Hospital Service Excellence - Jazak YA

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Hospital Service

Excellence Service for Exceeded Result

Developed by Jazak Yus Afriansyah

Participant Handout
Version 03. 2020

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without prior permission from

Jazak Yus Afriansyah

Kota Deltamas, Cikarang Pusat 17530
Bekasi - Indonesia

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Jazak Yus Afriansyah

Author , Coach, Trainer
Sales Training Lead at Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia

24+ years professional experience:

• 8+ years in Sales and Marketing
• 16+ years in Learning and Development
• 12+ International Certified Training
• 13+ Author of Professional Skill Series Books
• Contributor at KOMPAS.Com, SWA Onliner, Koran Tempo

Lead Facilitator in Brief

Area of Expertise :
Sales and Marketing Skill, Learning and Development Skill,
Managerial and Leadership Skill, Key Account Management Skill,
High Impressive Presentation Skill, High Productive Negotiation
Skill, Motivational Skill, Stress Management Skill, Handling
Complaint Skill, Time and Task Management Skill, Change
Management Skill.


1. Membangun Kesadaran terhadap Definisi dan
Prinsip Dasar Prime Customer Service Skill .

2. Mengetahui dan Memahami serta mampu

meng-aplikasikan Prime Customer Service Skill
and Cycle Model.

• The Fundamental of Prime

Customer Service Skill
• The Power of Positive
The Fundamental and
Principles of Customer

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this information is unauthorized and strictly prohibited.
Activity 1 and Case Study 1

Learn from The Most Inspiring Movie

Take a note what you can learn about Service Excellence from the
Definition Excellent Service

Sebuah Pola Pikir
semua pemangku
kepentingan bertindak
secara nyata
menciptakan Satisfaction
Kepuasan Pelanggan


Kenargy, John; Donald Berwick; Miles Shore (1999). "Service Quality in Health Care". JAMA. 281 (7): 661–665


Customer Satisfaction
Kepuasan Pelanggan adalah sebuah Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap
produk dan atau jasa yang telah memenuhi atau melampaui
harapan mereka.

Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service

excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


What Customer want?

Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service

excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


Why Do Excellent Service?

• Salah satu “Key Driver” pertumbuhan bisnis yang kuat, kokoh dan

• Kompetensi yang mumpuni untuk merekrut pelanggan baru

• Mempertahankan dan meningkatkan Loyalitas dan Engagement

existing customer.



Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service
excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


Moeller, Johannes (2001). "The EFQM Excellence Model. German experiences with the EFQM approach in
health care". International Journal of Quality in Health Care. 13 (1): 45–49.

Courtesy of Performance by Design @2016


Prime Service Elements

• Produk dan
Product Layanan yang
Excellence berorientasi
pada Pelanggan

• Sistim Layanan
Process yang
Excellence berorientasi
pada Pelanggan

• SDM yang
People memiliki
Excellence Kompetensi dan
Prime Service/Standard Komitmen Tinggi

Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service

excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


Process Excellent Elements

Untuk menghasilkan Proses yang Excellent diperlukan setidaknya 6 perkara

penting yang harus dilaksanakan.

Crotts, John C; Duncan Dickson; Robert Ford (2005). "Aligning organizational processes with mission: The case of service
excellence". Academy of Management Executive. 19 (3): 54–68.


Impact of Excellent Service

Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service

excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


Impact of Excellent Service

• Build relationship

• Maintain relationship

• Improve corporate image and


• Customer experience

• Reduce customer complaint


Impact of Service Excellent

• Customer Works for you

• Increase revenue and increase

the profit

• Growing company

• Winning the competition

• Best choice employeer


Impact Failed Excellent Service

• Lost trust from customer

• Negative Campaign

• Lost opportunity to recruit new


• High Cost and huge effort


Impact Failed Excellent Service

• Confirm the current negative perception

• Damaging reputation and image

• Lost revenue and Lost profite


The Power of Positive
Attitude in
Service Excellence
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This document and all attachments, if any, may contain confidential and privileged
material and are intended only for the person or entity to which the document is addressed. If you are not an
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, disclosure, or copying of
this information is unauthorized and strictly prohibited.
Sikap adalah Segalanya


Positive Attitude

“pilihan reaksi atau respon terhadap segala kejadian

baik atau buruk yang menimpa manusia
ditunjukkan dengan perilaku atau tindakan”


Positive Attitude

Thomas Alva Edison

Positive ATTITUDE is playing 80%-90% of Our Success


“Orang bisa mendengar apa yang Anda sampaikan, tetapi
mereka MERASAKAN Sikap Anda”


We cannot change the wind direction (situation), but we
can change our wing (attitude and behavior) .

Kita tidak bisa mengubah arah angin, tapi kita bisa

mengubah sayap kita (sikap atau perilaku)


Sikap Positif akan mengarahkan
kepada hasil Positif


Prime Customer Service
Skill and Cycle Model

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This document and all attachments, if any, may contain confidential and privileged
material and are intended only for the person or entity to which the document is addressed. If you are not an
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, disclosure, or copying of
this information is unauthorized and strictly prohibited.
Prime Customer Service Skill and Cycle


Tangibles Reliability

Positive Attitude

Empathy Responsive


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

• TANGIBLES-Appearance of physical facilities, equipment,

personnel, and communication materials
• RELIABILITY-Ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately
• RESPONSIVENESS-Willingness to help customers and
provide prompt service
• ASSURANCE-Knowledge and courtesy of employees and
their ability to convey trust and confidence
• EMPATHY-Caring, individualized attention the firm
provides its customers

Johnston, Robert (2004). "Towards a better understanding of service

excellence". Managing Service Quality. 14 (2/3): 129–133.


Prime Customer Service - Focus

Crotts, John C; Duncan Dickson; Robert Ford (2005). "Aligning organizational processes with mission: The case of service
excellence". Academy of Management Executive. 19 (3): 54–68.


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

#1 Just Do It
• RELIABILITY: Do what you say you’re
going to do when you said you were
going to do it.


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

#2 Do It Now
• RESPONSIVENESS: Respond quickly,
promptly, rapidly, immediately,


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

#3 Know What Your Doing

• ASSURANCE: Service providers are
expected to be the experts of the
service they’re delivering. It’s a given.


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

#4 Care about Customers as much as the

• EMPATHY: Services can be performed completely to


Prime Customer Service Dimensions

#5 Look Sharp
• TANGIBLES: Even though this is the
least important dimension,
appearance matters. Just not as
much as the other dimensions.




Hospital Service Excellence

Becoming True Leader in Service Excellence

Phone : +62 817 007 3535

WA : +62 812 104 1976
Instagram : @jazakYA
Twitter : @jazakYA

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