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General Banking Questioner

1. What is account and who is eligible for opening A/c.

2. What do you meant by trustee account? What are the required papers/documents to open trustee
3. What is the procedure of A/c opening of an illiterate person?
4. Club/Society/Trustee/Education Institute A/c. Opening requirements.
5. What papers required to open an account of Masjid/ Madrasha?
6. What is Liquidator A/c?
7. Documents required for opening RFCD account.
8. Required documents for opening Public Limited Company Account.
9. How to open & maintain a Student A/C? 10 features of Student Account.
10. What precaution should be taken during submission /preparing KYC.
11. What is Garnishee order?
12. What are the responsibilities of banker after receiving Garnishee Order?
13. Difference between Mandate & power of attorney 04 difference.
14. Qualification of introducer.
15. Consequence of the Account that has been opened without introducer.
16. What steps to be taken by banker If account holder insane.
17. What is Dormant & inoperative account?
18. What is dividend equalization A/C.
19. What is KYC & TP?
20. Account Close and Account Transfer procedure.
21. What are the reasons for Closing of account?
22. Write 05 reasons not to pay profit to MSB A/c.
23. Mudaraba Short Notice Account 06 features.
24. When MSD account dormant.
25. Describing 5 reasons for stop payment of an account.
26. Balance amount withdrawal in case of Joint Account if one died.
27. What are the different types of deposit accounts of EXIM Bank?
28. What is the meaning of MTDR?
29. What is the procedure and consideration of Issuing Duplicate MTDR?
30. Five scheme deposit product.
31. Dormant/Incorporate/Unclaimed Deposit.
32. CLR, SRR, REPO, Reverse REPO, Contingent Liability.
33. Components of SLR,CRR
34. Types of Mandate.
35. How is profit distributed to Mudaraba Depositors in an Islami Bank?
36. What is Time and Demand deposit? Write some example of Time and demand deposit?
37. What are core deposit, corporate deposit & Bank Deposit?
38. What is customer due diligence (CDD)?
39. CTR & STR definition.
40. What are the document to be retained with STR (05)?
41. What is money laundering? Major ways of Money Laundering.
42. Punishment of AMLD-to attempt assists for person, false statement providing for person.
43. 05 predicate offences in AML.
44. False reporting punishment in AML.
45. 05 reporting organization.
46. 08 detection procedure of AMLD in FEx transaction. 10 symptoms for suspecting money laundering
client as per AMLD.
47. Write 04 profession of Medium risk as per AMLD.
48. Mutual evaluation, when, why (AMLD-APG)
49. What is ACU?
50. Write the name of 6 (six) professions/enterprises carrying high risk for money laundering.
51. Required papers of limited company account covering anti money laundering.
52. Required papers of Mosjid / Madrasa account covering anti money laundering.
53. What is procedure of account opening for Ltd. Company under Money Laundering Prevention act-2012?
54. Write the name of 6 (six) professions/enterprise carrying medium risk for money laundering.
55. Who are the Report submitting Organization of Money Laundering
56. Punishment for non-cooperation (information hides) in Anti Money Laundering.
57. Attempt assist by personal & entity
58. What the crime/offenses & punishments as per Money laundering Prevention act-2012.
59. What are the sign that a customer is involved in Suspicious Transaction.
60. Write eight predictive offense as per Anti money laundering prevention act-2012.
61. MS-Excel 03 functions.
62. What is virus? Function of ADC.
63. Define operating systems, Programming language, Storage device.
64. Write down four advantage of the widespread use of IT in financial sector.
65. Define Pull Service in Mobile Banking, HTTP, MIS
66. What is IT Audit? What is M-Commerce? Write three features of ATM.
67. M Commerce.
68. Write about three different uses of Microsoft Office Excel in Banking.
69. What are the services providing by ADC of Exim Bank?
70. What do you meant by Plastic money?
71. LAN, WAN & ATM and its Functions.
72. What is E banking?
73. Debit Card Vs Credit Card.
74. All mode of Islamic investment BACH
75. What is & how many computer operating system.
76. Software password security.
77. Paragraph: Core banking software & Operational activities of EXIM Bank.
78. Message types of T-24.
79. What is plastic money.
80. E-Banking benefits.
81. Alternative Delivery channel function.
82. What is wallet.
83. Information security
84. IT security & pass word.
85. Advantage of Cash Deposit Machine (CDM).
86. Six features of Aiser (internet banking)
87. Mention four advantages of EXIM Cash as a product of ADC.
88. What is electronic Banking.
89. What is the procedure/formalities to reissue of a card if a holder report lost or destroy of a card.
90. What do you meant by password security? What is the present strategy of our Bank to protect password
91. How data base theft could be solved.
92. How Spread sheet can help in data base.
93. What measures can be taken to protect system from hacking.
94. Write 06 components of e-banking
95. What is cloud storag
96. Short note -BEFTN
97. What is e-commerce
98. EXIM Cash 04 features
99. Work of Call centre
100. MICR cheques 05 security character.
101. What is EXIM Wallet.
102. Characteristics of Mobile Banking.
