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3D printing for gas turbine components VGB PowerTech 12 l 2015

Industrialisation of 3D printing
(additive manufacturing)
for gas turbine components
repair and manufacturing
Vladimir Navrotsky, Andreas Graichen and Håkan Brodin

Kurzfassung Introduction –– the transmission of CAD/CAM-files is

not restricted by geography. 3D-printing
Industrialisierung von 3D Drucken The recent advances in computing power can take place virtually anywhere as
(generative Fertigung) für Gasturbinen- and cheaper laser sources together with IT- long as an internet connection exists
komponenten-Reparatur und -Herstellung based networking, open the door for a new (F i g u r e 2).
design and manufacturing chain. 3D-CAD/ As a result, the development and manu-
In den letzten Jahren hat eine neuartige revo- CAM models themselves contain informa-
lutionäre Art der Fertigung namens Additive facturing time of some components and
tion related to their manufacturing pro- products will be significantly reduced. New
Manufacturing (AM) in der Industrie Einzug
gehalten. Diese wird tiefgreifende Veränderun-
cess, meaning that – ideally – only one file products will enter the market, functionali-
gen mit sich bringen. Im Gegensatz zur traditio- is needed to produce the component to the ty and product upgrades could be improved
nellen Fertigung, bei der Material durch Fräsen, intended geometry, quality and material and made more frequently. Further tech-
Bohren, Erodieren usw. abgetragen wird, wird specification. Tooling and fixtures become nology and AM equipment development
bei diesem Verfahren Material durch den Ein- obsolete in a blue sky scenario (F i g u r e 1). will allow for reduced manufacturing cost
satz von Laser- oder Elektronenstrahlenergie Formerly a complicated network of differ- for some components in the next 5 years.
aufgetragen. Es gibt verschiedene AM-Techno- ent competencies was needed in an ad-
logien, von denen gegenwärtig das Selektive La- National programmes and public funds can
vanced workshop, now it can be performed speed up industrialisation of this technol-
serschmelzen (Selective Laser Melting – SLM)
das interessanteste Verfahren zu sein scheint.
by one single “3D-printer”. In the coming ogy and implementation of innovation into
years, we will see AM (additive manufac- our daily lives.
Das AM eröffnet eine neue Dimension der in- turing) as we are seing colour printing on
tegrierten Konstruktion und Fertigung. AM However, alongside the obvious benefits
paper, something that simply works, with-
ermöglicht eine schnellere Fertigung und Repa- and opportunities there are threats and
ratur von Gasturbinenbauteilen bei gleichzeitig out much need for human intervention.
größerer Funktionalität und Leistungsfähigkeit There are many advantages for the design-
er and the supply chain: –– powder (e.g. specification, chemistry,
der Bauteile. Siemens Power Generation setzt cost, suppliers),
diese Technologie zur Herstellung von Prototy- –– AM in the form of SLM (selective laser
pen (Prototyping) sowie in begrenztem Umfang melting) gives an unprecedented free- –– AM equipment (e.g. process speed,
für Reparaturarbeiten und die Fertigung von dom of design because geometries are equipment cost, components size),
Gasturbinenbauteilen ein [1 bis 3]. possible that could not be accessed with –– AM process parameters,
Kürzlich setzte Siemens die SLM-Technologie traditional machining methods, –– very limited material data,
zur Reparatur von Gasturbinenbrennern der –– many times, complexity of geometry –– qualification and validation of the
Industriegasturbinenbaureihe SGT-800 ein. comes for free, or costs the same as tra- process,
Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass das Ersetzen kon- ditional simple geometries, –– design tools and design criteria,
ventioneller Reparaturverfahren durch die
–– this means that, for example, for gas tur- –– industrial standards and regulation
SLM-Technologie zu einer signifikanten Verkür-
zung der Reparaturzeit führt und die Bauteile bine components cooling systems, vibra- for AM.
bei der Reparatur darüber hinaus auf den ak- tion dampening and lightweight designs
tuellen Brennertyp umgerüstet werden können. can be improved without extra cost, Additive manufacturing
Ein weiteres aktuelles Beispiel für die Anwen- –– assemblies can be simplified and inte- technologies
dung der SLM-Technologie bei Siemens stellt die grated,
Fertigung von verbesserten Brenner-Swirlern –– many manufacturing operations that Powder-bed additive layer manufacturing
VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015

