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~ ‘Mand-oute in Computer 7 PPP m8 moore of Computer ‘compuer en eacrn: Seven dese rane 69 eo moe ved orton Nex pero varus i rari i ergy CCUG WE ORR A ray ‘He be ued as 2 commana ve MeCN ao Shoe pach rh be ere 4@ twroRTANCE OF coumuTER EDUCATION 1 Campus have exons merery Pat can sear eee mins of characers 2 Toh te yo nave ores opr mans a Ober Compl Aes Oman (CAD) mae Claro returns can be 2 ear trough heh of he Comets recien Lace mgs Sow eat gh e pea hes PY Mabe cer eg secre Sze wt eat en em) can DS rae rhomatr yates ee firma wer ease [Preparation of payras and biting imoices are wet tactated ATORYOF COMPUTER 100 ane 20 CE (Common Era) When the fest numbering system was inverted by Hindus nda Theft meng sytem rom 13 sopce The Babylonians vera he est recoded ang maine ‘Abacus ‘Tis was poputartzed by the Chinese y [Tc can ancient computing device constructed on siding beads on smal wooden rods, tung on @ wooden frame. Jon Mater farts a ee ei . Inacduced the use fog lian ad tno 144, Pascanne as sr roltng wel coco iverted by Bae Pasa, French maematan n 642 ' Gottried Lebnitz \ Inve the STEPPED RECKONER, a machine that could mutiply 5-12 dit numbers yeing upto 16 dit numbers, Se Joseph Marie Jacquard ‘evetopec the mechanical oom, @ machine that uses cards punched wth holes fo automatic weaving in 180" (Chares Babbage ee veries the steam-powered adding machine called Diflerence Engine, it the fst modem computer device that can _asomatcaly solve matn problems 1 1821 + Invented the naiyoca engine +e isthe Father of Maem Computer Herman Holierth He i the “Father of information Processing” Howard Aiken Avert te fest stored program compu cated Mak | in 1942 eae = lecronic Numeral Integrator and Computer = The ist electronic digta! computer = Developed by J. Presper Eckert Jr. and John Mauchly in 1946, = Universal Automatic Comput > = Fist commeriay avaiable computer = Developed by Eckert and Mauchly though the help of Remington Rand, Generations of Computer 1. Fiat Generation (1951-1958) (Characterize by the use of vacuum ties 2 the mang rang erent " the sped of 200 structions per second ah = nese ot the aby tore 10094000 characters wh 2. Second Generation (1989-1963) ‘Made up of 2 sm, sold slate component designed to. isthe aily to tore 4000 to 320,000 characters ange OM Be curentcbed ants 7d oud process, i pe song. ne i 13. Third Generation (1964-1974) — "his anew echrogy te es Sng chp hat ene Tuber ot ans 7 PRIMARY COMPONENTS OF THE COMPUTER eee HARDWARE = The physical computer and its component. = Covi ether be input or output devies. ‘SOFTWARE = These are programs thal un the computer. PEOPLEWARE ‘These ar the highly sie individual in manipulating computers. INPUT DEVICES Italows the user to communicate wih the compute. 4. Keyboard = lows you to ype on the computer. = lhresembls ike 3 typewnter keyboard 2 Mouse yt the porter on ne screen: = handheld pointing device connected to the personal computer system unt 3. Scanner : Ws ies tt crs tn ge st Pp em pA 4. Webcam tis video camera which feeds its imapes in real me to @ computer. 5. Joystick itis @ handheld device whichis designed forges. (OUTPUT DEVICES These are compute peripherals that spay presetinformaon in grepi fo, ase Wh, sound or et 4. Printer tis computer peripheral deve that produces aha copy = produces output on diferent media. 2 Monitor 2 rere tke a teen, wich splay te cures and terms om te compe On eee 3. Speakers -tteonverts ouput data ino sound SYSTEM UNIT a = lkeomtain ll the intemal parts of the comp Fears tte computer system where al he prea devs recone «tis conmaniy cal as CPU or te Centra Processing Unt > Considered tobe the brain of he compe. po vr nnesophialitn TLE? land-out in Technology TYPES OF COMPUTER Computers diferin purpose, operation, and siz. The bigger they are, the faster and greater efciency is given. Costs also associated wit the capacity and efciency ofthe machine, Classification According to Purpose 4. General Purpose Computer = This ype of computers programmed to handle many diferent uncon. tis used in making pays, accounts, receivables, inventory contol and sales analysis. 