Buildings: J Rodin

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21 Buildings

J Rodin BSc, CEng, FICE, FIStructE,

Building Design Partnership

21.1 Background 21/3 21.14 Building Regulations 21/24
21.14.1 Procedures 21/24
21.2 General management 21/3 21.14.2 Appeals procedure 21/24
21.14.3 Approved Documents and mandatory
21.3 Brief 21/3
requirements 21/24
21.4 The site 21/9 21.14.4 Structure 21/26
21.14.5 Fire spread 21/26
21.5 Landscape 21/9 21.14.6 Other Approved Documents 21/27

21.6 Town planning 21/11 21.15 Building security and control 21/27

21.7 Public utility 21/11 21.16 Materials 21/28

21.16.1 Concrete 21/28
21.8 Feasibility 21/11 21.16.2 Steel 21/28
21.16.3 Brick and masonry 21/29
21.9 Cost 21/11
21.16.4 Timber 21/29
21.10 Internal environment 21/12
21.17 Walls, roofs and finishes 21/29
21.10.1 Thermal environment 21/12
21.17.1 External finishes, materials and
21.10.2 Air-conditioning 21/12
weathering 21/29
21.10.3 Accommodation of building services 21/13
21.17.2 Floor, ceiling and wall finishes
21.10.4 Heating/cooling generation 21/14
(internal) 21/30
21.10.5 Thermal insulation 21/17
21.17.3 Roofs 21/30
21.10.6 Lighting 21/17
21.17.4 Partitions 21/31
21.10.7 Noise 21/20
21.18 Interior design and space planning 21/31
21.11 Water supply, drainage and public health 21/21
21.11.1 Water supply 21/21 21.19 Structure 21/32
21.11.2 Put installations 21/21 21.19.1 Structural behaviour 21/32
21.11.3 Water treatment 21/21 21.19.2 Robustness 21/33
21.11.4 Drainage 21/21 21.19.3 Wind effects on buildings 21/33
21.11.5 Public health 21/21 21.19.4 Movement 21/34
21.19.5 Structural arrangement 21/34
21.12 Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors 21/22
21.19.6 Resistance to vertical load 21/34
21.13 Energy 21/22 21.19.7 Resistance to horizontal load 21/35
21.19.8 Multistorey construction 21/35

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21.20 Tall buildings 21/37
21.20.1 Frames in bending 21/39
21.20.2 Braced frames 21/39
21.20.3 Shear walls and cores 21/39
21.20.4 Combined systems 21/39
21.20.5 Vertical movement 21/40
21.20.6 Lateral movement and dynamic effects 21/40
21.20.7 Additional considerations 21/42

21.21 Special structures 21/42

21.22 Foundations 21/42

References 21/44

Bibliography 21/44

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The design of the total building including its internal and hidden. Height is no longer a problem if it is acceptable to the
external environment has traditionally been the responsibility of planners and is economically viable. Almost any clear span is
the architect but this is now so complex a task that, except for achievable. In short, the constraints are no longer technical;
the simplest of buildings, a multidisciplinary involvement is given the resources, design options are now almost limitless.
necessary whereby engineering, surveying and other specialist The more significant question has become: How is this
skills are integrated with those of the architect to achieve technical freedom to be applied? Buildings are for people, to
consistent quality throughout the project. provide them with shelter, comfort, spiritual uplift and psycho-
Internal form and environment will be determined by the logical support, and to accommodate the sophisticated pro-
functional requirements of the occupying organization, the cesses that are part of modern life. Changing expectations of
space needed to meet these functional requirements and the people and social relationships have become major determi-
required comfort levels in regard to such items as noise, nants of the volume and nature of building. Communication
temperature, humidity and lighting. The external form and systems of all types have changed remarkably. Science-based
environment will be determined by the characteristics of the site industries of unimagined complexity now exist requiring
and adjacent buildings. Influencing all aspects will be the extreme levels of environmental control. These changes have led
constraints arising from time and cost, town planning and to the need for completely new types of building.
building regulations. The design and construction itself is complex, requiring great
skills of co-ordination and management. Functional require-
ments in many building projects are now so diverse that
specialist input and understanding are required to establish the
21.1 Background brief before building design can commence. Building materials,
methods and forms of contract are diverse and changing, as are
Architects look to the civil and structural engineer for a positive the constraints of cost and time, town planning and building
contribution to the building design; from concept to comple- regulation. The finished building itself is complex and highly
tion, with understanding of the basic objectives of the project serviced; and it often requires sophisticated building control and
and with sensitivity and inspiration in their realization. The security systems to ensure satisfactory and safe performance.
technical and economic solution to a predetermined problem, Cost in use, maintenance and energy consumption, have become
on its own, is no longer sufficient. The primary responsibility of as important considerations as first cost.
the civil and structural engineer will be to ensure the safety and The diversity and depth of these aspects of building design
rigidity of the building but, with the architect, he can make a and construction cannot be covered in a single chapter of a book
creative contribution to the building form, the spaces within it devoted primarily to civil engineering practice. What follows is
and its impact, visually and psychologically. an introduction to the subject, to help the civil and structural
The potential freedom of building layout and expression engineer see his contribution better in the context of building
which stemmed from the development of the structural frame design and construction as a whole.
took a surprisingly long time to be understood and put into References are in the main to UK practice but most aspects
practice. Framing techniques were available from the mid are, in principle, applicable generally.
nineteenth century but, in the main, they were used simply to
support buildings of predetermined form and style into which
the required functions had to fit. It was not until a few leaders of
architectural thought and practice adopted a more rational 21.2 General management
approach to design that the potential of the structural frame was
grasped and put to good effect. For those who understood and The procedures for handling large-scale building projects as
wanted it, there was now much greater freedom of internal opposed to civil engineering projects are complicated by the
planning and external expression; and for the rationalists, form larger number of individual professional parties involved and by
could more easily follow function. the large amount of legislation on permissions and approvals.
The design of the Bauhaus building in Dessau by its founder The handling of such projects in the UK has been studied by the
Walter Gropius was a turning point in bringing logic into the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).1 A similar publi-
design of buildings. It was the first major building to derive its cation relating to US practice has been produced by the
form not from the irrational imposition of style, symmetry and American Institute of Architects.2
proportion, but from the requirements of function and struc- The overall procedures for the organization of building
ture. Its character came from intrinsic materials and design projects are covered in another publication produced by the
detail, not from applied decoration; its subtlety of form and RIBA.3 Table 21.1, taken from that publication, shows the
space from an ordered solution to the planning problems, not twelve discrete stages into which the project can be divided and
from some preconceived design formula or style. It was a major briefly indicates the contents of each stage and the parties
demonstration of a rational design approach founded upon the directly involved. Full details of the work required from each of
working out of solutions from first principles. The architectural the several professions and contractors at each stage are shown
features of the Bauhaus building became popular among pro- in separate diagrams. For example the detailed breakdown of
gressive architects: assymetry, rectangular forms, lightness of Stage C, Outline Proposals, is shown in Table 21.2 in which
the external wall, space and precision, all, in a way, reflections of column 5 details the input required from the civil and structural
the contradictory combination of freedom and discipline engineer.
afforded by the sensible use of structure.
For form to follow function became the natural starting point
for design; indeed, it seemed strange that it could ever have been
thought otherwise. Later experience showed that a too-rigid
adherence to this principle leads to a too-'tailored' building 21.3 Brief
unable to respond to changing need and that a loose-fit ap-
proach is advantageous. The introduction of the structural Buildings are either purpose-built for a particular user or are
frame allows building expression to be whatever is wanted and speculative. In either case, the first step is to compile an agreed
acceptable. Structure and building services may be expressed or brief setting out the basic requirements of the project covering:
Table 21.1 Outline plan of work. (After Royal Institute of British Architects (1973) Plan of work. RIBA, London).
Stage Purpose of work and Tasks to be done People directly Usual terminology
decisions to be reached involved

(1) INCEPTION To prepare general outline of Set up client organization for All client interests, BRIEFING
requirement and plan future briefing. architect.
action. Consider requirements, appoint
(2) FEASIBILITY To provide the client with an Carry out studies of user Clients' representatives,
appraisal and recommendation in requirements, site conditions, architects, engineers,
order that he may determine the planning, design, and cost, etc. as and quantity surveyor
form in which the project is to necessary to reach decisions. according to nature of
proceed, ensuring that it is project.
feasible, functionally, technically
and financially.
(3) OUTLINE To determine general approach to Develop the brief further. All client interests, SKETCH PLANS
PROPOSALS layout, design and construction in Carry out studies on user architects, engineers,
order to obtain approval of client requirements, technical problems, quantity surveyor and
on outline proposals and planning, design and costs, as specialists as required
accompanying report. necessary to reach decisions.
(4) SCHEME DESIGN To complete the brief and Final development of the brief, full All client interests,
decide on particular design of the project by architect, architects, engineers,
proposals, including planning preliminary design by engineers, quantity surveyor and
arrangement appearance, preparation of cost plan and full specialists and all
constructional method, outline explanatory report. Submission of statutory and other
specification, and cost, and to proposals for all approvals. approving authorities.
obtain all approvals.

Brief should not be modified after this point.