für Industriegasturbinen der Baureihe SGT-750 earlier needed many logistical steps can Additive layer manufacturing (ALM) com-
dar. In diesem Fall war SLM die einzige Techno- be carried out on one single machine, prises a group of rapid manufacturing pro-
logie, die in der Lage war, diese Art von Swirler
zu fertigen. Die Ergebnisse haben den Erfolg der
Anwendung der SLM-Technologie in der Kons-
truktion, im Prototyping und in der Fertigung
neuer, verbesserter Brenner-Swirler bestätigt. l

3D CAD Data
Dr. Vladimir Navrotsky
Andreas Graichen
Dr. Håkan Brodin Fig. 1. To manufacture a component by AM technology, the following is needed:
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB 1 = 3D model of the component
Finspong, Sweden 2 = appropriate powder and
3 = laser sintering equipment.

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VGB PowerTech 12 l 2015 3D printing for gas turbine components

in a pre-defined pattern, is expected in terms of improved speed, re-

in order to create a mini- liability, ease of use and operator friendli-
mum of internal stresses ness, 3D-printing quality, standardisation
[14] and the best surface of processes and components inside the
possible [15]. Each pass 3D-printers, etc.
of the laser beam creates A tremendous improvement of AM pro-
Lead time reduction & Faster technology a solidified band of mate-
life cycle improvement for validation & product cess capability can be noted. In 2009, laser
complex parts development rial, producing a micro- sources of 200 W were considered to be
structure similar to how the market standard. In 2011, the mar-
the material would look ket standard became 400 W. In the same
Fig. 2. Additive manufacturing (AM) enables quick realisation if being built up by a num- year, single providers of SLM equipment
of exciting new product features and highly customised ber of weld passes. How- launched prototype 1 kW sources in their
solutions. ever, due to differences in products.
input energy and actual
But maybe the most important effect on
cesses that today can be used as alterna- melt pool size, the microstructure is not a
building speed must be expected by the
tives to normal manufacturing routes for typical weld structure.
introduction of multiple laser sources that
metallic, ceramic and polymer components Building of a component is performed on
work in parallel, independently from each
in many applications, for instance tooling a substrate plate, normally manufactured
other. Market introduction of a double beam
mould inserts, automotive components from steel. The plate is attached onto a
SLM machine was announced in 2011. In
and also details for the aerospace industry processing table that can translate in the z-
this case, a 1 kW source for the melting of
[4 to 6]. Major drivers for the increased direction in a chamber with a controlled at-
large cross sections was coupled together
interest in ALM are: availability of differ- mosphere, typically nitrogen (often used for
with a smaller 400 W source for achieving
ent alloy powders [7] (aluminium, steel, steels) or argon (inert gas, for instance used
precise skin features. In 2015, 4-beams SLM
cobalt base and also nickel base powders), for super alloys). A thin layer of powder (in
machine are expected on the market.
increased production rate [8] (available the range of 20 to 60 µm) is distributed by a
laser power and better understanding of so-called recoater onto the substrate plate. Equipment
the manufacturing process) and high qual- After this, the laser beam travels over the
When comparing available brands of
ity of the manufactured components [9] first powder layer that will form the com-
equipment for additive manufacturing, a
(low amount of porosity, pure material, ponent. The process table is lowered, new
number of European producers are avail-
homogeneous material). Also the number powder distributed and a new laser scan is
able. European equipment manufacturers
of industrially available equipments has performed. Layer by layer, the process is re-
of selective laser melting systems are:
increased over the past years [10].
peated and the component is built up. –– Electro Optical Systems, EOS (Germany)
Most AM technologies for metals share the –– ConceptLaser (Germany)
Different approaches are used for laser
following procedures [11]:
sources and laser beam positioning. For the –– SLM Solutions (Germany)
–– produce the raw powder in fine particle SLM process, the laser source is normally
–– Renishaw (UK)
fractions, an Nd-YAG fiber laser. During building , the –– Phenix (France)
–– spread powder in thin layers of 20 to 100 laser is moved by positioning of a reflect-
µm thickness, –– Realizer (Germany)
ing mirror or by moving the laser head. The –– Sisma (Italy)
–– join the powder particles – to form one laser beam is focused via a series of lenses.
solid layer – using thermal energy such For electron beam melting, the major
The current publication focusses on manu- equipment supplier today is Arcam (Swe-
as laser or an electron beam that sinter,
facturing of material with the SLM process. den).
partially or fully melt and weld the par-
ticles or adhesive chemicals that are in- Electron-beam melting Equipment manufacturers have so far fo-
jected to glue the particles, With the electron-beam process, fully cussed on development of equipment with
–– repeat the process to build stacked and dense metal components can be manufac- successively larger laser capacities-up to 1
coherent layers, tured in the same way as described above kW. With larger lasers and multiple lasers,
–– post-process to increase strength, sur- regarding the SLM process. The main dif- the productivity will increase through fast-
face or other specific properties. ferences are: er scanning with constant heat input or ap-
–– the material is being melted by an elec- plication of thicker layers in each laser scan.
Selective laser sintering/melting
tron beam, Besides this, the equipment manufacturers
Within the group of additive layer manu-
–– chamber temperature is elevated up to face a number of challenges:
facturing processes one of the processes
around 1,000 °C (material dependent), –– increase of AM equipment productivity
is based on melting powder with a laser
– – powder sieving fractions are coarser and size of the components that can be
source. Two methods of laser sintering need
VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015

