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A Project report submitted to ICS/IT, the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan in

Partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of





Session 2016-20120

A Project report submitted to ICS/IT, the University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan in Partial
fulfillment of requirements for the degree of



Mr. Kamran Ullah Advisor

Lecturer Ics/IT

Mr. Imran Uddin Member

Lecturer Ics/IT

Mr. Arshad Iqbal Member

Lecturer Ics/IT

Mr. Asfandyar Khan HOD(CS/IT)

Assistant Professor(Ics/IT)

Dr. Muhamad Fayyaz Additional Director (IBMS/Ics)

Associate Professor(Ics/IT)
We dedicate this work done by us to our loving parents,
our honorable advisor Mr. Kamran ullah (Lecturer,
Department of ICS/IT), Asfandyar khan
(Hod, Department of ICS/ IT),
and whole family who has stood beside
us in the time of troubles as well as time of happiness.
They devoted their whole life for our future and what we
want today is all because of them. I salute to them for what they
have done for us.

TABLE OF Content
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Problum .....................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Technologies Used in Project....................................................................................................1
1.2.1 My SQL...............................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Xampp Server......................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 CSS......................................................................................................................................3
1.2.5 HTML..................................................................................................................................3
1.2.6 JavaScript............................................................................................................................3
1.2.7 jQuery..................................................................................................................................4
1.2.8 Bootstrap.............................................................................................................................4
1.2.9 Sublime Text.......................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................................................4
Existing System..............................................................................................................................5
2.1Manual System..........................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Training Problum...................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Data Duplication....................................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Lack of security ....................................................................................................................6
2.1.4 Comman Errors......................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Repetition of Work...............................................................................................................6.
2.1.6 Too Much Paper Work..........................................................................................................6
2.1.7 Inconsistency of Data............................................................................................................6
2.1.8 Space Consuming .................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Slow Retrival of Data............................................................................................................6
2.2.0 Const Benfits Analysis..........................................................................................................7
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Proposed System........................................................................................................................8
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Requirement Analysis.............................................................................................................10.
4.2 Requirement Classification.....................................................................................................10.
4.2.1 System Requirement........................................................................................................10.
4.2.2 Functional Requirements..................................................................................................10.
4.2.3 Non-Functional Requirements.........................................................................................11.
4.3 Data Requirements..................................................................................................................12.
4.4 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).......................................................................................14.
4.5 DFD (Data Flow Diagram).....................................................................................................15.
4.5.1 Levels of DFD..................................................................................................................15.
Chapter 5.......................................................................................................................................17.
5 Design ......................................................................................................................................17.
5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................17.
5.2 System design consist of the following types of design.........................................................18.
5.2.1 Architectural Design........................................................................................................18.
5.2.2 Database Design...............................................................................................................18. Logical database design.............................................................................................19. Physical database design............................................................................................19.
5.3 Modular design.......................................................................................................................21.
5.4 Interface design...........................................................................................................................................20.

5.5 The Process of Design...............................................................................................................................20.

5.5.1 Input Design............................................................................................................................................20.
5.5.2 Output Design.........................................................................................................................................22.

Chapter 6......................................................................................................................................................23.
6.1.1 Verification..............................................................................................................................................23.
5.1.2 Validation................................................................................................................................................24.
6.2 Unit Testing.................................................................................................................................................24.

6.3 System Testing............................................................................................................................................25.

6.4 Performance Testing..................................................................................................................................25.

6.5 Multi-user System Testing.......................................................................................................................25.

Chapter 7.......................................................................................................................................................26
7 Description.......................................................................................................................................................26

7.1 Screen shots..................................................................................................................................................26

Chapter 8.......................................................................................................................................................36
8.1 Future work..................................................................................................................................................37.

8.2 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................37.


Millions of thinks of almighty ALLAH – Who has blessed me with the knowledge and &
power to perform & complete the project, and who has always guided me in difficult
times which we have never imagined in our life. The love and the care that our parent &
family have been endowing me throughout our life has been a major cause behind our
success. I would like to extend our thinks to our sincere supervisor Mr Kamran Ullah,
who has been very cooperative with me throughout our project as well as during the
study period, He guided me at every step of our project. Whenever I faced some problem,
his excellency provided me her sincere and affectionate guidance, in the time of hardship
and difficulty, his Excellency proved a deliverer for me, he was our supervisor in true
meanings. We pay high tribute to her genuine supervision, so we can rightly ascribe our
success to his Excellency ‘s loving and affectionate supervision. Finally, we are thankful
to the Director and all the teaching staff of the department of Information Technology of
ICS. Their hard work and guidance gave me potential to complete this project.

