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1. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a ___________ to hide the most regressive tax in
A. red curtain B. witch cloak C. book cover D. fig leaf
2. Depression was once thought to be a ___________ of an individual's imagination but research has shown that
SAD is a real disorder.
A. figment B. figure C. byproduct D. docket
3. Dennis is very ___________ about things; he never lets anything stress him out.
A. tolerant B. impetuous C. warm-hearted D. laid-back
4. Were I to have the courage of my ___________, I would tell the boss how domineering he was.
A. convictions B. points C. slant D. stance
5. Joe thinks he can win the fight with that muscular man, he is really a ___________ short of load.
A. stone B. log C. brick D. hog
6. It has taken them all this time to ___________ on a name for their baby.
A. decide B. conclude C. assent D. consent
7. After winning the lottery, the man squandered his money on gambling and was soon on ___________ after a
A. Queer street B. Baker street C. Pauper street D. Tramp street
8. Facebook's shares are ___________ after the company launched a new Instagram feature that will compete
with TikTok in the US.
A. holding her thumb B. on high skies
C. coming up roses D. on a tear
9. The two generals, although ___________ cooperating to attack the enemy, actually detest each other.
A. showily B. ostensibly C. audaciouslyD. benignly
10. The company is ___________ to see if this plan provokes any interest in the young customer group.
A. flying a kite B. dropping the ball
C. shooting the messenger D. dropping the penny
11. They offered to buy her a BMW but she's holding ___________ a Porsche.
A. out for B. out on C. back with D. up with
12. Although I am not a ___________ person, I sometimes do find some sex scenes on TV a bit excessive and
A. prudish B. sanctimonious C. raffish D. dyspeptic
13. I never cease to admire the ___________ endurance of my grandfather when captured by the Nazi during
World War Two.
A. placid B. stoical C. obstinate D. immutable
14. Different from a misanthrope who has a hatred of people in general, Joey is more of a ___________ being
distrustful of human goodness and sincerity.
A. pessimist B. tyrant C. cynic D. misogynist
15. When will you realise that it was your self-righteous and ___________ attitude that prevented you from
learning better ideas from other people?
A. fallow B. ghoulish C. bigoted D. conniving
16. He's been working with a ___________over the past few weeks to make up for wasted time.
A. drudgery B. servitude C. vengeance D. nudge
17. He felt his heart ___________ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.
A. fasten B. quicken C. expedite D. heighten
18. Constance ___________ a sigh of relief when she heard that her loan was approved.
A. gave B. uttered C. expressed D. breathed
19. The telephone lines were ___________ with callers trying to get through to the electricity supplier.
A. jammed B. throttled C. congested D. glutted
20. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to be both black and white ones, then the
advantages of the ___________ might well spread in time to the hard-up.
A. well-heeled B. big-hearted C. open-handed D. tight-fisted
21. Most popular magazines have a(n) ___________ page where letters about difficulties with relationships are
A. sharing B. personal C. advice D. problem
22. Two agents in our team were shot in ___________ for the killing of a rival gang member.
A. return B. retaliation C. reprisal D. recrimination
23. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his ___________ meant he hardly ever felt like
A. adversity B. lethargy C. ineptitude D. tactlessness
24. I left in high ___________ after waiting for them over an hour and not receiving any apologies.
A. rage B. taciturnity C. oscillation D. dudgeon
25. Everyone knows about his genius even though he never admits, good wine needs no ___________.
A. barter B. advertisement C. bush D. barrel
26. We don’t have enough __________ data to prove that the phenomenon is really affecting the environment in
a negative way.
A. empirical B. informed C. substantive D. static
27. She acts as if she really is the ___________ of our team and everyone has to rely on her.
A. lone wolf B. white elephant C. big shark D. queen bee
28. The police have been ___________ war on drug dealers in the city since January but their effort does not
seem to be very effective.
A. waging B. staging C. fighting D. raging
29. The foreigners were amazed at the ___________ variety of goods in the huge department store.
A. beleaguered B. bewildering C. baffling D. bizonal
30. James kept trying to ___________ his duties, but his manager told him if he didn’t start taking responsibility
for his work he would have to leave the company.
