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Reg, No: 19C01609

Title of the project: “A STUDY ON LOANS ANDVANCES”




The term ‘loan’ refers to the amount borrowed by one person from another. The amount is in
the nature of loan and refers to the sum paid to the borrower. Thus, from the view point of
borrower, it is ‘borrowing’ and from the view point of bank, it is ‘lending’. Loan may be
regarded as ‘credit’ granted where the money is disbursed and its recovery is made on a later
date. It is a debit for a borrower.

‘Advance’ on the other hand, is a ‘credit facility’ granted by bank. Banks grant advances
largely for short-term purpose, such as purchase of goods traded in and meeting other short-
term trading liabilities. There is a sense of debt in loan, where as an advance is a facility
being availed of by the borrower. However, like loans, advances are also too repaid. Thus a
credit facility repayable in instalment over a period is termed as loan while a credit facility
repayable within one year may be known as advances. Loans and advances granted by
commercial banks are highly beneficial to individuals, firms, companies and industrial
concern. The growth and diversification of business activities are effected to a large extent
through bank financing. Loans and advances granted by banks help in meeting short-term and
long term financial needs of business enterprises.


 It helps to figure out the Loan and Advances of “KITTUR RANI CHANNAMMA
 To have idea regarding various types of loans and advances of the bank.
 To identify the loan sanction procedure in different sector in last some years.
 To know the loan and advances activities of the bank.
 To indentify the problems regarding loans and advances and give some
recommendation for improving effectives efficiency of loan and advances service.


 To find out that what is the easier way for providing advance product.
 To find out the need of the customer and hence formulate the strategy to level the
economy in the society.
 How the products are helping the customer.
 To know the utility of the product.


 Consumer perception towards Advance Product.

 Consumer awareness about Advance Product Scheme and its benefit.
 Aware the Bank about the customer problems faces by the advances products.


The information regarding primary data is collected by visiting the company
frequently and the other relevant information was collected by personal discussion
with the concern department head and their subordinates.
The secondary data is collected from various sources company manual, company’s
annual reports for the study period.


 The details regarding loans and advances of the bank are collected for 3 years only.
 The information given by the bank was limited.
 Non availability of the various reference of sources act constraints for the study


The history of banking system in Nepal in the form of money lending can be traced back in the
reigning period of Gunakama Dev, the king of Kathmandu (NBL Patrika: 2037:2). During the
period of Rannodip Singh, prime minister of Nepal, one financial institution ' Tejarath' was
established to give loan facilities to the government staff and afforded loan facilities to the public
in general in the term of interest but 'Tejarath' did not accept money from public.

On 30th Kartik, 1994, Nepal Bank Limited was established for the first time to provide modern
and organized banking facilities. Being a commercial bank, it focuses on income generating and
profit maximization. As it was only one commercial bank has to look the economic condition of
country. Only one Nepal Bank Limited was not sufficient to look all the sector of country. So in
14th Baishak, 2013 B.S. under the NRB Act 2012 with the function of controlling and monitoring
banking activities, as central bank of Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank was established. Similarly the 2nd
commercial bank Rastriya Banijya Bank was established in Magh 10, 2022 B.S., under Rastriya
Banijya Bank Act 2021. For the development of the industry, commerce and trade, Nepal
Industrial Development Corporation was established under Industrial Development Corporation
act 2016. For the development of agriculture section, Agriculture Development Bank was
established on 7th Magh, 2024 B.S. under the Agriculture Bank Act 2024 ( Manandhar; 2007: 25

With the growing activities of bank after the Nepal Bank Ltd. and Rastriya Banijya Bank, new
banking policy was introduced for the establishment of joint venture bank in foreign investment
with Nepalese co-operation. Its objective was to create healthy competitive banking system and
provide cheap banking facilities to people. The establishment of joint venture banks gave a new
horizon to the financial sector the country.

The joint venture banks are operating in Nepal are playing important role in economic
development of the country.

