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 The State government shall recognize one or more institutions or

organizations in each district as Specialized Adoption Agency, in such a
manner as may be provided in the adoption regulations framed by the
authority, for the rehabilitation of Orphan, Abandoned or surrendered
children through adoption and non- institutional care.

 The State Agency shall furnish the name, address and contact details of
the Specialized Adoption Agencies along with copies of certificate or letter
of recognition or renewal to Authority, as soon as the renewal is granted
to such agencies.

 The State Government shall get every SAA inspected at least once in a
year and take necessary remedial measures, if required.

 In case any SAA is in default in taking necessary steps on its part as

provided in this Act or in the adoption regulations framed by the
Authority, for getting an OAS child legally free for adoption from the
Committee or in completing the home study report of the prospective
adoptive parents or in obtaining adoption order from the court within the
stipulated time, such SAA shall be punishable with a fine which may
extend up to fifty thousand rupees and in case of repeated default, the
recognition of the SAA shall be withdrawn by the State Government.
Functions of Specialized Adoption Agencies

1. Function towards children: Every Specialized Adoption Agency shall:

1. Be responsible for the care, protection and well-being of every child

in its charge and shall cater to their health needs; emotional and
psychological needs; educational and training needs; leisure and
recreational activities; protection from any kind of abuse, neglect
and exploitation; social mainstreaming and restoration or as the
case may be and follow-up;

2. Report all cases of admissions, restorations, transfers, death and

adoption of children, as well as about children missing from the
institution, if any to the Child Welfare Committee, District Child
Protection Unit, State Adoption Resource Agency and the Authority
through Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance
System, designated portal for missing child and police;

3. Submit the status of every orphan, abandoned and surrendered

child on the Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance
System, which is accessible on the website;

4. Shall upload the certificate, issued by the Child Welfare

Committee, declaring the child legally free for adoption in Child
Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System within forty-
eight hours from the receipt of such certificate;

5. Prepare the Child Study Report of all orphan, abandoned and

surrendered children, through its social worker, and upload them
in Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System,
within seven days from the date such children are declared legally
free for adoption by the Child Welfare Committee;

6. Arrange medical tests, as provided in Schedule IV, for all children

admitted into its home and prepare the Medical Examination
Report through its pediatrician or doctor for uploading the same in
Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System, within
seven days from the date such children are declared legally free for
adoption by the Child Welfare Committee;
7. Prepare individual care plan for each child following the principle
of the best interests of the child and the care options in the
following order of preferences:-

1. Restoration to the biological family or legal guardian;

2. In-country adoption;

3. Inter-country adoption;

4. Foster care; and

5. Institutional care;

2. Create a memory album, which shall include a photo album of the

child, history and details of the child’s life (details of surrendering
parents not to be mentioned), and interests of the child, which
shall be handed over to the adoptive family along with the medical
history of the child at the time of handing over the child to the
prospective adoptive parents in pre-adoption foster care;

3. Make efforts to place each child in adoption, who has been

declared legally free for adoption by Child Welfare Committee;

4. Be responsible to complete referral process of a child to prospective

adoptive parents and the legal procedure related to adoption as
provided in these regulations;

5. Prepare every adoptable child psychologically for his assimilation

with the adoptive family, wherever required;

6. Facilitate interaction of the child with prospective adoptive parents,

wherever required;

7. Ensure that siblings and twins are placed in the same family, as
far as possible;

8. Preserve adoption records in a manner, that such record is

accessible to authorized persons only;

9. Facilitate root search by adoptees in the manner as mentioned in

regulation 44.

b. Functions towards biological parents: Every Specialized Adoption

Agency shall:
1. Treat biological parents of a surrendered child with respect and
dignity throughout the surrender process;

2. Maintain confidentiality of unmarried mother and biological


3. Counsel the surrendering parents and inform them about a

possible root search, in future by their child;

4. Encourage the biological parents surrendering a child to provide

maximum information about the background and development of
the child as well as their own health;

5. Explain to the parents implication of surrendering their child

including possibility of inter-country adoption;

6. Ensure that the consent for surrender and adoption is given by the
parents without any coercion or monetary or material

7. Have no commitment or agreement with biological parents

regarding adoption of a child prior to his birth;

