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Important Test Cases on Check Box, Radio Button, Login Page, Mouse, ATM

Machine, Shopping Cart, Login Form, FAN, PEN, Lift

Test Case to test Check Box:-

1. Click the check box Control and press the submit button and test whether it is redirecting to
next page.
2. Uncheck the Check box Control and press the submit button and test whether it is redirecting to
next page.
3. Check the alignment of the check box i.e. its size, color, style.
4. Check the alignment of the label for the check box i.e. whether it can be left or right
5. Check and Uncheck the check box control and test whether it is automatically redirecting to the
server or not if the submit button is not present

Test Case to test Radio button:-

1. If the Radio button control is present in group then check one of the radio button and press
submit button to check whether it is redirecting to next page or not
2. Check multiple radio button control at a time and press the submit button and test whether its
redirecting .An error message must be displayed i.e. you cannot check multiple radio buttons at
the same time.
3. Check the alignment of all the radio button control i.e. whether they are in same directions (Left
or right).All the radio button control must be in same directions
4. Check the alignment of the check box i.e. same size,color,style
5. Check whether radio button control could be checked or unchecked through Tab key or with the
help of mouse cursor(GUI Testing)

Test Case to test Login Page:- ASSUMPTIONS OF REQUIREMENTS:

- valid login and valid password combination lets user in

- any other combination will be rejected
- password is case insensitive
- login is case insensitive
- "login" field accepts 1023 characters
- "password" field accepts 1023 characters
- "Submit" button is disabled unless both fields have data typed in
- Automatic logout on using BACKSPACE button (browser) to get back to the
Login/Password screen after successful login
- Password field displays input in bullets
- "Cut" menu item on "Password" field is disabled
- "Copy" menu item on "Password" field is disabled

TEST DATA: 2 user accounts created to be used in testing:

- mikhail portnov12345

- obama barak54321

1. Valid login/valid password mikhail/portnov12345 logged in

2. Valid login/invalid password mikhail/portnow12345 error: provide valid combination
3. Login Case Sensetivity Mikhail/portnov12345 logged in
4. Password Case Sensetivity mikhail/Portnov12345 logged in
5. Login Required no input/portnov12345 "Submit" button disabled
6. Password Required mikhail/no input "Submit" button disabled
7. Invalid login/valid password obama/portnov12345 error: provide valid combination
8. Masking password type 1234567 shown in bullets
9. "Copy" menu item on Password NA disabled
1. 10."Cut" menu item on Password NA disabled

Test Cases for Mouse:

1. To Check the Mouse company:

2. Check whether it is PS/2, USB or Serial port mouse or Card less Mouse
3. It should be plugged to all the ports of different manufactures.
4. Check for the basic functionality (smoke Test) whether it is connected to ur PC or not. proper
finished plastic body, to hold the mouse with right and left key and scroll
5. It should be platform Independent.

Now, check for the functionality,

1. It should be a pointer on the screen and when it is moved on the links it should turn out to hand
2. Check whether the pointer turns out to be a vertical bar in the textbox.
3. Right Click on the mouse should display the context window.
4. Double clicking on any folder should open up the file.
5. Should be able to scroll up or scroll down using the scroll button on the mouse.
6. Should be able to change the functionality of the right.
7. Should be able to point to the scroll bar and then drag up and down.
8. Should always point to the right place, where it is intended to point.

Test Cases for ATM machine:

1. Check the Machine is accepting ATM card check the card inserted properly. Check the card
inserted reverse.
2. Check the Machine is rejecting expired card
3. Check the Successful entry of PIN number
4. Check the Unsuccessful operation due to enter wrong PIN number 3 times
5. Check the Successful selection of language
6. Check the Successful selection of account type
7. Check the Unsuccessful operation due to invalid account type
8. Check the Successful selection of amount to be withdraw
9. Check the Successful withdrawal.
10. Check the Expected message due to amount is greater than day limit
11. Check the Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to lack of money in ATM
12. Check the unsuccessful withdrawal operation due to wrong denominations
13. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to transactions is greater than day limit
14. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card
15. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card & pin number
16. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number &
17. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number,
language &account type
18. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number,
language ,account type & withdraw operation
19. Check the unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card, pin number,
language, account type, withdraw operation &amount to be withdraw
20. Check the Expected message due to amount to withdraw is greater than possible balance.
21. Check the Unsuccessful withdraws operation due to click cancel after insert card.

