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Article Review

Group 8

Mira Farzana binti Hairuz Nizam (1819668)

Mahera Rafiqa binti Moktar (1811290)

Nur Atiqah binti Mat Lazim (1728846)

Farhana binti Ira Irawan (1718176)

Dr Fatimah Al-Attas

SOCA 2110, Section 2

Semester 1 2020/2021

Sociology of Marriage and Family

Department of Sociology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International
Islamic University of Malaysia
Article Review Checklist

Item Check if

1. I have read the assessment instruction thoroughly /

2. I have gotten approval on my topic from the instructor /

3. I have search and selected the articles as per instructed /

4. I have read and reviewed the 3 articles on my own /

5. I have checked that there is no plagiarism in my writing /

6. I have done this assignment at my level best /

7. I have sent these article reviews to a (human) friend to proofread /

my work.

8. I have attached all 3 articles with this submission /

9. I experienced how this assessment improves my learning /

progress for this course

10. I am happy and proud of the work I did, Alhamdulillah /

Additional comments I have (if any):

Signature mira

Contribution by: MIRA FARZANA BINTI HAIRUZ NIZAM (1819668)


Authors: Zoran Pavlovic & Joris Bijvoets

Year: 2016

Sexual exploitation of children is without a doubt a major criminological problem. The principles
of situational prevention of sexual abuse against children have had limited application in practise to date.
As a result, finding credible assessment studies that evaluated the efficacy of this form of intervention is
difficult. The first part, which means more effort, refers to the implementation of preventive measures
that make committing the crime more difficult. This applies to both predatory and opportunistic abusers
and is used in the sense of deterring or inhibiting them. The content of the applicable techniques that
may be used in this context is diverse, and they cover a wide range of topics, from legislative to direct
protection procedures. For example, notifying members of the local community of the existence and
identification of a convicted sexual offender in their neighbourhood. (Pavlovic & Bijvoets, 2016)

In the sense of prevention, the second section of initiatives appears to be the most successful.
This applies to the increased likelihood of an offender being discovered, such as finding the crime
committed. Specifically, based on the principles of the repetitive activity theory and the theory of
rational choice, the lack of sufficient supervision, for example, will serve as an attracting or deterring
factor in criminal decision-making. The specified level of supervision can take many forms, including
extended care, structured supervision, the elimination of physical barriers to allow natural monitoring
and observation, the use of modern technological supervision systems, and the training of security
managers at the locations identified as special risk locations. Another principle incorporated into the
philosophy of situational avoidance is the elimination of rationalisations and justifications, which
encompasses a broad range of behaviours that are covered by various preventive measures. Typically,
this applies to the establishment of fairly straightforward legal rules as well as the rules of conduct
within a specific environment. The public promotion of these rules and their introduction to children,
parents, and other essential individuals within the given setting eliminates the risk of excuses such as "I
haven't done something that other people haven't done."(Pavlovic & Bijvoets, 2016)

Title: Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse–Later Criminal Consequences

Authors: Jeremy Travis
Year: 2001

In the last two decades, clinical reports and academic studies have looked into the connection
between childhood sexual abuse and negative outcomes for victims later in life. Acting-out habits, such
as running away, truancy, conduct disorder, delinquency, promiscuity, and improper sexual activity, are
often recorded effects. Studies of prostitutes have also discovered a connection between childhood
sexual abuse and deviant and criminal conduct. People who were maltreated as children, whether it was
sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect, are more likely to be arrested later in life than people who were
not maltreated. People who have been abused or neglected as children are more likely to be arrested later
in life. However, a key finding of this report is that the risk of sexual assault is no higher than the risk of
other forms of maltreatment. In other words, sexual assault victims are no more likely than other victims
to become involved in criminal activity. Victims in all forms of childhood violence and neglect are
more likely to engage in criminal activity. However, the type of victimisation experienced by sexually
abused children does not distinguish them. It does not place them at an increased risk of being arrested,
since they are no more likely to be charged with a crime later in life than children who have been
sexually abused or neglected. (Traviz,2001)