103. Deceased Account-if nominee is not mentioned & Balance of the account is within Tk.25,000/-
104. Deceased A/C balance of Tk.25,000/- without nominee
105. Deceased procedure without nominee for Tk.25000.00
106. Discuss the procedure for dis. of balance amount from deceased account where the nominee is not
mentioned and balance is not more than Tk.25,000.
107. Risk of banker in case of late payment.
108. Similarities between Cheque & DP Note.
109. Duties of paying Bank in case of crossed cheque.
110. Duties of Collecting Bank.
111. Common standing order for customer
112. 05 Standing instructions
113. 4 parties in Bill of Exchange
114. 6 characteristics in bill of exchange.
115. 04 duties of paying bank.
116. What is Marking of cheque?
117. What is Restrictive crossing?
118. Name of 03 negotiable instruments.
119. Characteristics of Negotiable instrument?
120. Reasons of cheque dishonor.
121. How will a banker respond if a cheque presented whose amount differs in word & figure.
122. What is Negotiable Instrument?
123. What do you meant by Queasy Negotiable Instrument?
124. What is Cheque? What are the characteristics of cheque?
125. Who are the parties of a cheque?
126. What are the duties of collecting bank and payee bank?
127. What are the reasons of dishonoring a cheque?
128. What is the procedure of stop payment?
129. What is endorsement & what are the types of endorsement?
130. Deference between DP Note & Bill of Exchange
131. Paying Bank,Collecting Bank
132. What is Late Payment of Cheque? Why Banker discourage for late payment, what are the formalities of
late payment of cheque.
133. What is DP Note, Characteristics of DP Note, Specimen of DP Note.
134. What is Letter of Disclaimer?
135. Holder, Holder in Due Course, Payment in Due Course
136. Right off , Set off.
137. procedure of Stop Payment of Cheque.
138. Duplicate Issue: Pay Order, DD, MTDR, Scheme A/c
139. Differences between :(b) Cheque & Bill of Exchange, (c) DP Note & Bill of Exchange,
140. Write down five differences between cheque & Promissory note.
141. Five precautionary measures to be taken by a paying bank before passing a cheque for payment.
142. What are the liabilities of a paying Banker under NI Act. To collect a crossed cheque?
143. Cheque returns reasons.
144. What steps are taken after submission of Negotiable instrument?
145. If any cheque payment paid by mistake than Payee bank liability.
146. What is the calculation of surplus cash? How surplus cash is managed?
147. Banker’s General rights of lien.
148. Procedure if DD lost
149. Dayend voucher
150. What is Green Banking?
151. Customer Service: Definition, Services, who is customer?
152. When we can refuse a Cheque.
153. Six steps of implementing Green Banking.
154. What is legal process in case of presenting built note in counter.
155. What is Bank locker,
156. Write insurance policy of Volt limit, counter limit, cash in transit limit..
157. Rent of Bank locker as per size and realization procedure of such rent.
158. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, GSP-Short note.
159. Business unit of Private Economic zone.
160. APG & National Payment System Switch(Paragraph)
161. What are the reason of termination of Contract
162. What is Customer Service? Write 10 major elements of good customer services.
163. Write paragraph on Customer Service & Complaint Management.
164. Write paragraph on BRICS Development Bank.
165. Relationship Manager’s 07 characteristics.
166. Define Leadership.
167. What is Integrity.
168. Islamic Banks & Research Centres : OIC, IDB, ADB, FISB, WTO, WB, IMF, BIBA, CSBIB etc.
169. Service Rule: Code of Conduct, Leave, Punishment
170. CSR Activities/ 04 Exchange House / EIIL of EXIM Bank
171. Write ten laws relating to Banking.
172. What is the objective of Internal control?
173. Paragraph –EXIM Bank Vision-2024
174. Termination of contract-reasons.
175. What is Bank note & currency note?
176. What is maturity mismatch?
177. What is Asset-liability Management
178. What is currency note & Govt. Note.
179. Exim GL account transaction
180. Dept. equity ratio & current ratio
181. What are the constitutes of Financial Institutes?
182. What are the bases for issuing new currency?
183. Money Market (Call Money/ Money at Call) & Capital Market
184. What is Currency note and Government note
185. What is non-issue/soiled note, mutilated note, built up note & Re-issue notes?
186. What are currency note & Govt. note
187. What is venture capital?
188. What is meant by Bank?
189. What do you meant by banking hour?
190. Do you make payment against Cheque presented after Banking Hour. If you want to pay, how?
191. Monetary control mechanism of BB
192. What type of monetary policy applied by Bangladesh Bank to increase/decrease money supply?
193. Write the name against which Central Bank issue and circulate notes in the market.
194. Under what Order Bangladesh Bank Formed?
195. Write the name of Bangladesh Bank Order? Write 10 names of Laws & Ordinance of Banking.
196. Definition of Bank & Banker
197. Function of Central Bank / Commercial Bank/ Islamic bank
198. Written down five functions of Commercial Bank
199. In which year B. B. issue “Guideline for Islamic Banking” and by when did it activated.
200. Write down five agency function of commercial bank.
201. Functions of Central Bank.

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