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Grading Rubric for Capstone Project Research Paper

40 points Development of Argument

10 Essay developed a clear, cohesive argument that is well

organized and easy to follow

10 There is a debatable, complex thesis statement at the end of

the introduction paragraph

10 The thesis is supported by at least 7 relevant paragraphs with

connections logically signaled to the reader through
appropriate topic sentences and transitions
5 Topic is complex and interesting
5 The essay uses a variety of paragraph types. In other words,
it uses a variety of methods of development

30 points Use of Sources

10 Sources are appropriately used to support writer’s

arguments. Quotes are well integrated and explained.

10 All direct quotes and paraphrases are clearly cited and

correctly listed on the Works Cited page. No plagiarism.

5 There are at least 6 in-text citations, but the essay does not
depend too much on source material.

5 Between 5 and 10 sources were used.

15 points Writing

5 Sentence structure and grammar errors do not interfere with

the clarity of the writing

5 Academic tone and language used throughout. No slang,

contractions, clichés, emotional language, or 1st or 2nd
pronouns are used.
5 Generally correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation
facilitate ease of reading; mechanics follow standard rules
and do not distract readers’ attention.

15 points Formatting and Meeting Assignment Requirements

5 Title centered and not underlined, indentations about ½ an

5 Uniform MLA standards are included like 12-point font,
double spacing, one-inch margins, and page numbers in
top right corner of each page.
5 Essay is between 7 and 8 pages, not including Works Cited
= 100 points total

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