Title: Underreporting of Child Abuse Cases in Malaysia: Society’s Role in Prevention of Child Abuse
Authors: Jamhirah et al
Year: 2017

Underreporting of child abuse cases in Malaysia are due to some reasons. The first one is Fear of
Harsh Punishment for Sole Breadwinner. If the perpetrator is the victim's family's sole breadwinner, the
victim is likely to be in a difficult position to report the perpetrator. For example, on December 30,
2016, the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court sentenced a man to 80 years in prison and 110 whippings for
rapping his 16-year-old daughter eleven times and forcing her to perform oral sex on him once. The
second reason is divorce. When a child's parents split, he or she is more likely to become the victim of
violence. According to a study released by Utusan Malaysia in 2011, a total of 15 children died as a
result of their parent's partner. Furthermore, Malaysia's Sexual, Women and Child Investigation Division
of the Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department announced that the mother's lover was
responsible for 48 child abuse incidents, while the father's lover was responsible for six cases. The third
reason is Failure to identify or prevent child maltreatment. Child violence, according to Barlow, is not a

normal clinical presentation. This is due to the fact that some doctors do not treat child abuse and are not
well qualified to diagnose cases of child abuse. He stressed that in cases of child maltreatment, denial of
injury has stifled the need to disclose. (Jamhirah et al, 2017)

Article Review Checklist

Item Check if


1. I have read the assessment instruction thoroughly /

2. I have gotten approval on my topic from the instructor /

3. I have search and selected the articles as per instructed /

4. I have read and reviewed the 3 articles on my own /

5. I have checked that there is no plagiarism in my writing /

6. I have done this assignment at my level best /

7. I have sent these article reviews to a (human) friend to proofread /

my work.

8. I have attached all 3 articles with this submission /

9. I experienced how this assessment improves my learning /

progress for this course

10. I am happy and proud of the work I did, Alhamdulillah /

Additional comments I have (if any):

Signature mahera

Contribution by: MAHERA RAFIQA BINTI MOKTAR (1811290)

Title: Responding to Child Abuse: Exploring Society’s Role in Prevention
Authors: Rashmi Nair
Year: 2017

The reason why this topic is chosen is that the awareness of Child Sexual Abuse in Malaysia is
still lacking. Some child abuse cases go unreported and victims afraid of the stigmatize attitude from
the society. Public and professional awareness has only been awakened in recent years by activists and

advocates, however it could not be denied that the reported cases are still increasing. In hope with the
awareness campaign, society could at least educate themselves on this issue. The main theme of the
articles is Child Sexual Abuse. The purpose of the article is to inform the society on their roles in being
the help for the survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. According to the articles by Rashmi (2017) a child
who consistently subjected to sexual abuse develops four core psychological states, namely,
stigmatization, betrayal, powerlessness and traumatic sexualisation. Hence, if this happen, the
survivors of Child Sexual Abuse will be afraid in opening up about their problem due to the bad
judgement one can got from the society. He also believes that the prevalence of child abuse can affects
the victims. For example, on economic cost, it has an effect on the legal costs, the medical costs and
the costs to the correctional systems and the psychological services. In short, the information provided
by the researcher on the roles and responsibilities of the society is important. For example, increasing
economic self-sufficiency of families for reducing the violation in the family, enhancement of the
resources through numerous monitoring and supportive strategies and lastly, upgrading the
implementation of policy.