(5) DETAIL DESIGN To obtainfinaldecision on Full design of every part and Architects, quantity WORKING
every matter related to component by collaboration of all surveyor, engineers and DRAWINGS
design, specification, concerned. specialists, contractor
construction and cost. Complete cost checking of designs. (if appointed).
Table 21.1 (continued)
Stage Purpose of work and Tasks to be done People directly Usual terminology
decisions to be reached involved

Any further change in location, size, shape, or cost after this time will result in abortive work.

(6) PRODUCTION To prepare production information Preparation of final production Architects, engineers and
INFORMATION and makefinaldetailed decisions information, i.e. drawings, specialists, contractor
to carry out work. schedules and specifications. (if appointed).
(7) BILLS OF To prepare and complete all Preparation of bills of Architects, quantity
QUANTITIES information and arrangements for quantities and tender surveyor, contractor (if
obtaining tender. documents. appointed).
(8) TENDER Action as recommended in Action as recommended in Architects, quantity
ACTION paras 7-14 inclusive of paras 7-14 inclusive of surveyor, engineers,
Selective tendering* Selective tendering* contractor, client.
(9) PROJECT Action in accordance with Action in accordance with paras Contractor, SITE OPERATIONS
PLANNING paras 5-10 inclusive of 5-10 inclusive of Project subcontractors.
Project management* management*
(10) OPERATIONS Action in accordance with Action in accordance with Architects, engineers,
ONSITE paras 11-14 inclusive of paras 11-14 inclusive of contractors,
Project management* Project management* subcontractors,
quantity surveyor,
(11) COMPLETION Action in accordance with Action in accordance with Architects, engineers,
paras 15-18 inclusive of paras 15-18 inclusive of contractor, quantity
Project management* Project management* surveyor, client
(12) FEEDBACK To analyse the management, Analysis of job records. Inspections Architects, engineers,
construction and of completed building. Studies of quantity surveyor,
performance of the project. building in use. contractor, client.

*Publication of National Joint Consultative Council of Architects, Quantity Surveyors and Builders.
Table 21.2 Stage C: Outline proposals - plan of work for design team operation
(To determine general approach to layout, design and construction, in order to obtain authoritative approval of the client on the outline proposals and accompanying report.)
Col. 1 CpI. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 Col. 6 Col. 7 Col. 8
Client function Architect Architect Quantity surveyor Engineer, Engineer, Contractor Remarks
management function design function function civil and structural, mechanical and (if appointed}
functions electrical, functions function

(1) Contribute to (1) Organize design (1) Contribute to (1) Contribute to (1) Contribute to (1) Contribute to (1) Contribute to ITEMS FOR AGENDA FOR
meeting: note items team. Call meeting meeting: note items meeting: note items meeting: note items meeting: note items meeting, note items MEETING:
on agenda in to discuss directive on agenda in col. on agenda in col. on agenda in col. on agenda in col. on agenda in col. (1) State objectives and
col. 8. prepared in stage 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. provide information:
B, action 9 (col. 2): (a) brief as far as
establish developed;
responsibilities, (b) site plans and
prepare plan of other site data;
work and (c) restate cost limits
timetable for stage or cost range,
C. (See col. 8 for based on client's
items for agenda brief;
for meeting.) (d) timetable; and
(e) agree dimensional
(2) Provide all further (2) Elicit all (2) Carry out studies (2) Carry out studies (2) Carry out studies (2) Carry out initial (2) Carry out studies method.
information information rele- relevant to stage relevant to stage relevant to stage studies relevant to relevant to stage (2) Determine priorities.
required by vant to stage C by C, e.g.: C, e.g.: C, e.g.: stage C, e.g.: C, e.g visit site and (3) Define roles and
architect. Assist as questionnaire, (a) study published (a) Obtain all (a) site surveys, soil (a) environmental investigate: responsibilities of
required in all discussion, visits, analyses of similar significant details investigation; and conditions, user (a) ground conditions, team members and
studies carried out observations, user projects, visit if of client's require- (b) complete and services access and methods communi-
by members of studies, etc. Initiate possible; ments relevant to questionnaires on requirements, availability of cation and reporting
design team. studies by (b) study circulation cost and contract structural and civil appraise M and E services for (4) Define method of
Initiate and consultants and and space information on site requirements. loadings on an construction; work, tender
conclude according client as required. association problems, etc.; and area or cube basis; (b) local labour procedure and
to timetable, any Maintain and problems; and (b) re-examine, and situation; and contract
studies that are coordinate pro- (c) try out detail supplement and (b) consider possible (c) local sub- arrangements.
required within gress throughout planning solutions confirm cost types of installa- contractors and (5) Agree drawing
own organizations. this stage. and study effect of information tion and analyse suppliers to assess techniques.
Make decisions on planning and other assembled in stage capital and quality reliability, (6) Agree systems of
all matters controls. B. running costs, production potent- cost and engineering
submitted for possible sizes and ial and price level, checks on design.
decision relevant effects of major etc. (7) Agree type of bill of
to stage C. services quantities.
installations, main (8) Agree check list of
services supply actions to be taken.
requirements. (9) Agree programming
(3) In consultation (3) Advise architect on (3) Advise architect on and progressing
(3) Outline design (3) Advise architect
with team implications of on, for example: design implications findings and also
assimilate cost range or (a) types of structure; of studies made, on:
information cost limit. (b) methods of e.g.: (a) approximate times
obtained in action building; (a) factors which for construction of
2, and produce (c) types of would influence alternative
diagrammatic foundation; and efficiency, and cost methods; and
analyses, discuss (d) roads, drainage, of engineering (b) effect of
problems. water supply, etc. elements, i.e. site construction times
utilization, on cost, etc.
Table 21.2 (continued)
CoL 1 CoL 2 CoL 3 CoL 4 CoLS Col 6 CoL 7 CoL 8
Client function Architect Architect Quantity surveyor Engineer, Engineer, Contractor Remarks
management function design function function civil and structural, mechanical and (if appointed)
functions electrical, functions function

building aspect
and grouping,
parameters, etc.;
(b) possible services
solutions and
ramifications of
them; and
(c) regulations and
views of statutory
(4) Try out various (4) Collaborate in (4) Collaborate in (4) Collaborate in (4) Collaborate in
general solutions; preparation of preparation of preparation of preparation of
discuss with team; outline scheme. outline scheme, outline scheme, outline scheme:
modify as Prepare quick cost prepare notes and check that services continue to advise
necessary, and studies of sketches, consider decisions remain on time and cost
decide on one alternative alternatives, agree valid; record implications of
general approach. structural and decision on general details of alternative designs
Prepare outline services solutions, approach, and alternative plans or methods.
scheme, indicating, and advise on record details of and assumptions. Record details of
for example, economic aspects alternative plans proposals and
critical dimensions, of solutions. and assumptions. assumptions.
main space
locations and uses
and pass to team.
(5) Assist quantity (5) Confirm cost limit (5) Provide quantity (5) Provide quantity (5) Provide quantity
surveyor in or give firm surveyor with surveyor with cost surveyor with
preparation of estimate based information for range information information
outline cost plan; upon user outline cost plan, for outline cost affecting price
discuss and decide requirements and with sketches on plan, and agree levels, for outline
on cost ranges for outline designs and which to base quantity surveyor cost plan and
main elements, and proposals. Prepare estimate, and agree proposals: agree quantity
method of outline cost plan in quantity surveyor interpret agreed surveyor
presentation of consultation with proposals standards by proposals.
estimate to client. team, either from illustration.
Table 21.1 (continued)
CoL 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 CoL 6 Col. 7 CoL 8
Client function Architect Architect Quantity surveyor Engineer, Engineer, Contractor Remarks
management function design function function civil and structural, mechanical and (if appointed)
functions electrical, functions function