8. Inform the parents that they would have a re-consideration period

of sixty days from the date of surrender during which they may
take back the child.

b. Functions towards prospective adoptive parents: Every Specialised

Adoption Agency shall:

1. Treat prospective adoptive parents with respect and extend due

courtesy, assistance and advice;

2. Facilitate registration of prospective adoptive parents in Child

Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System in case they
face any difficulty;

3. Counsel the prospective adoptive parents, through an authorized

professional social worker or counselor, to make them aware of the
process of adoption and to ascertain the level of their preparedness
for the same which include the following, namely:-

4. Acceptance of adoption as an alternative way of building their

1. Preference for child to be adopted;

2. Emotional readiness to adopt an unrelated child;

3. Concerns about the social background of the child and

genetic factors;

4. Attitude towards parenting and disciplining;

5. Sharing the fact of adoption with the child, when the child
grows up;

6. Dealing with root search by the adopted child, when the

child  grows up;

7. Any other issue that might emerge during the interactions;

2. Complete the Home Study Report of prospective adoptive parents

who have opted for the home study by them, within one month
from the date of their registration and submission of required

3. Continuously update the prospective adoptive parents of the

current status and procedure to be followed during the entire
adoption process after the child has been reserved by the
prospective adoptive parents;

4. Provide video clips of the children to prospective adoptive parents

and facilitate their video calls to children after referral;

5. Provide information to prospective adoptive parents about the

medical history of the child and the health status of a special need
child, if such a child is proposed for adoption;

6. Provide the immunisation record and recent diagnostic reports as

well as any vital information relating to child including his food
and social habits and memory album to the prospective adoptive

7. A copy of the adoption order from the court and the birth
certificate or affidavit shall also be provided to the prospective
adoptive parents as and when available;
8. Place a child in pre-adoption foster care on completion of referral
and after observing necessary procedural formalities as laid down
in these regulations;

9. Extend post adoption services including counseling to the

prospective adoptive parents, if required;

10. Not receive any payment, other than as specified in the

norms prescribed by the Authority from time to time;

11. Advise the prospective adoptive parents to contact adoptive

families to understand the process of adoption.

b. Functions relating to counseling: The functions of the Specialized

Adoption Agency in respect of counseling shall include the
following, namely:-

1. Counseling of biological parents in case of surrender;

2.  Pre-adoption counseling of prospective adoptive parents during

preparation of Home Study Report and matching process and
linking them to the counseling center at the Authority or State
Adoption Resource Agency or District Child Protection Unit,
wherever required;

3. Counseling of older children before and during adoption;

4. Counseling of adoptive parents whenever required; and

5. Post-adoption counseling of the adoptees, when contacted by them

in search of their roots

b. Every Specialized Adoption Agency shall set up at its own home to

receive abandoned children and may set up cradle baby points at
primary health care centers, hospitals, nursing homes, short-stay
and Swadhar Homes for Women. span>

c. Documentation and record keeping:

1. The Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System

web portal of the Authority shall be the database and registration
system which shall be mandatorily used by all State Adoption
Resource Authorities, District Child Protection Units, Specialized
Adoption Agencies and Child Care Institutions for the purpose of


 Function towards children

 Functions towards biological parents

 Functions towards PAP’s

 Functions relating to counseling

 Every Specialised Adoption Agency shall set up at its own home to receive
abandoned children and may set up cradle baby points at primary health
care centres, hospitals, nursing homes, short-stay and Swadhar Homes
for Women
 Documentation and record keeping



 “Child Care Institution” means Children Home, open shelter, observation

home, special home, place of safety, Specialised Adoption Agency and a fit
facility recognised under this Act for providing care and protection to
children, who are in need of such services;

 A child care institution as defined under the JJ Act,2015, means Children

Home, Open Shelter, Observation Home, Special Home, Place of Safety,
Specialised Adoption Agency and a Fit Facility recognized under the Act
for providing care and protection to children, who are in need of such
services. Children in conflict with law are provided residential care and
protection in Observation Homes, Special Homes and Places of Safety.
 Any child care institution registered shall be duty bound to admit
children, subject to the capacity of the institution, as directed by the
Committee, whether they are receiving grants from the Central
Government or, as the case may be, the State Government or not.


