Recount A Time When You Faced A Challenge, Setback, or Failure. How Did It Affect You, and What Did You Learn From The Experience?

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Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure.

How did it
affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
When I was younger my father was working very hard to support us. In addition to weak
economy, during school and high school I was facing to thousands social threats every day, Gender
discriminations, family discriminations and other problems, it means that girls should not study, girls
are only for housework not for education and other activities. in addition that challenges, I regularly
continued my education, it will be very hard and difficult to express my lives school problem to
friends. most of the time my brothers were discriminations, threat and beaten me because I went
school. Therefore, I was fighting with all problems strongly, I was regularly present in class all the
time and continued my studies up to the end.

By that time, when I finished high school, I decided to studying further, therefore in 2008 I
took the entrance exam for Bachelor degree from Bamyan province along with thousands family,
community punishment and threats. However, when the results of Kankor exam were announced, I
heard that I had got the highest score (309) in the level of Bamyan province, which was a positive
motivation for me and my family. I succeeded in the Kabul University, Department of Pharmacy field
of Microbiology, it mentionable for 5 years I studied there with many economic and social problems.
After graduating Immediately, I got a job in Bamyan through Ministry of Public Health. Then in the
summer of 2017, I could get a scholarship from Bangladesh. Despite difficulties and many problems
in that country I could continue my studies.

2 years was passed from the beginning of the rule of the Islamic Republic of Bangladesh. The
economic situation in Bangladesh was bad, however, my first year of living in Bangladesh was very
difficult. Loneliness and homesickness couldn’t get me away from my goals, I never forgot my main
goal, which was continuing my studies. I was very happy that among many other girls I could get a
scholarship and I was studying in a foreign country. The environment was very interesting. Many
students were there from different countries. After few months finally I could live in the dormitory
with some of my friends from university, which was very exciting for me because before that I was
living in an unsuitable house with different men and women whom I didn’t know.

Once a group of thief around the 6 o’clock unfortunately cut half of my nose and injured my
face with Knife. They were about to kill me, on that time I really got sad and I got injured, for two
months my face had very bad condition. That was unacceptable for me. Therefore, I did not give up
and decided to fight with existing challenges to continue further. Now a days I am trying for getting
my PhD degree, so wish you help me for getting scholarship in India.

Finally, along with lots of problems in 2019, I successfully graduated from master degree and
then return to Afghanistan. Currently I am working in a small part of Ministry of Public Health as
medicine policy manager. After finishing school, bachelor's and master's degree with millions of
problems and barriers, I got a good experience from my life and I get interested to continuing my
education in the country of India in the field of public health, so finally I will apply for PhD in the
beautiful country of India.

There are many problems in everyday life of people specially girls in Afghanistan, and we
must fight with these problems to overcome. Today, I am very happy that I could fight with hardships
and now I am an experienced person. In fact, problems grow up the people. They teach us how to
solve problems, how to overcome challenges and how to be a winner. As a result, I want to say that
every person who wants to taste the winning and the happiness they should be strong and tenacious
against the challenges and difficulties.

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