than the powder used for SLM. manufactured,

to be mentioned here: selective laser sinter-
ing (SLS) [12] and selective laser melting An EBM machine utilises a high power elec- –– AM system users require much more in-
(SLM) [13]. SLS is a method where a pow- tron beam that generates the energy need- formation available to be read into and
der is partially melted and SLM is a method ed for high melting capacity and high pro- out of an AM system in order to allow for
where the powder is completely remelted ductivity. The electron beam is managed better quality assurance and productivity
during the manufacturing process. Both and controlled by electromagnetic coils in- optimisation,
the SLS and SLM processes are so-called stead of mirrors in the laser-based system. –– process data evaluation tools are needed
powder-in-bed methods where a compo- If the SLM processes are using inert gas, the in order to better understand process
nent is built up layer-by-layer. A directed EBM process takes place in vacuum. limits and allow for identification of pro-
laser beam is used to melt a thin layer of cess control limits,
pre-placed powder into a slice that will rep- Current status and expected –– equipment of the same make and type
resent a cross-section of the component to trends of AM technology must be able to produce material to iden-
be built. Through addition of successive lay- It has been stated that AM today is as ad- tical quality levels,
ers, the component is manufactured slice vanced as computers were in the mid-80s. –– customers will need better transferabil-
by slice. For each slice the laser will travel This is to say that a huge wave of progress ity of process parameters and material


3D printing for gas turbine components VGB PowerTech 12 l 2015

of avoiding costly scrap and rejections.

Traditional processes like casting and hot-
rolling are well-understood and process
control limits are frequently used, in order
to secure a flow of material with acceptable
quality. In additive manufacturing, today
no philosophy and, accordingly, no com-
mercially available equipment exist, for
on-line process monitoring control. This
causes unnecessarily large efforts in terms
of destructive testing and high cost added
in production, causing AM to lose in terms
of competitiveness.
Currently, Siemens is looking for coopera-
tion with AM OEMs to initiate development
and implementation of process monitoring
Fig. 3. Customised EOS SLM machine for burner repairs. into AM equipment.

