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Statement of Purpose

I, Ibrahim Matubber, holder of Bangladesh Passport BJ0308433, wish to apply to university of Regina to
pursue Bachelor of Computer Science.

Herewith, I wish to brief about my family background.

In the following paragraph, I have summarized my family background, educational background,

motivation for undergraduate study and personal interests.

My father is Mr. Hossain Matubber, a well-known Businessman in Khulna, Bangladesh. My mother is

Mrs. KhalidaMatubber, she is a housewife. I have a younger brother (Salim Matubber), who is studying
at Dhaka.

Coming back to education, I have completed my Secondary School in 2014 and BTEC Level 3 in 2015. I
was much disappointed with my grades in BTEC. I said to myself that I am a far better performing
student than these marks suggest.

However, with all that disappointment I was seeking for educational opportunities abroad, I met an
Educational Counsellor from Malaysia. Through his assistance and guidance, I secured admission at HELP
College of Arts and Technology, Malaysia to study Computer Science.

From teenage days, I have enjoyed dabbling with computers and experimenting with different
applications. In the modern world it’s virtually impossible to escape computer’s, they are part of so
many things that touch our lives, making them easier and creating solutions for so many complex and
challenging problems. Computer science is at the forefront of breakthroughs in science, technology and
mathematics, and at the heart of virtually all cutting edge discoveries in fields like engineering, business,
entertainment and education.

I still can recall an opportunity to visit an IT company of my father’s friend. I actually saw hundreds of
computers connected to each other and performing several different operations. I had many questions
in my mind - “How are computers connected and if connected, how can they be managed?” Curious to
know the answers and following the advice of my uncle, I read some books on Windows Networking as

There is no one reason why I want to study computer science at the university, instead there are a
combination of them. Like it or not you're living in it – this is the Digital Age. Computer programmes
have all but infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Computer scientists theorise, design, develop, and apply
the software and hardware for the programmes we use day in day out – sounds pretty important to us.
Every industry uses computers so naturally computer scientists can work in any. Problems in science,
engineering, health care and so many other areas can be solved by computers. It's up to the computer
scientist to figure out how, and design the software to apply the solution. Computers have gone global,
and it would be silly for Computer Science education providers to not reflect this fact.

Coming back to present, I met Dr. Than Soak (Departmental Head of Computing) of HELP College of Arts
and Technology at the School canteen fortnight ago. While talking about education and career related
stuff, he suggested me to do a Credit Transfer or carry on to a Bachelor Degree programme to a Country
of my preference.

I prefer to study in Canada because, it has ranked as one of the top ten places to live in the world since
1994 according to the United Nations (UN) and the Economist Intelligence Unit. In the UN survey Canada
earned particularly high marks for its access to education, high life expectancy (due to universal health
care system), and low crime and violence rates. In addition, Canada's largest cities as Vancouver,
Toronto and Montreal have been recognized as world class cities in which to live for their cleanliness
and safety and for their cultural activities and attractive lifestyles.

Canada has traditionally been a country of immigrants and has a policy of encouraging multicultural
diversity. In this vibrant setting, different perspectives are respected and learning together is
encouraged. Almost all of the world's ethnic groups are represented in Canada. As a result, most ethnic
foods and recreational activities associated with specific cultures are available in Canada.

I want to study at the University of Regina because; it is a public research university. The university of
Regina is well-reputed for having a focus on experiential learning and offers internships, professional
placements and practicums in addition to cooperative education placements in 41 programs. The
University of Regina has an international community with students from over 90 countries enrolled in
the academic programs. In 2016, the University of Regina was ranked as one of the top 150 universities
under 50 years old worldwide in the Times Higher Education world university rankings. The expense of
the university of Regina is comparatively reasonable than other universities in Canada. This makes me
very keen to study at the university of Regina, Canada.

Therefore, I’m seeking admission for Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Regina.

I sincerely hope attending your prestigious university would give me an opportunity to receive high-level
of education under the guidance of prominent professors. Also, it will be a challenge and a great
opportunity to prove myself.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.


Ibrahim Matubber


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