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Cod liver oil is-

(A) Fat dispersed in water (B) Water dispersed in fat
(C) Water dispersed in oil (D) Fat dispersed in fat

10. Vanishing cream is an example of -

(A) Emulsion (B) Foam (C) Lyophillic sol (D) Suspension

11. Alcosol is colloidal system -

(A) Of a solid dispersed in a gas (B) Of a gas dispersed in water
(C) In which dispersion medium is benzene (D) In which dispersion medium is alcohol

12. The dispersion medium in Gel is -

(A) Solid (B) Liquid (C) Water (D) Gas

13. Liquid-Liquid sols. are known as -

(A) Aerosols (B) Emulsions (C) Foam (D) Gels

14. Purple of cassius is -

(A) Colloidal solution of gold (B) Colloidal solution of silver
(C) Colloidal solution of platinum (D) Oxyacids of gold

15. Cheese is a colloidal system of -

(A) Liquid dispersed in solid (B) Solid dispersed in liquid
(C) Gas dispersed in solid (D) Solid dispersed in gas

16. Which of the following can be included in the category of colloids -

(A) Milk (B) Blood (C) Latex (D) All

17. Which type of property is the Brownian movement of colloidal sol. -

(A) Electrical (B) Optical (C) Mechanical (D) Colligative

18. Which of the following is not represented by sols -

(A) Absorption (B) Tyndall effect (C) Flocculation (D) Paramagnetism

19. The redispersal of a freshly precipitated substance into a sol by the addition of an electrolyte in common
is known as -
(A) Aggregation (B) Condensation (C) Coagulation (D) Peptization

20. As2S3 sol. is -
(A) Positive colloid (B) Negative colloid (C) Neutral colloid (D) None of the above

21. Peptisation is a process of -

(A) Precipitation of colloidal particles
(B) Purification of colloids
(C) Dispersing precipitate into colloidal sols
(D) Movement of colloidal particles in the electrical field

22. Point out the false statement -

(A) Colloidal sols are homogenous
(B) Colloids carry +ve or -ve charge
(C) Colloids show tyndall effect
(D) The size range of colloidal particles is 10 - 1000Aº

23. A liquid is found to scatter a beam of light but leaves no residue when passed through the filter paper. The
liquid can be described as -
(A) A suspension (B) Oil (C) A colloidal sol (D) True solution

24. The colloidal sols are purified by -

(A) Peptisation (B) Co-agulation (C) Dialysis (D) None of these

25. The separation of colloidal particles from those of molecular dimension is known as -
(A) Photolysis (B) Dialysis (C) Pyrolysis (D) Peptisation

26. The impurities present in rain water possess .... charge -

(A) Positive (B) Negative (C) Zero (D) Positive and negative

27. Which one of the following substance gives a positively charged sol -
(A) Gold (B) A metal sulphide (C) Ferric hydroxide (D) An acidic dye

28. Which one of the following will have the highest coagulating power for a ferric hydroxide solution-
(A) NaCl (B) BaCl2 (C) K2CrO4 (D) K3[Fe(CN)6]

29. A metal sulphide sol. can be flocculated, by one of the following -

(A) [Fe(CN)6]4– (B) SO4–2 (C) BeCl2 (D) Al3+

30. Ferric chloride is applied to stop bleeding because -
(A) Fe3+ ions coagulate blood which is a negatively charged sol
(B) Cl¯ ions cause co-agulation of blood
(C) FeCl3 react with the constituents of blood
(D) Blood absorbs FeCl3

31. A colloidal solution is subjected to an electrical field. The particles move towards anode. The coagulation
of same sol is studied using NaCl, BaCl2 and AlCl3 solutions. Their co-agulating power should be -
(A) NaCl > BaCl2 > AlCl3 (B) BaCl2 > AlCl3 > NaCl
(C) AlCl3 > BaCl2 > NaCl (D) BaCl2 > NaCl > AlCl3

32. Which of the following method is used for sol.destruction -

(A) Condensation (B) Dialysis
(C) Diffusion through animal membrane (D) Addition of an electrolyte

33. The ability of ion to bring about coagulation of a given colloidal solution depends upon -
(A) Its size of ion (B) The magnitude of charge
(C) The sign of charge (D) Both magnitude and sign of charge

