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ROCK LESSONS for One-ON-One & Lifegroups LifeChurch Manila

2. Tell them to secure a BIBLE & a JOURNAL — to be able to meditate the
word of God by doing a Daily Devotional, with the correct bible, through the
SOAP Format.
OBJECTIVE: To teach the new believer what they need to do in order to Scripture
grow in their Christian life and how to receive Godly
guidance in making decisions. Observation
QUESTION: What is your GREATEST DREAM & how are you going to
achieve it? Prayer
3. Ensure application of their devotional — for if they change, everyone
Now that they already have a CHANGED LIFE (One-Pattern Consolidation) their around them can change. They would also be leaving a legacy to their family
greatest challenge is how to keep on changing from glory to glory until the and people around them by testifying how God changed them through their
characters of Christ is seen in them. The success of their transformation is not devotional life.
just changing but pursuing the GREATEST DREAM OF GOD in them. And our
roadmap to success is the WORD OF GOD. 4. Teach them how to PRAY — pray to God in a conversational way, being
open to God about any area of their life. God hears prayers.
JOSHUA 1:8 (NIV) “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do Keep in mind that Prayer and devotionals will help them make decisions that
everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” shape their future. They need to listen to God and obey what He says, which
will bring great blessings in their lives. The new believer doesn’t have to do it
Hebrews. 4:12 (NIV)—“For the word of God is alive and active. alone anymore; they have Jesus to guide them and their discipler to help as
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to well.
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts
and attitudes of the heart. Minister to the new believer to start on a daily discipline of reading the Bible
and praying. Pray for them so that they see how to do it, and allow them the
1. Emphasize the Importance & Power of the WORD OF GOD — that opportunity to pray if they wish to.
the WORD would make help them grow spiritually and have the divine
guidance of God in every decision they face in life. Together with DEVOTIONAL LIFE, we could meditate the word of God more
through consistently attending the CHURCH and LIFEGROUP.

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