Title: Underreporting of Child Abuse Cases in Malaysia: Society’s Role in Prevention of Child Abuse
Authors: Jamhirah et al
Year: 2017

In Malaysia, underreporting of child abuse cases are due to fear, divorce and inability to
recognize child maltreatment. Upon this matter, it becomes an unresolved social problem. Based on the
researchers (Jamhirah et al, 2017) stated that the involvement of social group, community leaders and
whole society in prevention and reporting of child abuse will decrease the cases in the country. They
believe that social awareness, education, legislative and policy making are the intervention that could
be used to reduce the matters. The involvement of the society is crucial for the society as a prevention
against child abuse. For example, stigma, mindset and attitude towards victims of child sexual abuse
should be change. The society need to understand and educate themselves on the child sexual abuse
information to build a supportive environment for the survivors. They also found that the actual
number of child abuse cases in Malaysia is uncommon. Therefore, it is hard to identify on tracking the
cases. The researchers mentioned that, society need to become more responsible in eradicating child

abuse issue by reporting suspected child abuse cases. In short, that role of society in prevention of child
abuse is essential.

Title: Child Abuse in Malaysia: An Overview from Islamic Perspective

Authors: Hazwani & Raudlotul
Year: 2017

According to Hamdzah & Yasin (2016), that an alarming increase of reported child abuse cases
has been recorded from one year to another. The method used by the researcher is secondary data.
They analysed the data through surveys and statistics of cases happening in Malaysia. Evidently, the
prevalence of the Child Sexual Cases has noticeably caught the eyes with out of the 1,582 rape cases
reported to the police in 2017, almost 80% (1,257) involved victims are all women and girls below the
age of 18. Meanwhile, a total of 1,290 molest cases was recorded involving children under the age of
18, of which about 3% were boys. (The Star, 2019). Comparably in 2018, there were 1,705 sexual
abuse cases. The phenomena of child sexual abuse by ethnicity in recent years reveals that 65.8% of
the abused children were female and 34.2% were male. Where races are concerned, 69.9% were
Malay, 12.8% were Indian, 9.6% were Chinese and 7.7% belonged to other races. The alarming result
showed that a great number of the abusers were those who work in the private sector, where 4414 cases
were reported and private sector workers were housewives with 2718 cases reported during the past
few years. In short, to build a supportive environment, the society needs to give emotional support for
the survivors of child sexual abuse. In regard for the campaign, awareness and education is essential.

Article Review Checklist

Item Check if

1. I have read the assessment instruction thoroughly /

2. I have gotten approval on my topic from the instructor /

3. I have search and selected the articles as per instructed /

4. I have read and reviewed the 3 articles on my own /

5. I have checked that there is no plagiarism in my writing /

6. I have done this assignment at my level best /

7. I have sent these article reviews to a (human) friend to proofread /

my work.

8. I have attached all 3 articles with this submission /

9. I experienced how this assessment improves my learning /

progress for this course

10. I am happy and proud of the work I did, Alhamdulillah /

Additional comments I have (if any):

Signature atiqah

Contribution by: NUR ATIQAH BINTI MAT LAZIM (1728846)

Title: Child Protection in Islamic Contexts: Identifying Cultural and Religious Appropriate Mechanisms
and Processes Using a Roundtable Methodology
Author: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2015
This article discusses a piece of research which brought together Islamic scholars, child
protection academics and international development agencies to identify mechanisms and processes
which safeguard children from harm that are congruent with Islamic scholarship and practices. The
purpose of this article is to create awareness, build networks and increase engagement with child

protection by bringing together different stakeholders to share experiences and encourage collaboration
in a relatively cost-effective manner as it still lacks awareness about these issues.

The main theme of the article is Islamic teachings have made specific references to the duty of
society, through the family unit, to protect children, providing them with an environment where they can
reach their full potential. The authors came out with the ideas while there is an overwhelming agreement
that nation states have primary responsibilities to protect children, humanitarian aid and international
development programmes also mobilize resources to respond to these situations. It was important to
publish these ideas because to seek and address these gaps in knowledge and to identify mechanisms and
processes that are congruent with Islamic scholarship to inform child protection practice in Islamic

