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Pepito, Erica Jane C.

BSED SCIENCE 2 Rizal 1:30-3:30 pm

“Reaction Paper: Jose Rizal, Sa Landas Ng Paglaya”

         The discovery that strikes me the most is the HONG-KONG December

1891. Rizal said there that "A person be ready to die for his duty and for his beliefs. I'll
wholeheartedly die for this virtue encourages people to strive selflessly for the
betterment of their country. True patriots make up an indeed developed country. In
other words, patriotism is prioritizing the country's interests over one's own. Patriotism is
more visible during times of war. Furthermore, it contributes to the nation's
development. There are other qualities of patriotism to consider. These are just a few of
the country's patriots. They were passionate about their country and would give their
lives for it. These names will serve as great models for future generations. To see our
motherland, grow, we must have patriotism and work for it. Our motherland is how we
refer to our country. This shows the importance of having the same love for our country
as we do for our mother. After all, our country is a mother to us, fostering and guiding us
in our development. Patriotism is a virtue that everyone should possess because it
improves life.

          When he arrived in the Philippines, one of the most important things he did was
founding La Liga Filipina. The objectives of La Liga Filipina: first, is for citizens to
come together as one nation. We don't need to be destroying each other, and we
certainly don't need to be marching to the same beat, right down a cliff's edge. Survival
requires some kind of cooperation, which involves the presence of two or more
communities, two or more diverse ideas, and two or more different sets of resources to
engage in the give and take of cooperation. The second is to establish cooperation. It
is essential because it helps individuals and groups to collaborate in order to achieve a
common goal or obtain mutual benefits. Cooperation takes place on different levels,
including between individuals, organizations, and states, and countries. And last is to
protect each other. If we work together, we really can make a difference and help keep
our community safe.

          Andres Bonifacio and other reformists established KKK. The moral purpose was
to instill in the Filipinos basic manners, cleanliness, hygiene, decent morals, and how to
avoid religious extremism. The civic purpose was to inspire Filipinos to help themselves
and to stand up for the mistreated poor. The Katipunan established three main goals:
Moral – good manners, hygiene, moral values, and rejection of religious fanaticism and
weakness of character; civic – self-help and the defense of the weak and oppressed;
political – separation of the Philippines from Spain; moral – good manners, hygiene,
good morals, and rejection of religious fanaticism and weakness of character; and civic
– self-help and the defense of the poor and oppressed. The Katipunan served as an
awakening call for the Filipinos to fight for their freedom.

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