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Microbial Pathogenesis 61-62 (2013) 11e15

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Microbial Pathogenesis
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Short communication

Prevalence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas

gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia in Japanese patients with
generalized chronic and aggressive periodontitis
Sachiyo Tomita a,1, Akiyo Komiya-Ito a,1, Kentaro Imamura a, b, Daichi Kita a, Koki Ota a,
Saori Takayama a, Asako Makino-Oi a, Takashi Kinumatsu a, Mikio Ota a, Atsushi Saito a, b, *
Department of Periodontology, Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2 Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8502, Japan
Oral Health Science Center, Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2 Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8502, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and levels of major periodontal pathogens, Aggregati-
Received 2 February 2013 bacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia in subgingival plaque
Received in revised form samples of a group of Japanese patients with aggressive periodontitis (AgP) and chronic periodontitis
3 April 2013
(CP). A total of 40 patients with clinical diagnosis of AgP or CP and 10 periodontally healthy volunteers
Accepted 9 April 2013
were subjected to clinical and microbiological analysis. Subgingival plaque samples were analyzed for
Available online 20 April 2013
A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia with a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
technique. The prevalence of P. gingivalis and T. forsythia was relatively high in patients with peri-
Aggressive periodontitis
odontitis: over 60% of AgP or CP patients harbored these pathogens whereas they were not detected in
Chronic periodontitis the subgingival plaque samples from periodontally healthy individuals. P. gingivalis and T. forsythia were
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans relatively frequently detected together in AgP and CP patients. No significant differences in the preva-
Porphyromonas gingivalis lence or level of the 3 pathogens were found between periodontitis groups. The proportion of T. forsythia
Tannerella forsythia was approximately 4-fold higher in CP group than in AgP group (P ¼ 0.02). In periodontitis patients, a
significant positive correlation was found between periodontal parameters (probing depth and clinical
attachment level) and the numbers of total bacteria, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. No distinct pattern of the
subgingival profile of these pathogens was discerned between the two disease entities, except for the
difference in the proportion of T. forsythia. The red complex bacteria, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia were
highly prevalent in this population of Japanese AgP and CP patients, collaborating their roles in
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [4]. Using these criteria, strong evidence has been demonstrated
for Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans, Por-
Periodontal disease is a plaque biofilm- induced inflammatory phyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia, as concluded at the
disease of the supporting tissue of the tooth [1]. It can be described World Workshop in 1996 [5].
as one of the predominant polymicrobial infections of humans [2]. Aggressive periodontitis (AgP) is a specific type of periodontitis
So far, more than 700 bacterial taxa have been identified in samples with clearly identifiable clinical and laboratory findings which
taken from oral cavities as identified by cultivation or traditional make it sufficiently different from chronic periodontitis (CP) [6].
cloning and sequencing [3]. Evidence for periodontal etiology is The common features of AgP are: except for the presence of peri-
based on the fulfillment of several criteria described by Socransky odontitis, patients are otherwise clinically healthy, rapid attach-
ment loss and bone destruction, familial aggregation. Among
periodontal pathogens, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans has
been implicated in the etiology of AgP [7], but it has also been
* Corresponding author. Department of Periodontology, Tokyo Dental College, associated with CP [8].
1-2-2 Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8502, Japan. Tel.: þ81 43 270 3953;
fax: þ81 43 270 3955.
P. gingivalis and T. forsythia are considered as part of the red
E-mail addresses: atsaito@tdc.ac.jp, atsaito1@gmail.com (A. Saito). complex [9] and is related to CP and periodontal disease progres-
These authors contributed equally to this work. sion [10]. In previous studies from our research group, detection of

0882-4010/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 S. Tomita et al. / Microbial Pathogenesis 61-62 (2013) 11e15