Test Cases for Shopping Cart:

1. Adding Item in shopping cart

2. Deleting item from shopping cart
3. Verifying Item count after adding and deleting
4. Verifying Coupon codes-If your application supports that(Coupons help you redeem the points)
5. Verifying Sales price, MRP as per data you have been provided
6. Verifying Payment Methods-PayPal, Google Checkout, Other payment methods
7. Verifying purchasing of any item when it is not in stock
8. Verifying shipping methods and shipping charges if applicable
9. Verifying purchasing with Taxable cities(Minnesota and Wisconsin are taxable cities in US)and
nontaxable cities
10. Verify with Different credit card types-Visa, Master, Discover, Amex
11. Verify with expired credit card.
12. Check whether clicking on add to cart button takes the user to cart page or not
13. Shopping cart holds the items till the session is active. As soon as session is closed the shopping
cart should be refreshed.
14. Shopping cart should not contain duplicate items, although user can add quantities of the
product to be purchased
15. Shopping cart should contain the price of the product, its name and link to the product's details
16. Is there any cross selling product that means. if we buy one product then we must buy that cross
selling product.

17.Check whether the special offers (optional)if selected means they also should include in cart.

Test cases for sample Login Form:

1. Verify the following text fields in the Login screen-Username, Password.

2. Verify the following Buttons in Login screen-Login, Reset.
3. Verify the mandatory fields in Login screen.(without entering data in the text fields)
4. User Name and Password field are appearing in proper position In the page or not.
5. User name and password fields are having same font, proper look up feeling or not.
6. User name and password field are properly aligned.
7. Check the spellings are proper are not.
8. Button fields are active and doing desired work or not.
9. Verify the validation message when trying to login by leaving any username and password fields.
10. Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving username field.
11. Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving password field.
12. Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name using.
13. Verify the error message after logging when wrong Password using.
14. Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name and Password using.
15. Verify the error message after logging when long username, that exceeds the limit of characters
16. Verify the error message after logging when long Password, that exceeds the limit of characters
17. Try copy/paste in the password text box.
18. Verify if user is able to login to Application when using correct credentials.
19. Verify the functionality of RESET button.
20. Verify the look and feel of Login Screen.
21. After successful sign-out, try "Back" option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the
"signed-in" page.

Test cases for sample FAN:

1. Check if the all parts of the fan is fitting properly and no loose fitting. [Installation Testing]
2. Check if the dimension of the fan as per mentioned in the requirement. [UI Testing]
3. Check if the blades size and length of the fan as per mentioned in the requirement.[UI Testing]
4. Check if the weight of the fan is as per mentioned in the requirement. [UI Testing]
5. Check if the voltage/power requirement of the fan as per mentioned in the requirement.
6. Check if the proper “company name” is displayed on fan. [UI Testing]
7. Check if fan is started only if electric switch ON. [Functional Testing]
8. Check if speed varies when regulator adjusted. [Functional Testing]
9. Check Fan should always work in clock-wise direction. [Functional Testing]
10. Check if the fan throws wind in correct direction. [Functional Testing]
11. Check if the Speed of the fan is controlled by the regulator. [Functional Testing]
12. Check if fan is stopped only if electric switch OFF. [Functional Testing]
13. Check if the time required to reached to it maximum speed when fan is switched ON.
[Functional Testing]
14. Check the minimum and maximum speed of fan. [Reliability Testing]
15. Check if the material used for fan blades and check if it’s not getting bend when it is in motion.
[Reliability Testing]
16. Check if fan is not wobbling when it’s in the movement. [Usability Testing]
17. Check if the color of the fan is as per mentioned in the requirement. [UITesting]
18. Check if fan if working properly under voltage fluctuation conditions like low voltage conditions.
[Stress Testing]
19. Check the condition of fan’s when fan is running ON continuously for long period of time.
[Performance Testing]
20. Check if the fan’s motor and electrical parts if any under unexpected outage of electricity.
[Performance Testing]
21. Check if fan is running with minimum noise and vibration. [Usability Testing]
22. Check if the enough distance present between fan blades and ceiling. [UI Testing]
Test Cases for PEN:

1. check the pen type

2. check the pen cap is present or not
3. check the pen ink is filled or not
4. check the pen writing or not
5. check the ink color i.e. black or blue
6. check the pen color
7. check whether the pen is used to write all types of papers or not
8. check the ink capacity of the pen
9. check the pen product by fiber or plastic
10. Check the Dimension of the pen
11. Check the logo of the pen maker,
12. Check the Total length that pen can write
13. Check the Strength of the nib
14. Check the grip of the pen
15. Check the capacity Against the surface it can write
16. check the Hanger provided in the cap
17. check the body of the pen should perfectly fit with the cap of the pen

Test cases for Lift:

