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108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 18 章 複變代數(第一講) p.

1. f (z ) is a function in complex plane.
(a) Explain the meaning of an analytic function. (5%)
(b) What condition can lead f (z ) to be an analytic function? (15%)【105 成大物理】

2. 請檢驗複變函數 f ( z )  x  iy ,是否為可解析函數(Analytic Function)

。(10%)【105 中興水保丙】

3. The complex function F ( x  iy )  xy  x  y  i ( x, y ) is analytic. Which of the following has the same
value as  (0,0) ?(a)  (2,2) (b)  (2,0) (c)  (0,2) (d)  (1,1) (e)  (1 / 2,1 / 2)
(10%)【105 交大加速器】

4. Find the harmoinc conjugate of u ( x, y )  x 3  3 xy 2  5 .(10%)【105 中央電機(固態、系統)

5. u  cosh x  cos y , find the analytic function f ( z )  u  iv . (10%)【104 中正光機電】

6. Verify that the function u ( x, y )  x 3  3 xy 2  5 y is harmonic in the entire complex plane. Next, try to
find the conjugate harmonic function of u. (10%)【104 台師大光電】

7. Show the triangle inequality for complex numbers, | z1  z2 || z1 |  | z2 | .(10%)【104 中山光電】

108 年度高成工數教室作業 單元:第 18 章 複變代數(第二講) p.18-2
1. Find the smallest positive integers m and n such that
( 3  i) m  (1  i) n (15%)【101 成大電機、微電子、電通甲丁】

2. ( 2i  1)1001  ?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) i (d) 1  i (e) 1000  1000i (8%)【100 交大機械甲】

3. Compute z 3 for z  1 3i . (10%)【105 台科材料乙】

4. Find all roots of

(a) 3 1  i (b) 4
 7  24i (14%)【100 中興機械甲乙丙丁戊】

5. For equation e z  i , considering z  a  ib is a complex variable, where a and b are real numbers.
(a) Find all the solutions of a and b to the above equation, and
(b) Find the modulus and argument of z. (20%)【103 成大航太】

6. Express the values of the following complex numbers in the form of a  ib , where a, b are real.
(a) (2i)3i (10%)
(b) (1  i )1 i (10%) 【105 中正光機電】

7. Show that sin 1 z  i ln[iz  (1  z 2 )1 / 2 ] . Find all values of sin 1 ( 5 ) .(10%)【104 台師大光電】


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