 The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall ensure that services

provided to children by CCI are in accordance with:

o Provisions of the JJ Act, 2015.

o Orders of the Board or Children‘s Court.

o Standards of care outlined in JJ Act, 2015 and its Rules.

o Record keeping requirements as outlined in JJ Act, 2015 and its


 Provide an environment in which children feel that they are nurtured and
cared for, where they feel secure and are ensured that they are going to
receive the care, supervision and facilities required to take stock of their
lives, take accountability for their actions, undergo reformation, receive
education, vocational training, and opportunities to get themselves on a
path of better living, which will help them to grow and develop, and keep
away from crime.

 To ensure that all children in the Institution receive all necessary

services. This includes adequate quality of living conditions, receipt of
necessary materials, care planning and follow-up: counseling, education
vocational training, life skills, reformation, rehabilitation, physical and
mental health facilities, legal aid/assistance, opening of a bank account
and registration for Aadhaar etc. Ensure that the incentives if any,
received by the child during his/her stay are deposited in his bank

 Ensure recidivism prevention programmes for children and follow up.

 Planning, supervision, and co-ordination of all activities in the


 Liaison externally with the concerned departments, and other agencies

on matters related to running of the Institution and facilities for children
which is permissible within the JJ Act, 2015 and the Rules framed there

 Liaise with the District Child Protection Unit or District Legal Service
Authority or State Legal Services Authority to ensure legal assistance for
every child.

 Liaise, Coordinate and Co-operate with the State Child Protection Society
(SCPS) and District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) as and when required.

 The Person-in-charge of every Institution, housing children, shall

facilitate setting up of children‘s committees for participation of children
in the functioning of the CCI for the safety and well-being of children.


 To ensure that peer support groups are formed in the Institution, and
that children meet in their groups and have sharing and discussion

 To interact with the children‘s committee representatives to understand

if the committees are functioning, understand their issues, receive
feedback from them and take action if necessary.

 To ensure that children receive legal aid and are apprised of the status of
their cases.

 To interact personally/ensure that officers interact with children and

parents on visiting day and also to provide support, advice and help
counsel both parents and the child.

 To ensure that there is appropriate display material which children can

understand, about the various aspects of care, services,
rights/entitlements of children, code of conducts for both staff and
children, complaints and redressal mechanisms, material supplies.

Engage with the children‘s groups to develop these materials.

(6) The period of registration of an institution shall be five years, and it

shall be subject to renewal in every five years.
(7) The State Government may, after following the procedure as may be
prescribed, cancel or withhold registration, as the case may be, of such
institutions which fail to provide rehabilitation and reintegration services
as specified in section 53 and till such time that the registration of an
institution is renewed or granted, the State Government shall manage the
(8) Any child care institution registered under this section shall be duty
bound to admit children, subject to the capacity of the institution, as
directed by the Committee, whether they are receiving grants from the
Central Government or, as the case may be, the State Government or not.
(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time
being in force, the inspection committee appointed under section 54, shall
have the powers to inspect any institution housing children, even if not
registered under this Act to determine whether such institution is
housing children in need of care and protection.


(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in
force, all institutions, whether run by a State Government or by voluntary or
non-governmental organisations, which are meant, either wholly or partially,
for housing children in need of care and protection or children in conflict with
law, shall, be registered under this Act in such manner as may be prescribed,
within a period of six months from the date of commencement of this Act,
regardless of whether they are receiving grants from the Central Government
or, as the case may be, the State Government or not: Provided that the
institutions having valid registration under the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2000 (56 of 2000) on the date of commencement of
this Act shall be deemed to have been registered under this Act.

(2) At the time of registration under this section, the State Government shall
determine and record the capacity and purpose of the institution and shall
register the institution as a Children's Home or open shelter or Specialised
Adoption Agency or observation home or special home or place of safety, as the
case may be.