comparison of
requirements with
analytical costs of
previous projects
or from
quantities based on
(6) Compile dossiers (6) Contribute to (6) Record basis of (6) Compile dossier of (6) Compile dossier of (6) Compile dossier of The report includes:
provided by team design dossiers, estimate to essential data essential data basic cost (a) the brief as far as it
members on final assemble all contribute to collected in actions collected in actions information agreed has been developed;
(or alternative) sketches and note design dossiers. (2) to (5) above. (2) to (5) above. with quantity (b) an explanation of
sketch designs, relevant surveyor and the major design
recording all assumptions. architect. decisions; and
assumptions, and (c)firmestimate with
issue to all outline cost plan.
members of the
(7) Prepare report as (7) Contribute to (7) Contribute to (7) Contribute to (7) Contribute to (7) Contribute to
coordinated preparation of preparation of preparation of preparation of preparation of
version of all report. report. report. report. report.
members' reports,
including fully
developed brief.
(8) Receive architect's (8) Present report to
report; consider, client; discuss and
discuss and decide obtain decisions
outstanding issues. and further
Give instructions instructions,
for further action.
(1) Purpose, function and scope including limitations of cost Confined city sites introduce problems such as: (1) delivery
and time; proposed activities and organization including and storage of building materials and components; (2) the threat
numbers and types of people concerned, internal and exter- of restrictions or stoppages arising from local objection to
nal service requirements, particular systems such as docu- construction noise; and (3) protection of adjoining property
ment retrieval, special functional requirements such as which may need underpinning and should be surveyed for
security. dilapidations before work commences on site.
(2) Design factors and required standards covering internal and
external environment; spatial requirements, organizational
relationships and required groupings affecting layout.
(3) Internal and external traffic and required access for pedes-
trians, vehicles and materials. 21.5 Landscape
(4) Factors affecting type of construction, expansion, alter-
ation, change of use, life. The landscape is the setting to which new developments must
(5) Phasing required. relate, therefore its consideration is vital at the outset of each
(6) Special sensitivities or critical functions. project. Landscape and civil engineering bear a close affinity,
due to a mutual and direct concern with land form and natural
Of primary importance is the building use and the associated resources. All but the most cosmetic landscape treatment
schedule of basic accommodation including the number and involves civil engineering considerations. Landscape consider-
nature of the intended occupants. By adding allowances for ations include feasibility studies, environmental assessments,
circulation, services, plant, toilet and ancillary accommodation, public inquiries, erosion control, reclamation, restoration, con-
a close assessment of the gross floor area can be made and servation, transportation, industry, commerce, natural heritage
thereby the size of building determined. By considering the and the landscape related to all types of buildings both exterior
relationships between the different activities, the optimum and interior.
grouping of the spaces provided for them can be analysed in The quality of the landscape is now an essential constituent of
preparation for their translation into a physical plan to suit the the planning consent process. Early site appraisal should include
particular site. an analysis of the landscape or urban space. Among the factors
A user client may have special requirements: most buildings to be considered are geology, topography, soil, microclimate,
are expected to have a useful life of 60 to 100 years, but in some drainage, land use, artefacts, vegetation and visual analysis. The
cases, a more limited life span may be envisaged dictating a light effects of the interaction of these factors should be considered in
form of construction which can be demolished and replaced relation to the development. A skilful appraisal will lead to the
easily and cheaply. Alternatively, a client may require a robust establishment of sound principles, which will enhance the less
building shell of long life in which internal adaptation can be favourable aspects of the site whilst conserving the best.
carried out to suit a later, and perhaps unknown, alternative On a yet broader scale, a full environmental assessment
use. Substantial mechanical and electrical service requirements, leading to designs which cause the least damage socially, aes-
as occur in hospitals and some specialist laboratories and thetically and to our natural resources, would extend to a large
factories, may dominate the design leading, perhaps, to the team including other specialists.
incorporation of near-storey-height service floors alternating Reclamation of abandoned industrial and domestic waste-
with the functional floors. land is an area in the re-creation of the environment where
engineering and landscape are inseparably combined. Such
operations can restore the form of the landscape, provide new
sites for housing, industry and recreation, and create new
21.4 The site habitats, from wetlands to woodlands.
There are numerous factors concerning planning and design
Early site appraisal is vital. Suitability for the purpose intended which will be important to the landscape architect, the civil
requires consultation with various planning authorities to con- engineer and the architect. These factors include planning for
firm zoning and land use definition. Access for vehicles, people vehicles, finished levels and materials, economic cut-and-fill and
and goods must be checked and the availability of public the integration between the hard paved areas of the scheme and
transport and future road or transport links determined. its immediate environment. Close collaboration between the
Increasingly, good access to major international air and rail professions is therefore needed to achieve an economic and
termini or proximity to the national road network is a prerequi- sympathetic design.
site of a site. As part of the site investigations, soil tests should be taken to
Subsoil deficiencies and underground service easements may assess biological qualities and should include horizon depth, soil
present difficulties in development. Investigation of old mineral type, texture, moisture content and pH. It is advisable to obtain
workings (e.g. brick clay, salt, sand and gravel extraction), coal- a chemical analysis from an approved laboratory to assess
mines, shafts and wells should be undertaken, particularly if deficiencies.
such work is known to have occurred in the vicinity. Evidence of Planning the site operations to achieve the best results
filling should be investigated and dated. A subsoil survey should involves many decisions related to the landscape. Vegetation
be recommended to the client (together with a cost estimate) and topsoil are delicate natural resources which are easily
early in the life of the project to identify the underlying damaged by thoughtless construction techniques. Their value
conditions which may ultimately influence the building location, must be assessed at the outset by a specialist, and if considered
arrangement and cost. of value they should be protected carefully and retained. Topsoil
The local climate requires early checking: high wind speeds must not be mishandled, as compaction and poor storage can
will involve special stiffening; atmospheric pollution or salt- render it useless as a growing medium. Drainage and grading
laden coastal winds will require the selection of suitable should also be considered regarding any vegetation to be
materials and careful detailing of exposed building elements. retained.
Excessive external noise from major roads, railways or airports Working areas should be kept to a minimum in order to leave
may necessitate soundproofing in the building or sound screen- the maximum undisturbed area and avoid the replacement or
ing between the building and the noise source. restoration of topsoil and subsoil. Excavation, compaction,
changes in water table and in finished level within the root
spread of trees, should be avoided. The canopy will suffer in
proportion to the amount of root damage sustained and simi-
larly the stability, appearance and life expectancy of the tree will A34to
Alderley Edge
also be affected. On no account should the level of soil adjacent
to the trunk be changed. Where trenching is unavoidable within
the root spread, hand digging and retention of roots will be
Where trees are an important feature close to buildings, roads
or drainage foundations should be designed to withstand the Site
effects of root growth or moisture movement. boundary
The structural requirements and economic viability of
planted areas within the building which are conceived as roof Entrance
gardens, terraces or interior gardens, must be considered early
in the design process together with the client's understanding of
the long-term maintenance commitment. In addition, drainage,
access and the sequence of construction are significant factors.
The growing medium and planting should either be installed as
the very last of the building operations, or adequately isolated
and protected from further construction activities. All planting,
but especially interior planting, can be affected adversely and
even destroyed by subsequent operations such as the repair of
faulty tanking, the installation of lighting and irrigation or the A34to
grinding of materials such as marble and terrazzo. It is clear, Wilmslow
therefore, that where planting is part of a design concept it needs
careful integration into the building process. (1) Fulshaw Hall
Management of the landscape in the long term is essential and (2) Coach House
should be discussed at the earliest opportunity, preferably when
(3) Fulshaw Hall North Lodge
(4) Fulshaw Hall South Lodge
the brief is being formulated to ensure the wellbeing of the newly (5) Harefield South Lodge
created environment and that a succession of planting is pro- (6) Lloyd House
(7) Harefield
vided for the future.
Figure 21.1 and the accompanying text describe the careful
integration of an important headquarter building within a
beautiful parkland setting. The aim was to provide a head-
quarters which would give high quality conditions for work,
training and recreation. The new building was planned to have
minimal impact upon the local environment, and to ensure that
its landscaped surroundings would enhance working conditions.
At the same time it had to cater for the latest demands of
information technology, ensuring that the layout and fabric of
the building were flexible enough to accept inevitable future
While the briefing process was underway, surveys were car-
ried out on site conditions, tree planting and acoustic aspects of
the location. It was seen as vital to respond to the exceptional
natural quality of the site, and to the architectural qualities of
the two main existing buildings there - the listed Fulshaw Hall,
and Harefield House.
The form of the new headquarters evolved from these con-
siderations as a low-lying building, tucked into the landscape on
a slope of land across the lake from Fulshaw Hall. Car parking
is provided discreetly to the south. The three-storey construc-
tion, pitched roofs, and brick and slate materials of the building
help further to establish it as a worthy neighbour to the hall.
The plan provides outer and inner bands of office space,
linked at intervals to create enclosed courtyards. Its external
appearance is of a series of linked pavilions, sweeping round in a
gentle curve that focuses upon the hall itself. The western end of
the building surmounts a landscaped terrace facing the entrance
from the A34 road. Figure 21.1 Integration of building and landscape, (a) Plan of the
Inside, circulation is provided by a pedestrian mall on the Fulshaw Hall site; (b) disposition of spaces
middle level of the inner band, facing the park. Vertical access is
via stair towers at back and front. All the offices are fitted out
with a raised floor to accommodate all cabling and air handling
needs. The offices are 12 m wide along the bands, and 15 m wide
along the links, so providing a good level of natural light. The
planning module is a highly flexible 1.5m allowing practically
any type of interior fit-out. Uplighters bounce light off an
acoustically treated structural ceiling, providing glare-free con- objective data supporting the preference completes the first
ditions and easy replanning of working spaces. stage and forms the basis for the final design.
A 100Om2 computer suite is provided, together with dining
room, coffee lounge and kitchens. Although the main spaces are
left open, cellular offices may be provided as required through- 21.9 Cost
out the plan.
Cost is an important factor at all stages of the design process.
Alternative design solutions or materials must be considered
21.6 Town planning carefully to ensure that cost is within budget, that money is
allocated in a balanced way to best suit the client's needs and
Most development and construction work is governed by the that, throughout the project, good value is obtained for the
Town and Country Planning Act 1971. Section 22 of the Act money spent. The most significant decisions affecting cost occur
defines development as: 'the carrying out of building, engineer- in the concept and outline planning stage.
ing, mining or other operations or the making of any material Of first importance is the economic use of space in the
change of use of buildings or other land'. With some exceptions proposed building. Although the basic range of accommodation
(mostly under the General Development Orders 1977 and 1981) is fixed, considerable additional space is required for circulation