Introduction to Commercial Banks

Bank is a business organization where monetary transaction occurs. It creates funds from its
clients saving and lends the same to needy person or business companies in term of loans,
advances and investment. So proper financial decision making is more important in banking
transaction for its efficiency and profitability. Most of the financial decision making are
concerned with lending policy and loan management. It plays the vital role in the business
succession, so efficient management of lending policy is needed.
"A bank is an organization established to perform the financial transaction specified in section
47(1) of this act" (Bank and Financial Institution's Act; 2006:2)

Commercial Banks are the financial institution, which transfer monetary sources to users to
users. In the process of such intermediation, Commercial Bank employs funds raised from
different sources into different assets with a prime objective of profit generation an
administrative assistance. According to Commercial Banks act 2031, "A commercial Banks means
the bank which deals in exchanging currency, accepting deposit, giving loans and doing
commercial transaction". The Commercial Banks pool together the savings of the community
and arrange for their productive uses. They supply financial needs of modern business. The main
purpose of establishing Commercial Banks was to contribute to the development of banking
system, particularly in the remote and hilly regions, providing more banking facilities to the

"Commercial banks deal with other people's money. They have to find ways of keeping their
assets liquid so that they could meet the demands of their customers. In this anxiety to make
profit, the bank cannot afford to lock up their funds in assets, which are not easily releasable.
The depositor must make to understand that the bank is fully solvent. The depositor's confidence
could be secure only if the bank is able to meet the demand for cash promptly and fully. The
banker has to keep cash for this purpose. Cash is an idle asset and the bankers cannot afford to
keep a large possession of his assets in the form of cash. Cash brings in no income to the bank.
Therefore, the bankers have to distribute these assets in such a way that he can have adequate
profits without sacrificing liquidity" (Radha Swamy, 1979:27).

The commercial bank is simply a business corporation organized for the purpose of maximizing
the value of shareholder's wealth invested in the bank at an accepted level of risk. Commercial
banks play important role in encouraging people to save from their income and investing that
saving in productive sector for mutual benefit.

Beside the commercial banks, many other non- banking financial institutions formed the
institutional dimension in financial sector, but financial system is dominated by the banking with
the commercial banks constituting around 80 percent of the total banking transaction. The
existence of the commercial banking system regularizes the scattered fund from public and lends
it to productive sector to reduce the idle saving the country. What role a bank can play to assist
the economic development is the main issue as economic liberalization has posed more
responsibility and challenges on commercial banks. The existence of commercial banks in
country like Nepal is not easy task as its role ranges from contribution to farmer to purchase a
buffalo to establish the foundation of trade and industry.

Commercial banks are enjoying al so the emerging concept of retail banking. Thousands of mid
career professionals are enjoying a better life thanks to the easy financing being provided by
banks- from house loans to vehicle loans. Students are pursuing higher education by borrowing
money from banks. Vast members of the common people now enjoy the opportunity to possess
a bank account. Depositors can open an account by depositing just Rs.1. Rapid expansion of
banking services and cutthroat competition, particularly in retail banking, have revolutionized
bank financing and brought the service within reach of families on modest incomes. The
beginning of this transformation was the entry of joint-venture banks in to the country some 24
years ago

In Nepal, All Commercial Banks barely follow the directives and policies of Nepal Rastra Bank, as
the Central Bank of Nepal. Nepalese commercial banks use to carry out their operations
according to commercial Bank Act 2031 B.S. before promulgation of the Bank and Financial
Institution Ordinance 2060 on 2060 Magh, 21 st. Nepal Rastra Bank supervise and regulates the
commercial banks on the basis of the directives issued by it. Nepal Rastra Bank formulates
financial and monetary policies under which Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions are
functioning .