A. beaver away B. weasel out of C. chicken out of D. clam up
31. From our tent, we could see the delightful ___________ of lake Lukedeer.
A. scene B. prospect C. background D. layout
32. In Australia, the government controls the maintenance of war __________, post-war commemorations and
battle exploit memorials.
A. graves B. tombs C. grounds D. catacombs
33. Perhaps tomorrow’s event will mark the ___________ of my life, I cannot wait any longer!
A. bright buff B. full spark C. high spot D. full bloom
34. An unusual noise from the back of the class during the exam __________ the teacher’s attention.
A. held B. sustained C. arrested D. upheld
35. The new employee failed to realize the importance of obedience in this company and refused to toe the
___________ line.
A. party B. camp C. function D. union
36. Bao is a ___________ off the old block of his father while his sister is more like the mother.
A. tip B. chip C. piece D. copy
37. He regarded this second prize just as a ___________ in order to prevent him from suing the judges for
A. factoid B. sob C. whizz D. sop
38. Although his presidential campaign won ___________ from several celebrities, it failed to compensate for
his incompetence in dealing with last year’s economic crisis.
A. involvement B. warrant C. endorsement D. patronage
39. Cinderella wore a beautiful dress to the party and was the ___________ of the ball.
A. beauty B. belle C. center D. charmer
40. Much as I like Literature, I cannot stand my teacher’s voice-slow, emotionless and without ___________.
A. inflation B. reflection C. inflection D. infliction
41. I couldn’t come to your party as the date ___________ with my holiday.
A. clashed B. struck C. opposed D. occurred
42. At the start of the course every student is assigned a(n) ___________ of studies.
A. advisor B. consultant C. counsellor D. curator
43. You should prioritize the public interest over a group’s ___________ interests.
A. personal B. sectional C. segregated D. exclusive
44. I hardly want to participate in extracurricular activities but this volunteer job is so interesting that I accepted
the offer with ___________.
A. solace B. consternation C. chastisement D. alacrity
45. The couple divorced after the husband was found ___________ an affair with a neighbor.
A. making B. having C. performing D. doing
46. Sandy stole my ___________ when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell
people about my pregnancy.
A. thunder B. limelight C. stage D. mind
47. Dressed in a bright red suit for the wedding, Jack apparently was making a ___________ of himself.
A. mess B. light C. spectacle D. spot
48. You don’t have the sound business ___________ that is necessary for success so I would advise you to find
another career.
A. starkness B. acumen C. punditry D. wit
49. More than 500 ___________ were involved in the coronation scene of Puyi in “The last Emperor”.
A. adjuncts B. appendages C. extras D. additives
50. Entering the National Competition for the gifted ___________ tremendous concentration and effort.
A. stipulates B. extracts C. exacts D. inquires
51. Despite their disagreement, the representatives of the two nations managed to reach a(n) ___________
settlement, bringing temporary peace for both sides.
A. affable B. fraternal C. amiable D. amicable
52. The first successful flight in human history completed by the Wright brothers ___________ the law of
gravity and stunned everybody.
A. refuted B. defied C. quelled D. disproved
53. The concert ended and the crowd quickly ___________, returning the quietness to the small town.
A. disassembled B. dissembled C. dismantled D. disgorged
54. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more ___________ house in a high-class residential area and
had a more comfortable life.
A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed
55. Tony, you are trying to make her believe your lies so just keep it simple, do not over-egg the ___________.
A. brulee B. pudding C. sponge D. madeleines
56. My school always forces students to follow the rules to the ___________ without caring about their
A. book B. letter C. lines D. dots
57. Although my new house is fine, I still prefer the old one which ___________ a river.
A. backs onto B. faces off C. stands by D. sides with
58. We are required to ___________ empirical data and evidence from reliable sources to support our argument.
A. adduce B. attest C. elicit D. accost
59. Since John is the bee’s ___________ in terms of English, it is no wonder so many friends ask him for
support in this subject.
A. wings B. knees C. antenna D. spiracle
60. There is no need to ___________ over the cracks, I know you are having problems, just tell me and I will
help you.
A. carpet B. paper C. lay D. curtain
61. The boss made no ___________ to their gender, all the female workers were forced to do the heavy work as
their male counterparts.
