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Research in Nursing & Health, 1988,11,31-39

Maternally Administered Tactile,

Auditory, Visual, and Vestibular
Stimulation: Relationship to Later
Interactions between Mothers and
Premature Infants
Rosemary C. White-Traut and Michael N. Nelson

Thirty-three mother-infant pairs were randomly assigned to one of three groups: con-
trol, talking, or interactive (RISS). The later treatment included massage, talking, eye
contact and rocking. The intervention (RISS) was administered to determine whether
mothers and their preterm infants who actively interacted with each other would differ on
later maternal and infant behaviors. The talking and RISS treatments were administered
at specified time intervals 24 hours after delivery. Prior to hospital discharge, rnother-in-
fant interaction was assessed during a feeding. Significant differences were identified
among the three groups for maternal (p ~ 0 3 and ) infant (p <.05)behaviors. These
results suggest that active maternal interaction with the premature infant may enhance
specific components of mother-infant interaction.

Among the factors that may contribute to the immediate postpartum period. When con-
altering mother-infant interactions for prema- tact occurs, it may be characterized by pas-
ture infants are delayed maternal tactile con- sive interaction, involving little or no
tact, maternal and/or infant health status, stimulation of the infant.
alteration in infant state, and the infant’s Previous researchers hypothesized that
decreased responsiveness to social stimuli premature infants are deprived of appropriate
(Als, Lester, & Brazelton, 1979). Inves- stimulation (Greeg, Haffner, & Korner, 1976;
tigators have documented an increased in- Rose, Schmidt, Riese, & Bridges, 1980;
cidence of interactive disorders after periods Solkoff, Yaffe, Weintraub, & Blase, 1969).
of separation in the neonatal period (Bensel & Several interventions have been proposed for
Paxson, 1977; Field, 1977; Jeffcoate, improving the growth and development of
Humphrey, & Lloyd, 1979; Leiderman & premature infants (Field, 1980). The results of
Seashore, 1975; Leifer, Leiderman, Barnett, infant stimulation studies have been encourag-
& Williams, 1972; Lynch, 1975). Often, ini- i n g , particularly in the a r e a s of
tial contacts between a mother and her prema- neurobehavioral functioning (Barnard, 1973;
ture infant are delayed and minimal during Neal, 1977; Rausch, 1981) and improved

Rosemary C. White-Traut. DNSc, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at the Univer-
sity of Illinois-Chicago.
Michael N. Nelson, PhD, is in the Department of Pediatrics, and Department of Psychology and So-
cial Sciences, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago.
Preparation of this article was supported in part by a grant from the Schweppe Foundation: Dr.
White-Traut received the Outstanding Clinical Researcher Award at the 6th National Meeting of
This article was received on July 23, 1986. was revised, and accepted for publication July 8, 1987.
Requests for reprints may be addressed to Dr. Rosemary White-Traut, University of Illinois-
Chicago, 845 S.Damen Street, Chicago, IL 60612.

