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7. Chlorine isotopes occur naturally as 35Cl and 37Cl.

The abundance ratio of these two isotopes is =

3.127. Based on the scale of carbon-12, the relative mass of 35Cl and 37Cl are 34.9689 and 36.9659
respectively. Calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine. (ANS:35.45)

average atomic mass=3.127× 34.9689 ¿+(36.9659 ×1)/(3.127+ 1)

¿ 35.45 a.m.u

RAM of Cl =35.45 a.m.u ÷ 1/12 × 12 a.m.u


8. The isotopes of Ag occur naturally as 107Ag and 109Ag with their relative isotopic masses of
106.906 and 108.868 respectively. If the average atomic mass of Ag is 107.868, what would be the
percentage abundance of these two isotopes? (ANS : 107Ag=50.97% , 109Ag=49.03%)

By assume that abundance of Ag-107 = w and Ag-109 =1-w,

Average atomic mass =

107.868=(106.906 × w) + [108.868 x (1-w)] ÷ w+(1-w)


Ag-107 =0.5097 x 100




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