A. concession B. compromise C. allowance D. regression
62. Without discipline, students may think that they have the ___________ to do whatever they want.
A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation
63. It's a good film, but the ___________ near the ending scene is a bit complex and demands watchers to be
extremely analytic to understand.
A. flummery B. delineation C. aberration D. convolution
64. It was very childish of you to ___________ over your opponent’s failure immediately on the stage when the
result was announced.
A. jolly B. relish C. gloat D. brag
65. After 11 years in the ___________, Johnson made an unexpected comeback in the movie Bear.
A. damp B. wilderness C. badlands D. wasteland
66. It is often hard for parents to take the opinions of their children on ___________ due to the generation gap.
A. board B. mind C. check D. self
67. Luckily, our research is supported by a(n) ___________ from the National Science Foundation.
A. grant B. bursary C. aid D. endowment
68. Your father was only 17 when he ___________ at Harvard, now look at your school report.
A. matriculated B. registered C. postulated D. imparted
69. Elen has stayed in bed for a whole week, take him out for a walk, that will surely put the ___________ back
into his cheeks.
A. colours B. roses C. daisy D. pinky mallow
70. Before going back to school, you have to ___________ for at least a week after the operation.
A. rejuvenate B. recuperate C. overhaul D. reinvigorate
71. This naughty class always ___________with their new teachers, which usually greatly discourages them
from teaching.
A. hits it out B. tries it on C. kicks it up D. rubs it in
72. He won't be able to stand the pressure here for long, I will ___________ him 5 months and let's see if I am
A. put B. give C. tell D. save
73. The event was not really well-attended, there were about 50 people ___________ the outside.
A. on B. near C. round D. at
74 The paper was divided into three parts to ___________ on and analyse the diplomatic strategy of Vietnam
during the 1990-2000 period.
A. expunge B. expurgate C. expatiate D. expound
75. That team always sweeps the ___________ in the annual league, leaving very few medals for the others.
A. top B. prizes C. table D. board
76. In the end, it ___________ that the champion didn’t get the prize by himself but thanks to his intimate
relationship with the judge panel.
A. befell B. occurred C. transpired D. issued
77. I don't think Paul will ever get married — he's the stereotypical ___________ bachelor.
A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined
78. Stop staying up late Bang, you are only 17 and I can see you are beginning to ___________ grey.
A. get B. go C. grow D. get
79. The suburbans were seen as the ___________ of clerkly conformism, complacency, and conservatism.
A. effigy B. epitome C. figure D. personage
80. When I was young, I didn't know that sugar ___________ naturally in fruit and thought that the sweetness
came from my mom’s sugar jar.
A. betides B. precipitates C. prevails D. occurs
81. I cannot understand why my girlfriend always spends hours ___________ herself before going out even
when we might be late after that.
A. preening B. pimping C. sprinkling D. pinking
82. Your father would fly off the handle if he knew you bet your car ___________ the toss of a coin
A. on B. at C. by D. with
83. Jenny tried to ___________ into the darkness, hoping to find where this unknown sound came from.
A. glimpse B. peer C. stare D. peep
84. Since there has been a change of ___________ for the concert, we will have to start going earlier in case I
might not know that place.
A. alley B. venue C. scene D. sight
85. Son, remember, although money is important, never do anything that is not ___________.
A. above board B. under the sky C. within the square D. in the cards
86. My grandma is 82 already but she still lives with the ___________ of a twenty-year-old, walking and
painting everyday.
A. zeal B. appetite C. zest D. gusto
87. Those who really need to hear the message don't come to the meetings, so I'm just ___________ to the
A. singing B. preaching C. speaking D. orating
88. The five masked men who ___________ the South London Bank on Tuesday have been caught this
A. held up B. robbed off C. broke for D. dashed in
89. The smallest ___________ could lead to the delay of the whole project, so please check your schedule
carefully and do not miss your deadlines!
A. slippage B. slip-up C. slip D. slipcase
90. My teacher ___________ my article to make it sound less aggressive.
A. whiles down B. waters down C. squares down D. romps down
91. Are you sure you want to become a teacher? Repeating the same thing every day for years can ___________
you down.