34. Flocculation value is expressed in terms of -

(A) Millimole/litre (B) Mole/litre
(C) Grams/litre (D) Mole/millilitre

35. Which of the following has largest protecting power -

(A) Gelating (Gold no. = 0.01) (B) Dextrin (Gold no. = 15)
(C) Potato starch (Gold no. = 25) (D) Albumin (Gold no = 0.25)

36. The coagulation of 10cm3 of Gold sol is completely prevented by addition of 0.025g of starch to it. The
gold number of starch is-
(A) 0.025 (B) 0.25 (C) 2.5 (D) 25

37. A dispersion of AgCl in water is -

(A) Hydrophilic colloid (B) An emulsion
(C) An alcosol (D) Hydrophobic sol.

38. Which of the following constitute irreversible colloidal system in water as dispersion medium-
(A) Clay (B) Platinum
(C) Fe(OH)3 (D) All of these

39. Hydrophilic colloids are stable due to -
(A) Negative charged particles
(B) Large size of particles
(C) Small size of particles
(D) Layer of dispersion medium on their particles

40. Which of the following is a hydrophilic colloidal sol.-

(A) Barium sulphate sol. (B) Arsenious sulphide sol.
(C) Starch sol. (D) Silver iodide so.

41. Which of the following metal sols. cannot be prepared by Bredig’s arc method -
(A) Copper (B) Potassium (C) Gold (D) Platinum

42. The number of components in colloidal system are -

(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four

43. In which of the following Tyndall effect is not observed -

(A) Suspensions (B) Emulsions (C) Sugar solution (D) Gold sol.

44. The process of separation of colloids by passing through semi permeable membrane is called-
(A) Filteration (B) Electrophoreises (C) Dialysis (D) Ultra filteration

45. Gelatin is often used as an ingredient in the manufacture of ice cream for -
(A) Causing mixture to solidity
(B) Improving the flavour
(C) Stabilising the colloidal system and preventing the crystal growth
(D) Preventing formation of colloid

46. The size of colloidal particles is in between-

(A) 10–7 – 10–9 cm (B) 10–9 – 10–11 cm (C) 10–5 – 10–7 cm (D) 10–2 – 10–3 cm

47. Gelatin protects -

(A) Gold sol. (B) As2S3 sol. (C) Fe(OH)3Sol. (D) All

48. Gold number is minimum in case of-

(A) Gelatin (B) Egg albumin
(C) Gum arabic (D) Starch

49. The gold numbers of four protective colloids O,P,Q and R are 0.005, 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5 respectively.
The decreasing order of their protective power is -
(A) R,Q,P,O (B) O,P,Q,R (C) P,Q,R,O (D) Q,R,O,P

50. Which plot is the adsorption isobar for chemisorption where x is the amount of gas adsorbed on mass m
(at constant pressure) at temperature T -

x/m x/m x/m
(A) (B) (C) (D)

51. Which of the following is used to adsorb water

(A) Silica gel (B) Calcium acetate (C) Hair gel (D) Cheese

52. Which one of the following is not applicable to chemisorption ?

(A) Its heat of adsorption is high
(B) It takes place at high temperature
(C) It is reversible
(D) It forms mono-molecular layers

53. Which one of the following is lyophilic colloid ?

(A) Milk (B) Gum (C) Fog (D) Blood

54. Small liquid droplets dispersed in another liquid is called

(A) suspension (B) emulsion (C) gel (D) true solution

55. The precess which is catalysed by one of the product is called

(A) acid-base catalysis (B) autocatalysis
(C) negative catalysis (D) homogeneous catalysis

56. Tyndall effect would be observed in a

(A) solution (B) solvent (C) precipitate (D) colloidal sol.