P. gingivalis and T. forsythia by immunofluorescence technique was subgingival plaque samples were collected by inserting two sterile
significantly associated with CP [11], and A. actinomycetemcomitans paper points for 30 s into the deepest area of the pocket accessible
was detected in half of a group of Japanese CP patients by culture after carefully removing the supragingival plaque with sterilized
method [12]. A microbiological diagnosis has been suggested to cotton pellets. They were immediately transferred into sampling
complement the clinical diagnosis and to be used for guidance for tubes supplied in a commercial kit (GC, Tokyo, Japan) and sent to a
more aggressive treatment such as surgery and antimicrobial microbiological testing laboratory (GC Oral Check Center, Tokyo,
therapy [13e16]. With the latest advances in molecular biology Japan) for the quantitative analysis of A. actinomycetemcomitans,
techniques, studies have shown that recognized periodontal P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. The real-time PCR was performed using
pathogens can also be recovered from healthy individuals, and new methods described previously [20,21]. Briefly, genomic DNA was
uncultivated species have been associated with periodontitis [17]. extracted from the samples by using of the QuickGene DNA tissue
Although many studies have aimed to characterize the micro- kit S (KURABO, Osaka, Japan) on the QuickGene-810 extraction
biota associated with specific disease type and extent of peri- platform according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Primers
odontal destruction, there is still lack of quantitative data on the were synthesized according to the sequences published previously
levels of these pathogens in AgP and CP. The aim of this retro- [20,21]. Quantitative PCR was performed using 7500 Fast Real-time
spective study was to evaluate the prevalence and levels of PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) with an
P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and A. actinomycetemcomitans in sub- initial cycle of 95  C for 20 s followed by 40 cycles of 95  C for 3 s,
gingival plaque samples of a group of Japanese patients with CP and 60  C for 30 s. The detection limit is confirmed to be 20 cells/tube.
AgP, using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.
2.4. Statistical analysis
2. Materials and methods
Differences in clinical parameters among groups were sought
2.1. Study population using the KruskaleWallis and c2 test. The prevalence of bacteria
among groups was assessed by c2 test. The differences in bacterial
Study subjects were recruited from the patient population of numbers or proportion within groups were analyzed by Kruskale
Department of Periodontology, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan, Wallis test with Dunn post test. The differences in bacterial
from November 2008 to November 2012. This study was approved numbers or proportion between groups were analyzed by Manne
by the ethics committee of Tokyo Dental College (No.391). Com- Whitney U test or KurskaleWallis test with Dunn post test. The
plete medical and dental histories were obtained from all subjects. correlation between bacterial numbers and periodontal parameters
Patients were clinically diagnosed as having AgP [18] based on the at sampled sites was investigated by Spearman’s rank correlation
following criteria: systemically healthy; history of rapid attachment analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using a software pack-
loss and bone destruction as well as familial aggregation (if avail- age (InStat 3.10, GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA). P-values less
able); 39 years of age; presence of at least 3 sites on 3 different than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
teeth (other than incisors or first molars) with a probing depth
(PD)  6 mm and clinical attachment level (CAL)  5 mm, and
3. Results
bleeding on probing (BOP). Clinical diagnosis of generalized CP was
made when patients were presented >30% of sites with PD and/or
3.1. Patient demographics and clinical parameters
CAL  4 mm, and BOP. Systemic exclusion criteria were the pres-
ence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, systemic inflam-
Forty patients (20 AgP and 20 CP) who met the inclusion criteria
matory conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, or non-plaque
were included in the data analysis. As a control group, 10 peri-
induced oral inflammatory conditions, immunodeficiency, and
odontally healthy volunteers (PH) were also included. De-
current pregnancy or lactation. The patients received no medica-
mographic information and periodontal parameters of participants
tion that could affect their periodontal conditions, such as antibi-
and sampled sites were listed in Table 1. The PH group had a higher
otics or anti-inflammatory drugs, for at least 6 months prior to the
proportion of men than periodontitis group. The PH and AgP groups
microbiological testing. Periodontally healthy volunteers (PH) were
had younger individuals than CP. None of the PH group was
also asked to participate as controls.
smokers. Mean values of PD, CAL and BOP (%) at the sampled sites in

