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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus (World Health Organization, 2020). The cases of COVID-19 first
emerged in late December 2019, when a mysterious illness was reported in Wuhan,
China. The cause of the disease was soon confirmed as a novel coronavirus, and the
infection has since spread to many countries worldwide and has become a pandemic
disease (NewScientist, 2020). In the first few months of 2020, information and news
reports about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were rapidly published and shared
on social media and social networking sites. News about the nature of the virus which
can be transmitted through droplets or direct contact (now suspected to be airborne),
hence countries engaged in community lockdown, prohibiting air and land travels in and
out of their respective territories, closed non – essential public places, restricted mass
gathering activities, and enacted other control measures to effectively control the spread
of the virus (WHO, 2020).

Apparently, several websites have published information about COVID-19 and have
given different instructions to their users about ways to prevent the spread of the virus,
such as keeping a distance among themselves and others, using masks, and washing
their hands (WHO, 2020).

The volatility and uncontrollability of COVID 19 has caused dramatic changes in almost
all aspects of human life. This infectious disease created a new level of uncertainty to
humanity. The ability to survive which is perhaps the most fundamental need in the
history of human being is now more unequivocally in question around the globe.
COVID-19 devastated almost all means to survival such as economic hardship, fears of
contracting a potentially lethal illness, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness,
disruption of supply chains and unemployment among many individuals around the
Philippines has witnessed the swift and merciless impact of Covid-19. This pandemic
has made it clear that it knows no social class, race, gender or even age. Each day, the
country mourns the loss of medical workers and patients from this health threat.

There is so much to reflect on during this time as communities around the world grapple
with the impacts of COVID-19.

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