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Andrew marvell- English metaphysical poet

During the Commonwealth period he was a colleague and friend of John Milton and
member of hoc

-love-song "To His Coy Mistress"

- evocations of an aristocratic country house and garden in "Upon Appleton House"
-"The Garden", -the political address "An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from
- political satires "Flecknoe" and "The Character of Holland"

which is a political poem DATED to early 1650, responds with lament to the regicide
even as it praises Oliver Cromwell's return from Ireland?
=horatian ode

who wrote the satirical "Character of Holland," repeating the then-current

stereotype of the Dutch as "drunken and profane": "This indigested vomit of the
Sea,/ Fell to the Dutch by Just Propriety."?
=andrew marvell

The Rehearsal Transpros'd, an attack on Samuel Parker( prose work of 1672)

Mr. Smirke; or The Divine in Mode, a work critical of intolerance within the Church
of England, was published together with a "Short Historical Essay, concerning
General Councils, Creeds, and Impositions, in matters of Religion."(1676)

who contributed an eloquent prefatory poem, entitled "On Mr. Milton's Paradise
Lost", to the second edition of Milton's epic Paradise Lost. According to a
biographer: "Skilled in the arts of self-preservation, he was not a toady."?
=andrew marvell

Marvell responded to the political corruption that had contributed to English

failures during the Second Anglo-Dutch War in which work?
=longest verse satire, Last Instructions to a Painter, written in 1667

who commented in his diary, "Here I met with a fourth Advice to a Painter upon the
coming in of the Dutch and the End of the War, that made my heart ake to read, it
being too sharp and so true"?
=samuel pepys

who wrote anonymous prose satires criticizing the monarchy and Roman Catholicism,
defending Puritan dissenters, and denouncing censorship?
=andrew marvell

The Rehearsal Transpros'd, an attack on Samuel Parker, was published in two parts
in 1672 and 1673.

In 1676, Mr. Smirke; or The Divine in Mode, a work critical of intolerance within
the Church of England, was published together with a "Short Historical Essay,
concerning General Councils, Creeds, and Impositions, in matters of Religion."

who was described in his thirties as "a notable English Italo-Machiavellian"?

=andrew marvell

who wrote poems with biblical influence in poems such as "The Garden", the
"Coronet" and "The Bermudas"?
=andrew marvell

who wrote of Marvell's style that "It is more than a technical accomplishment, or
the vocabulary and syntax of an epoch; it is, what we have designated tentatively
as wit, a tough reasonableness beneath the slight lyric grace"?
=t.s. eliot

who identified Marvell and the Metaphysical school with the "dissociation of
sensibility" that occurred in 17th-century English literature; he described this
trend as "something which...happened to the mind of is the difference
between the intellectual poet and the reflective poet". Poets increasingly
developed a self-conscious relationship to tradition, which took the form of a new
emphasis on craftsmanship of expression and an idiosyncratic freedom in allusions
to Classical and Biblical sources?
=t.s. eliot

which marvell's poem combines an old poetic conceit (the persuasion of the
speaker's lover by means of a carpe diem philosophy) with Marvell's typically
vibrant imagery and easy command of rhyming couplets
=to coy his mistress

Christopher Peachment published "The Green and the Gold", a first-person fictional
narrative following whose life?

�To His Coy Mistress� by Andrew Marvell is a beautiful love poem based on a
gentleman wooing his mistress to make love with him.

There are several allusions to To His Coy Mistress made in other works, including
Annie Finch�s �Coy Mistress�, and T.S. Eliot�s �The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock�, which is a poem written from the point of view of a neurotic young man
trying to approach a young lady at a party, and failing to do so.

Thou by the Indian Ganges side

Should'st Rubies find: I by the Tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood: are lines from which marvell poem?
=to coy his mistress

In the Restoration period, England also flourished in her trade and commerce. It
reached its pinnacle in the Victorian era. The elements of the colonial expansion
are present in this poem. The reference to the �Indian Ganges�, reflects the
English mindset of expansion and celebration of national glory. Marvell also tries
to capture it in his poem.

