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User’s Manual UMAS V Pump & Valve Control System

Pump & Valve Control System


Simek AS
Yard No. 101
“North Mariner”

Date Issued Status Rev.

12.02.2002 IF First Issue 0.0

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User’s Manual UMAS V Pump & Valve Control System


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................2
1 UMAS V P & V DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................5
2 OPERATION...................................................................................................................................6
3 SYSTEM COMPOSITION.............................................................................................................7
- 3.1 TOP MENU........................................................................................................................................7
- 3.2 MAIN MENU.....................................................................................................................................9
4 VALVE OPERATION...................................................................................................................11
- 4.1 VALVE TYPES:...............................................................................................................................11
- 4.2 PREWARNING CONDITIONS - VALVES....................................................................................11
- 4.3 MOTOR CONTROLLED VALVE - BHS.......................................................................................12
- 4.4 REMOTE..........................................................................................................................................12
5 PUMPS..........................................................................................................................................13
- 5.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................13
- 5.2 ELECTRIC ONE SPEED PUMPS...................................................................................................13
- 5.3 ELECTRIC TWO SPEED PUMPS..................................................................................................13
6 TIME REGISTRATION...............................................................................................................14
7 TANKSOUNDING SYSTEM (DSF)............................................................................................15
- 7.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................15
- 7.2 REMOTE SOUNDING.....................................................................................................................15
- 7.3 TANK SYMBOLS............................................................................................................................16
- 7.4 CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................................................16
- 7.5 TANK OVERVIEW WINDOW.......................................................................................................17
- 7.6 TANK INPUT...................................................................................................................................18
8 DSF MENU (Tanksounding Menu)............................................................................................19
- 8.1 BACK TO SOUND..........................................................................................................................19
- 8.2 DENSITY MAN/AUTO...................................................................................................................19
- 8.3 REMOTE..........................................................................................................................................19
- 8.4 REMOTE ACTIVATE.....................................................................................................................20
- 8.5 REMOTE ACTIVATE ON/OFF......................................................................................................20
- 8.6 BUZZER ON /OFF...........................................................................................................................21

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- 8.7 TOTAL.............................................................................................................................................21
9 BHS – BULK HANDLING SYSTEM..........................................................................................22
- 9.1 TANKS.............................................................................................................................................22
- 9.2 COMPRESSORS..............................................................................................................................22
- 9.3 CONTROLLING THE COMPRESSORS........................................................................................23
- 9.4 PREWARNING................................................................................................................................23
10 ECONOMYMETER....................................................................................................................24
- 10.1 INPUT SIGNALS...........................................................................................................................24
- 10.2 CALCULATION............................................................................................................................24
- 10.3 MEASUREMENTS........................................................................................................................25
- 10.4 SETTING UP THE ECONOMYMETER.......................................................................................25
11 ROLL INDICATOR....................................................................................................................26
12 CARGO / STORAGE SYSTEM..................................................................................................27
13 PREWARNING SYSTEM – P&V Prewarning.........................................................................28
14 PRINTER.....................................................................................................................................29
15 CONFIGURATION - P&V Config............................................................................................30
- 15.1 TANK GROUP...............................................................................................................................30
- 15.2 TANKS...........................................................................................................................................30
- 15.3 TANK NAME.................................................................................................................................31
- 15.4 TANK GROUP...............................................................................................................................31
- 15.5 PRINTOUT LABEL.......................................................................................................................31
- 15.6 NUMBER OF TANKS...................................................................................................................31
- 15.7 FLANGE NAMES / VALVE NAMES...........................................................................................31
- 15.8 VALVE ALARM DELAY TIME...................................................................................................31
- 15.9 FILES..............................................................................................................................................31
16 EMERGENCY VALVE OPERATION.......................................................................................32

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UMAS V P & V is a system for operating pumps and valves from one or several workstations.
This system presents a graphic display of tank information, and has a reporting system that gives
warnings in case of system errors.

1 workstation consists of:

-Colour monitors
-Pointing device (mouse/trackball)
-Buzzer ( acoustic warning)

Each workstation is connected to a computer. If there is more than 1 computer, the computers
communicate on a Computer-Ethernet network. The computers communicate with a common
control cabinet on a four-conductor (cord) serial communication.

In the control cabinet, UN 940 there are electronics controlling digital and analogue in- and

The communication between the workstations and the PLC is monitored. In case of malfunction a
red warning will appear at the top off the screen (flashing):

Com. Error Pump & Valve (UN940) : Error on communication to P&V Control Cabinet,
UN 940.
P&V Prewarning : Prewarning in P&V Control System, Click on the
red flashing P&V Prewarning – button to check

In order to access tank data, the UMAS P&V is connected to the Tanksounding Cabinet UN980.
This communication works by serial connection.

