Tugas SP Suci Indah 3b D3 Keperawatan

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Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Individu Semester Pendek Bahasa inggris

Dosen Pembimbing :

Tara indra D,S.Kep., Ners

Disusun Oleh :

Suci Indah Pratiwi



1. Simple present tense : digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fakta , kebenaran
dan kebiasaan , maka tidak membutuhkan referensi waktu

Rumus :

(+) s + V1(+S/es) / to be ( is,am,are)+ O

(-) S+ do/does not + v1+ O

(?) do / does +s+v1+O


(+) I go to market everyday

(-) I don’t go to market everyday

(?) do you go to market everyday

2. present continuous tense : digunakan untuk menyatakan hal yang sedang di

lakukan atau terjadi di masa sekarang .

Rumus :

(+) s+ to be (is , am , are)+ V ing

(-) s+ to be ( is , am,are ) + not + V ing

(?) to be ( is , am , are ) + s+ Ving ?

Contoh :

(+) Rani is writing a letter

(-) rani isn’t writing a letter

(?) is rani writing a letter ?

3. simple past tense : digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang
terjadi di masa lalu .

(+) s+v2

(-) S+ did not + V1

(?) did + S + V1

Contoh :

(+) beni washed his car yesterday

(-) beni didn’t wash his car yesterday

(?) did beni wash his car yesterday ?

4. past continuous tense : digunakan ketika berbicara tentang kejadian atau

kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di masa lalu

(+) S + was / werw + V ing

(-) S+ was / werw + not + Ving

(?) was/were + S+Ving


( +) aisyah was reading a book s p m this evening

(-) aisyah wasn’t reading a book at s p m this evening

(?) wa aisyah reading a book at s p m this evening ?

5. present perfect tense : digunakan ketika menyatakan kejadian atau kegiatan

menyatakan yang sudah terjadi di masa sekarang


(+) S+has/have +V3

(-) S+has/have +bot +V3

(?) has / have +S=V3 ?


(+) she has easten

(-) she hasn’t eatenyet

(?) has she eaten?

6. present perfect continuous tense : digunakan untuk suatu kejadian atau

kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan dan berlanjut hingga masa sekarang

Rumus :

(+) S+has/have + been+Ving

(-) S+has/have +not +been + Ving

(?) has/have +S+ been +ving


(+) I have been working here since 2015

(-) I have not been working here since 2015

(?) have you been working here since 2015

7. past perfect tense : digunakan ketika kita berbicara mengenai hal atau
kegiatan yang sudah terjadi dan selesai dimasa lampau

Rumus :

(+) S+had+V3

(-) S+has + not + V3

(?) had+S+V3

(+) I had finished my homework before I meet up with widi yesterday

(-) I had not finished my homework before I meet up with widi yesterday

(?) has I finished my homework before I meet up with widi yesterday ?

8. past perfect continuous tense : digunakan ketika berbicara tentang hal atau
kegiatan yang dimulai dan terjadi hingga suatu waktu tertentu di masa lalu

(+) S+Had+been+Ving

(-) S+ had +not+been+Ving

(?) has+s+been+Ving?

Contoh :

(+) she has been working there before she moved to my office

(-) she had not been working there before she moved to my office

(?) had she been working there before she moved to my office ?

9. simple future tense : digunakan ketika kita berbucara kejadian yang akan
terjadi di masa depan atau sebuah rencana

Rumus :

(+) S+will+V1

S+is/am/are+going to +V1

(-) S+will+not+V1

S+is/am/are + not+going to +V1

(?) will+S+V1?

Is/am/are+S+going to +V1
Contoh :

(+) I am going to meet my father tomorrow with my mom

(-) I am not going to meet my father tomorrow with my mom

(?) am I going to meet my father tomorrow with my mom?

10. future continuous tense ; digunakan ketika membicarakan hal atau kegiatan
yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan

Rumus :

(+) S+will be +Ving

(-) S+will+not+be+ Ving

(?) will+S+be+Ving

Contoh :

(+) I will studying math tho night at 7 p.m

(-) I will not studying math to night at 7 p.m

(?) will you be studying math to night at 7p.m ?

11. future perfect tense : digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai hal yang akan berakir di
masa depan

Rumus :

(+) S+will have + Verb 3

(-) S+ will not have + Verb 3

(?) will + S+ have + verb 3 \


(+) I will have finished my homework

(-) I will not have finished my homework

(?) will I have finished my homework?

12. future perfect continuose tense : digunakan untuk menunjukan hal atau
kegiatas yang akan terus terjadi di masa depan

Rumus :

(+) S+will have been + verb ing

(-) S+will + not + have + been + Verb ing

(?) will + S+ have + been + Verb ing


(+) in 2020 , she will have been working here for 2 years

(-) in 2020 , she will not have been working here for 2 years

(?) in 2020, will she have been working here for 2 years?

13. past future tense : digunakan untuk menunjukan hal yang akan dilakukan
dimasa lalu namun gagal

Rumus :

(+) S+would/should + Verb 1

(-) S+would/should not + verb 1

(?) would/should +S+ Verb 1


(+) I would come to your party if you invited me

(-) I would not come to your party if you did not invite me

(?) would I come to your party if you did not invite me ?

14. past future continuous tense : digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu hal yang
akan di lakukan di masa lampau dan akan berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu di
masa lampau

Rumus :

(+) S+ would/should+be+verb ing

(-) S+ would / should not + be+ Verb ing

(?) would/should + S+be+ Verb ing


(+) I would be studying If you did not disturb me yesterday

(-) I would not be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday

(?) would I be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday?

15. past future perfect tense : digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu aksi yang
akan sudah dilakukan semasa lampau namun ternyata tidak dilakukan

(+) S+would/Should + have +Verb 3

(-) S+ would/should not + have + Verb 3

(?) would/should + S+ be + Verb 3


(+) I would have bought a new car id I had enough money

(-) I would not have bought a new car if I had enough money

(?) would I have bought a new car if I had enough money

16 . past future perfect continuous tense : digunakan untuk menunjukan aksi

yang akan sudah dan masih sedang di lakukan di masa lampau
Rumus :

(+) S+ would / should +have +been+ Verb ing

(-) S+would/should noy+have+been+ Verb ing

(?) would/ should + S+ have+ been+Verb ing


(+)she would have been waiting for me for 3 hours yesterday but he had gone at

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