has actually come since just cheer team.
standing on the sideline. “It’s really fun,” he said. “These
“[Being a cheerleader] can be hectic. guys sacrifice a lot, but they wouldn’t
It’s really hard to balance university in if it wasn’t one of the most enjoyable
itself, plus cheerleading, plus your so- things that they are doing in their life.
cial life.” The team is great, and the sport is re-
Cheerleading is basically an 11- ally fun. I’ve been in all kinds of differ-
month season for the U of R. The team ent sports from basketball, rugby,
holds several camps and clinics dur- football – the macho man kind of
ing the summer months. Once school sports – and this is by far one of the
gets underway, they practice three funnest things I’ve done. I know all of
times a week for a few hours at a time. the athletes enjoy their time. We try to
Most of the training is cheerleading- do as many team bonding activities
specific. Throw in a couple of compe- as we can and I know a lot of these
titions during the season, and it is girls make friendships.
clear to see that there are a lot of phys- “There’s a lot of alumni out there
ical elements to cheerleading. and there’s a good community behind
“We’re lifting people – it’s not like us. You’re not just friends with the cur-
The U of R cheerleaders participate in a Canada Day event outside the legislature in Regina last year
we’re just dancing around,” said rent team. The alumni have been in
Herchak. “You need some type of ath- the same shoes as everyone else in re-
leticism to do what we do.” gards to the struggle and sacrifice.
Perhaps an even bigger burden There’s a common respect.”
than the training involved is the “We’re definitely a family,” added
money. While the U of R, the U of R Herchak. “Even if you don’t have ex-
Students’ Union and various corpora- perience, it’s fun to come out and learn
tions sponsor the team, members of something different. Going to places
the team are expected to each shell out like Atlanta and Anaheim for compe-
$1,000-2,000 from their own pocket for titions is super fun. It involves so
various expenses. Because of this, many athletic aspects like tumbling,
many of the cheerleaders have to work dancing and stunting. It’s just a great
jobs to pay for cheerleading, school experience for everyone ... boys in-
and other expenses. cluded.”
According to Rath, it comes with This year, the U of R cheer squad
the program. is holding tryouts for everyone – cur-
“[Cheerleading’s] unfortunately rent members included – on April 30,
considered a student club. It’s not re- noon to 4 p.m., at the main gym. A
ally an official team of the university, second tryout is to be held on May 8,
so we’re not in the budget,” he said. 4-6 p.m., at the Rebels Cheerleading
“There are no official dollars to go to facility at 296 Henderson Drive. It is
us. I’m more than willing to make this possible to make the team as a walk-
a core program. I would love to be a on during the season, but Rath advises
full-time coach of this team and for it attending these tryouts if possible. For
to be a full program.” more information, visit,
The expenses would be vastly or contact Rath by phone (777-1641) or
more for the cheerleading team if it via email (
did not fundraise consistently.
“We host our own camp for high
school and elementary teams, get
Moving forward
some money for Rams games, make Seeing as the U of R cheerleading team
community appearances, do car- is on top of the world, you would not
Car washes are one of the many fundraising events taken on by Regina’s cheerleaders

washes, and go as far as standing out- think they could go much higher.
side and asking for donations,” said However...
Rath. “We’re not below anything.” “I’m hoping we can make it a dy-
The team’s major fundraiser is the nasty while I’m here,” said Rath.
U of R cheerleading competition, a “Cheerleading is interesting. Where
tournament they host for elementary, we are is great – I’m not saying we’re
high school, club, and other teams not good – but there’s so much room
across Saskatchewan and neighbour- to grow and every year, every other
ing provinces. At this year’s tourna- team grows as well. It’s such an in-
ment, held in March, around 2,000 volving sport.”
spectators and 1,000 competitors Do the athletes concur with that
turned up. sentiment?
When it comes down to it, cheer- “I definitely agree with that,” said
leading is a huge time commitment. Herchak “We had a really good year
Not just for the athletes, but the and we had a lot of rookies on the
coaches as well. All three have to work team. All of the rookies are going to be
other jobs while coaching. veterans now. Everyone knows their
Rath summed up what it was like place and they can help each other
to be a cheerleader. out. The more experience you have,
“I don’t like to call [cheerleaders] the better it’s going to be.”
athletes in a sport. They’re athletes in

The U of R team at the Rebels Cheerleading facility in Regina

March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
16 sports

The truth about steroids

Donald Hooton Jr. speaks to students at the University of Regina to educate them about
performance-enhancing drugs