This is era of Information Technology. Today it’s hard to imagine any industry or
business that has been affected by computer technology and information system and
computer system. Many organizations consider it essential to their ability to complete or
gain competitive advantage.

After completion the examination every body searches for editable project. Team selected
this project to make IBMS department computerized for quick and efficient operations.

Following are the main reasons:

 Developing a online final year proposal submation for Ics .

 Being a student of Computer science I want to utilize our efforts and knowledge
for exposing the help organization into the word of internet.

The basic purpose of our project is,

 As evident, for partial fulfillment of master degree program.

Project title:
 Online Final Year Proposal Submation
 Aim is to provide an easy platform for the Student to submit
their form.
Internal Guide:
 Mr. Kamran Ullah
Developed by:
 NaveedUllah
 ZahidSultan
Software used:
 Java script
 J query
 Bootstrap
 Xampp 5.1.7

Operating system: 0
 Windows 10

We all know a day technology make our life so easy. And currently in corona
satiation the student faces a lot of problem to submit their final year proposal. For this
purpose, we have to develop this application to make it easier for student to submit their
form online.
The purpose of developing online proposal submation is to computerized the
traditional way of taking proposal form.

1.1 Problem
The Scope of the project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the
project is developed as a desktop application, and it will work for a particular institute.
And the project will be operating it online. The effective use of “Online Proposal
Submation”, any Educational Institute and for getting better results in less time.

Problems Analysis

 In the present system all the work is paper work so that is main problem
 All the records are saving in registers.
 The searching facility in paper work is very difficult.
 There is no clear information about submation of student proposal.

1.2 Technologies Used in Project

 My SQL
 Laravel

 J-Query
 Bootstrap
 Sublime Text

1.2.1 My SQL

A very popular SQL-based relational DBMS for both Web and embedded
applications. It stands for Structure Query Language. The free, open source versions are
available under the GNU license, and hundreds of millions of copies have been
downloaded worldwide.

1.2.2 Xampp Server

XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack

package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server,
MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming

1.2.3 Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We

believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling.
Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the
majority of web projects, such as
Simple, fast routing engine.
Powerful dependency injection container.
Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
Database agnostic schema migrations.
Robust background job processing.
Real-time event broadcasting.
Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing tools needed for large, robust
applications. A superb combination of simplicity, elegance, and innovation gives you a
complete toolset required to build any application with which you are tasked.

1.2.4 CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the

presentation of a document written in HTML or XML(including XML dialects such
as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on
screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

1.2.5 HTML

HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

 HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup
 HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages
 HTML elements are represented by tags
 HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so
 Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the


1.2.6 JavaScript
JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is a
language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm.
Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web.

1.2.7 jQuery
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like
HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much
simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
1.2.8 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework for designing websites
and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for
typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as
optional JavaScript extensions.
1.2.9 Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a shareware cross-platform source code editor with a python

application programming interface (API). It natively supports many programming
languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins,
typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.


2.1 Manual system

 Training problems
 Data duplication
 Lack of security
 Common errors
 Repetition of work
 Too much paper work
 Space consuming

2.1.1 Training Problems

 The problems associated with training and advising people to be

disciplined enough to maintain the maintenance system, i.e. to write the
data into the system.
 Report acquisition problems- the effort associated with finding
meaningful data and statistics in the system.
 Registers and logs with good design are difficult.
 Summarizing data and writing reports take lot of time.
2.1.2 Data duplication
The same data gets repeated over and over since the workers find it hard to
keep track of the documents, information and transaction.
2.1.3 Lack of security
The record of students and their results are freely available to everyone. If
information falls into the wrong hands it can be used against the
school/institution and can black mail them.

2.1.4 Common Errors
When entering students and results information might have accidently switched
details and data since it is hand written.
2.1.5 Repetition of work
If there are any changes to be made, the data will have to be entered again, at
times the worker would forget to make changes or forget that they had already
altered it and might redo it again, its again time consuming.
2.1.6 Too much paper work
Since everything and every detail are written down manually in paper there
will be too much paper work.
2.1.7 Inconsistency of data
There will be unavailability for future use, since data might get misplaced
during manual filing. So data wouldn’t be preserved properly for future use.
2.1.8 Space consuming
Since the data and paper is stored in filing cabinets it consumes too much
place, as the amount of work done on paper increases the filing cabinets too
2.1.9 Slow retrieval of data
The information of students and their exam results information are stored in
different offices and so take a long time to retrieve the information/data. It
takes a long time to find the information about students and their results.