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The man-machine interface (MMI) is controlled by a computer running on the operating system
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. The workstation operation is based on a pointing device (a mouse or a
trackball). The mouse controls a pointer on the screen. Sliding the mouse over any surface in the
direction moves the pointer is to move. The following lines describes the basics mouse techniques
used with Windows applications:

Move the mouse until the tip of the pointer rests on the wanted item.

Press and release the left button without moving the mouse.

Click on the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.

Press and release the right button without moving the mouse.

Press and hold down the mouse button.

Press and hold down the mouse button, then move the mouse pointer.
Release button when the drag operation is finished.

If several screens are applied at the same computer, moving the mouse can move the pointer from
screen to screen. The keyboard is for input of numbers and letters.
(Keyboard operation is the same as for Microsoft Windows.)

Operating the UMAS V P&V system is based on several windows, one for each system.
One particular window is always on the screen, "TopMenu". TopMenu is placed at top of the
screen and contains the most urgent information.

For buttons and input-fields, a white quadrant will appear around them. To activate the command,

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The top menu will always be visible. This menu displays the most urgent information.

Recent Alarms Buzzer

Alarm Groups Pump Status

Inhibited Alarms Date / Time

Acknowledge button

Duty / Responsibility Print Current Screen

 Alarm groups
Buttons used for choosing desired alarm group.
 Recent Alarms / Ack Button
All alarms will be displayed in these fields. The alarms can be scrolled up and down with the
scroll buttons. Alarms can be acknowledged with the “Ack” button.
 Responsibility
Who currently is having the responsibility for watch over the alarm system.
 Duty
Where the alarm system is monitored.
 Inhibited Alarms
Displays the number of alarms that is inhibited.
 Date/Time Field
Displays the date and time.
 Stability
Key information about stability
 Pump Status
Displayed as green when any pump/compressor is running. Press symbol to enter the
“Pumps Overview” window.
 Passwords
Press this button to enter the operation password. There are two levels of access to the UMAS
system. Each level has its own password.

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 Buzzer symbol
Visible when the buzzer is active.



1. Status – Tanksounding Unit UN 980.

This field displays information about the tanksounding unit (UN 980). The tanksounding
unit can operate in two modes: SOUND or REMOTE. There is also a sign to inform that the
communication between the tanksounding unit and the PLC is broken down (COM), and an
error sign (Error).

2. Pump & Valve Fail - P&V Prewarning button

If there are any unacknowledged failures (Pre-Warnings) in the Pump & Valve system, this
button will blink red. The button will remain red as long as there are any failures in the
Pump & Valve system. In normal mode (no failures or all failures acknowledged) the button
will be grey. If this button is clicked there will be shown a list over the failures present in
the system. In case of no failures the list will be empty.

3. Trim Status
The “Trim Status” field shows the trim angle of the vessel and how this value is measured.

4. Roll Angle/List
The Roll Angle/List field shows the list of the vessel.

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Menu Button:
The MENU button in the lower right corner of the top menu opens the main menu.
The different process segments are to be selected from this menu.

Example: By clicking “WB/DW Cargo”, a controllable window of the WB/DW system will
appear on the screen. The WB/DW window will display the pipelines with valves and pumps
indicated, as well as a dynamic bargraph, and numbers indicating the volume percentage and
maximum volume for each tank. Valves and pumps can be operated using the pointing device. To
view another window, simply select the main menu again and then choose the window by clicking
its button.

When the system starts running, an overview window will appear on the screen in addition to the
top menu. This window does not contain any dynamic "tags", which means it is not using any

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capacity of the computer CPU for updating. For smoother CPU performance when the workstation
is not operated, select the overview window by clicking the UMAS logo in the lower right corner
of the main menu.

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The valves will be displayed on the screen with following status:

White = Closed
Blinking white = Changing from closed to open
Green = Open
Blinking green = Changing from open to closed
Blinking red = Alarm condition

To operate a valve, point at the valve and click. The valve will go to the opposite position.


1. Single coil valves:

Voltage out = open

No Voltage = closed

2. Dual coil valves:

This valve has two different outputs, one for open and one for close. The coil voltage is latched.

The difference: loss of power will cause valves with one coil to return to the closed position, while
two-coiled valves will remain in the same position as before.


Prewarnings will be displayed in the P&V Prewarning List as a result of the following conditions:

1 - Feedback is “open” while the command is “close”.

2 - Feedback is “closed” while the command is “open”.
3 - No feedback
4 - The feedback is both “open” and “closed”.

The valve flashes red to indicate the alarm condition.