2.2. Clinical examination

Table 1
After collection of full medical and dental histories, a peri- Demographic characteristics and periodontal parameters of participants.
odontal examination was carried out. The following baseline clin- AgP (n ¼ 20) CP (n ¼ 20) PH (n ¼ 10)
ical parameters were recorded: PD was measured using a Williams a
Men (%) 8 (40) 5 (25) 8 (80)
probe (#2, YDM, Higashi Matsuyama, Japan) with an approximate Age (years; mean  SD)b 33.3  8.1 43.6  11.1 28.7  3.2
force of 0.2e0.25 N and rounded to the nearest millimeter. CAL was Smokers (%) 5 (25) 3(16) 0 (0)
measured from the cemento-enamel junction to the apical depth of Parameters at sampled sites
periodontal probe penetration. BOP was recorded as the presence PD (mm; mean  SD)c 7.4  1.4 7.2  1.4 2.6  0.5
CAL (mm; mean  SD)c 8.1  2.2 7.8  1.4 2.6  0.5
or absence of bleeding following measurement of PD. The presence BOP (% positive sites)d 55.0 52.6 8.3
or absence of supragingival dental plaque at gingival margin was Full-mouth parameters
recorded by the O’Leary Plaque Control Record [19]. PCR (%; mean  SD)e 55.9  16.5 45.3  16.4 32.9  13.1
Number of teeth (n; mean  SD) 27.5  3.4 27.6  2.4 28.7  3.2
2.3. Assessment of subgingival plaque samples a: P < 0.05; c2 test,b: P < 0.0001; KruskaleWallis test (P < 0.05 for AgP vs. CP,
P < 0.001 for CP vs. PH by Dunn post test), c: P < 0.0001; KruskaleWallis test
The participants were asked to avoid oral hygiene measures, (P < 0.001 for AgP vs. PH, CP vs. PH by Dunn post test), d: P < 0.0001; c2 test, e:
P ¼ 0.001; KruskaleWallis test (P < 0.001 for AgP vs. PH by Dunn post test).
eating, drinking for 2 h before collection of subgingival plaque AgP; aggressive periodontitis, CP; chronic periodontitis, PH; periodontally healthy,
samples. Samples were obtained from a site with the deepest PD PD; probing depth, CAL; clinical attachment level, BOP; bleeding on probing, PCR;
(excluding teeth with hopeless prognosis) per individual. The O’Leary plaque control record.
S. Tomita et al. / Microbial Pathogenesis 61-62 (2013) 11e15 13

periodontitis groups were significantly greater than those in PH Table 3

group. No significant difference in these periodontal parameters Bacterial counts (104) of total bacteria, A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and
T. forsythia.
was noted between periodontitis groups. Mean value of PCR was
lower in PH group than that in AgP group, although no significant
difference was found between periodontitis groups. All participants
had at least 27 teeth in their mouth.

3.2. Microbiological findings

3.2.1. Prevalence of microorganisms

Prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and
T. forsythia is shown in Table 2. None of the target bacteria was
detected in the PH group. Among the pathogens, T. forsythia was a; P < 0.001 vs P. gingivalis, b; P < 0.01 vs T. forsythia within CP group by Kruskal-
most frequently detected in the subgingival plaque samples from Wallis with Dunn post test
*P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis test between AgP and PH or CP and PH groups.
both AgP (75%) and CP (85%) patients. No statistically significant
differences in the detection of those pathogens were noted be-
tween periodontitis groups. Among subjects with AgP, 6 subjects difference in proportion of the pathogens was also noted in CP
harbored only one of the 3 pathogens tested; A. actinomycetem group (P ¼ 0.0002, KruskaleWallis test): the percentage of
comitans in one subject, P. gingivalis in one and T. forsythia in 4 (data P. gingivalis or T. forsythia was significantly greater than that of
not shown). Among those with CP, 4 subjects were found to harbor A. actinomycetemcomitans.
T. forsythia only. No significant differences in the proportion of A. actinomycetem
When the prevalence was analyzed in terms of the combination comitans or P. gingivalis were found between periodontitis groups
of 3 pathogens, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia were relatively (Table 4). However, the proportion of T. forsythia was approximately
frequently detected together in periodontitis patients; 7 of 20 pa- 4-fold higher in CP group than that in AgP group, a difference which
tients in AgP, and 10 of 20 patients in CP. Twenty percent of patients was statistically significant (P ¼ 0.02).
in AgP and 25% of CP harbored all three pathogens in their peri- When the individual risk was assessed according to the refer-
odontal pockets. ence value for A. actinomycetemcomitans proposed by the Japanese
Society of Periodontology [22], 3 AgP and 4 CP patients were
3.2.2. Bacterial counts considered to be at high risk (A. actinomycetemcomitans  0.1%). As
When the bacterial counts were compared, there was a great for P. gingivalis, 10 AgP and 13 CP patients were at high risk
variability between subjects (Table 3). The mean value for total (P. gingivalis  1%).
bacteria in PH group was significantly lower than that in AgP or CP
group. Although the mean values for total bacteria, 3.2.4. Correlation of periodontal parameters with the numbers of
A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia appeared to pathogens
be greater in AgP group than in CP group, the difference was not When correlation analyses were performed between PD at
statistically significant. sampled sites and the bacterial counts in AgP and CP groups, a
When the differences in bacterial counts of the 3 pathogens significant positive correlation was found with total bacteria,
were analyzed within each periodontitis group, a significant dif- P. gingivalis and T. forsythia (Table 5). As for CAL, a significant cor-
ference was observed only in CP groups (P ¼ 0.0002 by Kruskale relation was found with P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. Mean
Wallis test): the bacterial counts for P. gingivalis and T. forsythia was A. actinomycetamcomitans counts showed no significant correlation
significantly higher than those for A. actinomycetemcomitans with PD or CAL.
(P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively, by KruskaleWallis test with
Dunn post test).