The poem, �Eyes and Tears� by Andrew Marvellthe image of tears which better measure
tings and which are therefore like the plumb-lines by means of which the depth of
water is measured.

The poem, The Unfortunate Lover by Andrew Marvell contains a very moving account of
the �disasters� which befell a man from before his birth to his death.

�The Garden� by Andrew Marvell presents the beauty of a garden wonderfully.

�On a Drop of Dew� by Andrew Marvell uses the metaphor of a dew-drop to depict the
transcience of the soul. �On a Drop of Dew� by Andrew Marvell, the central idea is
that the human soul comes into this world from heaven and that it is anxious to go
back there as soon as possible. The two opening stanzas describe a dew-drop as it
lies, trembling, on a rose-petal. The dew-drop is scornful of the flower on which
it lies and keeps gazing at the sky from where it came. It feels restless all the
time until the sun takes pity on it and arranges for its flight back to heaven
through the process of evaporation.

In �The Coronet� by Andrew Marvell, the poet would like to write a poem, being �The
Coronet�, in honor of Jesus Christ. Christ was made to wear a crown of thorns as a
mark of his disgrace at the time of the Crucifixion. But the poet, too, has been
piercing Christ with the thorns of his sinful actions. Now the poet wants to make
amends to Christ for the wrongs which have been done to him by his enemies and by
the poet too. To make amends, he wants to weave garlands of the best flowers to
serve as a crown of honor for Christ.

The Gallery� by Andrew Marvel is a piece of metaphysical poetry. It is a �conceit�

that uses a long and extended metaphor to describe an emotion or action. In this
case, the love the speaker feels for �Clora.�
�The Gallery� by Andrew Marvell describes a mental gallery of images that a devoted
speaker has painted for his object of affection, Clora.

�The Nymph Complaining For The Death Of Her Fawn� by Andrew Marvell is a sensuous
elegy on the death of a pet fawn(red dear), killed by soldiers.

The poem, Bermudas, by Andrew Marvell, describes the feelings of a group of English
pilgrims, who had fled from the religious persecution of Laud, the Archbishop of
Canterbury at that time in England, and who found refuge in one of the islands of
the group known as the Bermudas. Besides expressing the feelings of those pilgrims,
the poem also describes the natural wealth of the particular island where the
pilgrims had arrived.

�The Picture of Little T. C. in a Prospect of Flowers� by Andrew Marvell presents a

picturesque description of a little girl addressed as �Little T.C.� in the poem.

The poem, A Dialogue Between the Soul and Body by Andrew Marvell describes the
conflict between the human Body and the human Soul, each attributing its troubles
and sufferings to the other. The Soul feels that it is a prisoner inside the Body
while the Body feels that the Soul is a tyrant imposing all kinds of restraints and
restrictions upon the Body.The Soul wishes that the Body should die so that the
Soul can go back to heaven, its original abode. The Body, in turn, holds the Soul
responsible for all the sins that the Body commits. All sins, says the Body, are
the results of the many and conflicting emotions which the Soul experiences.

The Fair Singer� by Andrew Marvell talks about the beauty of a lady who is also a
graceful singer.

Young Love� by Andrew Marvell is a carpe diem poem about urging a young girl of
fifteen to make love with the poetic persona.

�The Definition of Love� by Andrew Marvell presents the account of the lovelorn
poet and his definition of love.

�You, Andrew Marvell� by Archibald MacLeish describes the transitory nature of the
time and the unstoppable force that is night.this poem is opposite of carpe diem
theme of "to coy his mistress"

In the poemThe Mower's Song , a man who works as a mower sings about his lover
Juliana.[3] He compares her cruelty with his own cruelty to the grass he cuts.
Upon Appleton House is a poem written by Andrew Marvell for Thomas Fairfax, 3rd
Lord Fairfax of Cameron. It was written in 1651, when Marvell was working as a
tutor for Fairfax's daughter, Mary. An example of a country house poem, "Upon
Appleton House" describes Fairfax's Nunappleton estate while also reflecting upon
the political and religious concerns of the time.

which poem by andrew marvell was published posthumously in 1681?

=to coy his mistress

which poem of andrew marvell is cavelier?

=to coy his mistress

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