(3) On receipt of application for registration under sub-section (1), from an

existing or new institution housing children in need of care and protection or
children in conflict with law, the State Government may grant provisional
registration, within one month from the date of receipt of application, for a
maximum period of six months, in order to bring such institution under the
purview of this Act, and shall determine the capacity of the Home which shall
be mentioned in the registration certificate: Provided that if the said institution
does not fulfil the prescribed criteria for registration, within the period specified
in sub-section (1), the provisional registration shall stand cancelled and the
provisions of sub-section (5) shall apply.

(4) If the State Government does not issue a provisional registration certificate
within one month from the date of application, the proof of receipt of
application for registration shall be treated as provisional registration to run an
institution for a maximum period of six months.

(5) If the application for registration is not disposed of within six months by any
officer or officers of any State Government, it shall be regarded as dereliction of
duty on their part by their higher controlling authority and appropriate
departmental proceedings shall be initiated.

(6) The period of registration of an institution shall be five years, and it shall be
subject to renewal in every five years.

(7) The State Government may, after following the procedure as may be
prescribed, cancel or withhold registration, as the case may be, of such
institutions which fail to provide rehabilitation and reintegration services as
specified in section 53 and till such time that the registration of an institution
is renewed or granted, the State Government shall manage the institution.

(8) Any child care institution registered under this section shall be duty bound
to admit children, subject to the capacity of the institution, as directed by the
Committee, whether they are receiving grants from the Central Government or,
as the case may be, the State Government or not.

(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in
force, the inspection committee appointed under section 54, shall have the
powers to inspect any institution housing children, even if not registered under
this Act to determine whether such institution is housing children in need of
care and protection.


A Child Protection Unit for a District, established by the State Government

under Section 106, which is the focal point to ensure the implementation of
this act and other protection measures in the district.
 Identify OAS children in the district and get them declared legally free for
adoption by CWC.

 Ensure that the CSR and MER are uploaded in the CARINGS by SAA.

 Facilitate the linkage of CCI with SAA.

 Maintain a panel of professionally qualified or trained social workers and

set up counseling centre.

 Supervise and monitor adoption programme in the district.


No. of Total no. of Total no. Total no. of

Sl. No. of No. of
State DCPUs CCIs of CCIs CCIs waiting
No Districts SAAs
registered registered linked to be linked
Andaman and
1 3 3 2 0 0 0
Nicobar Island

2 Andhra Pradesh 13 13 14 873 871 2

3 Arunachal Pradesh 22 18 2 12 11 1

4 Assam 33 28 20 97 97 0

5 Bihar 38 38 25 42 42 0

6 Chandigarh 1 1 1 4 4 0

7 Chhattisgarh 27 27 13 53 51 2

Dadra and Nagar

8 Haveli and Daman 3 0 1 0 0 0
and Diu

9 Delhi 11 10 12 94 92 2

10 Goa 2 2 2 53 53 0

11 Gujarat 33 33 16 89 89 0

12 Haryana 22 21 8 58 54 4

13 Himachal Pradesh 12 12 1 38 37 1

14 Jammu and Kashmir 21 0 0 0 0 0

15 Jharkhand 24 24 15 84 83 1

16 Karnataka 30 30 31 854 816 38

17 Kerala 14 14 18 565 532 33

18 Lakshadweep 1 0 0 0 0 0
19 Madhya Pradesh 51 51 31 60 60 0

20 Maharashtra 36 35 56 588 549 39

21 Manipur 16 9 9 41 41 0

22 Meghalaya 11 13 6 75 73 2

23 Mizoram 8 8 7 35 35 0

24 Nagaland 11 11 4 51 51 0

25 Orissa 30 30 30 200 200 0

26 Pondicherry 4 2 3 43 6 37

27 Punjab 22 22 9 54 52 2

28 Rajasthan 33 33 35 98 95 3

29 Sikkim 4 4 3 21 21 0

30 Tamil Nadu 32 32 21 1219 1188 31

31 Telangana 33 33 11 452 362 90

32 Tripura 8 8 9 15 15 0

33 Uttar Pradesh 76 75 21 42 38 4

34 Uttarakhand 13 13 7 25 24 1

35 West Bengal 23 23 24 62 62 0

Total 721 676 467 5997 5704 293


 All Child Care Institutions registered under this Act, which may not have
been recognized as SAA, shall ensure that all OAS under their care and
protection are reported, produced and declared legally free for adoption,
by the child welfare committee as per the provisions of section 32, sub
section (2) of section 38 and sub section (1) of section 66 of the Act and
the procedure laid down in these regulations.
 Such report shall include the name, gender, DOB, age, photograph and
health condition of the child, language spoken by the child, address or
source and the manner and the circumstance in which the child was
brought and admitted to the institution.