permission to undertake any development is required from the and access, stores, plant rooms and toilet facilities. This ad-
local planning authority. ditional space, sometimes called 'balance area', can vary consi-
Other planning powers are concerned with individual build- derably according to the layout adopted and should be kept to
ings listed as of special architectural or historic interest (where the minimum by efficient planning of staircases and service
consent is required for any works of demolition or alteration), ducts, grouping of toilet facilities and a restriction on the area of
conservation areas, advertisements, caravan sites, tree preser- circulation routes. The economic planform will also aim at
vation, national parks and the countryside. reducing the ratio of external wall area to total floor area thus
County and district planning authorities prepare structure saving expensive wall materials and reducing heat losses (or
(broad policy) and local plans against which applications for gains) and, hence, minimising the installation and running costs
planning permission are judged. If planning permission is of the heating, ventilation or air-conditioning systems. The
refused or conditions are imposed upon the permission, the reduction of storey heights to a minimum will have similar cost
applicant has the right of appeal to the Secretary of State for the benefits but could affect significantly the building's future
Environment, and such appeals may be heard at a local public adaptability.
inquiry. It is usual to prepare a cost plan for the project in elemental
' Early consultation with the local planning authority (the form. Initially it is a cost estimate based on the preferred scheme
district or borough council) is recommended when advice will be and structural system together with a specification covering the
given on the need to obtain planning permission, the scale of main building elements. In the long term it forms a cost
fees charged and the adopted planning policies which should be structure for monitoring the cost effect of changes and the
taken into account. detailed development of the design. The cost plan should state
In some cases the local authority may provide access to grants whether it provides for price inflation to tender stage or building
available for special types of development. These include dere- completion, or is based upon rates current at date of estimate.
lict land grant for approved ground restoration works and Major elements should be kept in reasonable balance, e.g. the
urban development grants for joint public/private sector fund- use of an expensive cladding material could leave too little
ing of approved inner areas projects. In addition, most authori- money for the remainder of the work resulting in a visually
ties offer grant, loan, site and premises assistance to encourage pleasing but operationally unsuccessful building. The cost plan
economic development in their area. is an excellent means of checking the balance between the
Major civil engineering projects such as oil refineries, power different elements of structure, finishes and services though the
stations, radioactive toxic and dangerous waste treatment and relative percentages of the overall cost will vary from case to
disposal, iron and steelworks, asbestos extraction, chemical case according to the type of building and its user requirements.
plants, motorways, ports and airports are all listed in an EEC While the capital construction cost of a building is of primary
Directive as likely to require an environmental impact assess- importance, other costs will also be significant and could affect
ment. design. The annual running cost is one such item and services
Further details of the planning legislation will be found in a installations, particularly, should be considered in terms of
work by Telling.4 operational as well as initial cost. Similarly, the use of an
expensive but hardwearing material may be justified in terms of
subsequently reduced outlay on cleaning or maintenance. Dis-
21.7 Public utility counting techniques and, possibly, tax considerations are neces-
sary to make true cost assessments of such comparisons.
Once an outline brief exists and a site is under consideration the The total cost of a building project will also include expendi-
various public utility organizations (PO, gas, electricity, water ture on land, borrowed capital and the fitting out of the
authorities) should be consulted to determine the availability of completed building, compensation to adjoining owners and
their various services. other associated costs as well as legal and design consultant's
fees and expenses. In some cases, the earlier a development can
be occupied the better the cost advantage to the client. The
21.8 Feasibility construction method and programme are then significant and
may affect the design form. It is often possible to assess the
The compatibility of brief and site with the external constraints financial advantage of early completion and by comparative
in their varying forms logically leads to the preparation of a financial analysis to justify additional construction cost to
feasibility study. This is normally the first design exercise and shorten the construction period. Similarly, value engineering
provides the design team with an opportunity to explore the can be applied to ensure that optimum arrangements are
problem, propose solutions, cost the alternatives and identify adopted to meet the client's objectives.
options for the client. Presentation of a preferred option with
21.10 Internal environment effects and perimeter space which is not, is important. External
conditions penetrate a building to approximately 6m: this
perimeter zone will require a system which can quickly adapt to
21.10.1 Thermal environment rapid variations in the heating or cooling loads. In contrast,
The required comfort conditions and tolerances are determined load changes in interior spaces are usually less rapid and
by the intended function of the space concerned. represent a predominantly cooling requirement.
Thermal comfort depends on a complex of inter-related
factors: air temperature, ventilation rates, relative humidity and 21.10.2 Air-conditioning
mean radiant temperature of the enclosing space. Mean radiant
temperature is generally a function of enclosure construction, Natural ventilation has certain potential drawbacks: (1) noise
although the form of heating can have an influence. All other infiltration through open windows; (2) overheating during sum-
factors are determined by the air-conditioning system. Many mer due to solar and internal heat gains; (3) excessive infil-
attempts have been made to devise indices which will represent tration of outside air resulting in uncontrollable internal air
in one figure the composite effect of the different variables, such movement; and (4) ineffective ventilation beyond about 5 m
as equivalent temperature (Teq) and corrected effective tempera- from the perimeter with attendant overheating.
ture (CET). The former incorporates three of the basic vari- Mechanical ventilation solves only a few of these problems.
ables: (1) air temperature; (2) mean radiant temperature; and (3) Noise and outside air infiltration are reduced as windows are
rate of air movement; the CET adds relative humidity. For the opened less frequently. Increased air movement during warmer
purpose of design calculations, however, the generally accepted weather can alleviate discomfort to some degree.
index is resultant temperature, which is the mean of the air Overheating and high humidity can, however, occur due to
temperature and the mean radiant temperature. the inability of the system to supply air at the correct thermal
Internal design temperatures for air-conditioned buildings in condition. This inability is overcome by the inclusion of refriger-
this country are usually of the order of 20° C in winter and 22° C ation, thereby changing the system from mechanical ventilation
in the summer; relative humidity values are usually kept within to air-conditioning.
limits depending upon the spaces served, the types of system, Air-conditioning provides a controlled internal thermal en-
condensation considerations and the enclosure construction. vironment which is largely independent of the external con-
Glass area and type, especially large single glazed windows, has ditions or of any changes in the internal load conditions.
an appreciable effect on mean radiant temperature and also Planning and configuration of the building will be influenced by
restricts the permitted humidity level in cold weather. the provision of air-conditioning. Deep space can be created
with the knowledge that a satisfactory internal thermal environ-
ment will be achieved. Similarly, nonopening windows avoid Site and climate infiltration problems which are accentuated with increased
building height.
Internal thermal control will also be influenced by external Moisture control and filtration of the incoming air are
seasonal temperatures, relative humidity, wind velocities and integral parts of full air-conditioning giving a cleaner, healthier
direction, air quality (industrial smoke pollution, etc.), solar and more comfortable atmosphere compared with ventilation
orientation and latitude and relation of the site to surrounding by natural methods. Redecorating costs and absenteeism may
locality and adjacent buildings. be reduced and working efficiency increased.
In other than air-conditioned buildings, external temperature
related to occupancy levels and internal heat gains determine the
amount of external ventilation air to be introduced. Where
windows can be opened, however, occupant behaviour tends to Air-conditioning systems
be the dominant influence. In air-conditioned buildings ventila- Many types of air-conditioning systems are available and can be
tion air quantity can be related to external temperature and classified into three basic groups: (1) 'centralized'; (2) 'decentra-
relative humidity, but this is dependent on the type of air- lized'; and (3) 'self-contained' systems; some solutions are
conditioning system. In warm summer conditions, the amount combinations of these three.
of ventilation air has a direct effect on refrigeration loads, but at
other times of the year, cool outside air can be introduced Centralized systems. Centralized systems are:
beneficially to offset internal heat gains.
Excessive infiltration through openings such as doors, win- (1) Systems where air is processed at a central plant and
dow gaps, etc. can reduce performance seriously and increase distributed for use without further treatment:
operating costs; satisfactory sealing is necessary as are effective (a) single-duct all-air systems using high-, medium- or low-
measures to reduce the stack effect (flow of air up stair and lift velocity distribution;
areas) which grows in significance with increasing building (b) double-duct all-air systems using high-, medium- or low-
height. velocity distribution with local terminal mixing units
Solar penetration into the building is determined by latitude (referred to as dual-duct systems).
and season and the resulting heat gain can be serious. Methods (2) Systems where air is processed at a central plant, but with
of control include internal or external louvres and blinds, special final heat addition or subtraction at the point of use:
heat-absorbing and reflecting glasses, small glass areas and
(a) single-duct all-air reheat/recool systems, using high-,
various forms of external shading structure. medium- or low-velocity air distribution with associated
heating and/or cooling water distribution;
(b) perimeter induction air/water systems using high-, Building function and form medium- or low-velocity primary air distribution with
Thermal design is affected by the energy-producing elements secondary heating and/or cooling water distribution on
within the building: human, mechanical and electrical. Building a two-, three- or four-pipe principle.
configuration, size and proportion and construction of the
building shell influence the adaptability and capacity of the Decentralized systems. Decentralized systems are:
system to cope with external environmental changes. The pro-
portion between interior space which is independent of external (1) Systems where a liquid medium is distributed from a central
point to units which condition air locally: some such systems air and water distribution may produce some economies includ-
also have a supplementary primary air supply from a central ing reduced storey height. Where a high degree of flexibility is
plant to the unit or space: required as, for example, in open-plan buildings, ceiling distri-
(a) room fan coil unit air/water system with two-, three- or bution on a modular basis for interior zones and sill or ceiling
four-pipe water distribution and local outside air con- distribution for the perimeter becomes essential and a false
nections; ceiling is required, the ceiling space being used to accommodate
(b) as for (a) but with supplementary primary air from the ducts and pipes.
central plant; The above systems can be described as fully ducted. There are
(c) localized zone air-handling unit all-air systems with two other basic air-supply and exhaust methods using the
associated heating/cooling water distributions and with ceiling space as a large duct or plenum:
low-velocity air distribution to conditioned spaces from
the units; (1) Negative plenum: air is extracted into the plenum through
(d) radiant ceiling systems supplied with heating/cooling outlets in the false ceiling which are usually part of the light
water distribution and supplemented with separate fittings. Air supply is ducted to diffusers or slots incorpor-
single-duct all-air system. ated in the ceiling design.
(2) Positive plenum: the plenum is used as the supply duct, air
Self-contained systems. Self-contained systems are systems being forced through ports in the false ceiling. Extracted air
where self-contained air-conditioners process and supply air at is ducted from terminals usually incorporated in the light
the point of use. fittings.

