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Receiving Welcoming And

Greeting Of Guest
Receiving Welcoming And
Greeting Of Guest
Welcoming And
Greeting Of Guest

 The first impression in most important and

should be the best impression.
 The communication skills of all those who come
in contact with the arriving guest are very
essentinal and should convey nothing but
welcome through their courteous and friendly

 All the guest arriving the hotel must be

welcomed in an rember a good greeting sets a
postive tone for the entire transaction and it
makes the guest feel good about being at your
 It is very important to create the correct first
impression on the guest and the receptionist
must understand that he will get only one
chance to do that.
Types for postive first impression

 First thirty seconds at the transaction counts .

 Be sure you are well groomed always.
 Check your appearance frequently every day
and if the need be correct it .
 Dont smoke/eat in clear view of the guest.
 Greet the guest courteously at once.
 Keep the work space tidy.
 Carry yourself with pride.
 simile,but smile naturally and sincerely.
Registration Process

 Registration process has the following basic

 Collection: It means gathering the necessary
information about the guest such as a date of
arrival,date or departure and personal
information like name,nationality,occupation
and purpose of visit ,etc. so that more effective
and satisfactory service can be given to him.

Product Matching: It means assigning
the right room to the guest as per the his

Revenue Management: It means how
and when the room revenue will be
received from the guest i.e. to say the
billing instruction such as cash,by
travellers cheque,credit card,etc..

Rooms Management: It menas for how
long the rooms will be occupied and
when shall they be available for resale
for the next guest.

Registration of a guest is one of the most important

process of chck-in activity.

The process begins when the guest arrives at the

reception counter and it terminates when he signs
the document.
Hotel registration cards

● Hotel registration cards form an essential part of hotel

stationery. Aspen Group's dedicated studio and graphic
designers are highly experienced in the design and
printing of hotel registration cards.
● These cards can be designed to your specific needs to
include all the statutory information required from your
Various Registration
 Bound Book
 Loose Leaf Register

 Individual Registration
Bound Book

 It is a big bound register usually used

by small hotels only.
 It is kept on the reception counter and

the arriving guest fills up the register

and writes information about him in
one line.

 The advantage of this system is

system is that since the book is bulky
and cannot be moved,all information
about the guests is available at one
 Also no filing is required in this case.
 A disadvantage of this method is that since it is
bulky and kept on the counter,with frequent
usage it becomes loose and it looks dirty.
 A biggest disadvantage is that the information
provided by the guest cannot be kept
confidential as it can be seen by the next
arriving guest.
 Another disadvantage is that pre-registration of
VIPs and Dgs, etc.
Loose Leaf Register

 This system is system is almost

similar to bound book system with a
difference that in this case for each
day a separate page is used instead
of consolidated register.

 The advantage is that the sheet need

not be kept on the counter and hence
a neat and clean look can be given to
the counter.
 To some extent the information about

the guest staying can be kept secret.

 The disadvantage is that the sheet
can be easily misplaced if the desk
clerks are careless.
 Further the sheet may not be fully

filled on days when there are very

few arrivals and rest of it may be a
Individual registration
 This is the system most prevalent
system these days.
 The cards may be designed so as to

serve various purpose.

 It may be made in duplicate or

triplicate with the help of carbon

papers so that one copy can be sent
to FRRO as C form .

 The advantage of the system is

complete privacy of the guest
information can be maintained.
 Another advantage is that at rush

hours many guests can be registered

at the same time.

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