Dangers of
General effects

Addiction to steroids
Bad breath
Blood clotting disorders
Elevated cholesteral and
Extreme acne on the
back, shoulders and
High blood pressure
Increased chance of
injury to tendons,
ligaments, and
Marc Messett
Jaundice, trembling, way to reach the next level. cular specimen on television, by most influential people to speak at
“Taylor began injecting himself their favourite athletes and even by the baseball hearings last year. He
autumn mcdowell
with hardcore steroids in order to current action figures. spoke on behalf of parents every-
aching joints sports writer
be the number one pitcher on his With Barry Bonds and Alex where and noted that he believes
Sometimes becoming bigger, faster, varsity baseball team,” explained Rodriguez constantly in the media that professional athletes have the
Liver cysts / liver cancer
Oily skin and stronger is not always better. Taylor’s father Don. “He would pur- for steroid use, and Superman ac- power to do something about the
Donald Hooton Jr. of the Taylor chase one cycle of illegal steroids for tion figures progressing from depict- growing issue of steroids use.
Hooton Foundation came to the $375 from the local YMCA.” ing an average wimpy kid to a clear It is the hope of the Hooton fam-
Puffy cheeks
Stunted bone growth University of Regina last week to After being advised to stop tak- steroid addict, kids are getting the ily that giving these talks to students
educate students – in particular var- ing steroids by a psychiatrist, there wrong message about the use of across North America will help con-
sity athletes – about the dangers were noticeable changes in Taylor’s these drugs. trol the drug problem in sports.
surrounding the use of perform- behaviour. Taylor’s father Don believes that “Taylor did not have the oppor-
ance-enhancing drugs in sports. The “Taylor began acting out in very “the poor example being set by pro- tunity to be exposed to this infor-
presentation was called Hoot’s strange ways,” said Don. “He went fessional athletes is a major catalyst mation, because no such program
Chalk Talk. into a serious depression and ended fuelling the high use of steroids existed at the time,” said Don. “If
Numerous members of the U of up taking two belts and hanging among kids.” he had been exposed, maybe he
Grow breasts R sports teams and the community himself”. There is a misconception that would still be with us today.”
were in attendance to hear the valu- Taylor’s story has had an in- steroids are only used by male ath- What the Hooton family was
able lecture. credible impact all over North letes who intend to elevate their forced to go through was nothing
The Taylor Hooton Foundation America. There were 3,500 people game to the next level. However, it short of a tragedy, but it was
was founded in 2004 in order to “ed- that attended his funeral and the has been shown that young high through this tragedy that the process
Low sperm count
Premature balding ucate the North American youth news of this young athlete’s death school girls are the fastest-growing of saving many other lives began.
and their adult influences about the continues to draw attention. steroid users. The Hooton family believes that
dangers of anabolic steroids.” The The Hooton family has used the It has also been shown that 62.5 per “education is the key to success” if
Prostate growth
Testicular atrophy Hooton family started the organiza- attention around Taylor’s tragic cent of steroid users take steroids in they are going to win the battle
tion after one of their sons, Taylor E. death in order to make a positive order to improve their physical ap- against performance enhancing
Hooton, committed suicide at the impact on other young athletes’ pearance. The Hooton family be- drugs.
age of 17 as a result of his anabolic lives. lieves that the media and To learn more about the Taylor
steroid use. Taylor was a young, ath- The Hooton family believes that professional sports organizations Hooton Foundation, visit tay-
letic, and popular kid with dreams the prospect of steroid use is every- have a lot to do with this increasing
of making it as a professional base- where, and kids are being exposed number.
ball player. He saw steroids as the to the idea of a perfect overly mus- Taylor’s father was one of the
Breast shrinkage
Enlarged clitoris
Deepened voice
Irregular periods
Male body hair (e.g.
beard) “ Taylor began injecting himself with hardcore steroids in or-
Male pattern baldness der to be the number one pitcher on his varsity baseball
Potential birth defects team. He would purchase one cycle of illegal steroids for
$375 from the local YMCA.”
Donald Hooton Jr.

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March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
sports 17

Training doesn’t stop when

the season stops
For student-athletes, such as the Ryerson Rams, workouts are a year-
round gig

Train like
an athlete
Step 1: Get the right apparel

Before you can start training like

an athlete, you’ll need to dress
like one. Proper footwear is es-
sential, and any sweats will
work, but I would recommend
that you invest in Under
Armour. While a bit more ex-
pensive than its competitors,
Under Armour’s light and
durable material is worth the
extra few bucks.

