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The covid 19 pandemic has effectively turned our lives upside down for the past 4 months. We
have to adapt to the new normal during the MCO because it changed the way we live, work,
communicate and celebrate special occasions. For the first time in history, the norms of the Hari
Raya celebration are going to change 180 degrees. Despite having certain restrictions, including
celebrating with loved ones within the same state and having gatherings of not more than 20
people, it will not affect the joyful aspect of Hari Raya. The celebration may not be as robust as in
previous years, where we could see there were a lot of house visits and open houses.

Usually, on the last day of Ramadhan, we will balik kampung to my father side and breakfast
together with my relatives. But this year since we're not allowed to do that my family and I
garnished our house with vivid and colourful lights. After that, I helped my mom and my sister in law
cooking the lontong, lodeh, sambal kacang and begedil for tomorrow breakfast until late at night.

On the first day of Syawal my family and I performed the Eid prayer around 8 a.m. The prayer
was lead by my brother and the sermon was delivered by my father. After that, my brothers and I
seek forgiveness and blessings from my mum and dad. We completed the event by taking pictures to
capture the memories of Hari Raya with my family. As soon as we finished taking the pictures at
around 10 o’clock, we enjoyed the delicious meal together. Later that afternoon, we did a video
conference and had chitchat with my mother’s side.

On the second night of Syawal, my family and I did an online meeting with my father’s side. It is
a tradition in my father’s family to organize a majlis silaturrahim where all the member of the family
gathered. The purpose of the program is first, to foster good relationships between all the members
of the family. Secondly to appreciate the achievements in academic performance in school, quranic
memorization and khatam alquran. Those who achieved will be given a token of appreciation in the
form of cash.

It is a huge sacrifice for us who can’t balik kampung and celebrate Hari Raya together with our
big family to prevent our relatives from being infected with the virus. I hope the covid 19 pandemics
will come to an end soon and we will win this fight against a silent and invincible enemy. I also miss
seeing my teachers and having fun with my beloved friends and classmates. I hope they are in a
good shape and healthy.

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