A. put B. get C. take D. bring
92. Things have ___________ since the riots last week and people can finally go back to work again.
A. simmered down B stomped off C. steamed out D. leveled down
93. Soon will come the time when your child start to ___________ your authority and hardly can you control
him like before.
A churn out B kicking against C grousing against D shunting out
94. Why don’t you just feel satisfied with what you have already had instead of trying to keep up with the
A. Smiths B. Joneses C. neighbours D. Johansson
95. The report ___________ the mistaken belief that applying vinegar on your face can help people get rid of
A. dispels B. disparages C. dissipates D. dispatches
96. I know it is a risky move to invest all my savings in this real estate project during this unstable period of the
economy so I am ___________ for anything.
A. game B. brave C. fain D. boarded
97. Had I not thought it would just be a child’s ___________ and hadn’t seriously revised for it, I would have
passed the exam.
A. quiz B. play C. game D. thing
98. The school should ___________ regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.
A. erect B. demolish C. heed D. sermonize
99. I never thought Jenny and I could become best friends because she appeared cold on first ___________, but
later I realised she was just shy.
A. sight B. acquaintance C. encounter D. day
100. The dealer wanted $400, I wanted to pay $300, and $350 was the final price after we decided to split the
A. share B. total C. difference D. gap
101. You shouldn’t have criticised him ìn front of his friends. It was extremely ___________ of you.
A. insensitive B. insensible C. unsentimental D. discordant
102. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the ___________ before committing yourself.
A. temperature B. heat C. water D. air
103. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favour, he still rules the country ___________.
A. de facto B. de jure C. de pronto D. jamais vu
104. Despite Mary’s talents, Mary’s mother still forced her to become an ordinary ___________ worker,
confining her to the office.
A. clerical B. white-collar C. clergy D. back-room
105. Mary attempted to ___________ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra work and even
leaving the office later than everybody else.
A. satiate B. flatter C. ingratiate D. commend
106. On the threshold of adulthood, it is normal for a teenager to go through a period of ___________ with
uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.
A. crank B. angst C. borstal D. perturbation
107. The police forces from both countries were involved in the ___________of the escaped prisoners because
they had run into the forest that is the natural border between the two nations.
A. apprehension B. attenuation C. capitulation D. seizure
108. Galileo's ideas were well in ___________ of the age in which he lived.
A. front B. headway C. advance D. forth
109. The jazz ___________ has played in 7 countries in Asia and Vietnam is going to be their next destination.
A. assemble B. ensemble C. congregation D. association
120. A ___________ of disapproval of Brexit was reported throughout Britain due to concerns about long-term
economic impacts of this decision.
A. choir B. chorus C. carol D. corps
121. I ___________ that learning Chemistry is hard, if you try harder, I believe you will manage to at least pass
the exam!
A. assent B. grant C. cede D. bid
122. He criticized the Director and, by ___________, the whole judge panel of this swimwear pageant
A. implication B. implementation C. connotation D. inference
123. The cliff was nearly ___________ and impossible to climb.
A. perpendicular B. perpetual C. upstanding D. erectile
124. There is no need to have a ___________. I will clear this mess when I am done and return you your tidy
living room.
A. fuse B. fit C. flip D. steam
125. I got first-aid treatment down to a(n) ___________ after working in the Emergency Room for a year.
A. artwork B. instinct C. science D. routine
126. When I heard that he wanted to organize a party in his 250-square-feet apartment, I knew his plan was
going to be dead in the ___________.
A. water B. well C. sea D. moment
127. What really exists and happens in Area 51 is still ___________ in mystery and attracts debate.
A. clouded B. shrouded C. blanketed D. parceled
128. Just make up your mind and tell me whether you want to continue this project or not, stop ___________
hot and cold!
A. breathing B. blowing C. acting D. gusting
129. Thinking that this crime drama is just blood and ___________ is a big mistake because the plot is
extremely intelligent.
A. fluid B. gore C. gut D. kill
130. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ___________ it out.