2.2.0 Cost Benefit Analysis

The major objective of the computerized system is that the handling of the data
should be accomplished in efficient manner. Therefore, it is necessary to design the
system that will fulfill this objective.

In computerized system, often the workers are replaced with computer, so the
work is automated.
In manual system, the information is scattered and for each piece of information a
separate register is used. As against in computerized system all necessary information is
put in one file, which avoid wastage of resources.
Immediate access to information will be available to the end user as computer
provides quick access to data. Hence, in the proposed system there is a cost effective use
of resources as compared to the manual system.

The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The
proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system
provides proper security and reduces the manual work. The proposed system being
developed as a replacement for the existing system is a graphical user interface with good
interactions with the database.
Hence the proposed system is complete automation. The proposed system has
been developed under Java front-end and MySQL database as back-end. Thus proposed
system attempts to solve all the drawbacks of the existing system.
3.1 Features of the proposed system

 All the data will be stored on a more secured media that is computer.
 There will be proper data of all the students.
 It’s easy to update information about students.
 It contain better storage capacity
 Decrease the load of the person involve in existing manual system.
 Access of any information individually.
 Work becomes very speedy.

3.2 Advantages of proposed system

 Time efficient
 Data consistency
 Reduction of duplicate/Redundant Data
 Data security
 Reduction of workload
 User friendly
 Cost effective

 Less effort
 Immediate response
 Reduction of storage space
 Better data accessibility
 Compactness

4.1 Introduction
The goal of the requirements analysis and specification is to clearly understand
customer requirements and to systematically organize these requirements in a
specification document.
If requirement done in accurate way so the software design and coding flow
If the requirements are poor so it may cause difficulties in design and coding.
4.2 Simple Overview at a Glance
It can be made clear by separating user requirements and system requirements.
Users requirements are high level abstract requirements are the detailed description of
what the system should do.
4.3 General Description
The general descriptions are given below.
4.3.1 Product Perspective
The purpose of this software is to computerize university final year project. It will
be secure and efficient. It will reduce burden of staff and work will be more reliable with
little or less redundancy.
4.3.2 Product Functions
The proposed system found during the start of the analysis is as following. The
information system should be able to handle the data the software should provide with the
user management component. Information being stored in the software will be checked
thoroughly DBMS and user defined checks in interface. Whole data will be shown in
interface forms. What will required to staff everything will be shown in table forms.
4.4 User Characteristics
They have some basic knowledge about the computer and we will give user
manual in which the users will be guided step wise regarding the usage of the software
and also a video of how to operate the software. Along with this the GUI of the software
will be kept user friendly so that finds it easy to use and handle. The user guidance

system should be integrated with user interface to help users when they need information
about the system or when they are some kind of errors.
4.5 General Constraints
Several constraints may be followed like user friendly interface, operating system,
reliability, efficiency, politics, and religion who have some impact on design of the
system and coding.
4.5.1 The Product of Software
Computer is an individual system. The information system has been developed is
using different facilities of the MYSQL like different structured queries commands to
provide the users with required functionalities. By which data will be store and retrieve.
4.5.2 Specification Requirements
User should be able to open the online proposal form directly just enter URL

4.2.3 Non-Functional Requirements

 Performance
System should be able handle multiple users at a time using any of the web

 Reliability
Database updating should follow transaction processing to avoid data

 Availability
The project will be deployed on a public shared server so it will be available all
the time and will be accessible anywhere of the world using internet.

 Security
We have implemented a lot of security mechanism to avoid to hack the system by
outer world.

 Maintainability
It is very easy to maintain the system. The system has been developed on HTML
so anyone who has the knowledge of HTML, can easily maintain the system.

 Portability
Yes, this system is portable and we can switch the servers very easily.

 Browser Compatibility
The project being web based required compatibility with at least the popular web
browser. Microsoft Windows 7 and above, Linux and Macintosh being the current

popular operating system and Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge
being the currently popular web browser.

