Heru Wibisono: I. Filling Out Form

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Exercise of Filling Form

Dear students,
Hello, How are you today? It’s so nice to teach you again ater we had PHB. In this meeting,
you’re going to have exercises to review and comprehend our previous meetings’ material.
Don’t forget to read your summary while you’re doing these exercises.


The following is an application letter written by Heru Wibisono. He wants to be a member of

“Dead Poet Society of St. Bernard”. He is an avid writer of poetry as well as a contemplating
reader of poems written by famous and infamous poets all over the western world. Read the
letter and fill out the application form that follows. Use the information from the letter.

December 11, 2010

Dear sir,

My name is Heru Wibisono. My friends call me Wibi for short. I am now 20 years old
and healthy. I live at 432 Fenwick St., Elton Park, Georgia 30549. I come from
Indonesia. I was born on March 21, 2010 in Bantul, Indonesia. I have three sisters
and no brother. I am currently a student of St. Bernard College. I am a medical school
student. My major is gynecology. I am in my fourth year now. My hobbies are writing
and reading poetry, and doing yoga. I also love to go hiking and mount biking in my
spare time.

I want to join the club because I am true lover of poetry and I find it relaxing to
express myself in poems. My phone number is (706)454667.

Thank you very much for your deares attention.

Respectfully yours.

Heru Wibisono
Heru Wibisono.
Dead Poet Society of St. Bernard
Membership Form

Name: ____________________________ _____________________________

Last Name Firs Name

Short name: _______________________

Address: _________________________________________________________ Telephone:

No. St. City State Zip Code

Age: _______________ Date of Birth: __________________ Place of Birth:

Faculty: ____________________________ Major: _________________________________


Reason(s) for joining:



Please, write a personal data about yourself in 10 sentences. Please, begin with
mentioning your full name, also telling about what you do in your leisure time in an
approximately 5 sentences!

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