Activity 3 PG 18: Kabir Raole July 2021

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Activity 3 Pg 18

Kabir Raole
July 2021

1 Q3
Social Media and Blogs are one of the greatest leaps in communi-
cation since the press. This is because it is an unregulated way to
average citizens to voice their opinions to the world. Of course web-
sites will be moderated, but if one creates their own website, nobody
can ban it. This allows people to share not only opinions but infor-
mation. Additionally, citizens don’t have to cater to their sponsors,
they are truly free, making blogs one of the most way to communi-
cate. The discussion does not have to be limited to blogs, but basically
any ”unmoderate-able” channel of discussion, for example- there is
a server on one of the most popular games called Minecraft, which
has a library called ”The Uncensored Library”, this has a collection
of many books that are banned in several middle-eastern countries,
Russia, Mexico and Egypt. These books discuss topics ranging from
censorship, unjust punishment, and other critiques of the writer’s
government. It contains an astounding 200 books!

2 Q4
Gaming absolutely should be considered a sport. It has everything
that traditional sports have, it has extremely skilled players, a huge
huge fanbase and many rich sponsors who fund clubs, teams and
organisations. The game ”League of Legends” is one of the most
popular game for both casual and competitive players. It’s peak
viewership was 25 Million viewers watching a tournament live in 2019.
The sponsors are well known companies that arrange tournaments
and usually grant a huge cash prize to the winner. For example - a
game knows as ”Fortnite” had a world cup last year or so with a prize
pool of 30 Million dollars!

3 Q5
An uncensored press is the farthest thing from dangerous. An un-
censored press doesn’t allow dictatorships to be formed. It helps its
citizens know the truth, which maybe even the Government wouldn’t
allow. It finds the true motives behind groups of power doing things.
The removal of the freedom of the press is the first step to a totali-
tarian goverment.

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