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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

In this chapter
 Introduction To Slide Master
 Format the Slide Master
 Add Header and Footer Information
 Format the Title Master
 Insert a New Slide Master
 Preserve a Slide Master

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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

2.1 Introduction To Slide Master

All slides within a presentation can have a consistent look such as same font and size as well
as organization logo. This can be achieved by opening the Slide Master view and making
desired changes to Slide Master. All changes in Slide Master are then applied to all slides
within presentation. It saves time, making you more productive. You have gone through this
process briefly in Chapter 1. You will have more in-depth understanding about Slide Master
in this chapter.

Title Area: Located at the top of the Object Area: Located below the Title
slide. You can change the attributes of Area and controls the formatting for the
the title text and area (e.g., font type, body of all slides. You can change text
font size, fill, shadow, etc.). You can also and area attributes. You can format
insert objects such as images. each text level with different attributes.

Date Area: Located in the lower, left corner of Number Area: Located in the lower
the slide. You can change the look and right corner of the slide. You can
position of the date. You can specify that the change the position of the slide
date and time are automatically updated each numbering, as well as the format of
time the presentation is opened, or you can the numbers. You can choose
enter a fixed date and time. whether or not to display the slide
number on the title slide.

Footer Area: Located in the lower

centre of the slide. You can change
the look and position of the footer.
You can choose whether or not to
display the footer text on the title

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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

2.2 Format The Slide Master

1. Open the Intro to Computer.pptx file.
2. Go to View tab, click Slide Master.
3. Click the slide master in the left pane, the first slide in the pane.
4. Click on Click to edit Master title style. Let’s bold the font and color its color to Blue. Add
an image at the upper right corner of the slide, as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1

5. You may now close the Slide Master view by clicking on close Master View.
6. Notice that the formatting is applied to Title Placeholders all slides, also note on the image.
In case you want to omit background graphics on certain slide, say Slide 3. To do
this, click the third slide, go to Design tab, click Format Background, then click
Hide Background Graphics. Notice the image on the upper right corner has

2.3 Add Header And Footer Information

1. Within the same presentation, select slide 2.
2. Go to Insert tab, then click Header & Footer.
3. Under Slide tab, tick Date and time, choose Update automatically. Tick Slide number and
Footer. Within Footer text box, key in “AMIT1703 IT Fundamentals and Applications”.
4. Tick Don’t show on title slide. Finally, click Apply to all, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2

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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

5. Now, notice that you have standardized all slides to have the same Header & Footer
information as shown in Figure 2.3, except for Title slide, the first slide.

Figure 2.3

2.4 Format The Title Master

The objective is to format only the Title slide layout. It will only affect Title slide but not other
1. Continue from the previous presentation. Go to Slide Master view.
2. This time, make sure Title Slide Layout is selected in the left pane, in short, the second
3. Click on click to edit Master Title style. Change the font color to Red, apply Italic font
format. Then click close Master View to exit Slide Master view.
4. Notice that the new formatting is only applied to Title Placeholder of first slide that uses
Title Slide Layout.

2.5 Insert A New Slide Master

When you want to use multiple themes in one presentation, you will need multiple slide
masters. Each slide master represents a theme.
1. Within the same presentation, switch to Slide Master view.
2. In Edit Master group, click Insert Slide Master. The new Slide Master is labelled with 2 as
shown in Figure 2.4.
3. To see how does it work, click on the first slide in Slide Master 2, then
click on Click to edit Master title Style. Change the font color to purple.
4. Close Master View.
5. Let say in Slide 2, you want to use theme in Slide Master 2. Right-click
on Slide 2, go to Layout. Observe that there are 2 sets of slide layout
for you to choose from as shown in Figure 2.5. Slide Master 2 is put
under Custom Design section.
6. Now choose Title and Content layout under Custom Design section.
You should see the title, “Objectives” is in purple.
Figure 2.4

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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

Figure 2.5

While using multiple themes in a presentation is rather rare in business

presentation. At least you learn about this feature of having multiple Slide Master
to cater for special presentation needs, for eg., combining presentations of two

2.6 Preserve A Slide Master

Sometimes, when you delete all the slides that use a particular slide master in a presentation,
the Slide Master is deleted as well. To prevent slide master from being deleted, you can
protect it by preserving it.
Even if you preserve a slide master, you can still manually delete a slide master in Slide Master
1. Switch to Slide Master view.
2. On the Slide Master that you wish to preserve, right-click on it (the first slide), then click
Preserve Master, as shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6

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Practical 2 – MS Power Point : Chapter 2 – Presentation Master Editing

2.7Review Exercises

1. Open Marketing Strategy.pptx file.

2. Switch to Slide Master view.
3. Format the title style on the slide master as Georgia, bold.
4. Add the slide number and an automatic date to all slides in the presentation, except the
title slide. Then view the changes in Slide Sorter view.
5. Display the title master. Change the font color of the master title style to orange. Then,
view the slides in Slide Sorter view.
6. Insert a new slide master.
7. Format the new slide master title text as Times New Roman, bold.
8. Preserve the original Slide Master.
9. Close the presentation without saving.

End of Chapter 2

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