 Capital Structure
 Deposits
 Minimum Liquidity requirement
 Loan and Advances

Function of Commercial Banks

The business of commercial bank is primarily to hold deposits and make credits and
investment with the object of securing profits for its share holders. Its primary motive is
profit; other considerations are secondary.
"The two essential functions of commercial banks may best be summarized as the borrowing
and lending of money. They borrow money by taking all kinds of deposits. Then it provides
money to those who are in need of it by granting overdrafts to fixed loan or by discounting
bills of exchange or promissory notes. Thus, the primary function of a commercial banker is
that of a broker and a dealer in money. By discharging this function efficiently, a commercial
bank renders a valuable service to the community by increasing the productive capacity of the
country and thereby accelerating the pace of economic development" (Shekhar and Shekhar,
As the primary function banks collect funds from general public in the form of deposits paying
certain stipulated interest. Bank collects mainly three type of deposit, those are: fixed deposit,
saving deposit, and current deposit. Even deposit collection is the main function of banks to operate
its other regular function there is certain limitation in deposit collection. In Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank
as the central bank has issued directives and regarding those directives banks had to collect
deposits. According to directives issued by NRB, Nepalese commercial banks can collect more than
20 times of their core capital as deposit.
Lending as the fundamental function of bank is the cause of the origin of the banking. In the past,
Commercial banks used to finance for short- term, however, banks lending operation have changed
considerably over the years. They have started advancing loan to industrial, agriculture and priority
sectors too. In the addition to deposit services and financing activities, banks provide some
additional services to their customers. Along with the change in time the primary function of lending
is change to other portfolios like credit cards, merchant banking, retail banking, traveler cheques etc.
"Lending is the essence of commercial banking, and consequently the formulation and
implementation of sound policies are among the most important responsibilities of bank directors
and management. Well conceived lending policies and careful lending practices are essential if bank
is to perform its credit creating function effectively and minimize the risk inherent in any extension
of credit" (Crosse, 1963: 87).
"The term loan means the disbursement of amount; direct of indirect guarantee and right to recover
the loan against its interest or other charges; refinancing against the collateral given for loan or
investment; renew or restructure of loan; and guarantee issued or commitment made for clearance
of loan. It also denotes any kind of credit."
This definition emphasize the need of sound lending policies for effective lending to minimize the
risk involved, for this management must be careful and well knowledge . Credit is financial assets
resulting from the delivery of cash or other assets by a lender to a borrower in return for an
obligation of repay on specified on demand. Banks generally grants credit on four ways .
1. Overdraft.
2. Cash Credit.
3. Direct Credit.
4. Discounting of Bills

It denotes the excess amount withdraw over their deposits.

Cash Credit
The credit is not given directly in cash but deposit account is being opened on the name of credit
taker and the amount credited to that account. In this way, every credit creates deposit.
Cash Credit
The credit is not given directly in cash but deposit account is being opened on the name of credit
taker and the amount credited to that account. In this way, every credit creates deposit.
Barely and Myers urge that bank credits with maturities exceeding 1 years are called term credit.
The firm agrees to pay interest based on the bank's prime rate and to repay principle in the regular
installments. Special patterns of principle payments over time can be negotiated to meet the firm's
special needs (Richard, 1996:23).
Working Capital Credit
Working capital denotes the difference between current liabilities. It is granted to the customers to
meet their working capital gap for supporting production process. A natural process develops in
funds moving through the cycle are generated to repay a working capital credit.

Hire Purchase Financing (Installment Credit)

Hire purchase credits are characterized by periodic repayment of principle and interest over the
maturity of the credit. Hirer agrees to take the goods on hire at a stated rental including their
repayment of principle as well as interest with an option to purchase.

A recent survey of commercial banks indicates those bank are planning to offer installment credit on
a variable rate basis. It can be secured and unsecured as well as direct and indirect installment
credits on a variable rate basis. It can be secured and unsecured as well as direct and indirect
installment credit.

Housing Lending (Real Estate Credit)

Financial institution also extends credit to their customers. It is different types, such as: residential
building, commercial complex, construction of ware house etc. It is given to those who have regular
income or can earn revenue from housing project itself.

Project Credit
Project credit is granted to the customers as per project viability. The borrowers have to invest
certain proportion to the project from their equity and the rest will be financed as project credit.
Construction credit is short-term credits made to developers for the purpose of completing
proposed projects. Maturities on developers for the purpose of completing proposed projects.
Maturities on construction credits range from 12 month to as long as 4 to 5 years, depending on the
construction credits rage from 12 months to as long as 4 to 5 years, depending on the size of the
specific project (Johnson, 1940:43). The basic guideline principle involved in disbursement policy is
to advance funds corresponding to the completion policy is to advance funds corresponding to the
completion stage of the project. Term of credit needed for project fall under it.

Consortium Credit
No single financial institution grant credit to the project due to single borrower limit or other reason
and two or more such institutions may consent to grant credit facility to the project of which is
baptized as consortium credit. It reduces the risk of project among them. Financials bank equal (or
likely) charge on the project's assets.