The researcher uses qualitative data analysis of the roundtable discussion as their research
methodology. Critically, the roundtable highlighted a significant gap in how Islamic knowledge and
principles are practically applied to child protection policy and practice in international development
contexts. Four key themes were identified following data analysis of the roundtable discussion such as
the convergence and divergence in Islamic thought on issues of child protection, knowledge sharing and
partnership working; individual and collective wellbeing; and mechanisms and tools for intervention. In
my opinion, child protection is a global concern which has mobilized international organizations and
national governments around the world to improve the safety and wellbeing of children. Many of the
most serious and chronic protection concerns for children exist in developing countries, especially
nations that have been affected by protracted conflict, political unrest or natural disasters. Religion and
faith, and their associated cultural dimensions, are important social factors which influence governance,
social practices and beliefs around childbearing, rearing, wellbeing and protection, shaping the way that
child protection concerns are defined, identified and addressed.

Title: The Effect of Child Sexual Abuse on Men

Authors: Patrick O'Leary, Nick Gould, Scott Douglas Easton
Year: 2015

This article discusses about child sexual abuse (CSA) which is a trauma that affects males in
substantial numbers, sometimes in ways that are gender-specific (e.g., compromised masculine identity,

confusion regarding sexuality). The reason I selected this article is because I want to explore gender-
specific outcomes and describe the development of a scale to measure the effects of CSA on men. Much
of the identification of the male-specific outcomes has been derived from practitioner experience and
small qualitative studies. The purpose of this article is to identify and develop a measure of the effects of
CSA as experienced by adult male victims from a relatively large-scale survey of Australian men.

The main theme of the article was about child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors that are
overrepresented in mental health populations. Sexually abused men have high levels of clinical
conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when compared with non-abused men. In a
study based on a random population sample, CSA had a greater effect on the mental health of men
(compared with women) and was strongly correlated with psychiatric disorders. The authors came out
with the ideas that responses to trauma are likely to be mediated by the different social constructions of
gender that can influence men and women to internalize and externalize the long-term effects of CSA
differently. It is important to publish these ideas because this article addresses this gap as a measure
sensitive to males needs will be better at capturing the full impact of CSA on men. CSA is now widely
acknowledged as a trauma that affects boys in substantial numbers.

The researcher uses qualitative interviews with 20 men who were sexually abused in childhood
were thematically analysed. The emergent themes of sexuality, self-concept, psychological and
emotional well-being, and social functioning were used to construct a 30-item instrument which was
later completed by 147 men with histories of CSA. In my opinion, sexual abuse is considered a severe
form of child maltreatment. Data indicate that victims often experience a poorer quality of life in
adulthood compared with non-abused counterparts.

Title: Is Anybody Listening? The Literature on the Dialogical Process of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure
Authors: Anne Margit Reitsema, Hans Grietens
Year: 2015

This article highlighted about the sexual abuse of children which is a global public health
problem that occurs throughout all socioeconomic, educational, and ethnic classes. The reason I selected
this article because it provides an overview of relevant publications on the process of child sexual abuse

disclosure, in order to generate new directions for future research and clinical practice. The aim of this
article is to review the literature on child sexual abuse disclosure, by viewing disclosure as a long-term,
interactive process between the child and her environment. This exploratory review attempts to
synthesize the current knowledge and views on how interactions about child sexual abuse unfold over
time and which areas in the context of child sexual abuse relate to this dialogical process.

The main theme of the article was to show that disclosure is a relational process, which is
renegotiated by each interaction and evolves over an extended period of time. The characteristics and
reactions of the interaction partner appear to be as critical to this process as the behavior and words of
children themselves. The findings of the literature search are clustered into 5 themes which are culture,
family characteristics, and family dynamics, relationship with the perpetrator; verbal and behavioral
ways of disclosure, characteristics of the interaction partner; and response of the interaction partner. It is
important to publish these ideas because perpetrators of sexual abuse are often close family members or
individual’s known to the victim and the victim’s family, and this emotional bond can make it extremely
difficult for children to talk about the abuse. Children may feel loyalty toward the offender, fear possible
consequences for the offender would they talk about the abuse, or be afraid that disclosure will create a
disruption in the family.

