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Makey Makey - Wire Game Project

We are learning to make a wire game using wire, Makey Makey and scratch 

SOLO LEVEL  One  Many  Relate  Extend 

SOLO VERB  Identify & Define  Combine & Perform  Apply  Create & 
Serial Skills  Integrate  Evaluate 

Success Criteria  I can identify and  I can insert and change 

describe the following  multiple sprites and 
parts  sound effects which react 
- Scratch program  I can assemble the parts  upon receiving  I can design a unique 
- Makey Makey  in the correct manner to  keystrokes.  wire game, and evaluate 
- USB Cord  achieve electrical flow    its effectiveness 
- Alligator clips  I can create a conditional 
- Wire  loop to detect and react 
- Playdough  to key strokes 

Digital Technologies 
Systems  Systems  Computational  Design 
Way Of Thinking 
About this project 
In this project, you will learn how to make a wire game that tests your co-ordination skills. The ‘​Skill 
Tester​’ was a wire game that used to be very popular at amusement parks, ride carnivals and arcades (it 
was also known as ‘Buzz Wire’ and ‘Steady Hand’). The aim of the game is to take the circular wand from 
one end to the other by carefully moving your hand through the larger wire without touching it. It can 
also be played with the aim of completing the track from start to finish in the fastest time possible. 
Click here​ to see a smaller toy version of this game. 
PART 1 (prepare your Scratch program) 
1) Write your program in Scratch (​see here​ for a teacher example) 
For your game you will need a buzzer effect so that the player knows if the wand touches the main wire. 
You will need to program Scratch so that it detects and responds when it receives SPACE key.  
Using a conditional loop in Scratch called ‘IF / ELSE’, you can design your program so that it can respond 
in a certain way if the SPACE key is pressed. 
Humans make decisions based on certain conditions all the time. For example: 
● “If it is going to rain today I will take a jacket. Otherwise I won't.” 
● “If I am hungry I will eat. Otherwise I will wait.” 
● “If my friend comes to school today I will play netball with her. Otherwise I will play soccer.” 
On your Chromebook, o ​ pen Scratch​. Check that you are logged in (go to the top right hand corner) so 
that you can save your program.  
Below is an example of the code structure you will need for this game. A ​ n explanation on how it works is 
found here​. You will need to find the correct blocks in Scratch and assemble them in the correct order. 
Make sure you test your code to see if it is working. If it isn’t, check that you have used the correct blocks 
in the correct order. 

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE: Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students by ​Anthony Speranza​ is licensed under a ​Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License​.
Access this file at ​
Assemble the code in 
the correct order 

You can find more 

audio effects by clicking 
the sound tab, then 
choose sound from 
library (or you can 
record your own!) 

You can add a second 

backdrop by clicking 
the stage icon on the 

2) Extending your Scratch program 
Once you have completed your code, you may decide to add extra features such as: 
> A different sprite instead of a cat. The sprite could change when the space key is pressed 
> A title for your game by writing on the background 
> A timer for your game that counts the seconds until space is pressed (hint: see the tips section inside Scratch and 
read about the timer block) 
> A counter for your game that counts the amounts of time that space is pressed (hint: see the tips and read about 

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE: Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students by ​Anthony Speranza​ is licensed under a ​Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License​.
Access this file at ​
PART 2 (prepare the wire game and connect it to your Chromebook) 
Handle wire with care, the ends are sharp! 
You will work in groups of 3 for this project, your teacher will help organise you. When your Scratch 
program is ready you can connect your Makey Makey and wire game and you can take turns playing with 
each others program.  
3) Collect your components 
You will need the following per group: 
2x play dough blobs 
1x wire wand 
1x wire strip 
From the Makey Makey 
bag you need: 
1x Makey Makey 
1x USB cord 
2x Alligator clip cords 

4) Assemble your components 
Step 1 - 
Thread the wand through 
the wire strip 

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE: Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students by ​Anthony Speranza​ is licensed under a ​Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License​.
Access this file at ​
Step 2 - 
Insert the wire ends into 
each playdough blob. You 
may have to adjust the 
wire so it stands upright. 

Step 3 - 
Without opening the 
alligator clip​, stick one 
end into the side of one of 
the playdough blobs. 
Attach the other end of 
the wire to SPACE on the 
Makey Makey 

Step 4 - 
Attach an alligator clip on 
the end of the wire wand. 
Attach the other end of 
the alligator wire to EARTH 
on the Makey Makey 

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE: Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students by ​Anthony Speranza​ is licensed under a ​Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License​.
Access this file at ​
Step 5 -  
Insert the small end of the 
USB cord into the Makey 
Makey and the large end 
into a Chromebook 

5) Playing the game 
Starting from one end, move the wire wand up and over the wire. If the wand touches the wire a 
connection will be made. This is because the wire and the playdough conduct electricity, and you have 
wired up the Makey Makey to create a complete circuit when the wires touch. 
Using a steady hand, see if you can move through the wire in the fastest time without touching the wire. 
Take turns playing the game and testing your hand and eye co-ordination skills. You may wish to also test 
each other's code that you have created in Scratch. 
6) Reflection post on SeeSaw 
Create a post on SeeSaw showing a picture or video of your wire game. You can take a picture or video of 
the wire game setup when your Chromebook is not being used, then swap over with a partner. 
In your post, explain what a circuit is and how it works. Describe what you have made using Scratch. 
Include a comment about what you found interesting or challenging about this project. 

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE: Makey Makey projects for Year 3 to 6 students by ​Anthony Speranza​ is licensed under a ​Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License​.
Access this file at ​

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