properties from one generation of SLM between 10 to 160 µm. When the powder
systems to the next, is sieved to fit, for instance in SLM, a large Materials manufactured with AM tech-
–– on-line monitoring systems must be de- portion of the powder has to be recycled niques are, in many cases, superior to tra-
veloped and implemented in commercial with increased powder cost. If two comple- ditionally manufactured components even
products (F i g u r e 3). mentary processes are utilising the same without any post-processing. The materi-
powder, the yield in atomising will dra- als created are very homogeneous without
In order to address all these challenges in
matically increase. This would be the case internal flaws and defects. However, there
time and in proper order, cooperation be-
comparing SLM and EBM manufacturing. are a number of properties that might
tween AM equipment suppliers and cus-
tomers can be very beneficial for quick Several suppliers can provide powders cause problems (surfaces, internal stresses,
industrialisation of AM technology. As an suitable for additive manufacturing. Gas behaviour at extreme temperatures) that
atomised powder is required with sieving require improvements. Material response
example of such cooperation customisa-
fractions in a relatively tight size range. to external loading will also typically be
tion of EOS equipment for Siemens’ needs
Depending on equipment and setup (layer anisotropic. These, and other factors, will
can be mentioned. Based on Siemens’ re-
thickness), the sieved fractions will be in put requirements on post-treatments to
quest and specification, the company EOS
the range of 10 µm to 30 µm up to 10 µm further optimise component performance.
individually adapted and modified one of
45 µm for thin layer thicknesses. Depending on the type of post-processing,
its machines EOSINT M 280 for Siemens
the cost associated with the treatment can
gas turbine burner repair. The scale of the Process parameters be low (heat-treatment) or high (surface
machine’s interior was enlarged to accom-
Equipment for AM processes is readily improvement). However, the cost associ-
modate the 800  millimeter burner. The ated with establishment of a cheap post-
available. However, the knowledge regard-
manufacturer also amended further hard- processing operation might be substantial
ing how to set up and maintain an AM pro-
ware components such as a camera system (e.g., as in development of heat treatments
cess cannot easily be acquired. Knowledge
and an optical measuring system and made for optimal mechanical material properties
on laser or electron beam performance,
corresponding adjustments to the software. for different applications).
process parameter optimisation and pro-
AM value chain cess performance and stability it is hard to
Material data and design criteria
be gained from original equipment manu-
facturers (OEM). In many cases, the selec- As previously mentioned, material data
Powder materials
tion of available materials and correspond- generation can be required for a number
Understanding powder composition and of variations of one given material. The
ing process parameters does not match the
morphology are key factors to control cost associated with material data genera-
needs from large companies. Especially
when setting up and managing an AM pro- tion is very dependent on the application.
advanced materials for aggressive environ-
cess. Powder cleanliness, chemistry control ments and high temperatures are not read- Depending on the application, the cost
and powder homogeneity are some of the ily available. This means that large efforts associated with material data generation
parameters that must be well understood. need to be put into the equipment process and implementation for one material into
Since powder manufacturing, especially parameter development. In order to fully designer-friendly tools can range from
for AM processes requires tight alloying utilise the AM process, it is highly likely modest numbers up to 1 to 1.5 m €. If gen-
VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015

element control and atomising equipment that several alternative process param- erated, this type of data is today typically
specialised to maximise yield and pro- eter packages could be available for one not readily available in open sources.
ductivity for the very specific powder size material. Depending on the component It is very likely that the full understand-
ranges used, large efforts are put into set- requirements, the process will need to be ing of AM materials can be gained only, if
ting up a process for additive manufactur- set up for best economy (speed), accuracy larger consortia are formed, where syner-
ing. A good example could be an AM plant (tolerances and surfaces) or performance gies will allow for good understanding of
where not only component but also powder (strength). residual stresses, mechanical properties
manufacturing is established. Through this and physical properties coupled to process
At Siemens Power Generation, authors are
set up, it is possible to maximise the value behaviour and part performance described
keeping high focus on establishment of the
added to any given component manufac- as dimensional accuracy or bulk and sur-
process parameters for nickel based mate-
tured. Also the powder can be better uti- face quality.
lised, since different AM processes will use
different fractions of the atomised powder. Process monitoring Design tools
Powder suitable for AM is typically sieved Process monitoring is, for all traditional Design criteria are not only material data
into fractions where the yield is gained manufacturing processes, a natural way and design data developed from material