Methodological limitations of the review and the publications are discussed, as well as directions
for future research and implications for practice. A second limitation of the reviewed studies concerns
the data collection techniques. While in some studies data were gathered at the time of disclosure or
immediately thereafter, other studies collected data from adults for retrospective experiences of
disclosure. In my opinion, an important factor in the development of a dialogue is the relationship
between the victim and the perpetrator. Children need the guidance of adults to be able to talk about the
confusing and distressing experience of sexual abuse and their support in comprehending what has
happened and coping with their emotions. Child sexual abuse disclosure is therefore as much determined
by children’s expressions and initiatives as by the awareness, listening, and responses of the adults.

Article Review Checklist

Item Check if

1. I have read the assessment instruction thoroughly /

2. I have gotten approval on my topic from the instructor /

3. I have search and selected the articles as per instructed /

4. I have read and reviewed the 3 articles on my own /

5. I have checked that there is no plagiarism in my writing /

6. I have done this assignment at my level best /

7. I have sent these article reviews to a (human) friend to proofread

my work.

8. I have attached all 3 articles with this submission /

9. I experienced how this assessment improves my learning /

progress for this course

10. I am happy and proud of the work I did, Alhamdulillah /

Additional comments I have (if any):

Signature farhana

Contribution by: FARHANA BINTI IRA IRAWAN (1718176)

Title: Child Maltreatment Experience among Primary School Children: A Large-Scale Survey in
Selangor State, Malaysia
Authors: Ayesha Ahmed, Choo Wan-Yuen, Mary Joseph Marret, Cheah Guat-Sim, Sajaratulnisah
Othman, Karuthan Chinna
Year: 2015

Child abuse reports have increased significantly throughout the last years. However, we are still
lacking research data on this occurrence. Thus, the reason why I chose this article is to do a review on
this study. The main idea of this research is to examine the relationship between child abuse and
important socio-demographic factors. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey as the research
method among primary school children in Selangor, which is the highest reported number of child abuse

and neglect cases in the country. The research sample includes both from rural and urban public primary
schools. It is found that approximately 1 in 5 children there reported being emotionally maltreated.
Ethnicity had significant associations with all forms of child maltreatment. Chinese children are less
likely and Indian children are more likely to experience physical maltreatment compared to Malay

The study also confirmed parental conflict as a significant correlate of all forms of parental
maltreatment. This association was particularly prominent among respondents who experienced
significant parental physical maltreatment. Parental alcohol abuse was associated with nearly twice the
odds of parental emotional maltreatment as well as multiple forms of maltreatment. Other important
associations included significantly increasing odds of parental neglect as well as multiple forms of child
maltreatment with deteriorating levels of parental communication about safety. This study has provided
an insight into the substantial burden of child maltreatment in a vulnerable age group in Selangor,
Malaysia and reveals that it is comparable to regional estimates. The analysis draws attention to
differences in prevalence of individual categories and multiple types of maltreatment with respect to
ethnicity and gender.

Interpretation of the results must be considered in the light of the following limitations. The lack
of temporality in the collected data makes it difficult to ascertain the predictive nature of the studied
child and parent variables. Secondly, the survey requires respondents to recall maltreatment events over
the extended past, which may introduce a bias in reporting their occurrence. Furthermore, the survey has
not studied sexual maltreatment which is acknowledged as a key contributor to the overall burden of
child maltreatment. Due to the prevailing cultural sensitivities associated with discussing this subject
with young children, this aspect was not included in this survey.