Step 2: Cardio, cardio, cardio

While you may want to go

straight to the weight room to
work on your gun show, do
yourself a favour and start with
some cardio. You can pump all
the iron in the world, but you
won’t see any results unless you
get your heart rate up. If you’re
not a fan of the treadmill, sta-
tionary bike, or elliptical ma-
chine, go to the gymnasiums
and play a few pickup games of
basketball, soccer, or whatever
sport the other gym goers are

Step 3: Pre-game

Before you even think about lift-

ing a weight, stretch. Not only
does it lower the chances of you
Steve Goetz/The Eyeopener pulling a muscle and hurting
yourself, but it will also serve
as a quick break.
Working out in the off-season is the best way to ensure a better season

Step 4: Hit the weight room

cer team train anywhere between 1–3 ticing up to six times a week. and doing what other people do at
hours a week. “You do fitness testing to see this young age.” Once you’ve broken a sweat
harlan nemers
“During the summer, [the] ma- where they are at the end of the sea- Jenny Young, captain of the and have your heart rate up,
eyeopener (ryerson
university) jority of them are playing with their son. And then when they come back women’s hockey team, said that al- you can finally hit the weights.
own team like the Markham Soccer at the end of the season, that’s where though there hasn’t been a set nutri- Before you start lifting, decide
TORONTO (CUP) — Running from Club,” women's soccer interim coach you’re going to see the gains,” she tion program, her has met with a what part of your body you
one side of the squash court to the Ramin Mohammadi said. “If not, we said. “If there are no improvements, it nutritionist this year. would like to work out. Don’t
other, Shannon Cosgrove chases a try to book a field and try to play could be conditions for the athlete not “We’ve had meetings with a nu- sporadically change between
soccer ball as her teammates play against other clubs with players to make the team.” tritionist and she’s given us informa- your arms, legs, back and chest.
keep away. Gasping for breath, she which are available.” While not as intense as White’s tion based on what we weigh and The more detailed and specific
strides forward with her left knee out- Those who are not playing for a program, men’s volleyball head coach how we should be eating,” she said. your plan is, the more effective
stretched and manages to swiftly steal club team schedule training sessions Mirek Porosa has a very structured “I’m definitely going to try and eat your workout will be. During
the ball from her teammate. that focus more on agility, speed, and program. well along with maintaining a solid your workout, remember to
“[Practicing in the squash courts] strength, as well as body movements. Starting in March, each player weight routine.” give yourself enough time to
really teaches us how to defend and “It doesn’t really matter where they practices three times a week for an Cosgrove is also looking forward rest between sets and make sure
makes our touches better,” said do it as long as they can compete hour and a half. This time is spent fo- to the summer months of hard train- to stay hydrated. A common
Cosgrove, a first-year midfielder for come Aug. 15,” Mohammadi said. cusing on upper body and lower core ing. myth about lifting is that you
the Ryerson Rams women’s soccer “They need to keep up with the fit- exercises, as well as endurance. “We have our priorities set and should lift as much weight as
team. “It helps us work on out-think- ness program if they want to stay in Porosa said 80 per cent of his we just want to work hard to become you can, but doing more repeti-
ing defenders.” the program.” team usually comes back in better champions next year.” tions with less weights is more
Cosgrove works on speed, pass- Stephanie White, head coach of shape than they were in last year. effective.
ing, and defending skills twice a week the school’s women’s hockey team, “When they’re coming back, they
at the Recreation and Athletic Centre said proper off-season training is a should jump higher – like four or six Step 5: Cool down
on campus. Soccer is just one of vital component to a successful team. inches - and they should be faster and
Ryerson’s many CIS teams that look “The off-season is the time for the stronger,” said Porosa. “They’re “ The off-season is So you’re done your workout,
to boost their strength and condition- biggest gains in your conditioning charging the batteries for the next sea- you are all tired and sweaty and
ing in the off-season. and overall fitness,” White said. son. Some of them go to school [in all you want to do is sit on your
the time for the
In her next drill, Cosgrove has to “During the season, you don’t really the summer] so they have a smaller biggest gains in couch and chug a bottle of
dribble the ball around a cone as an- have the opportunity [to train]. It’s load for the next school year.” Gatorade. Don’t. Resist the urge
other teammate does the same on the really important that they stick to the While coaches like Porosa have to stop by jogging on the tread-
your conditioning
opposite side. The goal is to try and task at hand and it’s only going to their players abide by a very struc- and overall fitness. mill for a few more minutes.
fake out the cone, which represents an improve their game throughout the tured training program, the same Follow that up with a few quick
opposing player, with a powerful season.” can't be said about their eating habits,
During the season,
stretches and you can hit the
sidestep. This year marks the first time the as there isn’t a strict nutritional pro- you don’t really showers knowing that you
“Basically, what we’re doing is women’s hockey team will take part gram for them to follow. won’t feel nearly as sore as you
working on a fundamental skill set ... in a serious summer training pro- “They have basic information
have the opportu-
would have otherwise.
in position-specific drills,” said Kevin gram, as they will officially take on that they get during the season, which
nity [to train].”
Souter, assistant coach of the men’s Ontario University Athletics status is based on some knowledge and Step 6: Drink chocolate milk
soccer team, who is currently training for the upcoming season. common sense,” said Porosa. “But it’s
with the women. “The goal is to pro- But, unlike most off-season train- hard to monitor their eating habits It rebuilds muscle and tastes
Stephanie White
vide a strong foundation for the up- ing programs that have athletes train- during the off-season because they great. Enough said.
Ryerson women’s hockey
coming season.” ing two to four times a week, White’s are in a different environment. head coach
The players on the women’s soc- program will have her players prac- They’re going back home, working
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
18 sports