A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush
131. She ___________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at
A. apologetically B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly
132. Police have not so far been able to ___________ a confession from the people accused of the bombing.
A. excoriate B. exculpate C. extort D. expropriate
133. The campaign was launched by David with a long ___________ against the lack of action of the people in
A. diatribe B. oath C. affidavit D. avowal
134. Reducing plastic waste in school is a(n) ___________ aim, but enforcing them at gunpoint will likely turn
the plan into a failure.
A. exemplary B. glistening C. blazing D. laudable
135. Although Mike is quite good at singing, he is barely a(n) ___________ by comparison with professional
A. dilettante B. greenhorn C. apprentice D. probationer
136. Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he ___________ publicity and avoided nightclubs..
A. rejigged B. derided C. eschewed D. abated
137. Paradoxically, it is usually even harder for people to give up gambling after losing because they want to
___________ their losses in the next game.
A. recoup B. rehab C. rectify D. repent
138. Living to 100 will not be a pleasure anymore if you have to ___________ around getting increasingly frail.
A. lumber B. dodder C. waddle D. dawdle
139. The meditation course has really helped his ___________ to abate, making him calmer and more
A. irascibility B. fanaticism C. fervor D. mendacity
140. The princess's nanny's autobiography really gives the ___________ on life among the royals.
A. show-down B. know-how C. low-down D. look-out
141. He did everything to ___________ favour with his superiors in the hope of getting promoted.
A. hoard B. curry C. drag D. butter
142. Children are more likely to be spoiled when their parents ___________ them.
A. dote on B. cosset at C. pamper round D. cosy up to
143. China was ___________ among the powers of the Eight-Nation Alliance by the end of the 19th century.
A. thrashed out B. parceled out C. dished out D. slipped out
144. Mary finally decided to ___________ and broke up with Jack after having been together for 4 years.
A. get off her base B. take the plunge
C. play possum D. jump the gun
145. Their company is so debt-ridden that I think it’s safe to say they’re ___________ at this stage.
A. down for the count B. down in the dumps
C. down at the heel D. down to the last penny
146. I expected the film to be out-of-the-box, but the plot turned out to be just a(n) ___________ boy-meets-girl
A. frivolous B. hackneyed C. archetypal D. emblematic
147. The part of her childhood memory, in which she was kidnapped, became something she found impossible
to ___________ however hard she tried.
A. expunge B. expurgate C. expatiate D. expound
148. That friend of yours is a(n) ___________ person who cannot be trusted because she will be willing to
betray you at any time for his own benefits.
A. eccentric B. licentious C. lunatic D. perfidious
149. Never let your thirst for knowledge be ___________ or you will, one day, be left behind by this ever-
evolving world.
A. queered B. quelled C. quenched D. quilt
150. With patience and diplomacy, he eventually ___________ the son of the billion-dollar company into
marrying him.
A. deluded B. inveigled C. cruised D. swindled
151. As an inevitable effect of globalization, small countries have no choice but to ___________ to the
influence of the superpowers.
A. recast B. capitulate C. concede D. perish
152. This argument may seem ___________ to those not closely involved in the world of finance.
A. arcane B. peculiar C. foolhardy D. aberrant
153. It really knocked me over with a ___________ when I found out that Annie passed her Chemistry test with
flying colours
A. punch B. mug C. feather D. stroke
154. Although doctors always try their best to save people’s lives, they are often ___________ by the patients’
relatives whenever they fail.
A. heckled B. pestered C. derided D. berated
155. Given the competitiveness of the National Contest, I have to knock it out of the ___________ or I won’t be
able to win any prizes.
A. park B. nail C. roof D. ring
156. The agreement we reached before was just provisional so I hope you can have another meeting with our
company to ___________ the whole plan before the event.
A. pack up B. drum up C. firm up D. work up
157. Billy, if you like History, you ___________, do not let peer pressure affect your life.
A. buy it B. do you C. be it D. be you
158. Despite being threatened, the brave and loyal soldier would rather sacrifice than ___________ to the
enemy’s demand.
A. give on B. cave in C. burrow in D. kneel down
159. ___________ piety has degraded in the modern society as more children are disobedient and disrespectful
to their parents.
A. Filial B. Childhood C. Familial D. Fraternal
160. I don’t have anything to note here but I will try to ___________ your phone number firmly in my mind
and put it down later when I return home.
A. dwell B. key C. lodge D. set

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