0 1988 Wiley 0160-6891/88!01OO3149 $04.00 31


weight gain (Scafidi, et al., 1986; White-Traut remained in the Special Care Nursery for the
& Tubeszewski, 1986). duration of the mother’s hospitalization.
The development of mother-infant interac- The sample is described according to mater-
tion is an adaptative process (Barnard, 1978b). nal and infant variables in Table 1. Maternal
Interventions aimed at altering this process variables compared included maternal age,
may improve mother-infant interaction more obstetrical complications score, socio-
than other attempts to change a mother’s in- economic status, educational level, race,
trinsic behavioral characteristics or attempts to parity, and marital status. Infant variables
alter an infant’s behavior by means of routine analyzed included birth weight, gestational
stimulation protocols. For mothers of prema- age, postnatal complications, infant sex, and
ture infants deprived of early maternal contact, phototherapy treatment. Analysis of variance
selecting an intervention that contains natural and chi-square statistical techniques were con-
components of early mother-infant interaction ducted among the three groups to determine
may improve the outcome for this high-risk equivalency of the groups prior to interven-
group. The purpose of this study was to focus tion. There were no significant differences
on a maternally administered intervention among the groups on either maternal or infant
using massage, rocking, talking, and eye-to- variables prior to intervention.
eye contact as a means of improving the inter-
action between mother and premature infant. Independent Measures
The present study differs from previous work
by directly modifying the interaction between This study employed three independent
mother and infant via maternally administered measures: routine nursery care, an unstruc-
intervention rather than concentrating on nurs- tured talking treatment, and the Rice Infant
ery based stimulation of the infant. Sensorimotor Stimulation Technique (RISS)
(Rice, 1977). Routine nursery care included a
consistent feeding schedule of feedings every
three or four hours, handling for procedures,
and periodic (occasional) opportunities for
Sample nonnutritive sucking. Parental visiting was
The study sample consisted of 33 mother- encouraged and open visiting hours were in
infant pairs from one institution. Between 12 effect. Family members and staff often placed
and 24 hours after delivery, mothers were ap- visual stimuli in the incubator or bassinet.
proached, the study was described, and in- Primary nursing was in effect. In addition,
formed consent was obtained from the mothers assigned to the Routine Care Group
parent(s). Mother-infant dyads were then ran- received a didactic discussion on infant cloth-
domly assigned to one of three groups: con- ing for the premature infant. This discussion
trol; talking treatment; o r interactive served two purposes: it provided information
(massage, rocking, talking and eye-to-eye relevant to the care of a premature infant, and
contact). Maternal inclusion criteria included allowed the investigator to spend an equal
the ability to speak and understand English, amount of time with mothers in each of the
vaginal delivery of the infant, and an age of at three groups, diminishing the possibility of a
least 16 years. Women who experienced mul- generalized Hawthorne effect.
tiple births were not eligible to participate. Mothers assigned to the Talking Group also
Infant inclusion criteria included gestational received the same discussion on infant cloth-
age between 28 and 35 weeks, birth weight ing. Mothers in this group were instructed to
appropriate for gestational age, and absence talk or sing to their infants for 15 minutes at
of ventilatory assistance by 24 hours after the specified time intervals. Mothers ad-
delivery. Infants with suspected or diagnosed ministered the talking treatment according to a
chromosomal abnormalities were excluded. uniform protocol in a controlled setting (infant
All mothers visited their healthy premature in the incubator or under the infant warmer).
babies by 12 hours of infant age. All infants Three mothers insisted on holding their infants
for the talking treatment, and some of the other

Table 1. Characteristics of Mothers and Infants by Treatment


Routine Care Talking RISS
Age 20.82 21 .82 22.1 8
OCSb 35.45 35.70 35.40
SESC 2.09 1.45 1.73
Education (years) 12.73 12.73 12.45
Race (BlackIWhite) 1011 1011 1110
Marital status 714 813 912
Parity (PrimipIMultip) 714 417 219

Birth Weight (grams) 1864.55 1956.18 1949.09
Gestational age (weeks) 33.1 8 34.1 8 33.91
PCSe 6.91 8.18 7.27
Sex (malelfemale) 5f6 516 615
P hotot herapy 7 3 5

aN = 11 per group.
bOCS-Obstetrical Complications Scale (Littman and Parmelee, 1974a)
(Highest = 41 ; Lowest = 0).
'SES-Socio-Economic Status (Hollingshead, 1975) (Highest = 5; Lowest
= 1).
'PCS-Postnatal Complications Scale (Littman and Parmelee, 1974b)
(Highest = 10; Lowest = 0).

mothers engaged in some touching of their in- technique was administered as a sequential
fants. These three infants were wrapped tight- cephalocaudal progression of massaging the
ly in a blanket and presented to their mothers, infant's body for 10 minutes followed by rock-
and all touching and stroking by any of the ing (vestibular stimulation) for 5 minutes.
mothers was recorded by the investigator who Developed by Rice (1977), this technique
sat obscurely in the corner of the nursery. Nine has been used on premature infants both at
of the eleven mothers touched their infants, home and in the hospital (White-Traut &
but only three mothers briefly touched their in- Tubeszewski, 1986). When used by mothers at
fants more than 4 times in three to four ses- home, greater weight gain, improved Bayley
sions. One mother touched her infant consis- scores, and greater maturational development
tently, while the other two touched their in- by reflex measures were identified (Rice,
fants 8 and 10 times, respectively. Virtually all 1977). The RISS technique was chosen for
touching was on the face or head; just one several reasons. The technique encourages
touch occurred to either the heel or the ab- eye-to-eye contact and auditory stimulation
domen of two babies. In summary, some and promotes active interaction between
touching occurred in the Talking Group, but mother and infant. The RISS was chosen be-
averaged just 3.2 touches per hour for 10 of the cause it is a specific and structured technique
11 infants. and is more likely to yield a higher level of
The RISS infant massage technique was the intra-user reliability than a less structured
third independent variable. The technique technique.
provided tactile contact, vestibular motion, Reliability of the RISS technique was ad-
auditory stimulation and eye-to-eye contact dressed in several ways. Mothers in the RISS
(visual stimulation) and promoted active inter- Group were taught how to administer the RISS
action between mother and infant. The RISS by the first author. Verbal instructions, pic-