1. Check when you press from the outside of the lift it should be opened when it is in ground floor
2. Verify it should give a beep when it reaches opens you
3. Check it should display in the outer box that from which floor it comes to reach us
4. Check when you step in to the lift after 10 seconds when it knows nothing in the door it to be
closed automatically Check when you give or press the number to which up to the floor it be
5. Check when you press different no`s it should be highlighted
6. Check up to the capacity of the lift only the load is given
7. Verify when you are going upwards on the first floor if any one pressed the lift it should stop
8. Verify on reaching the correct floor it should be automatically stopped and open
9. Verify when the lift is empty when any one touches it should reach very fastly.
10. Verify whether the appropriate buttons are available or not
11. Check when click on open button twice it should open or not
12. Check whether lift door open or not by click on open button while lift moving between two
13. Check whether lift door open or not by press and hold on open button some time
14. Check for the direction by pressing up and down button.
15. Enter in the lift specify the floor say 4 and check for the corresponding floor?
16. Lift is moving and the power breaks off. Does the alarm blow in the control room that there is
power break off?
17. Also check for the case how the inside person inform the lift man that he got stuck in the lift (if
there is phone button does it works)?
18. Also check for the response time to start lift again?
19. When a person is in the lift any light is there or not?
20. How many persons at a time will carry the lift in the since in moving time.
21. Without load if we press the up button is it moving or not.
22. What happen without specifying the floor number if we press the up or down?
23. What happen if the lift is in over load mode (over load sound will come before moving or it
24. Without load if we press the up button and specify the floor number what is happening?
25. Is the door getting closed itself or have to close manually?
26. If the door closed automatically check for the closing time?
27. If the door closed automatically also check for the sensor? Suppose the closing time is 2 min and
it passed and people are still getting in. What happen does the door get closed or wait for the
people to get in?

Test Case for Yahoo Page:

1. Check the Logo of Yahoo on yahoo page when yahoo page get open.
2. Check the UI of yahoo page.
3. Testing without entering any username and password.
4. Test it only with Username
5. Test it only with password.
6. User name with wrong password
7. Password with wrong user name
8. Right username and right password
9. Cancel, after entering username and password.
10. Enter long username and password that exceeds the set limit of characters.
11. Try copy/paste in the password text box.
12. After successful sign-out, try “Back” option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the
“signed-in” page.

Write the test cases on bulb?

1. Check the bulb is required shape and size

2. Check the bulb is fitted and removed from holder
3. Check the bulb glow required illumination are not
4. Check the bulb it should glow when we switch on
5. Check the bulb it should off when we switch off
6. Check the bulb material
7. Life of the bulb should meet the requirement

Test cases for Traffic Signal:

1. verify if the traffic lights are having three lights(green, yellow ,red)
2. verify that the lights turn on in a sequence
3. verify that lights turn on in a sequence based on time specified(green light-
4.1min,yellowlight10sec,red-light 1 min)
4. verify that only one light glows at a time
5. verify if the speed of the Traffic light can be accelerated as time specified based on the traffic
6. Verify if the traffic lights in some spots are sensor activated.
7. Verify that light are properly visible and dark and are on proper height so normal human eyes
can see it properly at night and day.
8. Verify it shows remaining time.

Test case for 2 way switch:

1. Check whether two switches are present.

2. Check whether both switches are connected properly.
3. Check power supplies for both switches.
4. Checks on/off conditions are working properly.
5. Check whether any electronic appliances connected to the 2-way switches should not get power
supply when both switches are either in on state or off state.
6. Check whether any electronic appliances connected to the 2-way switches should get power
supply when one switch is in on state and other is in off state or vice versa.

Write the test cases on Chair?

1. Check whether the chair is very comfortable to take rest.

2. Check whether the chair is available in your favorite color.
3. Check whether the chair is made up of plastic or wood.
4. Check it has got wheels at bottom to move from one place to another place.
5. Check whether it has got some extra adds ins to stretch on back.
6. Check whether it has got any seating adjustment to make height high or low.
7. Check whether the chair seat has got some air space to flow of air.
8. Check whether the chair has got enough space to be seat with fat or thin people.
9. Check whether the chair is up to your price.
10. Check whether the chair is very attractive.
11. (Out of box) throw the chair from 1st or 2nd floor to check the capacity. That is not easily

Write the test cases on Ring?

1. It is easily in and out in the figure.

2. Verify it is not harmful to the skin.
3. Verify it is suitable in each climatic condition.
4. Check the design is very attractive.
5. Check the ring is made up of metal or gold or silver.
6. Check whether the ring is up to your price.
7. Check whether it is not breakable easily.

Test cases Calculator

1. It should have 9 numeric digits.

2. It should give proper output based on the operation.
3. It should not allow characters.
4. It should run from cell or battery not through power supply.
5. It should be small in size.
6. at least it should perform 4 basic operation such as
7. Add, sub. div, multiplication

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