Ene252 Environmental Engineering Surprise Class Test I

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Time 1 Hour Max Marks 50

Note : Attempt all questions. Marks foe the questions are indicated against them in
[]. Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever needed. Assume suitable missing data if
Answers may be typewritten or handwritten. In either case one pdf file is to be
submitted for all answers by one candidate

Q.1 Give a brief account of general composition of sewage. What is the purpose and
principle involved in its treatment and disposal? [10]

Q.2 Describe the factors affecting self purification of polluted streams? What factors
would you recommend to control stream pollution in India? [15]

Q.3 The 3 day 37°C BOD of a sample of sewage is 300 ppm. What will be its 10
days 20 oC BOD, and 5 day 30 °C BOD? [5]

Q.4 A town with a population of 25,000 is to be provided with a sewage treatment

plant to handle both its industrial as well as domestic wastes. A sanitary survey has
revealed the following facts:

Dairy wastes of 2. 7 x 108 litre/day with BOD of 1200 mg/l and sugar mill waste of
2.2 x 106 litre/day with B.O.D. of 800 mg/l are produced. In addition, domestic
sewage produced at the rate of 200 litres/capita/day, the per capita BOD of sewage
being 76 gm/day, An expansion factor of 10% is to be provided. The effluent from
the treatment plant is to be discharged into a stream with a minimum flow of 7000
litres/sec and a dissolved oxygen content of 8 mg/l. It is necessary to maintain a D.O.
content of 4.0 mg/l. Find the degree of treatment required for the plant. [15]

Q.5 The sewage discharge of a city is 85 m3/sec in the river having a minimum
discharge of 930 l/sec with a velocity of 0.12 m/sec. The RO.D. at 20 oC of the
sewage is 325 mg/l. The BOD of the river is zero. Determine the quantity and point
of critical D.O. deficit [5]

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