tures that illustrated the technique, and the NCAFS prior to data collection. To obtain
demonstration of the technique on a doll, were certification, an inter-rater agreement score of
used for teaching the RISS. Mothers had to 85% or greater had to be maintained for five
demonstrate proficiency on a doll prior to ad- observations. The feeding interactions were
ministration on their infants. A RISS reliability observed by a research assistant (who was
checklist was used to guarantee an agreement blind to the subjects’ group assignment) or the
score of 85% or greater during the maternal investigator. To assure continued inter-rater
demonstration prior to administration of the reliability throughout data collection, 25% of
technique on the infant. Maternal consistency the observations were selected periodically
on the RISS ranged from 86% to loo%, with a and scored by two observers. Inter-rater
mean of 96%. This reliability score during the reliability was computed based on percentage
treatment sessions was calculated as the per- of agreement between the two observers (a
cent of agreement on all treatment sessions minimum of one observer was blind to group
with the RISS reliability checklist (White- assignment). Inter-rater reliability in scoring
Traut, 1983). of feeding interactions was maintained at 88%.

Dependent Measure lnstrumenrs

The dependent variable was maternal-in- The Obstetrical Complications Scale (OCS)
fant interaction. An interaction during a feed- (Littman & Parmelee, 1974a) was selected to
ing situation was chosen because of its central obtain information related to pregnancy,
importance in the early relationship of labor, delivery, and the immediate neonatal
mothers and infants (Brody, 1956). The Nurs- period. Research assistants were trained to
ing Child Assessment F e e d i n g S c a l e reliability >.85 prior to initiation of the study.
(NCAFS) (Barnard, 1978a) was selected to Inter-rater reliability was determined by cal-
measure feeding interactions. This scale was culating the percentage of agreement between
chosen because it measures the bidirectional the two observers. Inter-rater reliability was
exchange of maternal and infant behaviors periodically checked for 25% of the subjects
and the sensitivity of each partner within the and was maintained at 87%. The OCS data
feeding situation. The six subscales of the were obtained from the medical record.
NCAFS contain components of parental and The Postnatal Complications Scale (PCS)
infant behaviors including: parental sen- (Littman & Parmelee, 1974b) was selected to
sitivity towards the infant’s cues, parental obtain information relating to the initial
response to distress, cognitive growth foster- neonatal period. Research assistants were
ing behaviors, social emotional growth foster- trained to the same criteria as the OCS prior to
ing behaviors, clarity of infant cues, and initiation of the study. Inter-rater reliability
infant responsiveness to parent. was periodically checked for 25% of the sub-
Internal consistency reliability estimates for jects and was maintained at 93% agreement
the feeding scale are reported by Barnard and between two observers. These data were
Bee (in press). These estimates for the total recorded from the infants’ medical records by
parent behavior score for infants 1 through 12 the research assistants.
months of age were 3 3 , and for the total infant
behavior score were -73. The stability of the Procedures
scores for ages 1,4,8, and 12 months was also
calculated using a generalizability coefficient Thirty-three mother-infant pairs were ran-
and these scores were .75 and .51 respectively domly assigned to one of three groups. In-
for the total parent and infant behavior scores. fants assigned to the Routine Care Group
Reliability in scoring the feeding interac- received routine hospital care. Mothers as-
tions was determined prior to assessments of signed to the Routine Care Group received a
feeding interactions and during the data col- didactic discussion on infant clothing for the
lection period. The investigator and the re- premature infant. The mother-infant pairs as-
search assistants were certified to administer signed to the Talking Group received the