50 >>> VGB DIGITAL <<<

VGB PowerTech 12 l 2015 3D printing for gas turbine components

Siemens is using AM (SLM) technology for

1 Rapid prototyping 2 Rapid repair 3 Rapid manufacturing three main applications (F i g u r e 4):
Blade 1 Burner Burner –– rapid prototyping,
–– rapid repair and
–– rapid manufacturing.
Rapid prototyping
Integration of AM into the product devel-
opment process enables significant speed-
up of design and validation of new com-
ponents and system, as well as ensuring
Product: SGT Product: SGT Product: SGT
high reliability and performance of newly
Component: E.g. turbine blade 1 Component: Burner tip Component: Burner swirler
designed components prior to final engine
Benefit: Significant reduction Benefit: 10 times faster, Benefit: Swirler can only
testing and product release.
of time to market easy upgrades be made via SLM In the past, due to long delivery time of
Status: Part ot standard Status: In commercial Status: In commercial new components manufactured by conven-
process application application
tional methods (e.g. casting), component
validation testing was done almost at the
Fig. 4. Three pillars of SLM application. end of the development process, during
the final engine test. This is why a conven-
performance. Design data also include de- –– ISO/CD 17296 – 1: Additive manufactur- tional development procedure has some
sign features and guidelines on how to and ing – General principles – Part 1: Termi- disadvantages and consequences:
how not to design an element with additive nology –– sequential development process,
manufacturing. This type of information –– conservative development approach,
Test Methods
can, to some extent, be found in open litera- –– moderate development targets/results,
ture and can be used as an input. However, –– ISO/ASTM52921 – 13: Standard Termi-
nology for Additive Manufacturing-coor- –– long development cycles.
adoption to the local situation will always be
required. Guidelines when to and when not dinate Systems and Test Methodologies With new approach, when AM is an inte-
to select an AM process also need to be avail- –– ISO/DIS 17296 – 3: Additive manu- gral part of the development process (F i g -
able in order to minimise the needs for par- facturing – General principles – Part 3: u r e 5) and can be used for rapid compo-
allel development of a component adopted Main characteristics and corresponding nents design and manufacturing, the fol-
for different manufacturing processes. test methods lowing advantages can be realised:
It is obvious that the process is yet not fully –– parallel and integrated development
In order to fully utilise AM technologies, processes,
the mind-set of designers and engineers standardised but also important to notice
that the basic concepts are settling in the –– radical development approaches,
must be changed.
standards mentioned above. –– ambitious development targets/results,
Standards –– fast development cycles.
Today, standards for additive manufactur- Applications Utilisation of AM technology for compres-
ing in general and specifically for SLM are sor turbine blade design enables the evalu-
not readily available. The standards for As already mentioned, AM is a revolution- ation a few blade cooling concepts and
SLM are limited to a handful documents ary technology enabling simultaneously their tests in a real engine environment in
within (sections here adopted as per ASTM enhancement of component performance a few months instead of a few years.
grouping): and reduction of delivery time. SLM is a
new dimension in integrated design and Rapid repair
Design manufacturing, converting our dreams Repair of components has also been iden-
–– ISO/ASTM52915 – 13: Standard Speci- into reality, with practically no limitation tified as an application with big potential.
fication for Additive Manufacturing File and at extremely short delivery times. Damaged areas of material can be removed
Format (AMF) Version 1.1 With this technology, complex multi-ele- and new material built up. Just as for new
–– ISO/DIS 17296 – 4: Additive manu- ments components could be produced as a- manufacturing, the lead time reduction is
facturing – General principles – Part 4: one integral part with higher performance expected to be significant, especially for
Overview of data processing and, in majority of cases practically at the complex compound structures or raw ma-
Materials and Processes same cost (e.g. GT burners with lower terials with long lead time from order to
emissions and higher lifetime, GT vanes supply.
–– ASTM F2924 – 12a: Standard Specifi-
with better cooling efficiency and longer Recently developed the repair procedures
VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015

cation for Additive Manufacturing Ti-

tanium-6 Aluminum-4 Vanadium with life time). for SGT-700 & -800 burners tips using SLM
Powder Bed Fusion
–– ASTM F3001 – 13: Standard Specifica-
Integrated development -> Iteration in a few months instead of years
tion for Additive Manufacturing Titani-
um-6 Aluminum-4 Vanadium ELI (Extra
Low Interstitial) with Powder Bed Fusion 3D-design SLM 3D-print Processing Instrument. Test

–– ISO/DIS 17296 – 2: Additive manu- 3D-integrated

facturing – General principles – Part 2: CAE/CAD/CAM
Overview of process categories and feed-
–– ASTM F2792 – 12a: Standard Terminol-
ogy for Additive Manufacturing Tech-
nologies Fig. 5. SLM as a part of product development process.