Title: School‐based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse
Authors: Kerryann Walsh, Karen Zwi, Susan Woolfenden, Aron Shlonsky
Year: 2015

Child sexual abuse is a significant rising issue among the society. The focus was on school-going
adolescents because of the life-long negative impact at an individual level both for the perpetrator and
victim. This research was conducted with a total of 5802 participants in primary (elementary) and
secondary (high) schools in the United States, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey. It
was found that school‐based sexual abuse prevention programmes were effective in increasing
participants' skills in protective behaviours and knowledge of sexual abuse prevention concepts
(measured via questionnaires or vignettes). In terms of harm, there was no evidence that programmes
increased or decreased children's anxiety or fear. No studies measured parental anxiety or fear.

Children exposed to a child sexual abuse prevention programme had greater odds of disclosing
their abuse than children who had not been exposed, however this effect cannot be fully justified when
the analysis was adjusted to account for the grouping of participants in classes or schools. Studies have
not yet adequately measured the long‐term benefits of programmes in terms of reducing the incidence or
prevalence or both of child sexual abuse in programme participants. However, this positively shows that
through awareness we can create more promising surroundings for the children rather than having them
being afraid all the time. Preventive measures should be taken as precaution steps so that the kids would
know how to react and what to do if they were to involve in such circumstances in the future.

Authors: Yarina Ahmad, Siti Nur Fathanah Abd Hamid
Year: 2020

The main idea of this paper is to provides insights into child sexual abuse (CSA) in Malaysia.
This paper concludes that the severity and complexity of CSA issue in Malaysia and other countries
continue to heighten due to the challenges faced by the world. Globalisation, urbanisation, and
modernisation continue to be the threats to the country’s development, particularly upon promoting
protection, security, and privacy of children around the world.

While all relevant parties including doctors, medical officers, police officers, social workers,
legal officers and many others have undertaken necessary efforts and actions to deal with CSA issue
effectively, global challenges continue to contribute to the complexity of CSA. This can be seen in terms
of CSA sequence, seriousness, and impacts on victims, family and society at large. The future outlook of
CSA in Malaysia as well as in other countries must be predicted beforehand, so proactive and preventive
measures can be planned to deal with the complexity of CSA issue involving their community and other
countries. The current and future scenario of CSA in Malaysia urge the country to take immediate
attention to tackle this issue holistically, beginning from tackling the root causes of the issue to
formulating best mechanisms to address this issue effectively. Malaysia like other countries needs to be
more vigilant in protecting children, keeping them from abuse and neglect as the aftereffect do not only
affect them individually but also to the society in the future.

Children can be sexually abused by both adults and other children who are by virtue of their age
or stage of development in a position of responsibility, trust or power over the victim. According to
Corby (2006), the issue of defining sexual abuse in practice is both complex and problematic. There is
much more agreement between child health and welfare professionals about the seriousness of child
sexual abuse and the importance of intervention to protect children from such abuse. All in all, this
paper argues that all parties including family institution, society, community, relevant agencies, and
government as a whole need to play their respective roles in upholding child protection and security in
the country.

How do the articles connect:
Based on the review, it is seen that the articles were connected through various lenses that mostly
focused on the sexual exploitation of children is a worldwide public health issue that affects people of
all social, educational, and ethnic backgrounds. This is due to the fact that the majority of the people in
the survey study are aware of child sexual abuse (CSA). Furthermore, each article focused on the
particular references to society's duty to support adolescents via the family unit, providing them with an
atmosphere in which they can achieve their full potential. Additionally, the substance of the article is
addressed to critical causes on child harassers which are often intimate family members or individuals

who were very close to the victim and the victim's family, and this emotional connection can make it
difficult for children to talk frankly about the abuse.

The significance of this topic to the awareness campaign is that, the intervention to combat Child
Sexual Abuse. Every child in Malaysia has the right to have a safer childhood. They are the nation’s
asset and they should be protected. Hence, with the awareness campaign, society plays a major role in
prevention. However, reporting is uncommon. Malaysia faces challenges because of the underreporting
cases of Child Sexual Abuse. One of ways to educate the society is to provide information for the
reporting process and Child Protection Policy.