 The DCPU concerned shall render all necessary assistance to the CCI in
getting an OAS child declared legally free for adoption as per the
procedure and time frame stipulated under the provisions of the act, rules
frames thereunder and these regulations.

 The DCPU shall be responsible for linking the CCI where adoptable
children have been identified with SAA.

 The adoption committee shall include:

i) Adoption in charge or social worker of the SAA;
ii) Paediatrician or visiting doctor of the CCI;
iii) Official from the DCPU of the district where CCI is
located; and
iv) Representative of the child care institution.

 In all such adoption cases, adoption petition shall be filed in the

competent court by the SAA, making the CCI as a co-petitioner.
 In case the child is from a CCI which is located in another district, the
SAA shall file the adoption petition in the court concerned of either of the

 The adoption fee shall be shared between SAA and the CCI in the ratio as
prescribed by the Authority.
 The SAA concerned shall obtain a certificate copy of the adoption order
from the court and furnish a copy of the same to the PAP’s, CCI, DCPU
and upload it in CARINGS.

 The State Adoption Agency concerned shall obtain a certified copy of the
adoption order from the court and furnish the same to the PAP’s, CCI,
DCPU and upload it in CARINGS.

 The State Adoption Resource Agency or District CHILD protection Unit

shall as far as possible, provide training to CCI to enable them to become
well equipped with Specialised Adoption Agencies.

 DCPU registers all the CCIs (registered/unregistered) within their district
 DCPU identifies adoptable children in the CCI under its jurisdiction.


 All the child care institutions registered under this Act, which may
not have been recognized as Specialized Adoption Agencies, shall
ensure that all orphan or abandoned or surrendered children
under their care are reported, produced and declared legally free
for adoption, by the Committee as per the provisions of section
32,38 a and 66(1) of the act.

 Such report shall include: the name (if known), gender, age/date of
birth (if known), photographer and health condition of the child,
language spoken by him (if any), his address/source (wherever
known) and the manner/circumstances he was brought and
admitted to the institution.

 An abandoned child shall be produced by the child care

institutions as per the provisions of Section 31 of the act before the
local Child Welfare Committee within 24 hours (excluding journey
period), unless such child has been received by such institutions
on the order of the Child Welfare Committee.

 A report containing relevant details including the photograph as

well as the source and the circumstances in which an abandoned
child has been received, shall be sent by the child care institution
concerned to the police station (within the jurisdiction of which the
institution is located) within 24 hours from the receipt of the child.

 In case the abandoned child was initially found in another place or

it could be revealed from the interaction with the child that he
belongs to a place other than the place where the child was initially
found or other than the place where the institution is located, a
copy of such report shall endorsed to the police district/police
station having jurisdiction over such place.
 The effort for restoring a surrendered child to the natural parents
or legal Guardian shall be made down under section 36 40 of that
as well as any rule for adoption regulation made under there.

 The social investigation report shall be completed within fifteen

days by the district child protection unit (within the jurisdiction of
which the child care institution is located),in pursuance of the
provisions under section 30(iii) and 36(2) of the act.

 The effort for restoring a surrendered child to the natural parent or

legal guardian shall be made as laid down under section 35 and 40
of the act as well as any rule of adoption regulation made under
 It shall be mandatory for the child care institutions concerned to
complete the process required forgetting it powerful abundant or
surrender children legally free for adoption As for the time frame
stupid rated under the act rules or adoption regulations.

 The DCPU concerned shall render all necessary assistance to child

care institution concerned in getting an OAS child declared legally
free for adoption as per the procedure and time frame stipulated
under the Act, Rules or adoption regulations.

 The child of child care institution may not be transferred to a

specialized adoption agency for the purpose of adoption and the
adoptive parents would be required to visit the child care
institution to see and take custody of the child based on adoption
decision made by the committee.

