15 Interesting Facts About Chess

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15 interesting facts about chess

1. The number of unique chess game is much greater than

the number of electrons in the universe. The number of
electrons estimated is about 1079, while the unique chess
game is 10120.
2. The longest chess game is theoretically possible is 5,949
3. Chess originated in India during the Gupta empire (almost
1400 year ago) from their it spread to Persian empire then
to the middle east after Muslims conquered Persia. From
their it spread to Europe and Russia
4. The longest game lasted for 269 moves and ended in a
5. The word “check mate” came from Arabic word “shah
mat” which translates to the king is dead in English.
6. The new moves where pawn can moves two steps instead
of one was introduced in Spain in 1280.
7. The modern chess board as it we see first appear in
Europe in 1090.
8. The second book printed in English language was about
9. The number of possible ways of playing the first four
moves for both side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000
10. Chess is also called game of kings.
11. The shortest number of ways o achieve checkmate is
just two moves !
About 600000000 six hundred billion people knows how to play chess worldwide.

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