Each system has merits and limitations. The simpler low-

When the air is exhausted through the light fittings it cools and,
velocity all-air single-duct systems require a large amount of
hence, increases the efficiency of the light source: it also removes
duct space and are not a practical solution where a large number excess heat (arising from high light levels) which can be trans-
of zones of varying use are to be served. In these cases a system ferred for use elsewhere, e.g. the perimeter area, but is more
which can respond to these variations is required. One of the commonly vented to the exterior. The outlets require careful
following systems would be appropriate. Double-duct all-air design coupled with adequate ceiling height, 4 to 5 m if possible,
systems mix air from separate hot and cold distribution ducts to prevent downdraughts.
using ceiling- or sill-mounted terminal mixing boxes. This The completely ducted system has fewer thermal problems,
system is very adaptable, but the combination of two supply but occupies more space and is more expensive. The plenum
ducts plus a return air duct requires considerable service space, systems substantially reduce duct requirements, but are less
even when using high- and medium-velocity distribution. efficient; they also require careful control of temperature to
The induction unit discharges primary air supplied from the prevent condensation and, sometimes, the incorporation of
central plant through high-pressure nozzles and this induces air insulation on the underside of the structural floor to confine the
from the space into the unit which then mixes with the primary plenum effects to the storey intended.
air before discharging back to the space; temperature control is
achieved by a heating/cooling coil. Space is saved because the
air is distributed at high velocity. The basic difference between
two-, three- and four-pipe associated water distribution systems 21.10.3 Accommodation of building services
is that the latter two can provide, at the point of use, the Services can occupy 15% or more of the volume of a building
simultaneous facility for either heating or cooling, while the and their distribution through the building is critical to its
two-pipe system is restricted at any one time to one or the other. performance and flexibility. The organizing of space for services
Fan coil systems incorporate a heating/cooling coil and a is thus of vital importance both in the strategic planning and
circulating fan. Primary air can be ducted direct to the units detail design stages of the building. The servicing systems may
from a central system or discharged to the space independently be given direct expression or be entirely hidden within the
or alternatively, each unit can draw in air direct from outside. overall form and finishes of the building.
Radiant heating/cooling ceilings, when used with a supple- The strategic planning of the services installations involves
mentary air system, can provide an effective environment the optimization of the location and size of plant room spaces
although their adaptability to meet rapid fluctuations in heating and the distribution systems linking them with the building
and cooling loads is limited. areas being serviced, coupled with their integration with the
Self-contained packaged air-conditioning units are usually structural and architectural elements. Frequently, there is pres-
restricted to smaller specialized projects. sure on the design team to minimize the space occupied by the
services as the result of planning height restrictions or on
grounds of economics. This can prove a false economy as such Air-conditioning - distribution and integration an approach can affect significantly future flexibility in the use
Considerable duct distribution space is required and air outlets of the building.
and extracts are often incorporated in the detailing of light Plant rooms should be positioned as close as possible to the
fittings and suspended ceilings. From the earliest stages, there- centre of gravity of the areas they serve to keep maximum duct
fore, the air-conditioning system should be integrated into the sizes to a minimum and should be readily accessible to connect-
total planning and detail design process of both the building ing ductwork without impediment from adjacent structure. The
elements and the structure. impact of weight, noise or vibration on adjacent elements or
Perimeter units can be served from a network of air ducts or building functions should be considered. In general, service runs
water pipes concentrated in zones near the outer wall, within the should not be more than 25 m from the point of origin and,
under-sill or ceiling void for horizontal piping or ducts and vertically, plant rooms should not serve floors more than ten
within structural column enclosures for vertical distribution. storeys away. Plant rooms should be sensibly proportioned
Alternatively, the perimeter area may be served from the central avoiding L-shapes and long thin spaces. Clear height generally
core with ducts and pipes accommodated above a false ceiling, has to be to the underside of structural beams and if possible the
within a structural hollow floor or beneath a raised floor. plant room space should be column-free.
In areas where little flexibility for changing use is required, a Frequently several plant rooms are required covering the
totally integrated solution using the structure to accommodate following items.
(1) Boilers and refrigerators: commonly referred to as the ing equipment on the total heat load that has to be dealt with by
energy centre. the air-conditioning system is illustrated in Figure 21.3. Figures
(2) Air handling: fans, heating and cooling coils and filters. 21.4 (a)-(c) show diagrammatically three methods used for the
(3) Water: storage tanks. incorporation of air-conditioning and cabling in the present-day
(4) Sprinklers: storage tanks. electronic office.
(5) Cooling towers: serving the cooling plant. Figure 21.4(a) shows a conventional-sandwich ceiling and
(6) Lifts: motors, winding gear or pumps. raised floor. In this arrangement, which is favoured by most
(7) Electrical: switchroom or substation or standby generator. speculative developers, the air supply and removal and the
(8) Telecommunications: telephone and data transmission general lighting are incorporated in the space between the
equipment. structure and a suspended ceiling. All cable services are in the
elevated floor usually between 75 and 150mm deep. In some
Some of these items must not be incorporated in the same plant cases, cables are run Jn hollow cells in the structural floor deck.
space. Examples are water and electricity, refrigeration This arrangement separates service systems cleanly but costs
machines (chillers) and boilers to avoid toxic fumes from more.
refrigerator gas coming into contact with boiler flames. Figure 21.4(b) shows a total ceiling servicing using 'stalac-
Access for installations, repair and maintenance must be tites'. In this arrangement, a little more depth is added to the
incorporated and construction problems including speed should ceiling space and facilities provided for easy and frequent access
be taken into account in the siting of these elements especially so that heavy cabling can be accommodated in the ceiling space.
when the installation of plant is on the critical path to comple- The cabling is brought to the workstation down partitions,
tion. columns or free standing 'power poles'. This is the lowest cost
In air-conditioned buildings, the air intake must be separated option but is not much used in new design outside the high-
from the air discharge. The top of the building is often the technology industries. However, the increasing shift back to
preferred location for the air-handling plant particularly with all cellular offices coupled with the arrival of slimmer, more flex-
air systems involving recirculated air. In very large buildings, a ible, data cabling could make this solution more acceptable.
number of air-handling plant rooms distributed through the Figure 21.4(c) shows the total floor servicing using 'stalag-
building provide greater flexibility and less inroad into usable mites'. In this arrangement, all the services and cabling are
building volume. incorporated in the floor void. Uplighting is bounced off the
The combined plant room area typically ranges from 4 to ceiling helping to provide glare-free background lighting for
15% of total floor area depending upon building type. Some visual display unit (VDU) working, and is augmented where
plant area requirements are as follows: required by task lighting. Air can be supplied, under occupants'
control, through desks and removed through heat-producing
(%) equipment and light fittings. Partitions sit between the heavy
Hospitals/laboratories 9-15 floor and the solid ceiling giving better sound insulation. The
Swimming pools/ice rinks 5-12 exposed structural ceiling acts favourably as a heat sink helping
Shopping centres 5-8 to even-out internal temperatures. Removal of a small propor-
Theatres/concert halls 9-11 tion of overhead stale air can be effected through uplighter units
Air-conditioned speculative offices 6-9 or in voids at walls or around structural columns.
Residential/hotels 4^5
Factories/warehouses 3—4
21.10.4 Heating/cooling generation
Special cases can lead to even greater plant areas when environ- Arrangements for the heating and cooling generating plant will
mental control is required to extremely fine limits, e.g. in depend on a number of general and localized factors: (1)
pharmaceutical or semiconductor production facilities. availability, suitability, and economic costs associated with the
The incorporation of the horizontal services within the ceiling utilization of fuel and power; (2) resources peculiar to the site;
and floor construction is a vital element in the efficient design of and (3) utilization of recoverable energy associated with the
the building particularly when overall floor depth is critical. heating and cooling systems installed within the building.
Many different arrangements have been developed around both Fuel and power considerations are complex and include a
steel and concrete structural elements with the objectives of detailed appraisal of operating and capital costs for various fuel
keeping floor depth to a minimum yet providing easy access and alternatives (coal, gas and oil) and power. Boiler plants incor-
flexibility for future change. Some typical arrangements and porating combined dual-firing burners suitable for gas (town or
corresponding floor depths are shown in Figure 21.2. In some natural) and oil can offer attractive capital and operating cost
cases complete storeys may be given over to services distribu- characteristics combined with greater flexibility.
tion. Heat-recovery systems have been gaining popularity. A com-
The location of the plant rooms and the location of pipe and mon arrangement is to utilize low-grade heat being rejected
duct runs can have a critical impact on structural arrangement from refrigeration machines. Another is to transfer heat
and detail. The co-ordination of structural penetrations is an extracted from the interior of deeply planned areas, which have
important task for the structural engineer and timely receipt of to be cooled, to spaces requiring a heating load, such as
relevant information from the services engineers is vital. In perimeter zones, during winter and certain mid-season periods.
certain cases, duct and plant room walls may be subjected to On larger specialized projects, total energy is finding an
positive or negative pressure which the structural engineer may application. This is based on the concept that the total energy
need to take into account. Enclosure materials and construction requirement, in all its forms, can be provided from a single fuel
would need to be appropriately airtight. source. These systems incorporate electrical generation with
Modern office design has to cater for widespread use of the heat being produced as a byproduct. Refrigeration, which can
computer. Space for cabling and easy access for modification or be met by either electricity or heat, is usually a complementary
extension are essential ingredients for good design catering for part of such an integrated energy system.
both immediate and long-term requirements. At the same time,
increased space is needed for air ducting to deal with the higher
heat loads generated. The growing impact of this heat-generat-