same treatment as the subjects in the Routine Student’s t tests were computed to determine
Care Group. In addition, these mother were individual groups’ differences for the maternal
instructed to engage in 15 minutes of unstruc- behavior subscales. Significant differences
tured talking (or singing) to their infants were identified between the Routine Care and
during the following post birth periods: 24 to the RISS Groups [ t (20) = - 3 . 3 6 0 , ~< .004] for
36, 37 to 48, 49 to 60, and 61 to 72 hours. maternal sensitivity towards the infant, and be-
Mothers assigned to the RISS Group were tween the Routine Care and the RISS Groups
taught to administer a tactile-vestibular [ t (20) = -2.885, p < .01] and the Talking and
stimulation technique, incorporating talking the RISS Groups [ t (20) = -2.337, p < .031 for
and eye-to-eye contact. These mothers did not the cognitive growth fostering behavior subs-
receive the presentation on infant clothing. cale.
The RISS was administered by the mother at A one-way analysis of variance among the
the same time intervals as the talking treat- three groups was computed for the total infant
ment. On the day prior to the infant’s dis- behavior raw score. Significant differences
charge or on the day of discharge to home, were found [F (2, 30) = 3.46, p < .05]. A
mother-infant interaction was assessed during Scheffk analysis did not reveal significant dif-
a feeding. ferences between the groups, indicating that
When this project was begun, the average infant behavior was significantly altered by
postpartum hospitalization was three days. maternally administered intervention, but not
Two months after data collection began, the different between the Talking and RISS
average maternal postpartum hospitalization Groups. Based on the Scheffk results, in-
was decreased to two days. The number of dividual group comparisons were not ex-
treatments had to be reduced to adjust for this amined for these data.
change, resulting in only three treatments for The two subscales of infant behavior were
two infants in the Talking Group and six in- analyzed separately by one-way analyses of
fants in the RISS Group. variance. Significant differences were not
identified for the clarity of infant cues subs-
cale [F (2, 30) = 3.21, p < .06] or the infant’s
responsiveness to hisher parent subscale [F
An analysis of variance was conducted for (2, 30) = 1.32, p < .30].
both maternal and infant behavior scores to In summary, analyses of variance obtained
determine whether mothers and infants who main effects for both maternal and infant be-
actively interacted with each other differed haviors. The major hypothesis was supported.
significantly on maternal and infant behaviors Mothers in the RISS Group who massaged,
from mother-infant pairs who received the talked, rocked, and had eye-to-eye contact
talking treatment or routine care. with their infants received significantly higher
There were significant differences among maternal-infant interaction scores. These
the three groups on the total maternal behavior mothers were significantly different in regards
raw score [F (2,30) = 4 . 3 4 , ~< .03]. Afollow- to maternal sensitivity towards the infant and
up Scheffk analysis indicated significant dif- cognitive growth fostering behaviors from
ferences between the Talking Group and the mothers who either talked to their infants or
RISS Group for maternal behavior [F (1,30) = received routine care. The infants who
3.983, p < .05]. The mean maternal and infant received the talking or RISS treatments scored
behavior scores by group is represented in higher on the NCAFS than the infants who
Figure 1. received routine care, but neither intervention
Separate analyses of the four individual alone was sufficient to produce significant
subscales of maternal behavior also were con- changes in infant behavior.
ducted. Significant differences via a one-way During the administration of the RISS tech-
analysis of variance were identified for the nique, it was observed that infants reliably
sensitivity to infant cues subscale [F (2,30) = came to the quiet alert state (Wolff, 1959) by
5.02, p < .02] and the cognitive growth foster- the conclusion of the treatment. State changes
ing subscale [F (2, 30) = 3.82, p < .041. were documented for a total of 49 treatments,

8 M a t e r n a l Behavior
I n l a n t Behavlorb
.4 I n a n t Behavlor
.2 Score
44.0 18.0
.8 .8
.6 .6
.4 .4
.2 .2
43.0 17.0
.B .8
.b .b
.4 .4


Figure 1. Mean scores of maternal and infant behavior by group.

Note: Summary of group means for the Infant Behavior and the Maternal Behavior Scores of the NCAFS.
aNCAFS Total Maternal Behavior Score (Barnard, 1978a) (Highest = 50; Lowest = 0) bNCAFS Total Infant Be-
havior Score (Barnard, 1978a; (Highest = 26;Lowest = 0)