3.2.3. Proportions of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and

Table 4
T. forsythia
Proportions (%; mean  SD) of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia
Next, the percentage of the 3 pathogens within the total bac- within the total bacterial counts.
terial population was assessed. (Table 4). In AgP group, a significant
difference in proportion of the pathogens was observed (P ¼ 0.021,
KruskaleWallis test): the percentage of P. gingivalis was signifi-
cantly greater than that of A. actinomycetemcomitans. A significant

Table 2
Prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia.

Pathogens AgP CP PH

A. actinomycetemcomitans 7/20 (35%) 5/20 (25%) 0/10 (0%)

P. gingivalis 12/20 (60%) 15/20 (75%) 0/10 (0%)
T. forsythia 15/20 (75%) 17/20 (85%) 0/10 (0%)
Aa þ Pg 0/20 (0%) 1/20 (5%) 0/10 (0%)
Aa þ Tf 2/20 (10%) 0/20 (0%) 0/10 (0%)
Pg þ Tf 7/20 (35%) 10/20 (50%) 0/10 (0%)
Aa þ Pg þ Tf 4/20 (20%) 5/20 (25%) 0/10 (0%)
a; P < 0.05 vs P. gingivalis within AgP group by Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn post test
Not significant (ns) by c2 test between AgP and CP groups. b; P < 0.001 vs P. gingivalis, c; P < 0.01 vs T. forsythia within CP group by Kruskal-
Aa; Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Pg; Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tf; Tan- Wallis with Dunn post test
nerella forsythia. * P ¼ 0.02 by Mann-Whiney U test
14 S. Tomita et al. / Microbial Pathogenesis 61-62 (2013) 11e15