Description Solid concrete slab-power Solid concrete slab, sc reeded Solid concrete slab, screeded
floated finish finish finish
Cast-in electrical conduits No access false ceiling Limited access false ceiling
Surface fixed lighting Surface fixed lighting recessed light fittings
Services implications Lighting position fixed Light position may be altered Light position may be altered
Perimeter power, data, telecom by stripping out and replacing by local modification of false
trunking false ceiling ceiling
Perimeter mechanical systems Screed can accommodate flush Ceiling zone can accommodate
typically radiators or floor but unlikely to have pipework runs that serve
convectors, visible pipework electrical trunking as an perimeter mechanical systems
alternative to perimeter (concealed pipework)
trunking Flush floor trunking possible
Perimeter mechanical systems (and likely) with floor screed
Visible pipework
Typical applications Heated and naturally ventilated Heated and naturally ventilated Most naturally ventilated and
office (simple), hotel bedrooms, office (simple) heated buildings with a 'simple'
multiple housing and services content
Typical floor to floor height 2.7m 3.0m 3.3m

Solid concrete slab, screeded Service void and ceiling as for (d) As for (e) false floor depth False floor depth increased,
finish Structure change from concrete increased services removed from ceiling
Full access false ceiling slab to steel frame metal deck, zone-transferred to floor zone
recessed light fittings small raised floor
Changes to ceiling layout easy Changes to ceiling layout easily Increase in depth of false floor Increase in depth of false floor
service zone sufficient size for accommodated allows pipework to be located allows pipework ductwork and
air ducts serving air/water False floor allows easy location in the floor zone electrical services to be located
air-conditioning systems - but relocation/addition to electrical Flexibility due to ease of Allows flexible location of all
not all-air systems services and outlets addition of piped services services
Perimeter terminal units for All-air systems possible with Allows flexible location of
400 mm void large terminal units in computer rooms
Some ceiling-mounted terminal structural zone between beams Easy to upgrade cooling
units (such as, fan coils) for Large duct crossovers possible capacity on floors for tenants
500 mm void within structural zone with high floor heat loads
No space for duct crossovers
Average-quality office, Minimal perimeter systems High-quality office with high High-quality office with high
refurbished office high-quality office; areas with information technology content information technology content
all areas with an average average to high services office where frequent internal office where frequent internal
servicing requirement content replanning/changes occur replanning/changes occur
3.6 m 3.9m 4.2m 3.9m
Figure 21.2 Options for horizontal service distribution showing
increasing size and complexity of service zone planning as
sophistication increases provision. (After Architect's Journalist, 9,
p.62 (1986))
100 plus W/m2
Internal loadings (W/m2)

Equipment loads
High 50 W/m2

Average 25 W/m2
Equipment Low 10 W/m2
Lighting Lighting 20 W/m2
Occupancy Occupation 10 W/m2
Figure 21.3 Trend in office space internal heat gains from
equipment lighting and occupancy

Conventional sandwich Stalactites


Figure 21.4 Incorporation of air-conditioning and cabling in the

electronic office, (a) Conventional sandwich; (b) stalactites; (c)
21.10.5 Thermal insulation Moisture-laden air can pass through a porous wall or roof
construction and condense inside where it meets a temperature
The object of thermal insulation, together with heating, is to below the dewpoint. Figure 21.5,5 shows the relationship
obtain, irrespective of the prevailing weather conditions, a near- between the local material temperature and dewpoint through
constant internal temperature determined by requirements of the cross-section of varying arrangements of a composite exter-
human comfort and satisfactory conditions for manufacturing nal wall, for given internal and external air temperatures and
processes or storage of goods. Adequate insulation is needed to moisture contents. By appropriate positioning of a vapour
avoid excessive expenditure on heating plant and fuel. The barrier and combination of materials forming the wall, the local
insulation and heating of buildings for human occupation are dewpoint can be kept above the local temperature and conden-
normally designed to maintain a temperature of 16 to 21 0 C sation avoided. Temperature drops across the section are deter-
according to use when the outside temperature is -I 0 C. Good mined by the proportional thermal resistances of the materials,
thermal insulating materials generally are those which entrap surfaces and airgap; dewpoints are obtained by first determining
air, such as lightweight concrete, wood-wool slabs, glass or the local vapour pressures from the proportional vapour resis-
mineral fibre wool. tances and then converting these to their respective dewpoint
Calculation of the thermal transmittance, or U value, of a temperatures.
wall, floor or roof is carried out by adding together the thermal
resistances of the materials and surface coefficients and taking
the reciprocal of the answer to provide the thermal transmit- Estimation of condensation risk
tance of the composite construction: At any point where the computed temperature is lower than the
U=\/R (21.1) computed dewpoint temperature, condensation can occur in the
conditions assumed. In the worked example, liquid may form in
a position where, clearly, it can reduce the effectiveness of
*-** + ** + $ + $«*' + *• + ** < 2L2) insulation and it is likely also to put the nearby timber at risk of
rot. As in illustration of the effect of structural detailing, Figure
where R is the total thermal resistance of the structure, R^ is the 21.5(b) shows the construction reversed and free from risk in the
surface resistance of the inner face, R&2 is the surface resistance same surrounding conditions. Slight modifications shown in
of the outer face, /?a is the resistance of the air cavity if present, Figure 21.5(c) and (d) are sufficient, however, to limit the
Rh is the resistance of unit material such as hollow block where potential risk by using materials that modify the vapour pres-
resistance per unit thickness does not apply and L/K is the sure gradient.
resistance of one layer of material or thermal conductivity K and
thickness L. 21.10.6 Lighting
To evaluate the total heat loss from a room or building the Three types of lighting are used: (1) daylight; (2) daylight
thermal transmittance of the walls, windows, floor and ceiling integrated with electric lighting; and (3) electric lighting. Good
must be calculated and allowance made for the losses involved daylighting is more than the provision simply of large windows.
in heating-up the ventilating air and the structure when heating Optimum size, shape and position of windows is a function not
is intermittent. only of the required lighting levels, but also of the resulting eye
Structural members penetrating the full thickness of a wall adaptation conditions, sky glare and external view. In addition,
produce 'cold bridges', locally reducing the thermal resistance heat loss or solar gain, ventilation, noise transmission, privacy
and internal surface temperatures, with consequent added risk and the shading effects of adjacent buildings, present or future,
of condensation. In such cases the cold bridge should be reduced must be taken into account. Side-lit rooms often appear badly
in width or eliminated by appropriate insulation. illuminated because of the contrast between the areas adjacent
Ureaformaldehyde foam is sometimes used to fill the cavity in to and those remote from the windows, even though working
cavity-wall construction resulting in an almost 80% reduction in illumination levels may be adequate throughout.
heat loss through the walls. Double glazing, as well as reducing At one time, daylighting appeared cheap and its real cost went
heat loss, has advantages in increasing the temperature on the unquestioned. The present position is different: modern light
inside window surface and may improve internal comfort con- sources cost less and are more efficient while the true cost of
ditions. daylight is recognized in terms of added cost in construction,
Condensation problems have increased due to new methods maintenance, heat loss or gain and, in urban areas, the inef-
of building, standards of heating and control of ventilation, and ficient use of the available site area. Simultaneously, the
changing family habits which have led to intermittent heating expected standards have increased in both quantity and quality
coupled with the generation of more moisture inside the dwell- and, in modern buildings, daylighting would not be relied upon
ing. Old buildings, particularly domestic ones, usually had open as the sole source of light even during periods of good outdoor
fires and flues and windows were generally less well-fitting light.
resulting in natural, if draughty, ventilation which got rid of By introducing electric lighting of a colour to blend with
moisture-laden air and avoided condensation on cold walls and daylight it is possible to provide adequate illumination over the
windows. Condensation in modern buildings can be avoided by whole working area without a sense of deprivation of daylight.
adequate combination of insulation, heating and ventilation. Moreover, such arrangements - known as permanent supple-
The amount of moisture which air can hold, increases with mentary artificial lighting of interiors (PSALI) - can be applied
the temperature and when it can hold no more water it is said to without visual discomfort over areas much greater than can be
be saturated and the relative humidity is 100%. The temperature lit by daylight alone, irrespective of the prevailing outdoor light;
at which air with any particular moisture content is saturated is its added cost must be weighed against the direct and indirect
called the dewpoint and if that air falls on a surface which is costs of higher ceilings and bigger windows, reduced floor space
colder than the dewpoint, condensation will occur. Another for lightwells, and/or restricted useful depth of rooms.
object of thermal insulation, in conjunction with heating and The current quest for saving energy has stimulated research
ventilation, is to ensure that the inside surfaces of walls, floors, into methods of securing greater penetration of daylight into
ceilings, roof and, if possible, windows, are kept above the buildings. One such method involves the use of carefully
dewpoint. machined acrylic prisms sandwiched between sheets of glass
12mm softwood
38 mm mineral wool
114 mm masonry
12 mm rendering