The house that Green and

Gold built
U of A bids farewell to a facility that has housed its sports teams for
over 50 years

Matt Hirji/The Gateway

to the game. There are just so many gym and it was still new. It was a really games,” Horwood reflected. “As a time, he wasn’t feeling well and he
memories here.” exciting environment to be on the cam- head coach, I was very nervous. This wanted to sit on my lap during a game
matt hirji &
andrew jeffrey “We just know so many of the pus and to be in that facility.” was my job now. There were a lot of and I said, ‘No, no you can’t.’ So I got
players now. It’s been really fun to Arriving on campus as a freshman nerves and a lot of anticipation. I up and he just stood there and put his
come here,” Pauline added. “I just student athlete in 1979 from Tofield, wanted to build towards a national head on where I was sitting, put it
gateway (university of

hope the Pandas win tonight.” Alta., the bright-eyed teenager began championship and set the wheels in down and went to sleep in the middle
EDMONTON (CUP) — Sitting court- The U of A first broke ground on to make his footprints on the history of motion to create a winning attitude of a game.
side at every basketball game in the the historic venue in 1958 and opened the gym. Danyluk would go on to that would not accept second-rate ef- “My alumni used to say to me,
University of Alberta’s main gym since the facility for use in 1960. Known as coach the Green and Gold squad that fort or behaviour.” ‘Oh yeah, we’re going to call social
1975, Ben and Pauline Janz have be- the Varsity Gym at the time, this hub he looked up to so much as an aspiring Trix Baker also spoke about the services,’ but he was just so comfort-
come iconic inside a venue that’s wit- of campus was built for a capacity of volleyball youngster. warmth of the facility and its unique able in the gym. He used to go to sleep
nessed a tradition of athletic 2,714 people and featured hardwood “It’s become a lot more comfort- place in CIS competition. For the to bouncing balls. He was there in
excellence. floors measuring 108-by-168 feet, able,” Danyluk explained. “The main player-turned-coach-turned-athletics- practice. I’d go pick him up at the day-
The Janz family has been a stead- which were considered state-of-the-art gym feels like a home. It’s some place administrator, the gym has been a ma- care, pack him a lunch and he’d come
fast presence inside the gym for more at the time. where you can feel entrenched and it’s jor part of her experience at the U of A. and eat and play during the games or
than 35 years, with seats reserved for While its main purpose has been somewhere that I feel comfortable Having played on the Pandas basket- the practices.”
them with a direct view of the Pandas for athletics, it has also been used for coming to every day.” ball squad from 1976–81 and coaching Jordan played a big part in the
bench. The couple has fostered the day-to-day activity classes, intramu- Over the course of his 23-year the team from 1991–2006, the dynamic farewell for the gym on Feb. 12 as he
growth of basketball at the U of A ral and recreational events, final ex- tenure with the Bears volleyball team, Baker now oversees a number of the helped lead the Golden Bears to vic-
through the Adopt-an-Athlete pro- ams, and even a break dancing Danyluk has claimed 507 wins as both Green and Gold varsity teams that tory in their ?nal regular season game
gram, where community members competition in the early ’80s. The gym an athlete and a coach. Even more have made the gym their home. on the home court.
provide financial support to athletes has also played host to a number of amazing are his four national champi- “The gym is always warm. That “It was a great send-off. It was just
on campus. outside events: Olympic wrestling tri- onship banners. These are gifts that may sound insignificant to some peo- a really ?tting way to end our league
It is a tradition that will be contin- als in 1968, the 1978 Commonwealth he’s proud to offer the gym in return ple, but when I was coaching, I froze in games in the main gym with a couple