4.3 Data Requirements

The database should contain the table specification in database table document. Each
table shall have the field as specification in database tables document. Each table shall
have the field as specification in database tables documents. Each field shall comply with
the corresponding field length requirement.

4.2.1 System Requirement

System requirements are those, which are needed for the system to be operational on
The hardware requirements for the system are as follows:

 Processor : Intel Pentium IV or more

 RAM : 1 GB or more
 Cache : 1 MB
 Hard Disk : 40 GB or more

The software requirements for the system are as follows:

 XAMPP server selected for the backend

 Server-side scripting language i.e. Laravel
 Operating System Windows 10 or any
 Web Browser like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge

4.3 Data Requirements

The database should contain the table specification in database table document. Each
table shall have the field as specification in database tables document. Each table shall

have the field as specification in database tables documents. Each field shall comply with
the corresponding field length requirement.

4.4 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

The entity-relationship (ER) data model allows us to describe the data involved in real
world enterprise in terms of object and is widely used to develop an initial database
The ER model is important primarily for its role in database design. It provides useful
concepts that allow us to move from an informal description of what users want from
their database to a more detailed and precise description that can be implemented in a
DBMS. The ER model is used in a phase called “Conceptual Database Design”. It should
be noted that many variations of ER diagrams are in use and no widely accepted
standards prevail.
ER modeling is something regarded as a complete approach to design a logical database
schema. This is incorrect because the ER diagram is just an approximate description of
data, constructed through a very subjective evaluation of the information collected during
requirements analysis.
An entity is an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects.
Examples include the following: The address of the manager of the institution, a Person
with unique name etc.
It is often useful to identify a collection of similar entities. Such a collection is called as
“Entity set”. Note that entity set need not be disjoint.

4.5 DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

A data flow (DFD) is a graphical system model that shows all of the main requirements
for an information system in one datagram: inputs and outputs, processes, and data
storage. A DFD describes what data flows rather than how it is processed. Everyone
working on a development project can see all aspects of the system working together at

once with DFD. That is one reason for its popularity. The DFD is also easy to read
because it is graphical model. The DFD is mainly used during problem analysis. End
Users, management, and all information systems workers typically can read and interpret
the DFD with minimal training.

4.5.1 Levels of DFD

It details how data is transformed within a system and function cause these
transformation or flow. It is actually shown with the help of DATA FLOW DIAGRAM.
It is graphical representation that depicts information flow and the transform that are
applied as data move from input to output.
It can also represent system at any level of abstraction, so DFD can be partitioned into
levels. Levels ‘0’ DFD depict the basic function of system of system, main input and
A level ‘1’ DFD can be used to go a detail of a specific function.

Figure 4.1: Level 0 DFD

Figure 3.2: Level 1 DFD


5.1 Introduction
The design phase starts with approved requirements as its initial input. Design
elements are built for each requirement or requirement set. Design elements describe the
software functions and features in detail. It usually includes functional diagrams, screen
layouts, business rules, business process diagrams, and an entity-relationship diagram
with a full data dictionary.
Design elements describe the software in sufficient detail that the developer can
build the software with minimal additional input.
The technical specialist begins to translate the requirements into specific design
solutions that will create the system, features and function that are necessary to achieve
the business and functional requirements. In the previous requirements definition phase,
the focus was on defining specific capabilities desired by and in support of the
organization, and its customers and end-users. In the system design phase, the attention
turns to defining systems and technical requirements.
This is also the phase where prototyping is likely to occur, as a prototype can serve
as a bridge between requirements, design and development. A prototype can be as simple
as a mockup of the proposed screen layouts, while a more complex prototype may have
selected business rules instantiated as work flows within the application with active fields
to capture and shows data or information.

5.2 System design consist of the following types of design

1. Architectural Design
2. Procedural Design
3. Database Design
4. Modular Design
5. Interface Design

5.2.1 Architectural Design

Architectural design represents the structure of data. Data and the program
components that are required to build a computer-based system. The architectural
design process is concerned with establishing basic structural framework for a system.
It involves major components of the system and communication between these
The following activities are involved in the architectural design:

 System Structuring

The system is structured into a number of principle subsystems. A subsystem is

an independent software unit. Communication between subsystems is

 Control Modeling

A general model of the control relationships between parts of the system is


 Modular Decomposition

Each identified subsystem is decomposed into modules. The architect must

decide on the types of module and their interconnections.