0.05 mm polythene 38 mm mineral wool 38 mm foamed polystyrene


Figure 21.5 Prevention of condensation in wall cavities. (After

Building Research Establishment (1979) Thermal, visual and
acoustic requirements in buildings. Digest No. 91 (2nd edn). BRE,

attached to the exterior of the building as a form of shading. The building to illuminate the inside. This method has the advantage
prisms redirect the Sun's rays parallel to the ceilings within the that as daylight fades, artificial light sources can irradiate the
building whilst blocking sky glare. The ceilings are specially same piping.
shaped to divert the parallel beams and provide the uniform The use of external automatic sunblinds has had limited
illumination on the working plane. Another approach uses acceptance, mainly due to high costs both initial and subse-
heliostats to direct the Sun's rays into a hollow square acrylic quent. Inevitably, the continued operation of electro-mechani-
pipe which, using the principle of total internal reflection in a cal devices such as these, subject to external forces, is difficult.
manner similar to fibre optics, can feed light down the risers of a More promising is the development of special glasses similar to
the familiar photochromic but whose light transmission may be pressure sodium lamp, which is able to better the fluorescent
varied reliably by the application of an electrical potential. tube on most counts. However, its colour appearance even in
Quality of the electric light is as important as quantity and the de luxe form remains controversial.
design should take into account: (1) brightness and colour In some buildings, the energy for lighting can be a substantial
patterns; (2) directional lighting where appropriate; (3) control part of the total required for all purposes. Since most of that
of direct or reflected glare from light sources; (4) colour render- provided for light appears as heat the possibility exists of using
ing; and (5) prevention of excessive contrast between adjacent this as a major, and perhaps the only, source of internal heating;
areas. alternatively, the extra heat load may prove an embarrassment
The most common light sources are tungsten lamps and to the air-conditioning system. In either case the lighting must
fluorescent tubes with a growing acceptance of high-pressure be treated as an integral part of the total environmental design.
discharge lamps. Tungsten lamps are common in domestic and Having selected the most efficient light source and used it in
decorative installations, but are inefficient in their light output the most effective luminaire, the remaining part of the energy
and are generally uneconomic for the lighting levels required in equation is control of the running hours. In many situations,
most modern buildings. However, at a time when the new people switch lighting on but never off so the advent of remote
compact-source fluorescent lamps seemed likely to oust tung- controls providing automatic switching is beneficial. Generally,
sten lamps even in the home, a specialized form - the low- such controllers operate either on a time basis or in response to
voltage reflector tungsten halogen lamp - is growing in popular- some local stimulus. Their switching programmes may be held
ity, especially for display purposes. Their small size, longer life, in their memories for as much as a year ahead with all holidays
improved efficacy and excellent colour rendition compared with and weekends catered for. The instructions in the form of codes
standard tungsten lamps have tended to outweigh high capital are transmitted along dedicated hard wiring or even over the
cost and the inconvenience of the stepdown transformers and supply cables themselves to the luminaires which are equipped
heavy cabling. with decoders enabling them to respond to one or several
Fluorescent tubes are the most commonly used, but can take instructions. Local overriders often in the form of hand-held
up considerable amounts of ceiling space. High pressure dis- infra-red transmitters enable the central instructions to be
charge lamps provide similar benefits of efficiency and long life, modified. Less extensive forms of automatic lighting control
but more closely approach a point source, permitting greater take the form of presence detectors which switch off after a
freedom in ceiling design. The ability to accommodate an preset period, as the result of high daylight levels, or in the
economic light fitting will depend upon the planning and absence of people. The detecting principle may be either acous-
structural grids. When these are not appropriate to the light tic or infra-red.
fitting, the lighting system will be expensive in itself and may
also cause extra cost in removing the unwanted heat.
The light fittings have to be spaced carefully to provide 21.10.6,1 Lighting for various categories of building
adequate lighting levels over the whole working plane. Due to
the physical discomfort which can be caused by the brightness of Speculative offices. Such buildings are generally leased without
the light source, careful attention must be given to the preven- lighting fittings to avoid inhibiting either the letting pattern or
tion of direct or reflected glare. Glare standards exist for most the tenant's partition layout. Where lighting fittings are sup-
types of working environments and the glare characteristics of plied, the preference is often for surface-mounted hot-cathode
lamp fittings and control diffusers are readily available. fluorescent tube units with prismatic light controllers. Lighting
The rationale behind such lighting layouts has always been levels are currently in the region of 400 lux.
the ensurance of a high degree of uniformity so that any location
of the working plane will be served adequately. The basic Offices: purpose design. In keeping with the design standards
inhumanity of such schemes, together with the absurdity of recommended in the Chartered Institute of Building Services
lighting circulation spaces to the same level as the task, has Engineers (CIBSE) code for interior lighting,6 average levels of
resulted in the growing popularity of uplighting where the 500 to 750 lux are usual, depending on the task. Such levels
lighting plane is illuminated indirectly by light bounced off a using combinations of light controllers with 'batwing' and
reflecting surface, usually the ceiling. As in most spheres of life, asymmetric distributions may be had for as low as 10 W/m2 but
high quality is difficult to reconcile with efficiency and the cost of at the cost of inflexible and regimented workstation layouts. It is
a superior working environment is increased consumption, now possible to simulate lighting effects by means of models and
typically 16 W/m 2 for 400 lux on the desk. Possibly the greatest artificial skies but this is best used where the budget will permit
single factor behind the popularity of uplighting is the expan- the purchase of purpose-designed luminaires. Much interest is
sion of the use of VDUs and word processors where, unlike being focused on the introduction of high-frequency control
most other forms of lighting, a correctly designed indirect gear for fluorescent tubes which, for example, would reduce the
scheme can limit tiring and distracting reflections from the loss on a 1500 mm tube from 13 to 5 W with gains in freedom
screen. from flicker and with silent operation.
The varying colour qualities and corresponding luminance
efficiencies of the available light sources have an important Offices: burolandschaft. The gentle modulation of light and
bearing, not only on the visual environment, but also on the shadow produced by uplighting is particularly apt for this form
degree of heating or air-conditioning that may be required. The of office. Using either metal halide or high-pressure sodium
colour appearance of a light source is always cause for much discharge lamps, uplighting brings good colour rendition, high
subjective judgement and prejudice. Daylight cannot be used as efficacy, low maintenance and lack of glare, either direct or
a reference value since its spectral composition shifts through- reflected. It saves the cost of a discrete lighting circuit since
out the day. Indeed, what is wrong with light sources, the purists uplighting is usually fed from the small power points installed in
insist, is that their colour appearance does not noticeably the floor. The design process involved in an uplighting scheme is
change. Fluorescent tubes can now be had in a bewildering still unfamiliar to many, being task-related rather than building-
range of phosphors equally able to imitate tungsten lamps or related, and this unfamiliarity has tended to limit its more
cold north light. The triphosphor tubes now make it possible to general acceptance.
have both excellent colour rendition and high efficacy. The most
promising light source for commercial interiors is the high- Hospitals. The difficulties of reconciling the lighting needs in
wards of patients who may either be lying supine or sitting up in construction. In extreme cases, windows must be kept perma-
their beds has led to separate systems being installed. In the nently closed and the building air-conditioned.
latter case, wall-mounted units are preferred and these are often Internally, structural walls and floors are generally of suffi-
incorporated into continuous horizontal trunking runs which cient mass to provide effective barriers against airborne sound
may contain other services such as oxygen, sound broadcasting, but impact sound is not reduced by mass alone and a resilient
nurse call systems, etc. The former requirement is met by material must be added to provide adequate total sound insula-
fluorescent fittings generally of the suspended pattern. There are tion. The lighter building elements, such as suspended ceilings
many specialized considerations, such as operating theatres and or demountable partitions, do not provide good sound insula-
anaesthetics rooms where totally enclosed, noise-proof fluor- tion. Continuity of sound insulation, where it is required, is
escent fittings sealed into the ceiling structure provide general important; a sound-insulating wall would need to extend
illumination whilst shadowless operating-table lighting fittings through the void above a suspended ceiling, for example, unless
incorporating tungsten light sources produce intensities up to the ceiling is itself a good sound insulator.
10 000 lux in the operating area. The use of sound-absorbing surface materials and shapes is
effective in reducing the ambient noise level and may be so
Housing. Whilst tungsten fittings are still the norm for the successful in burolandschaft offices that a degree of manufac-
home, the advent of compact fluorescent lamps with their tured ambient sound may be needed to mask and, hence, reduce
significant economic advantages and tungsten-like colour the disturbance from local intermittent noise.
appearance may change this. More sophisticated forms of Appropriate planning and detailing of the building is vital to
lighting control, such as touch dimmers and infra-red switching, the elimination of noise problems and the establishment of