57. Adsorption is multilayer in case of

(A) physical adsorption (B) chemisorption
(C) in both (D) none of the these

58. A liquid is found to scatter a beam of light but leaves no residue when passed through the filter paper. The
liquid can be described as
(A) a suspension (B) oil
(C) a colloidal sol. (D) a true solution

59. The nature of bonding forces in adsorption

(A) purely physical such as Van Der Waal’s forces
(B) purely chemical
(C) both chemical and physical always
(D) none of these

60. The Tyndall effect associated with colloidal particles is due to

(A) presence of electrical charges
(B) scattering of light
(C) absorption of light
(D) reflection of light

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. D 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. A
16. D 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B
26. B 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. A
31. C 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. A
36. D 37. D 38. D 39. D 40. C
41. B 42. B 43. C 44. C 45. C
46. C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50. C
51. A 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. B
56. D 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. B

1. D
 kp1 / n (Freundlich's Equation)

x 1
 log  log k  log P
m n
y  c  mx

m(slope) =

2. D
Decrease in entropy of system & decrease in enthalpy & the value TS is negative.

3. B
A gas with high critical temperature has high vander wall force due to which they are more easily liquefiable
& Hence more easily adsorb as adsorption decreases their energy.

4. D
Extent of adsorption increases with increase in critical temperature

5. C
Extent of adsorption & Inter molecular force  vander waal const.

6. B
20 to 40 kJ mol–1

7. C
Graphite in water

8. B
liquid dispersed in gas

9. C
Water dispersed in oil and cod liver oil is an ex. of Emulsions

10. A
Vanishing cream is an example of emulsion

11. D
In which dispersion medium is alcohol

12. A
Gel is a mixture of solid + liquid.
So solid is in dispersion medium.

13. B

14. A
Colloidal solution of gold

15. A
Cheese is a mixture of solid + liquid. So liquid dispersed in solid

16. D
Milk, Blood, Latex.

17. C
Colloids particles exhibit a ceaseless random and swarming motion. This kinetic activity of particles are
known as brownian movement.

18. D

19. D
This is known as peptization.

20. B
AS2S3 collid can be represented as As2S3/S–2 so it is negatively charged.

21. C
Peptisation is a process of dispersing precipitate into colloidal sols.

22. A
Colloidal sol. are in different phase.

23. C
A colloidal sol

24. C
Dialysis : The separation of colloidal particles

25. B
This process is known as dialysis.

26. B
Rain water is considered as positively charged and hence it has negatively charged impurities dissolved
in it.

27. C
Ferric hydroxide is a positively charged solution whereas gold, starch and arsenious sulphide are negatively
charged solution.

28. D
This is a bulky/complex ion, that's why It's coagulating power is also high.

29. D
Metal sulphide solution is negatively charged and can be coagulated by positive ions [Al+3]

30. A
Fe3+ ions coagulate blood which is a negatively charged sol

31. C
Becuase of Al+3>Ba+2 > Na+

32. D
Traces of electrolytes are essential for stablising the sols hence for sols destruction addition of electrolytes
are required.

33. D
both magnitude & sign of charge.

34. A
Flocculation value is expressed in terms of milimoles per litre of the solution just like coagulating power.

35. A
As gold number increases protecting power decreases.

36. D
Gold No. = 0.025 × 103 = 25
It's the weight of starch in mg.

37. D
because It is not water loving.

38. D
Clay, Platinum, Fe(OH)3.

39. D
Layer of dispersion medium on their particles where d.m. always is in large quantity.

40. C
Starch sol.

41. B

42. B
Two component in collidal system.

43. C
There is no insoluble particle in sugar solutions

44. C
Dialysis may be defined as the process of separating a caystalloid from a colloid by filtration through a
fine membrance.

45. C
Stabilising the colloidal system an preventing the crystal growth

46. C
10–5 – 10–7 cm

47. D
Gold sol., As2S3 sol., Fe(OH)3Sol.

48. A
Getalin (gold no. = 0.01)

49. B
Gold No.  Protective power

50. C


51. A
H2O + SiO2  SiO2. xH2O
silica gel

52. C
Chemical adsorption is irreversible.

53. B
Gum is organic in nature & hence it is lyophillic colloid.

54. B
Small liquid droplets dispersed in another liquid is emulsion.

55. B
For eg. Mn2+ auto catalyses
H2C2O4 + HMnO4 + H+  Cr+Mn2++CO2+H2O

56. D
tyndall effect is the scattering of light in colloidal sol.

57. A
Physical adsorption is multi–layered.

58. C
Separation with fitter paper not possible for colloidal solution.

59. D
Vander waal force is responsible for adsorption.

60. B
Tyndall effect is due to scattering of light


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