3D printing for gas turbine components VGB PowerTech 12 l 2015

–– increased coating adhesion: micro-scale

Metal powder Laser engineered surfaces,
–– new powder alloys possible: improved
lifetime of the components.
Despite all these benefits and advantages,
there are several aspects that make the AM
process difficult to use today:
–– the process is slow, development of
Platform equipment is needed,
Burner –– quality assurance measures need to be
It starts on the computer - the A layer of powder A laser beam fuses –– design tools are not readily available,
gas turbine burner needs a new tip is applied the powder
–– material data is not generated to the ex-
tent required by users,
–– available materials do not match needs
from industry.
The research community and industry to-
gether need to resolve all these challenges
to speed up industrialisation of AM to its
full extent.

[ 1] Navrotsky, V., Graichen A., and Brodin,
The platform lowers A new layer of metal The process is This process gradually produces a H.: Industrialization of 3D printing for gas
by a few micrometers powder is applied repeated, layer new burner tip that is melted onto
turbine components repair and manufac-
by layer the rest on the component
turing. VGB Conference “Gas Turbines and
Operation of Gas Turbines 2015”, 06/07
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technology is 10 times quicker than previ- ogy for this complex burner swirl, because printing at Siemens Power Generation Ser-
vice. Total Conference, Paris, France, 17-
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dures, as it avoids quite a few manufactur- duce it. [ 3] Navrotsky, V, Graichen A, and Brodin, H.:
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M.H.: Intermetallics 9, (2001), pp. 1003-
burners is shown in F i g u r e 6. Lead time reduction and life cycle 1013.
Replacement of conventional repair pro- improvement for complex parts: [ 7] Santos, E.C., Shiomi, M., Osakada, K. and
cesses with SLM provided not only a sig- Laoui, T.: Int. J. Machine Tools Manuf., 46,
–– lead time reduction: faster technology (2006), pp. 1459-1468.
nificant reduction in repair time, but also validation and product development, [ 8] Costa, L., and Vilar, R.: Rapid Prototyping
an opportunity to modify repaired compo- shorter time to market, J.. 15, No. 4, (2009), pp. 264-279.
nents to the latest burner design. [ 9] Kruth, J.P., Froyen, L., Van Vaerenbergh,
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Rapid manufacturing wers, B.: J Mater. Process. Technol., 149,
manufacturing and repair, (2004), pp. 616-622,
AM technology industrialisation is also
–– saving of material, [10] Kruth, J.P., Levy, G., Klocke, F. and Childs,
enabling new opportunities for spare part
VGB PowerTech - Autorenexemplar - © 2015

–– reduced number of parts in a compo- T.H.C.: Annals CIRP, 56, No. 2, (2007), pp.
and supply chain enhancement: 730-759.
nent: integrated functionality,
–– manufacturing of spare parts on de- [11] Ghany, K.A., and Moustafa, S.F.: Rapid
mand, –– eliminated tools: no time consuming Prototyping J. Vol. 12, No. 2, (2006), pp.
casting process, 86-94.
–– regionalisation of rapid repair and man-
–– on-demand, instant, de-centralized pro- [12] Kruth, J.P., Wang, X., Laoui, T., and Froy-
ufacturing of GT components, en, L.: Assembly Automation, 23, No. 4,
duction (e.g. for service).
–– simplification of logistics and investment (2003), pp. 357-371,
reduction on stocks. Efficiency increase through practically [13] Van Elsen, M., Al-Bender, F., and Kruth,
J.P.: Rapid Prototyping J., 14, No. 1,
Currently, Siemens Power Generation is unlimited options for internal and (2008), pp. 15-22.
focusing on industrialisation of SLM for external cooling duct design: [14] Mazumder, J., Choi, J., Nagarathnam, K.,
rapid repair and manufacturing of Siemens –– better heat transfer and lattice struc- Koch, J., and Hetzner, D.: The direct metal
gas turbine components. tures: thinner walls and larger surface deposition of H13 tool steel for 3D compo-
nents. JOM, Vol. 49 No. 5, pp. 55-60,
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trial gas turbines. We used AM technol- vanced nozzle designs, 287. l

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International Journal for Electricity and Heat Generation

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