The alarm signal is delayed, in order to give the valve enough time to change position before the
alarm is set. The delay time for valve prewarning is adjustable from the P&V Config window.

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Motor controlled valves are operated by pressing down the buttons labelled “+” or “”. This will
make the motor run, and the valve will blink during operation. Feedback from the valve is
displayed on the screen as 0-100%, where 100% equals valve fully open. Valves with feedback
switches for open/closed, displays this with colours:

green = open
white = closed
yellow = mid possision


When the user opens a valve connected to a tank, UMAS P&V will order the tanksounding unit to
sound this tank. The tanksounding unit will go to REMOTE mode (This function may be

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On the screen:

Pump stopped = WHITE

Pump running = GREEN
Pump standby = YELLOW


Click on the Pump symbol, a pop-up window will
appear on the screen. From this window Start and
Stop can be activated.


Click on the pump symbol, a pop-up will appear on
the screen. From this Start-Low, Start-High and
Stop can be activated.


The pressure from the pump is registered and presented

on the screen as a green dynamic bargraph on black
background. Maximum pressure is displayed as a full
column, and the analogue value is displayed above the
column. The pressure graph starts at minimum/down 0
bar - max/up 16 bar (40 bar for Mud-pumps). The Suction
suction from the pump is registered and presented on
the screen as a green/cyan dynamic bargraph on black
background. Pressure is green, and suction is cyan.
Analogue value is displayed above the column.
Analogue input signals below aprox. 3mA will give an prewarning in the P & V Prewarning list.

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When equipment controlled by UMAS is running (signal on the RUN input), the UMAS P&V
register the time. The number of hours this equipment has been running will be displayed in the
Pumps Overview window.

By pressing the Print-button in the top menu, the running hours will be printed.

Running hours can be adjusted from the Pumps Overview window by clicking on the hours for the
desired pump and enter the new value (In order to do this, password must be entered).

The running hours can be written to a file on the computer by pressing the "Save to C:"-button as
shown in the illustration. The file can be read by pressing "Load from C:"- button, and the
running hours will be updated with the file values. This should be done if the PLC is reset,
changing eprom etc.

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During normal operations the tanksounding unit will be in SOUND. All tanks will be sounded in
sequence. After the tanksounding unit has completed sounding a tank it will send the following
information about the tank to the UMAS P&V:

- tank number
- system status
- measure status
- level
- density
- volume
- max volume
- trim

The UMAS P&V will receive this information and immediately update the mimic and numerical
values in the windows.


When opening a valve connected to a tank, UMAS P&V will immediately order the tanksounding
unit to sound this tank. The tanksounding unit will switch to REMOTE mode (command) and
sound just this tank. If a tank has more than one valve connected, opening any of these valves will
cause the tanksounding unit to switch to REMOTE status.

When opening several valves at the same time, the tanks connected to these valves will be sounded
in sequence. If the valves are closed, the tanks will be omitted from the remote command. This is
to ensure that only tanks that are currently loaded/unloaded are updated, which makes a more rapid
updating possible.
The tanksounding unit will always go to remote mode when
valves belonging to tanks are opened. The exception is if the
command “Remote Activate” is switched to OFF. The top
menu present the Tanksounding status (DSF-Status):
Tanksounding: - Sound
- Remote
- Com.
- Error

To cancel REMOTE mode, click on the DSF-Status field at

the top menu, and press “Back To Sound” from the
DSF-input window.

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1. Valve
The valve controls the tanksounding system to go to remote or to sound. If any valve that is
connected to a tank opens, the tanksounding system goes into remote status.

2. Tank Name
The name of the tank, in accordance with the system drawings of the vessel.

3. Max Volume
Max Volume displays the maximum volume that this particular tank can hold.

4. Actual Volume 1. Valve

The actual volume field displays the volume of
fluid in this tank.
2. Tank Name

5. Percent Vol.
3. Max Volume
The percent level field displays the volume in
percentage of maximum volume.
4. Actual Vol.
6. Percent bar
The Percent Bar graphically displays the percent 5. Percent Vol.
level. When the bar is all green the tank is full.
When the tank is empty, only the black 6. Percent Bar
background is shown. If the tank alarm is set due
to high or low level, the colour of the bar will 7. Density
change to red.

7. Density
The density field displays the density of the fluid in the tank. In the left side of the density
field, there is a letter showing how the density is measured. There are two ways of measuring
this value. The system can compute the value or the user can enter the value. If the tank alarm
is set due to high or low density, the numbers in this field will change colour to red.


The user can configure the tank properties by clicking the tank symbol (Password must be
entered). This will display a pop-up window with alarm limits for percentage and density. Clicking
the displayed numbers will open a pop-up window where new values can be entered. There are
also buttons for enabling / disabling these alarms.

