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Name of Student ………………………………….

Roll # ……………………………

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Department of Accounting & Finance
Program-Semester: BS-A&F – 2 Semester (M&E) Examination: Mid & Final Dated: 09-08-2021
Subject: Communication Skills Marks: 65 Time: 2hrs Course Tutor: Mr. Zahid Ali

Part – I : Subjective Marks: 35 Time: 90 Min

Question 1 (Short Question Answers) Marks: 20 Time suggested: 60 Min

Answer any four (04) of the following questions. (Max. Page Limit: 2 pages/sides for each)
A) Describe the simple model for communication process
B) Differentiate the Internal and External Communication of an Organization
C) Explain very shortly the different steps in the writing process
D) Describe in brief the general plan for direct-order messages (good news & neutral)
E) What can acknowledgement messages do to build goodwill? Discuss.
F) What do you mean by indirect order of messages? Explain briefly the plan for a persuasive
request letter.
G) Discuss the relationship (compare & contrast) between a persuasive request and a sales’
message. Give suitable examples.
Question 2 (Long Question Answers) Marks: 15 Time suggested: 30 Min
A) Writing Business Messages Marks: 08 (Maximum Page Limit: 3 pages)
Write a sales message (an email) to business executives to get subscription of your “Top
Ranked” Business Magazine (with national, regional, & International Business scope). Both
online (soft copy) and hard copy versions are available with flexible subscription plans.
Being a senior credit manager of a commercial bank, write a credit refusal letter to a local
newly established stationary whole-seller. Focus on maintaining your bank’s goodwill.
B) Writing Executive Summaries Marks: 07 (Maximum Page Limit: 3 pages)
Write an executive summary of your Presentation (Assignment given to you in group during
semester for presentation purpose)

Part – II: Objective Marks: 30 Time: 30 Min (attempt on the question paper)

Read carefully the following statements and encircle the letter of best answers from A – D

1. In business organisations, information continually flows _________, _________, and laterally.

A) upward, downward B) forward, backward C) straight, circular D) slowly, abruptly

2. In communication process, meanings sent are __________ received.

A) truly B) not always C) always D) quickly

3. The human communication process continues, ______________, as long as the people involved care to
A) rarely B) silently C) cycle after cycle D) abruptly

4. Communication in business organizations may be; internal-operational, external-operational, & __

A) impersonal B) formal C) personal D) regular
Name of Student …………………………………. Roll # ……………………………

5. To communicate clearly, you must ____________ to your reader.

A) Salute B) adapt C) neglect D) investigate

6. In business communication, always prefer ____________________________.

A) Abstract words B) concrete words & active voice C) discrimination D) stereotype

7. In letters and emails, _______________ is a major concern after clarity.

A) effect B) beauty C) length of message D) format

8. In business messages, you will need to emphasize the _____________.

A) their-view point B) my-view point C) you-view point D) all-view point

9. Business letter formats are ____________________.

A) complex B) very short C) flexible D) standardized

10. Memorandum formality ranges from the very casual to the __________.
A) highly formal B) very complex C) very simple D) extremely attractive

11. Today, ______________ is a main stream and popular form of business communication.
A) letter B) e-mail C) memo D) wall advertisement

12. The way to write good e-mail messages is _______________.

A) creatively abstract B) very detailed C) very frank D) well-organized and short

13. In communication, the starting point is to properly assess the ____________ your message.
A) postage cost of B) readers reaction to C) type of channel for D) mood of your Boss to

14. direct order messages _____________________.

A) begin with the objective B) end with adapted goodwill C) both A&B D) none of A&B

15. the routine inquiry is a basic _________________ message.

A) good-news B) bad-news C) indirect-order D) direct-order

16. In replying inquiries, always be _____________________.

A) fair and truthful B) casual C) very much formal D) frank

17. As messages granting adjustments are positive responses, write them using _____________.
A) indirect order B) direct order C) with additional details D) casual way

18. For bad news messages, use the indirect order, but _____________.
A) be frank B) exceptions exist C) be always persuasive D) be straight

19. Sales messages are a special type of _________________.

A) business letter B) business e-mail C) memo D) persuasive request

20. Throughout the sales message, emphasis is on good sales language and the __________
A) you-view point B) future sales C) past relations D) new product offerings

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