Nevertheless, these articles might revolve around the same topic however there are various types
of settings according to the research. For instance, the difference in research sample show that this issue
involves many perspectives such as from the point of the view of the abusers, the victims, the society
around the ones involved and so on. Different research methodology also led to different outcomes of
the result gathered from the studies. It is important to view this study from of perspectives.

All these articles together tell us about the increasing in cases regarding child sexual abuse and
how that abuse has set someone future and also how that sexual abuse can be done by the parents or
someone we know. It is noticeably that child sexual abuse is such a taboo in our society and it took a lot
of from the survivors to persevere and barrel through shame and stigma. Therefore, with most of articles
explained on the theoretical side of the issues, the practical part of intervention should be implemented.


Ahmad, Y., Fathanah, S., & Hamid, A. (n.d.). Journal of Critical Reviews MONSTER IN THE
OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE IN MALAYSIA. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7, 2020.

Ahmed, A., Wan-Yuen, C., Marret, M. J., Guat-Sim, C., Othman, S., & Chinna, K. (2015). Child
Maltreatment Experience among Primary School Children: A Large Scale Survey in
Selangor State, Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 10(3), e0119449.

Indramalar. (2019, November 29). One in 10 Malaysian children are sexually abused, usually by
those they trust. The Star Online.

Hamdzah, H., & Yasin, R.F. (2016). Child abuse in Malaysia: An overview from Islamic

Hutchinson, A. J., O'Leary, P., Squire, J., & Hope, K. (2015). Child protection in Islamic
contexts: Identifying cultural and religious appropriate mechanisms and processes using a
roundtable methodology. Child Abuse Review, 24(6), 395-408.

O’Leary, P., Easton, S. D., & Gould, N. (2015). The effect of child sexual abuse on men: Toward
a male sensitive measure. Journal of interpersonal violence, 32(3), 423-445.

Nair, R. (2017). Responding to Child Abuse: Exploring Society’s Role in Prevention. Journal of
Social Work Education and Practice, 9-16.

Pavlović, Z., & Bijvoets, J. (2016). Situational prevention of child sexual abuse. NBP. Nauka,
bezbednost, policija, 21(1), 114-132.

Reitsema, A. M., & Grietens, H. (2015). Is anybody listening? The literature on the dialogical
process of child sexual abuse disclosure reviewed. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 17(3),

Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2015). School-based education

programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Cochrane Database of Systematic


Widom, C. S. (2001). Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Later Criminal Consequences.

Trooper Dated, 63-66.

Rubric for Article Review

Student Matric Number:

Total Score: /10

Criteria Exemplary Effective Minimal Unsatisfactory

Appropriate 1 mark ◻ Relevant to ◻ Relevant to ◻ Minimal ◻ Not relevant to

Selection of assigned assigned subject relevance to assigned
Articles subject matter matter assigned subject
◻ Article ◻ Article content subject matter

content meets expectations matter ◻ Fails to meet
exceeds ◻ Article is from a ◻ Article content
requirements good source content fails requirements
◻ Article is to meet all ◻ Article is not
from a very requirements from a good
good source ◻ Article is from source
a reliable source

Content of each 6marks ◻ In depth and ◻ Content is ◻ Content is ◻ Content is

Review (2 mark well adequately minimally not
each) organized organized and organized organized
content comprehensive ◻ Length ◻ Length
◻ Meets ◻ Length requirement requirement
length requirement is is not met; is not met;
requirement met with minimal poor
with quality adequate content content
content content ◻ Basic ◻ Incomplete
◻ Student ◻ Some critical summary summary
review discussion ◻ Summary ◻ Evidence of
exceeds ◻ Student review meets plagiarism
average peer meets project minimal ◻ Summary
Excellent expectations expectations does not
review with meet
strong critical minimal
discussion, expectations

Discussion 3 ◻ Discussion ◻ Discussion ◻ Discussion ◻ Discussion is

marks section section brings repeats absent
synthesises reviews reviews as a
together all 3 coherently summary


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