uing at a new venue, as the gym will Games, and even the debut of the U of for the support it’s given him over his every other gym I went to. Here, it victories,” Jordan said after the game.
close its doors to varsity athletics at A’s beloved mascot Guba, who was lifetime. doesn’t matter if it’s 40 degrees below, With the move to the new centre, the
the end of this season, giving way to a first introduced at a men’s basketball “I refer to [the gym] as a corner- that gym is always warm,” Baker ex- time has come to leave behind the
more modern centre on at the U of A. game in 1971. stone in Edmonton,” Danyluk ex- plained. warm recollections and ghosts of vic-
The Janz family recognizes that With a rich history, the school’s plained. "It’s had so many different “I’m sure it’s because of the actual tories past that have emanated from
they’re only a small part of the success varsity legends have fond memories of experiences: from the students who temperature in the gym, but it has a the gym over the years for competi-
of the program. It’s the gym that has the facility. take classes in it, to the thousands of warmness to it. It’s comfortable to sit tors, coaches and spectators alike.
provided the atmosphere that spurs “My first experience would have students that take final exams in there, in and it doesn’t get so loud. We have Next year, fans will enter the mas-
on the success of all the Pandas and been in the early ’70s. I played in the to the student athletes and all the inter- a lot of people who have supported sive new 230,000-square-foot Go
Bears athletes. annual junior-high Bears and Pandas national events that have happened in the teams for a lot of years. Center filled with nine basketball
“I’m kind of sorry to see the end of volleyball tournament. In 1973, I there.” A legacy of winning has been cre- courts, nine volleyball courts, and a
an era. We’ve seen a lot of good basket- played in that tournament as a young Former Bears basketball head ated in the gym since its doors opened dedicated varsity court for new mem-
ball games here,” Ben quietly ex- junior-high kid of 5-foot-1,” Bears vol- coach Don Horwood remembers the 51 years ago. It’s a tradition that has ories to be created and new CIS ban-
plained prior to the Pandas tip-off for leyball coach Terry Danyluk said, re- facility as an iconic structure dedicated lasted years and brought 40 national ners to be lifted into its towering
their last regular season game. “It’s flecting on his young experiences in to fostering the growth and develop- championship banners to hang rafters.
about our allegiance to the players and the facility. “At that time, it was a big ment of not only the athletes who he proudly from its walls. But it’s also a While Horwood has experienced
coached, but also the community that tradition that has carried on through great triumphs as a coach in the main
surrounds it. the years for the Baker family. gym, he recognizes that the new loca-
Horwood became coach of Bears Baker’s husband Doug played on tion for the Golden Bears represents a
basketball in 1983 and was an anchor the Golden Bears basketball team, and fresh era for this up-and-coming team,
“ I’m kind of sorry to see the end of an era. for the team behind the bench for 26 her son Jordan currently plays for the as they continue to turn around from
years before retiring in 2009. During men’s squad, attempting to create a their lapses in recent years in the hopes
We’ve seen a lot of good basketball games his career as head coach, he led the whole new set of legacies. of regaining the winning tradition that
team to 11 CIS championship appear- “I remember in games turning they once held in the gym.
ances, winning the national title three around looking for my clipboard to “The payoff of all the success is
times, including the team’s ?rst CIS draw a play and [Jordan’s] stolen it – saying goodbye to the main gym.
championship in the 1993-94 season. he’s got it behind the bench and he’s We’ve made plenty of friends here and
“When we started, it was just a drawing these plays at four or ?ve they have plenty to look forward to.”
Ben Janz
few families and friends at our home [years old],” Baker reminisced. “One
March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
sports 19