2. ‘Special Purpose Computer | "There ae compuers designed to perform speci set of operations. Examples of which areal \walches, calculator, trafic ight and some highly sophisticated devices used fo perfom specific task tke, atin reservations, industial processing contro, and satelite tracking, Classification According to Type of Data Handled | 1. Analog Computers, ~ These types of computers ae specifically used fr sientfc and engineering applications to find ‘Precise measurements up tothe smallest unt deals with continuously changing data such as ‘pressure, temperature, and cunt. Speedometer isan example of his device which shows analogous Or similar changes in speed ofan automobile 2. Digital Computers ‘These give accurate computation than the analog computers which produces discree data with highest ogre of accuracy. 3. Hybrid Computers — ~ These type of computers ae combination ofthe features of analog and digital computers. Like the analog computers, these are used in solving scientific and engineering problems but are highly reiable tke the digital computer duet its 100% accuracy level. Example of the use ofthese type are space vehicle simulation and traning of astronauts Classification According to Capacity 1. ‘These ar the largest and fastest machines with a capacity of 50 milion operations second. These are sed specially inthe development of nuclear weapons and to make accurate weather forecasting. 2. Large Scale Computers = Itcan handle 15 ion bytes in tems of memory and Gperating speed inthe low nanosecond range. These ae very expensive machines wtih ae valuable for larger fs with thousands of employees and custome, 3. Medium-sized Computers ~ These types of computers have greater caglcity and can handle volume of work wih high speed. They have 2 bles wort length and 524,000 bytes in memory size. A. Minicomputers f{ ~ These are mitsize computers thal can perform tasks that canbe done bya lrg sce computer. LUkewise, i perarms tasks a slower pave and has lesser cost. 5, Microcomputers ~ Synonymous refered to a the personal computer, a computer designed for indvidual use. It uses roms eck tna cone opcons wr possi, ing espe! set $0 6. Portable Computers ~ These are handy and portale computers which can perio multiple applications. CHARACTERISTICS AND CAPABILITIES OF COMPUTERS Computers ae widely used asa communication lol, an oie endly device and as @ research gadget Characteristics of a Computer 41. Nisa machine isan inanimate obec that need ouside intervention fri 1 runt can only do tings for which ltwas intended to . 2. tis electronics made up of electronic crus and runs trough the elect curent, 3. is automatic. Once stared i continues to un wihout ouside inerveton. 4. thcan manipulate dat. Following a specific us, itcan perform arithmetic functions such as ado, subtraction, ‘multiplication, and dvson can also compare data. '5. has memory. ithas the capacity fo remember whats has done. can sore instructions ints memexry and folow ‘hese though unaided. 6. thas logic funtion. can be ghven ase fnstructons whch ls what must do and how it must do then. Capabilities of a Computer Speed Repetitiveness, ‘Accuracy Logical operations ‘Slre and real iforaton Sel-checking Settaperting Limitations of Computer 4. Itcannot do wha isnot instructed to do. 2. cannot corect wrong instruction, 3. Icannot perform creative thinking. 4. tis subjected to occasional breakdown due to maintenance flue. THE COMPUTER SYSTEM ‘SOFTWARE {s the program or date used by the computer system. It ist instruction fo the processor to perform task specie by the program. Kinds of Software 41. Application Software = These are programs tha factate works inthe word of ofice and business, ~ Examples: word processor, spreadsheet, presentation sofware, data base software, web browser, and ‘ther applications that are used to get people's work done 2. Operating Systems These are software that keep the hardware and sofware to work together smoothly. tracts the fow of instructions all throughout the system. = Examples: 00S (Disk Operating System), Windows, Linux, and Machine Operating System. 3. Programming Languages ~ These are software tha are used to cree other software. PATTERN FLOW OF ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING (EDP) == | at INPUT This is he first stage of Electronic Data Processing where data gathered are entered into the computer in a machine readable fom. PROCESSING Its the stage involved the manipulation of data or the performance of operations onthe entered data acoording to program o ist of instructions. = hiss the final stage ofthe Electronic Data Processing where the user may already use the product of the processing sage a he cups desired. *DaphneSophiatm.E7

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