 In case there is a specialized adoption agency in the same district

where a child care institution is located, such SAA may be
complete the documentations and formalities required for the
adoption placement of an Orphan, Abandoned, Surrendered child,
of the child institution, including the preparation of CSR and MER
of the child in CARINGS.

 The DCPU concerned shall facilitate the linkage of sucg child of the

 In case the child care institution and the specialized adoption

agency are not located in the same district:

 The DCPU shall follow the procedure required for declaring a child
legally free for adoption as per Section 38 of the Act and Rules or
Adoption Regulations framed thereunder;

 The DCPU shall upload the child study report (CSR), Medical
Examination Report (MER) and photograph of the child, in
CARINGS (with the assistance of the child care institution or the
specialized adoption agency concerned);

 Once documents of children are uploaded in the system, the linked

specialized adoption agency shall access information of such
children for facilitating their adoption placement as per Adoption

 In case there is more than one SAA in the district;

 While referring the child to a SAA, not only the distance between
the CCI from the SAA, but also the needs of the child as well as
capacity of the SAA shall be taken into consideration.

 The SAA or the DCPU as the case may be, shall upload the
certificate declaring the child legally free for adoption by CWC in
CCARINGS within 48 hours from the receipt of such certificate.

 The Adoption Committee shall include;

 i) Adoption in charge or social worker of the SAA;

ii) Pediatrician or visiting doctor or the CCI,
iii) Official from the DCPU of the district where CCI is located
iv) Member representing the chief functionary of the CCI.

 In all such adoption cases, adoption petition shall be filed in the court by
the SAA, making the CCI as co-petitioner.

 In case the child is from a children’s home which is located in another

district, the SAA shall file the adoption petition in the concerned court of
that district.
 The child care corpus would be divided in ratio of 30:70 between
specialized adoption agency and child care institution.

(It was the same ratio between RIPA and specialized adoption agency in
2011 Guidelines)

 If any institution contravenes the provisions of Section 66(1) or (2) of the

act, it shall be liable to fine of fifty thousand rupees for each instance to
be imposed by the registering authority and it may also attract de
recognition in the event of persistent flouting of such provisions.


 The linking of SAA-CCI is done by District Child Protection Unit

 DCPU registers all Child Care Institutions both registered and
unregisterted within their district on CARINGS.
 DCPU identifies adoptable children in the CCI under its jurisdiction.

The trainee after intense research and after calling various SAA’s, CCI’S and
DCPU came to the conclusion that in the current scenario there are negligible
issues in the SAA-CCI linkages due to the introduction of streamlining.
But still there are a few issues that needs to be resolved in order to facilitate
smooth linkage of Specialised Adoption Agencies and Child Care Institutions.
These issues are mentioned as below :-
 Technical Issues : Most of the problems in the linkage are caused due to
the technical issues. Some of the DCPU’s lack proper resources in
technology which causes major hindrance in the linking process.

 Lack of proper monitoring : Another major issue in the process of linkage

is lack of proper monitoring by the DCPU. District Child Protection Unit
many a times does not monitor the SAA-CCI properly and often delays
the process of data verification which is a major challenge in the SAA-
CCI linkage process.

 Less qualified staff : Lack of qualified staff is one of the major challenge
in the process of linking SAA-CCI together. Less educated staff messes
things up causing a delay in the linkage process.

 Lack of proper councelling : Lack of proper guidance and councelling is

lacking in various SAA’s and CCI’s as a result they are unable to give the
required facts and figures to DCPU which is again a major challenge in
the linking SAA and CCI.

 Improper Administration : It is also seen that due to the reckless

behavior and lack of interest of administration in the DCPU also leads to
issues in linking SAA and CCI’s.

 Sometimes both the Social workers from SAA and CCI have different
point of views and different opinions. Hence causing delay in linkage

 Many a times Child Study Report (CSR) and Medical Examination Report
(MER) of CCI children are not prepared by the institutions, which causes
delay in updating data and causing delay in the linkage process.

 It is also seen that many a times the Child Care Institution doesn’t want
to get them registered by their own will and wish due to lack of resources
and infrastructural facilities, causing a major problem in linkage of SAA
and CCI.

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