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Name : Nurul Utami

Matric : 0823476
Subject/ Section : COMM 1010/ 6

How Magazine is Develop in Islamic World?

The basically, magazine is collection some articles, news, short story and information.
Long time ago, after newspaper existed and many people produced, magazine brought the new
style for media communication. It is also happened in Islamic world until now. Starting from the
simple articles, poetry, writer of short story, journalist and design of the pictures in magazine. In
Arab countries the literature of languages is the important because many types kind languages
and dialect. Not only literature of languages but the contents also more important, it is can make
interesting to reader or not. Actually Arabs does not like to write and read, they prefer getting
news sources directly.

Nowadays, Muslim peoples very respecting and welcome to the innovation of magazine.
This can be seen from the material, contents, printing, sources, and real picture of information
and than how distribution of magazine.

1. Material. Islam world very popular with writer and people have good languages.
Normally they used manual material like paper, palm leaf, ink, etc. The material is
very limited and paper prices are also expensive at that time. The innovation makes
change the material from the old to the modern. Now, many types of papers from
of size, quality and quantity (not limited more).
2. Contents. Reader want to buy magazine because want to know what inside of the
magazine and common people like with the “simple sentence” to understand what
writer means. The most important is understood about information inside the
magazine. Many topics can discuss in magazine such as economic, politic, social
and culture, law and criminal. Nowadays, many magazines improve to be
interesting topic like health solution, dialog of religion, tips from children until
adult. Actually, the advertising very help make the magazine have many readers.
Nowadays, many magazines put inside gift or coupons for whom 10 first buy that
magazine. And some productions make the “limited edition” of magazine every
month or year. It is also can increase the profit and interest of readers. It is can be
legal so far not nearly to gambling etc. Of course in Islam it is very strict to put
something like gambling. The content can influence the good or bad of magazine.
The reader most selective to choose which the good magazine to give more
knowledge and information than none give benefit
3. Printing. Before, they do not have machines to printing even for smallest quantity.
They used writing hand and some simple machines to produce magazine more than
one copy. Islam also adopted the western view and learn how create the machines
to print the magazine for many copies. After they are found and operated the
machine, they can produce the magazine more than one. The computer also fast
moving. So the writer no need write by own hand with long times because the
computer can help and save any thing what they write. The data just send to
machines and they can produce more of magazine.
4. Sources. The sources is the key for make some news. If we do not have sources
how we make the news to inform to people. Source also must be considering the
truth, if gives an error on this news will be a problem even spur conflict. In former
times the reporters took long time to get the sources and distributed to the team of
editors for printing. They must return from the source that has been gained into the
office where they have to tell the new. Now, magazine companies already have
branches in each of the areas and send the results of his report to the center to the
distributed enterprise.
5. Real Picture of the Information. Before they do not know and have not
knowledge about picture, they never insert related images in the news that has been
made. Now the magazine continues to innovate by putting a picture every corner of
the reading. Picture is also an important element in the magazine to attract the
attention of the readers.
6. Distribution of Magazine. Basically the more the Arabs tend to know the news
from mouth to mouth. So the development of the magazine is very difficult at that
time. Many magazine companies that went bankrupt. Other Islamic countries have
now started to how the distribution of magazines such as reading a magazine on the
internet, mobile phone, iPad magazine etc.

In conclusion, magazine developments in the Islamic world are still difficult because the
culture of reading and writing is still low. In Arab countries, they are more confident and believe
that the news on to say directly. And in former times, such as paper materials are very hard to
come by and if any price is very expensive. Now, Muslims are stepping up interest in reading
from children. For us as Muslim countries will not be left behind the world's information.

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