A historical bout
UFC prepares to make debut at the Rogers Centre in Toronto
and slightly worse at submissions and light heavy weight belt from around
striking. his waist.
These statistics are rather “unique” for Following the belt loss, Machida
lack of a better term, since they are earned his second loss in the octagon,
based on how often the fighters ex- this time courtesy of Rampage
hibit each of these three skills in a Jackson. Machida is looking to get
fight, not how good they are at them. back on track with a big win against
If the statistics were based on quality the legendary Couture.
and not quantity, St-Pierre would blow Couture is currently riding a three-
Shields out of the water in every as- fight win streak. However, these are
pect. against lackluster opponents. With a
In case anyone is curious, Shields win, Couture will be that much closer
earned a big fat zero per cent for take- to another title shot, but a loss is sure
down defence. St-Pierre should have to have him contemplating retirement
some fun with that. Not having any once again.
takedown defence whatsoever against It will be a historic night and an event
one of the best wrestlers in the busi- that is well worth purchasing, even if
ness is a recipe for a hilarious disaster. the pay-per-view price is outrageous.
It is also slightly enraging that Shields
has had one mediocre fight in the UFC,
where he “earned” a split decision vic-
tory of Martin Kampmann, and is be-
ing rewarded with a title shot. I
suppose there is no one else in the di-
vision who could provide the slightest “ [St-Pierre] is the
challenge to St-Pierre, so Joe Silva did-
n’t really have much of a choice when
truest all-around
he was making the fights. athlete that mixed
People continue to whine about St-
Pierre being due for a loss and how it’s
martial arts has
time for someone else to be the cham-
pion. Let’s be honest here. St-Pierre is
ever seen and
In order to draw such a large crowd, sation by Shields is quite laughable, unreal. The kid is the truest all-around there is no way in
inside the octagon the UFC’s management knew that really, but he will finally get his shot at athlete that mixed martial arts has ever
there was only one man for the job: St-Pierre this April. However, I would seen and there is no way in hell that he
hell that he is go-
Canadian Georges St-Pierre. The wel- be willing to wager that it won’t be is going to let some skinny prep
autumn mcdowell
terweight champ and one of the Shields who has his hand raised at the
ing to let some
sports writer named Jake Shields take his belt. There
pound-for-pound best fighters in the end of this one. is quite simply no way. skinny prep
On April 30, the Ultimate Fighting entire world got the call to headline Both fighters are extremely well Another fight that intrigues me on this
Championship will make history. the event. rounded in all aspects of the game, card is Randy Couture vs. Lyoto
named Jake
For the first time ever, the UFC will be St-Pierre is set to defend his belt with Shields being split a perfect 33 Machida. Machida is fresh off of two
hosting an event at the Rogers Centre against former WEC champ Jake per cent in all three top elements of
Shields take his
back to back losses in the octagon. His
in Toronto, which is poised to draw Shields. This fight has been years in the sport including striking, take- first loss ever in the octagon came at belt.”
nearly 55,000 fans. That would break the making, as Shield has boasted nu- downs and submissions. the hands of Mauricio “Shogun” Hua,
the UFC’s previous attendance record merous times about how he could According to the statistics, St-Pierre is where Hua took Machida’s coveted

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by roughly 30,000. “easily” knock out St-Pierre. This accu- much better than Shields at takedowns

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the carillon
watching the hell out of that clip
of nardwuar interviewing lil b
since 1962
graphics Graphics Editor: Ali Nikolic
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

Kyle Lees – Argus (Lakehead)

photo of the week

Wade Thompson – Cord (Wilfrid Laurier)

Mark Bradshaw – Peak (Simon Fraser)

Marc Messett
op-ed Op-Ed Editor: Cheyenne Geysen
the carillon, March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011

