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Beaconhouse School System


Duration: 40MIN Date:

 Attainment target: Explain the changes in state and diffusion using the particle model of matter

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

 Investigate the factors that affect the rate of diffusion. (surface area, time given to diffuse and the temperature of the water).
 Observe diffusion of Potassium Manganate crystals/blue ink drops/copper sulphate crystals/food dye/tea leaves in water.
Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Formative Assessment
Learning Material and Resources
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the topic? The (What are the students doing to help them understand Day to day assessment
(What resources will you use that
teaching strategies/ methodology selected) the topic?)
mins will support the teaching and
(How do you plan to assess
learning activities?)
learning as it is happening?)

verbal response
Students’ prior knowledge on changes of state will be collected
5 verbal response
by asking them what is required for any change in matter to
happen (change in temperature). Students’ feedback will be
taken along with their real-life examples.

Development; Group work: Students in group will be asked to Students’ responses will be taken
Taken the feedback by verbal
read Q1 from W.bkpg#56 and then individually write the ans in 10
their W. books

Group work: The whole class will be divided into 4 group (5 Students’ responses will be noted on the board.
Taken the feedback by verbal
students in each) and given the verbal instructions of diffusion 5

Science Lab activity:

 The class will be taken to the science lab for the

 They will observe the diffusion of tea leaves in
water Water 50 ml Verbal responses will be discussed
Students’ responses will be noted on the board 15
 They will also observe the haphazard motion of Beakers -4 in form of whole class discussion
. Students’ activity performance will be monitored.
blue ink drops/food dye in water to explain the
Brownian motion.

The students will be asked to record their ans in pg#56-


Wrap Up: Each group will be asked to take round and observe 5
how temperature of water and time given for the diffusion to

Beaconhouse School System
happen in each case resulted

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Instruction Cards:

Problem: How is diffusion affected by hot and coldtemperature:

Food coloring (red & blue)2 clear glass cups of the exact same size and shape2 differently shaped clear containers (narrow and wide),
preferably about the same size

Temperature Difference
1. Fill one glass cup with hot water. Fill the second glass cup with cold water.

2. Drop 1-2 drops of red food coloring in the hot cup, and 1-2 drops of blue food coloring in the cold in the cold one.

3. Watch and wait for color to disperse entirely.

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