are now available and are beginning to be installed. privacy. Wherever possible, areas requiring low noise levels
should be divorced from noisy areas such as plant rooms,
Schools. Cost considerations usually dictate surface-mounted loading bays and lift motor rooms. Many items of mechanical
fluorescent fittings with prismatic light controllers with levels in and electrical equipment produce airborne noise which can pass
the region of 600 lux. In rooms where the seating has a fixed along air-conditioning or ventilation ducts which then require
orientation, directional fittings may be used. silencer units. Equipment located in occupied rooms must be
selected with appropriate low noise characteristics; in certain
Industrial buildings. When ceiling heights are below about 4 m, cases, especially on high-pressure systems, secondary silencer
fluorescent fittings are still the most-used light source. Above units are required. Rotating or reciprocating plant should be
this, high-pressure mercury or sodium discharge lamps in reflec- isolated from the structure to prevent structure-borne noise or
tor fittings are used with a wide range of distribution curves, vibrations. The increase in plant noise within buildings is
both symmetrical and asymmetrical. The colour rendition of increasingly a factor in modern design, requiring specialist
mercury fluorescent, mercury halide or high-pressure sodium advice.
light sources are satisfactory, but care has to be exercised in Rooms with a high level of sound within them do not require
machine shops because of stroboscopic effects. such a good standard of insulation from adjoining rooms of
similar level, but low-tolerance rooms will require a high
Car parks. The majority of multideck car parks use bare standard. Figure 21.6 gives an indication of sound reduction
fluorescent tubes in fittings with moisture-proof lampholders levels for different room tolerances.
and glassfibre or PVC-coated bodies. In the larger open car
parks, increasing use is being made of high mast lighting. Noise source Noise receiving room
Museums and art galleries. The lighting of museums and art High level Low tolerance
galleries should be designed principally to meet the require-
ments of conservation, display and specialized study. Apart
from atmospheric pollution, the main destructive agents will be
the ultraviolet and infra-red content of light. Natural light is the
worst offender with discharge sources such as fluorescent tubes,
with high-pressure sources coming second. All three require Average level Medium tolerance
careful filtering before they can be used to illuminate any
exhibits containing organic materials or pigments.
Even tungsten halogen sources are suspect because of ultra-
violet energy. The usual formula is a blend of tungsten display
fittings giving a restrained average illumination plus fluorescent
tubes with ultraviolet filtering. Deterioration of organic Low level High tolerance
materials is a product of the intensity of the harmful wavebands
and the length of exposure. The use of presence detectors - Figure 21.6 Sound reduction levels for various room tolerances.
which ensure that exhibits are only illuminated for the period (After Parkins, Humphreys and Cowell (1979) Acoustics, noise and
when there are people to see them - would be of value.
building (4th edn). Faber and Faber)
The sound reduction of dense walls varies with the sound
frequency and with the weight of wall. At 550 Hz, the sound
21.10.7 Noise reduction is as follows:
The control of noise requires consideration of its nature, source
and mode of transmission. Typically, the main problems are: (1) Weight (kg/m2) 3 6 12 25 50 100 200 400 800 1000
reduction of noise to an acceptable level for efficient working; Sound reduction (dB) 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 49 54 55
and (2) effective noise barriers for privacy. Problems of sound
insulation and sound absorption are involved. For a cavity wall, a reduction value corresponding to the
The main source of external noise is air or road traffic; combined weight of the two leaves is used and to this is added
penetration is reduced by double glazing (cavity preferably not the additional assistance provided by the cavity which varies
less than 200mm), minimum window area and heavy wall with its width as follows:
Air space (mm) 30 40 50 60 80-100 150 200 general water usage and is required for the hose reels, wet risers
Added sound reduction (dB) 6 8 9 10 12 10 6 and sprinklers.
Consultations with the local fire authorities are required to
If the wall contains a door, the equivalent resistance is an ensure that storage and system duties are met. A number of
intermediate value between those for the wall and door, depen- packaged pumping units are available on the market for hy-
dent upon the relative decibel values and areas. For a brick wall draulic hose reel installations. Wet risers are a fire authority
of say 46 dB and door of 20 dB and the wall 10 times the area of requirement in tall and large-volume buildings. Sprinklers may
the door, the equivalent sound reduction values (obtained from be a requirement of the local fire authority or the building
charts, e.g. Neufert7) is 3OdB. The full insulation value is owner's insurance company. In the UK, most installations are
obtained only if all holes, e.g. for services, are sealed; even very required to comply with the 29th edition of the Fire Officers'
small openings such as keyholes and open joints represent Committee Rules* which have very specific water flow/pressure
serious sound leaks and must be taken into account in the design requirements and can involve large bulk water-storage require-
if good insulation is to be achieved. ments, dependent upon the fire risk hazard category. Specialist
advice should be sought on these installations.
21.11 Water supply, drainage and
public health 21.11.3 Water treatment
The growth of the electronics and pharmaceutical industries has
21.11.1 Water supply expanded the need for water-quality levels far in excess of those
Potable water supplies are generally supplied from the local supplied by the statutory authorities and special advice should
water undertaking's mains, the local water companies being be sought. In hospitals, additional chemical treatment may be
required under the Water Act, 1945 and EEC directives to required to reduce the rise of disease transmission through the
supply consumers with a potable supply. The conditions are water system.
based on the Model Water Byelaws of 1982, the purpose of
which is to prevent waste, undue consumption, misuse and 21.11.4 Drainage
contamination. Water charges may be based on rateable value,
assessed annual consumption or on metered consumption. The aim of a well-designed building drainage, sanitation and
In the UK, storage provision for cold water for purposes rainwater installation is to convey foul waste and rainwater
other than drinking is normal and is provided for convenience in efficiently to the sewer or outfall without nuisance or risk to
the event of mains failure. British Standard Code of Practice 310 health and self-cleansing. The layout should be as simple and
schedules the amount of water storage required based upon direct as possible and in accordance with the requirements of BS
occupancy (or number of fittings) and building type. Water Code of Practice 8301:1985 'Building drainage', BS 572:1978
storage is ideally located at roof level and below the available Sanitary pipework, and BS Code of Practice 6367:1985 'Drain-
mains head to minimize operating and maintenance costs and to age of roofs and paved areas'.
avoid pumping. A major revision to the various existing water
services codes of practice is BS 6700. Design considerations
It is increasingly found that water mains have insufficient
head to deliver water to the upper levels of buildings without the The practice of combining soil and rainwater pipes within a
aid of supplementary boosting. The method of boosting should building is extremely unwise and the connection of the two
take into account the location of storage, the possible need for systems, even with a combined sewer system, should be located
any intermediate storage, pressure limitations or requirements externally, preferably at the last manhole before discharging to
in the distribution system, routing, quantities and usage of the sewer. Soil and waste stacks should be as vertical as possible
water. The two most common methods are direct centrifugal with the minimum number of offsets. Particular care should be
pumps serving high-level storage tanks or pneumatic pressure taken with discharges from kitchens, laboratories and disposal
cylinders to boost the available mains pressure; the latter avoids units. Separate systems should be provided for activities involv-
the need for, but does not preclude, the use of high-level storage ing chemical and radioactive effluents. Ventilation pipes are
tanks. Break-cisterns are often required at ground level to required to maintain a balanced air pressure throughout the
cushion demand and very high buildings require break-pressure soils and waste system. All access locations for rodding should
cisterns restricting gravity drops to about 30 m. be reviewed in design and located to enable easy maintenance.
The distribution pipework generally separates cold- and hot- Ground-floor fittings should be discharged direct to drains and
water service feeds and is preferably arranged to provide hot separate from upper-floor fittings. Consideration should be
and cold water to the fitments at equal pressures. The routing given to draining basement levels via pumps to reduce the risk of
should take into consideration maintenance, the requirements flooding in the event of sewer back-up. In selecting pipework
for draining down, protection against back siphonage and materials, consideration should be given to such items as noise,
insulation against freezing and condensation. fixings, condensation and material damage in addition to the
Most large buildings have extended hot-water distribution general material performance criteria.
systems served by a central heating plant which generally also All sanitary appliances need to be trapped to prevent sewer
provides the space heating. A central plant offers economies of and drain smells entering the building. Precautions are required
scale and uses less fuel than a system of dispersed boilers. The to prevent the seals being broken by siphonic action or plug
boiler water is kept separate, the hot-water supply being heated pressure generated within an adjoining stack. Traps can be
by means of heat-exchange coils in calorifiers located in proxi- protected against these dangers by design or by the incorpora-
mity to the outlets being served. Deadlegs need to be avoided tion of secondary venting immediately behind the trap. Gener-
wherever possible. Intermediate calorifiers can be located to act ally, the provision of sanitary appliances should accord with BS
as break-pressure cisterns. 6465:1984, Part 1.

21.11.2 Fire installations 21.11.5 Public health

Water for fire-fighting purposes in buildings is separated from The importance of providing a wholesome drinking water

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