editorial opinion
It’s the happiest time of year There are still
The government has fallen! It’s spring Gilles,” an obvious reference to both tion, something which Harper denies
election time!
I know I sound excited, and I am.
the Harper coalition discussions of
2004 and the popular children’s nurs-
but which Layton and Gilles Duceppe
affirm. It seems for the Conservatives it
bunnies out there
Despite everyone else seeming to be ery rhyme. was tolerable to work with separatists As dead as the winter (and spring seriously hurt themselves if they
exhausted by elections (four in the last However, Ignatieff also gets the in 2004, but it isn’t in 2011. in Saskatchewan) can be, there is step in a hole. They also could po-
seven years) I love seeing the politi- lamest remark to this point in the elec- Further, it seems like Harper is always something nice living on tentially harm the structure of
cians out there pleading their case, try- tion by claiming he is running in the promising that if Ignatieff is elected campus. buildings by burrowing under
ing to convince me why they are the election because he loves democracy. Canada will descend into chaos and Cute little bunny rabbits! The them. Finally, although very cute,
best person for the position of Prime What an utterly obvious statement for horrors overnight, with a madman at campus of the University of Regina the rabbits are indeed wild animals
Minister (or why their opponents are someone campaigning for office to the wheel steering the country straight is home to a number of rabbits that and can pass diseases to humans.
the worst persons). Even better is make. Perhaps Stephen Harper, if con- into the abyss. Harper says Canada is like to hop around and generally Their bites can give tetanus to the
watching politicians awkwardly parry fronted, would admit that he hates an island of stability, and cites the tur- make this university a more de- unfortunate rabbit admirer.
questions by reporters. democracy? That seems very, very un- moil in the Middle East, the European lightful place to study. The pres- In fact, at the University of
That’s right; Canada is heading likely. debt crisis, and “Disaster in the Pacific” ence of bunnies on campus is a Victoria, the authorities have had
back to the polls on May 2. Although a Jack Layton is looking good as as reasons why we are so stable and small thing. It’s something people to resort to culling bunny rabbits
lot of people claim there was no clear well. He’s campaigning all over the safe – as if electing a Liberal govern- might not appreciate that much, (originally abandoned by their
reason to call an election, the Harper country and perhaps he will win some ment will cause the Earth itself to split but occasionally it’s nice to reflect owners on campus) at night so that
government was found in contempt of more seats this time, even though it in two and swallow Vancouver. on the rabbits and just enjoy their students did not disrupt the work
Parliament – the first government in seems the NDP cannot break the “40 However the rest of the election innocence. of animal control agents. Further,
Canadian history to do so, over the is- seat barrier”. Unfortunately, it is kind goes (and I am sure there will be some Who doesn’t like to be sitting they have designated the campus a
sue of lying about new fighter jet ex- of painful to see Layton running to be faux pas yet to come) I cannot wait for on the green and see some bunnies rabbit-free zone and are humanely
penses. Even if the contempt ruling Prime Minister. Sure, it’s acceptable to Election Day. I hope everyone else is hopping around, nibbling on a trapping and killing the nearly 900
had not been made, all opposition par- aim high in a federal election, but set- just as excited for the election and that shoot of grass? Who doesn’t stop rabbits that were on campus.
ties opposed the new Conservative ting a more reasonable goal – like per- everyone will vote, even if they ruin and say “aww” when they are Although the university looked at
budget, which likely would’ve brought haps becoming the official opposition – their ballot to make a point that they walking outside in the bitter winter other options, this was deemed
down the government anyway. would be more realistic than having hate all the candidates. This is our cold and a pure white rabbit leaps necessary for the safety of students.
Although the first polls indicate Layton as Prime Minister. democracy, and as annoying as it might across their path? Who hasn’t So even though the bunny rab-
Canada will get anything from a re- Harper, on the other hand, is under be, there are people around the world named at least one rabbit that they bits here are cute and I’ve already
turn to the status quo to a Conservative attack for being a hypocrite on the fighting and dying to get what we see on a regular basis? My named one Reginald, it’s best to
majority, out of the gate both the coalition issue. In 2004, when Harper have. We should honour their efforts favourite rabbit is named Reginald keep your distance and not feed
Liberals and the NDP look good. In was leader of the official opposition, by exercising our right to vote when and he lives somewhere between them. As much as they add an air
fact, I am awarding the first election he sent a letter to the Governor General we have the opportunity. the Kinesiology Building and of adorability to campus, they are
zinger to Michael Ignatieff for saying telling her to “keep all options open” Campion College. still wild animals and should be
“The person who’s got a problem with when considering the minority gov- The rabbits also live in the treated as such.
a coalition is Stephen Harper. He’s got ernment of Paul Martin. Keeping all fields around campus and like to Following an intense students’
to explain what he was doing in options open is generally assumed to hop across the road quite often, so union election, a winter that just
cheyenne geysen
Toronto hotel rooms with Jack and mean an NDP-Bloc-Conservative coali- op-ed editor it’s important to watch out for doesn’t want to end, and all the
them. There’s nothing worse than chaos in the world, it’s nice to be
seeing a bunny rabbit run over and able to look outside and see that
killed. I’m always especially care- rabbits are still cute and we can en-
ful on the curve in the road nearest joy their company. That is, at least
to the Kinesiology Building. That until we start receiving reports of
seems to be the place where they Rabbit Flu.
hang out the most.
Of course, bunny rabbits do
have their problems. They burrow
holes in athletic fields, which are of
edward dodd
great danger to athletes who might

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March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
the carillon
22 op-ed

Where has the niceness gone?