5.2.2 Database Design

Database design is a collection of processes that facilitate the designing,

development, implementation and maintenance of enterprise data management systems.
Data is organized into rows, columns and tables, and it is indexed to make it easier
to find relevant information. Data gets updated, expanded and deleted as new information
is added. Database process workloads to create and update themselves, querying the data
they contain and running applications against it.

A database is a complex object for sorting structured information which is organized and
stored in way that allows quick and efficient retrieve data easily.
The main objectives of database designing are to produce logical and physical designs
models of the proposed database system.

1. Logical database design

2. Physical database design Logical database design

This stage is concerned with developing a database model based on requirements.

The entire design is on paper without any physical implementations or specific
DBMS consideration. Physical database design

This stage implements the logical model of the database considering the DBMS
and physical implementation factors.

Figure 5.1 Authentication user

The process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password. In

security systems, authentication is distinct from authorization, which is the process of
giving individuals access to system objects based on their identity.

Figure 5.2 Students data

Figure 5.3 Adviosers data

Figure 5.4 Sessions data

5.3 Modular design

Modular design after data architecture and interface have been established. The modular
specification required to be defined algorithm details would be stated I natural language
such as English because it is easily understandable.

There is no question that graphic tools such as flow chart or box diagram provides the
excellent pictorial pattern that readily depict modular details. However, if tools are
misused the wrong picture may lead to wrong software. We will demonstrate some of our
basic module by using flow charts.

5.4 Interface design

Interface is the way a computer program presents information to a user or receives

information from a user, in particular the layout of the screen and the menus. In interface
design team will try to build the software from those activities that we have collected
from analysis.

5.5 The Process of Design

The design process phase on the detailed implementation of the given recommended in
the feasibility studies. Emphasis is on the translating performance specification into
design specifications. The design phase is translation from user-oriented documents to a
document oriented to the programmers or database personal.
There are two types of the design involved in the project design.

5.5.1 Input Design

The input design specification is the number in which the customer enters the data to
system for processing at later stage. Input design can ensure the reliability of the system
and provides an accurate result. The input determined whether the customers interacts
with the system efficiently or not. The input design can also be explained as a link
between the admin and the world. Input design consists of those steps necessary to put
transaction data into usable for processing.

5.5.2 Output Design

A system is considered to be successful on the basis of output design. The term output
means that after completion of physical design what come out of the computer system for
the customer. The output in project is considered as the backbone of the project.

Chapter 6


Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences

between given input and expected output. Also, to assess the feature of a software item.
Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be
done during the development process. In other words, software testing is a verification
and validation process.

6.1.1 Verification

Verification is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions imposed at
the start of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product behaves the
way we want it to.

6.1.2 Validation

Validation is the process to make sure the product satisfies the specified requirements at
the end of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product is built as per
customer requirements.
Testing goes side by side with the implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and efficiently before the live operation is performed. The
common view of testing held by the user is process of executing a program with explicit
intention of handling errors. The application which has been developed has to be tested to
prove its validity. Testing is considered to be the least creative phase of the whole cycle
of system design. In the real sense it is the phase, which helps to bring out the creativity
of the other phases, and makes it shine.

The Fitness Center Management System was tested using the following two techniques of
application testing:

6.2 Unit Testing

 In the line of strategy, the entire individuals’ function and modules were put to test
 By following this strategy all the errors in coding were identified and corrected.
 This method was applied in combination with the White Box and Black Box
 Technique to find errors in each module.
 The effort of specific combination of data on system operation was tested.

 The following were the testes carried out for Graphical User Interface (GUI).
 It was seen that the pages open properly based on related menu-based commands.
 It was tested whether all relevant menus, buttons, icons and other controls are
available and properly displayed.

6.3 System Testing

We use this testing method. System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting
the software in different environments (e.g., Operating Systems) it still works. System
testing is done with full system implementation and environment. It falls under the class
of black box testing.

6.4 Performance Testing

Performance testing is the testing to assess the speed and effectiveness of the
system and to make sure it is generating results within a specified time as in performance
requirements. It falls under the class of black box testing.

6.5 Multi-user System Testing

Database Locking Schemes: Whenever more than one person is accessing a record
some type of process must be used to prevent the outer users from attempting to update
the same record at the same time. This process is a locking scheme. In its simplest form, a
locking scheme allows only one user at a time to update information in the database.

