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In simple random sampling each unit in population gets equal chance of being selected in the
sample. However when the unit varying considerably in size the simple random sampling does
not seems to be appropriate procedure since it does not take into account. The possible
importance of the size of the unit under such circumstances, selection of unit with unequal
probability may provide more efficient estimator than equal to probability sampling.

In this technique the units are selected with probability proportional to given measure of size
which is the value of auxiliary variable (x) which is closely associated with a study variable
(y).this type is sampling is known as varying proportional to size .\for example while estimating
the total number of unemployment of youth in a district. The number of household is a village
can be used as size measure whereas village are taken as sampling units, similarly for
estimating the total number of tube wells in a certain village for previous period net irrigated
area for the village may as size variable .

The PPS sampling procedure would provide biased estimator as the largest units are over
represented in the sample. However the sample observation are appropriate weighed at the
estimation stage taking into consideration the probability of selection it is possible to attain an
unbiased estimator .

Method of selection of PPS sample

The procedure to selecting a PPS sample is biased on associating with each unit in the
population a set of number equal to its size. The selection unitsis done corresponding total
number of units. The most commonly selection procedure cumulative total method and Lehri

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