I came to a stark and depressing real- state, wondering what had happened cessful or happy? No, no, no. Now you have exams and tests and assignments fore. Go and watch “Validation”, and
ization today. The word “nice” no to the world’s supply of kindness, I are just trying to be modest, aren’t to write and hand in. There are proj- as the screen darkens at the end of the
longer exists in our dictionaries. Well, stumbled upon a video on YouTube you? But, believe me, what I say, and ects, and presentations, and readings. clip, look at your face in the computer
literally it’s still there under N in the that has become my number one what I am about to say, is true. Period. It’s a whole load of work. But you do screen. Are you smiling?
dictionary. But nice has seized to exist favourite: “Validation” by Kurt You are great. Look at how much it every day, and you do it brilliantly. Let’s try to make a more positive
in this day and age. You don’t believe Kuenne. The short film’s main focus is you’ve accomplished already. Every And yes, no matter what every- environment – your compliment may
me? That’s fine, but first tell me, when that the smallest compliment can day, you tackle the challenges of life, one else says, I am telling you right be the thing that a stranger needs in
was the last time a complete stranger change a frown upside-down. So, I’ve and every day, you battle with any ob- now: you look great. Actually, you their day. And one day, when you are
complimented you? decided to give it a try. stacles that come in your way. Every look better than great. And that smile feeling hopeless and depressed, maybe
Whatever happened to giving You. Yes, you that’s reading this day, you are successful in doing both. – is it ever amazing. You really should a compliment will come flying your
high-fives to random people on the right now. You are amazing. You are so Life is not easy, it’s a battlefield, and show it much more often. You really way and make you smile.
street, or smiling at the people walking amazing, in fact, that you can do any- you are the solider, fighting off all the must share it with everyone else.
by? What happened to tossing out thing. You are successful, and happy, enemies. How can you not think you The world is at your fingertips,
compliments to the person sitting next and brilliant. Why are you looking are great? and don’t you ever let anyone else tell
to you, telling them how great their around? Don’t look around; don’t You go to school, and you have to you otherwise.
hair looks, how you love their shoes, doubt yourself. I am talking to you! endure countless hours of education Let’s continue to pass on compli-
or how beautifully their eyes shine? What’s that I hear? You don't be- pouring into your brain. You have to ments – send them to the people you
What happened to being nice? lieve what I am saying? You doubt that tackle algebra, old English, and learn know, to the people you love, and to
taouba khelifa
While I was in this depressed you are that amazing? You aren’t suc- the history of the planet. Then, you random people you’ve never met be-

the carillon
messing with that
cbc vote compass thing
since 1962


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March 31 - Apr. 6, 2011
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"What would you do to improve To the kind-hearted girl who of-

faculty teaching and student At the end of every semester, I sort fered me a, ahem, lady product
learning around this place? Be of want to kill myself. on 4th floor CL last week – thank
sure to have your say on the you. That was a very sweet ges-
University's upcoming strategic On campus without wheels? ture and it made my day.
teaching and learning plan. Email is working
your ideas to or on bringing a car for you to your Seaview Poetry Society invites
leave an anonymous comment at campus neighbourhood. Let us you to their 4th Poetry Fiesta" know if you're interested in being tagged “POETRY FOR JAPAN”.
a member. It is a fundraiser for the tsunami
The reason why there is only one survivors in Japan. On Thursday,
microwave is because the circuit Where the birth certificate, Kent April 7 @ ED 191 at 6:30 p.m.
name student number can't handle more than that. Go Peterson? Tickets, tshirts and hot dog sales
use the women's or at URPride’s will be going on at the Riddel
or bring your own! I love how tampons, condoms, Centre. Let’s donate to help Japan.
email address
and pads vary from free to $1.00
Come to DIVAS AT THE OWL, around campus bathrooms (and Happy belated, Jimmy Jamz! The
UofR's BIGGEST Drag Show! Sat. free being the women’s office or PB’s love ya.
Apr. 9th starting at 9. Tickets something) Condoms for free… I
$7adv in Riddell or UR Pride. haven’t looked yet. Wanna win an iPad? Fill out a stu-
dent wellness survey online and
Do you wanna ride this summer? I’m the person you curse for park- be entered to win. Grab a pass-
Win free monthly prizes? Get dis- ing beside you in spots just big word at the table in Riddell.
counts at local shops? Join the enough to fit my car. :3
SSBA today, it's cheap!
by dropping them off at the Carillon (Rm. 227,

because the next issue is our last for the semester so if you want people to read your thoughts on politics
Riddell Centre) or through Facebook

or whether or not it’s rad for girls to wear yoga pants to classes then you’ve got one last chance
(Carillon Newspaper) or Twitter
(@the_carillon, #declass)

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