Off- Balance Sheet Transaction

In fact, bank guarantee and letter of credit refer to off balance sheet transactions of financial
institution. It is also known as contingent liability Contingent liability pinpoints the liability, which
may or may not arise during the happening of certain event. Footnotes are kept as references to
them instead of recording in the books of accounts.

It is non-funded based remunerative facilities but more risky than the funded until adequate
collateral are not taken. Let’s its two varieties be described separately.
 Bank Guarantee
It is used for the sake of the customers in favor of the other party (beneficiary) up to the approved
limit. Generally, a certain percent amount is taken as margin from the customer and the customer's
margin account is credited.

 Letter of Credit (L/C)

It is issued on behalf of the customer (buyer/importer) in favor of the exporter (seller) for the import
of goods and services stating to pay certain sum of money on the submission of certain documents
complying the stipulated terms and conditions as per the agreement of L/C. It is known as importers
letter of credit since the bank of importer do not open separate L/C for the trade of same

Credit Cards and Revolving Lines of Credit

Banks are increasingly utilizing cards and revolving lines of credit to make unsecured consumer
credit. Revolving credit line lowers the cost of making credit since operating and processing cost are
reduced. Due to standardization, centralized department processes revolving credits resulting
reduction on administration cost. Continued borrowing arrangement enhances cost advantages.
Once the credit line is established, the customer can borrow and repay according to his needs and
the bank can provide the fund to the customer at lower cost.

Objectives of the Sound Credit Policy

The purposes of a written credit policy are

1.To assure compliance by lending personnel with the bank's policies and objectives
regarding the portfolio of credits and.

2. To provide personnel with a framework of standards within which they can operate.

Principles of Good Lending

As already stated lending is the major income generating function of the commercial banks, the
loans and advances made must be sound and safe and lending procedure must be proper and
cautious. In this context below mentioned points are to be seriously considered for good loan

Why is a customer in need of loan? This is very important question for any banker. Lending purpose
of banks should be productive so that it could be beneficial for customer, bank and nation as well. If
borrower misuses the loan granted by the bank, they can never repay and bank will possess bad
debts. Detailed information about the scheme of the project or activities should be examined before

2) Safety
Bank should ensure that loan advanced by it is safe. Bank should be careful while lending so that the
investment are not subject to any undue risk of being unproductive or due to dishonesty of the
borrowers. If little bit of attention is given at the time of investment then it will be safe throughout
the loan period.
It is well known that bank lent the money, deposited by public with confidence that the bank will pay
back their money with interest when it matures or when needed, as loan. So, it is not sufficient that
the lent money will came back but bank should also ensure that it would be returned in time to meet
the short term obligations of the depositors.

The primary objective of commercial banks is not to lend against security. It should lend on the basis
of character, capacity and capital of the borrower. However, security is considered as insurance of a
cushion to ball back upon in case of failure to repay the loan and interest dues by the borrower due
to various reasons.

A commercial bank can maximize its volume of wealth through maximization of return on their
investment and lending, so they must invest their funds where they gain maximum profit. The profit
of the commercial banks mainly depends on the interest rate, volume of loan, its time period and
nature of investment on different securities.

"One should not put all its eggs on the same basket" this saying is very important to the bank. Bank
should adopt diversified lending strategy to minimize the risk of loss due to failure of certain sector.
Diversification of loan helps to sustain loss according to the law average as if one sector fails then
others may succeed.

Lending Criteria
While screening a credit application, 6-cs to be first considered which is supported by documents.

1) Character
Character is the analysis of the applicant as to his ability to meet the obligations put forth by the
lending institution. For this analysis, generally the following documents are needed.

 Memorandum and Article of Association.

 Registration certification
 Tax registration certificate (Renewed)
 Resolution to borrow
 Authorization-person authorizing to deal with the bank.
Reference of other lenders with whom the applicant has dealt in the past of bank a/c
statement of the customer.
1) Capacity

Describe customer's ability to pay. It is measured by applicants past performance

records and followed by physical observation. For this, an interview with
applicant's customers/suppliers/ will further clarify the situation.

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