Chapter 7


Interface is the way a computer program presents information to a user or receives

information from a user, in particular the layout of the screen and the menus. This manual
contains the information of how the user can interact with the software. It will help the
user to understand the functioning of the system. Also, if a new student comes into
operate the system, then by going through the manual he can easily acquainted with it.
The system operation is made simple and user friendly as much as possible. All the
screen and options are self-explanatory. User could be finding any difficulty in the
operation of this system. After the analysis phase, design process is performed. In
interface design team will try to build the software from those activities that we have
collected from analysis. So far now, we have the following entities.

 Login page
 Dashboard
 New Registration
 Payments
 Overview
 Alerts
 Email to rest Password
 Logout

7.2 Screen shots

Following are the screen shots of the project.

Figure 7.1 Login Page
In computer security, logging in is the process by which an individual gains access to a
computer system by identifying and authenticating themselves.
In this page the Admin must enter his email address and Password to login to the system.
Your Login Email Address is the unique that you use in conjunction with your password
to log in to Dashboard.

Figure 7.2 Password Confirmation Page
In this page the admin will enter again to confirm his password. Because if the admin
forgets to logout form system and they live their system. This actually for security
purpose due to which will start a session for three hours after three hours this session will
be expire and the will be entering his password again.

Figure 7.2 Student Records on Dashboard Page

This is a main dashboard page which will show all records of student and there have also
a two button with the help of the admin can print the data and also can export into excel

Figure 7.3 Advisor’s Records on Dashboard Page

In this page will show all records of advisor’s and can enter a new advisor by clicking
Add New Advisor.

Figure 7.4 Advisor’s Total projects on Dashboard Page
By clicking on the total project button will show all project of student that are enrolled
with advisor.

Figure 7.5 Export Advisor’s Total Projects to Excel Format

By click on Excel button the total projects of the advisor will be exported to excel format.

Figure 7.6 Print Advisor’s Total Projects
By click on Print button the total projects of the advisor will be printed

Figure 7.7 Insert new Advisor’s Records on Dashboard Page
In this page will insert new record of advisor by entering advisor name and email and just
click on submit button the new data will be inserted

Figure 7.8 Session’s Records on Dashboard Page
In this page will show all records of sessions and can insert a new session by clicking on
the button of Add New Session.

Figure 7.9 Insert new Session’s Records on Dashboard Page

In this page will the new session can be inserted by interning new session and just
clicking on submit button the new session will be inserted.

Figure 7.9.1 Update Session’s Records on Dashboard Page
This page will update session by click on edit icon this new window will be appear after
edit the by just click on update button the session will update.

Figure 7.9 Insert new Student Records
This page is for student the student will insert his record and by clicking submit button
the will be inserted.

Chapter 8

Future Work
8.1 introduction
The project has been developed in a very short period of time and all efforts have been
taken so that this project is very efficient in its execution there still exists some scope of
improvement in our project. The following lists some of the enhancement that can be
added incorporate into the project.
Application of the project can be done more attractively. Database management and all
maintenance module can be updated which helps the administrator. More security
measures can be taken.
There are also few features which can be integrated with this system to make it more
flexible. Below list shows the future points to be consider:
 This system can be further modifying for the MS student.
 In this system sending email or sms feature can be added future.

8.2 Conclusions

The “Online final Year Proposal System” is successfully designed and developed to
fulfilling the necessary requirements, as identified in the requirements analysis phase,
such as the system is very much user friendly, form level validation and field level
validation are performing very efficiently. We know that the old manual system was
suffering from a series of drawbacks. There have a lot of problem in manual system such
as data duplication is a very big problem in manual system. The data registrar in many
file. That’s way its create data redundancy. Due to data duplication there have the
problem during update, delete. In the present project has been developed to meet the
aspirations indicated in the modern age. In this project we remove the data duplication
and the admin can easily update and delete the data. In this project now the admin can
easily have printed the data. And also they have export the data into excel format

In the project development process, a major part of guidance is provided by the books,
articles, and other academics texts found elsewhere. Team have heavily used the Internet
whenever encountered a hard time during studies. Internet resources have much more
advantage over the traditional academic’s resources because they are available to all of us
free of cost.
Along with the Internet search, crew do have studied several books and references, for
guidance purpose. The sources of information have a always been numerous that cannot
list all of them; only the prominent ones are numbered.

Websites Referred




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