and it was observed that infants achieved the taught to actively interact with their infants,
quiet alert state 80% of the time after comple- and this early active interaction may have
tion of the RISS technique. helped these mothers to continue to develop
the quality of interaction. By contrast, the
mothers in the Talking Group were not taught
to actively interact with their infants and
An analysis of variance identified sig- showed a lower maternal behavior score
nificant differences among the three groups despite equal interaction time with their in-
for both maternal and infant behaviors fants.
(Figure 1). Mothers in the Routine Care Subscale analyses identified significant dif-
Group received the lowest mean score on the ferences for two of the four maternal behavior
total maternal behavior score, but did not dif- subscales: maternal sensitivity to the infant's
fer from the Talking Group. Individual com- cues, and cognitive-growth-fostering be-
parisons revealed significant differences haviors. These findings together suggest that
between the Routine Care and the RISS maternal sensitivity toward the infant
Groups. The mothers in the RISS Group were developed after mothers were taught to active-

ly interact with their infants using the RISS auditory stimulation to be beneficial for the in-
technique, and that mothers using the RISS fant (Als et al., 1979; Rice, 1977; Rose et al.,
were better able to provide cognitive-growth- 1980; Scafidi et al., 1986; White-Traut &
fostering behaviors. Tubeszewski, 1986). The findings of this study
Maternal perception of the different treat- are consistent. The findings also suggest that
ments may have influenced the results. Several active maternal interaction is more beneficial
mothers in the Talking Group stated that not for the mother in enhancing mother-infant in-
touching or holding their infants during the teraction than it is for the infant. Whether the
talking treatment was difficult. This type of in- specific treatment used here (the RISS) is most
teraction may have been perceived as artificial beneficial in the development of mother-infant
by the mothers in the Talking Group, and may interaction cannot be answered by this study.
not have helped them in developing positive However, the results suggest that the use of the
patterns of mother-infant interaction. On the RISS intervention with this subject population
other hand, mothers assigned to the RISS is sufficient to enhance components of mother-
Group were taught a massage technique that infant interaction involving maternal sen-
allowed a guided opportunity for maternal tac- sitivity towards the infant and cognitive
ti13 contact. This contact is a natural com- growth fostering behaviors. Further study is
ponent of early mother-infant interaction. needed to evaluate the effects of other methods
The differences between the groups were of interaction and stimulation techniques on
not due to the amount of mother-investigator mother-infant interactions. Blackburn (1983)
contact time which was held constant. During suggested that the most appropriate type of
the observational phase of the study, all stimuli are those that are sensitive to infant
Groups were observed for equal durations by cues. Evaluation of infant physiological and
the experimenter(s), yet the Talking and RISS behavioral responses to specific intervention
Groups differed significantly on cognitive stimuli may help to identify more appropriate
growth fostering behaviors. This difference interventions based on infants’ cues. White-
between the Talking and RISS Groups Traut and Goldman (1987) recently studied
decreases the possibility of any specific Haw- physiological responses to the RISS technique,
thorne effect of investigator presence during and found that infants show significant ac-
the observational phase of the study. celeration of heart rate and respiratory rate
With regard to infant behaviors, a large dif- suggesting an effect of the RISS on infant
ference on the infant scale was apparent be- arousal level.
tween the Routine Care and the Talking Our data on state transitions in the RISS
Groups, whilz the Talking and RISS Groups group suggest that this intervention reliably
appeared to differ very little. A main effect of brings premature infants to the quiet-alert
treatment suggested that infant behavior was state. This technique may have an organizing
significantly altered by the treatments used in effect on the infant partly by arousing the in-
the present study. However, the absence of sig- fant. This suggests the utility of routine tactile,
nificant individual comparisons prevents us auditory, visual, and vestibular stimulation
from identifying any specific treatment-re- prior to mother-infant interactions to enhance
lated changes in infant behavior. Further re- the quality of mother-infant interactions.
search with larger groups might permit the Recent conditioning research with the new-
identification of detailed changes in infant be- born infant used the Brazelton evaluation (for
havior. At least, the present study supports for this purpose) to produce adaptative arousal
this subject population that structured oppor- prior to learning trials (Field, Cohen, Garcia,
tunities for mothers to talk to their infants may & Greenberg, 1984).
be sufficient to alter infant behavior, especial- This study had several limitations. The cost
ly when tactile stimulation is added. Further of conducting the study was a limiting factor
study with a larger sample will also increase and should be considered if the research is to
the ability to generalize the results beyond the be replicated. Low socioeconomic mothers
subjects in this sample. comprised the sample. Their limited financial
In general, the literature shows tactile and resources were apparent from their visiting

patterns which decreased after their very short Brody, S. (1956). Patterns of Mothering, Maternal In-
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