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The Pros and Cons of Team Sports

Some people prefer to play team sports, while others prefer to play individually. There are
numerous advantages and disadvantages of being part of a team sport.

In the first place, the benefits of team sports go far beyond having a healthy heart or
thwarting obesity. Being part of a supportive team lead by a great coach allows players to contribute
more to their team regardless of their position. When a teammate or coach tells a player that he did
an excellent job, they are showing acknowledgement for his endeavour, thus it will inadvertently
boost his self-esteem and confidence.

On top of that, team sports support social interaction and encourage individuals to think
with a team perspective and avoid having selfish thought. Playing a sport as a part of a team requires
persistence, patience and practice – all of which can translate into important life lessons.

Some sports are known to be quite risky. Many sports athletes suffer from serious injuries
and some of them even decided to quit their sports due to those injuries. Therefore, every player
has to willingly suffer especially those who want it to become their profession.

Furthermore, team sports can be frustrating and irritating if you are committed to the goals
of the team, but some of your teammates refuse to have the same level of commitment as you and
don’t make an effort to contribute to the best of their abilities.

Overall, even though sports are an integral part of one’s life but one should not get too
preoccupied with one sport rather than effectively balance their time in every equally important

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