Table 5 due to the considerably large SD values resulting from great vari-
Correlation between bacterial counts and clinical parameters at sampled sites in AgP ability between individuals, the interpretation of the bacterial
and CP patients.
counts was rather difficult.
Total bacteria A. actinomycetem- P. gingivalis T. forsythia As for the proportion within the total bacterial counts, a sig-
comitans nificant difference between periodontitis groups was found only
PD 0.406a 0.230 0.510a 0.584a with T. forsythia, showing that CP patients harbored higher pro-
(P ¼ 0.01) (P ¼ 0.16) (P < 0.01) (P < 0.01) portion of T. forsythia than AgP patients. Although studies have
CAL 0.277 0.234 0.466a 0.526a
implicated T. forsythia in the progression of periodontitis [32], its
(P ¼ 0.08) (P ¼ 0.15) (P < 0.01) (P < 0.01)
relationship with various forms of periodontitis remains under-
Spearman’s rank correlation analysis (r coefficient is provided).
studied. Our finding that bacterial counts for P. gingivalis and
PD; probing depth, CAL; clinical attachment level.
Significant correlation.
T. forsythia were positively correlated with PD and CAL further
implicates the role of these red-complex pathogens in the pro-
gression of periodontitis.
As the importance of various microorganisms in periodontal
3.2.5. Smoking status
disease progression has changed from the specific plaque hypoth-
A relatively high level of A. actinomycetemcomitans (4.9%) in
esis in the 80’s over clusters and complexes to the ecological plaque
one smoker and T. forsythia (2.2%) in another was found in AgP
hypothesis [33,34], clinical relevance of assessment targeting a
group. However, no significant difference in the prevalence or
particular segment of the subgingival periodontal microbiota is
level of any of the pathogens was found between smokers and
being questioned. In a clinical setting, however, it is still premature
to introduce the comprehensive microbiological assessment such
as microarray [35], mainly because of the cost involved and the
4. Discussion difficulty in interpreting profile results often complex. Decades of
research efforts have been devoted to understanding the signifi-
In the present study, we compared the subgingival microbiota of cance of selected periodontal pathogens such as A. actinomycetem
periodontally healthy individuals, AgP patients and CP patients, comitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. Therefore, we feel it is still
using the quantitative PCR method. Our findings demonstrate that important to analyze the prevalence of the ‘classical’ periodontal
P. gingivalis and T. forsythia were highly prevalent in this population pathogens in relation to periodontal diagnosis and rational treat-
of Japanese periodontitis patients, corroborating the association of ment of periodontal diseases in one’s own clinical setting. Even if
these pathogens with periodontitis. However, no significant dif- microbiological testing alone cannot distinguish between AgP and
ference in the prevalence or levels of A. actinomycetemcomitans, CP, the question as to whether access to microbiological data may
P. gingivalis or T. forsythia was found between CP and AgP groups. improve the outcome of periodontal treatment remains to be
Moreover, in most periodontitis patients, these pathogens were clarified [26].
found in combination with one another. These data were consistent As experienced by many clinicians, there is an overlapping
with the report by Socransky and Haffajee [10] showing that certain ‘grey area’ in which definition of AgP and CP (according to the
bacterial complexes are observed together more frequently than 1999 definition) does not allow for a clear-cut diagnosis and
others in subgingival plaque. therefore raises the question as to how different these two entities
Numerous reports aimed to characterize the microbiota associ- really are [36]. Large-scale comparative studies to establish spe-
ated with AgP. Some studies have associated the species cific risk factors for either of the two disease entities are
A. actinomycetemcomitans with AgP in different populations [7,23e necessary.
25]. On the contrary, lack of association has also been reported There were relevant limitations to this study. The patient sample
[26], and several studies found this pathogen to be prevalent in in- is small and may not represent subjects with AgP and CP in Japan.
dividuals with CP [12,27e29]. In the present study, no significant Another limitation is that the subgingival plaque sampling was
difference in the prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans was performed from a single site (the deepest site) per individual.
observed between AgP and CP groups. Furthermore, both bacterial Although sampling of the deepest sites would result in successful
counts and proportions for A. actinomycetemcomitans were low recovery of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and Prevotella
when compared to those for P. gingivalis or T. forsythia, even in AgP intermedia in subjects who harbored these species [37], it seems
patients. In Japanese AgP patients, it was reported that P. gingivalis, T. possible to see a different bacterial profile when multiple sampling
forsythia, Campylobacter rectus and Treponema denticola were the was utilized. And our sampling method does not guarantee that
predominant periodontopathic bacteria [30]. In their study, the these patients are not colonized by the 3 species tested. Finally, we
prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans in AgP subjects was much could not include other important periodontal pathogens in the
lower than that of P. gingivalis. A recent study by Heller et al. [29], commercial real-time PCR testing. Despite these limitations, the
showed that very few subgingival species differed in prevalence and/ present study adds to the existing literature by providing salient
or levels between AgP and CP in a sample population in Brazil. The information regarding the prevalence of selected periodontal
findings from these studies as well as our study are consistent with pathogens in Japanese patients with periodontitis. Given the pol-
the view that the presence or absence of A. actinomycetemcomitans, ymicrobial nature of periodontitis, a further large-scale study is
P. gingivalis or T. forsythia cannot discriminate between subjects with needed so as to fully unveil the microbiological profile in patients
AgP from those with CP. with AgP and CP and its significance in the pathogenesis and pro-
It has been reported that the main difference between clinical gression of two disease entities.
groups may not be the prevalence but rather the amount of path-
ogens found in positive samples [31]. Therefore, we assessed the 5. Conclusions
bacterial counts and proportions of A. actinomycetemcomitans,
P. gingivalis or T. forsythia in the subgingival plaque samples. The Our data showed that P. gingivalis and T. forsythia were highly
statistical analysis showed no significant difference in bacterial prevalent in both AgP and CP subjects. No significant differences in
counts of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis and T. forsythia the prevalence and level of the pathogens were found between
between AgP and CP subjects. It is, however, important to note that periodontitis groups, although the proportion of T. forsythia was
S. Tomita et al. / Microbial Pathogenesis 61-62 (2013) 11e15 15

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