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A large corporation incorporated in
one country which produces or sells
a. goods or services in various
Corporation countries.
Examples: Google; Jollibee
A corporation which has trade
relations with several other
Global countries.
Corporation A business that operates in two or
more countries.
Examples: Adobe; Nestle’
Are importers and exporters, they
International have no investment outside of their
Corporation home country. 
Examples: Amazon; Citigroup
Any enterprise that undertakes
foreign direct investment, owns or
controls income-gathering assets in
Transnational more than one country, produces goods
Corporation or services outside its country of
origin, or engages in international
Examples: Shell; Vodafone
Corporations owned by the
government that conduct both
commercial and non-commercial
owned and
i. activity.
A legal entity that undertakes
corporations commercial activities on behalf of an
owner government.
The process of converting information
j. Digitalization
into a digital format.
Retailers or brand name merchandisers
k. who establish and control global
production of their products.
Historical The historical process of the world
Globalization becoming more interconnected.
Digital technologies have helped global
corporations in managing the business easier and
improving it greatly. Important documents in the
company can be stored in the company computer and sent
to specific people online without much hassle. Business
transaction can now be done online with the help of
digital technologies and recording the proceedings is
much easier. Moreover, most business right now are
moving to e-commerce. Some example of the top e-
commerce websites are Ebay, Taobao, Amazon etc. From a
physical store to online shop, this was all made
possible with the help of digital technologies and the
internet. Managing the business is done with more ease
even if you’re in other country and the company is on
the other side of the world. You only need your
personal computer and an internet connection.

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