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1. Tank Name
In the “Tank Overview” window all sounded tanks are
displayed with a tank level symbol.
2. High Level Limit

1. Tank Name 3. Tank Number

The name of the tank
4. Tank Group
2. High Level Limit 5. Volume
Slider for the high level value. This slider can be
dragged up or down for changing the high alarm value 6. Percent Bar
for this tank. This is not a very accurate way to adjust
this value. On the slider there are shown 7. Low Level Limit
a number that displays the current limit. 8. Density

3. Tank Number
The number of the tank, in accordance with the tank list.

4. Tank Group
The tank group this tank is member of.

5. Tank Volume
The Tank Volume.

6. Percent Bar
Displays the percentage volume graphically.

7. Low Level Limit

Slider for the low-level value. Functionality as for the High Level Limit slider.

8. Density
The density of the fluid in the tank.

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Clicking a tank will make a pop-up window appear (Tank Input). From the pop-up the following
adjustments can be done (this is only possible if correct password is entered):

- Alarm limits
- Enable/Disable alarm
- Update man.density

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8 DSF MENU (Tanksounding Menu)

Click the Tanksounding-Menu field in the TOP-MENU, and a pop-up for Tanksounding-
commands (DSF-input) will appear. Following commands can be operated:

- Back to Sound
- Density Man/Auto
- Remote Activate On/Off
- Buzzer On/Off
- Man. Trim Value


Clicking on "Back To Sound" orders the tanksounding unit to go to SOUND mode. That means
sequential sounding of all tanks, and termination of the REMOTE command. Opening a valve
after "SOUND" command activates remote command for all open valves into tanks.


Use this command for changing between man / auto density. The tanksounding unit will measure
the density for tanks that supports auto density. If the tanksounding unit is calculating density
automatic, an A (Auto) will appear before density value in tank symbols. Otherwise an M
(Manual density) will be displayed.

A window called “Remote” displays the status of the tanksounding unit. All tanks are listed in this
window, and those with status REMOTE will be listed in yellow. Activate this window by pressing
"R" on the keyboard or from the button in Monitoring-Menu window (Tank Overview + Menu)
labelled "R". If “Remote Activate” = OFF all tanks can be set to remote mode by clicking on the
desired tank. Click on the tank again to make the tank go back to sound mode.

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When the tanksounding unit is in remote mode (REMOTE ACTIVATE ON)
and it is necessary to update tanks without activating any valve, this can be
done by pressing the button labelled “Remote”. The command activates remote
mode for tanks without valves in the selected group e.g. "FO Settling.


Normally when a valve connected to a tank is open, the UMAS V P&V give the tanksounding unit
order to sound just this tank. It is possible to set the remote activating OFF, and the tanksounding
unit will not enter remote mode when a valve is opened.

“RemoteAct” - Off will increase the update time for tank data, and is not recommended. The
tanksounding unit will sound all tanks in sequence. “RemoteAct” - OFF set the Standby parameter
in the tanksounding unit passive (see Ttanksounding Unit/DSF manual).
For using Standby with the tanksounding unit (see DSF manual) set the “RemoteAct” - ON.

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This command selects the buzzer connected to the TANK alarm group ON or OFF.

An overview of the total volume in each group is shown in a window called “Total”.
Activate this window by pressing "T" on the keyboard or from the button in “Monitoring-Menu”
window (Tank Overview + Menu) labelled "T".

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9.1 TANKS 1. Tank Name

1. Tank Name 2. Pressure

The name of the tank.

2. Pressure 3. High Alarm

Shows the pressure in the BHS tank.
Bargraph and value.

3. High Alarm
Adjustable high alarm setpoint. Measured
in percent of full tank. 4. Comments

4. Comment field
Custom comments regarding the tank content.


1. Compressor Name 1.Compr. Name

The name of the compressor.
2.Pressure Graph
3.Pressure Value
2. Pressure Bargraph
The pressure bar is a visualization of the 4.Compr. Status
compressor pressure.

3. Pressure Value
Compressor pressure in numbers.

4. Compressor Status
The compressor status field shows the state of the compressor. This is indicated with colour
and text.

Function Colour Text

Stopped White Stop
Running Green Run
Standby Yellow Stby (if available)

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Compressors are controlled equally to pumps. Click the status field of the compressor to open the
pop-up window.

Standby Mode (if available).

When a compressor is started, it will compress air into its air tanks. When the desired pressure is
reached the compressor stops and enters standby mode. The compressor will remain in standby
mode until the pressure falls below the pressure limit. Then the compressor switches back to run
mode and compresses air into the tanks until the wanted pressure is reached again. The standby
function is fully controlled by the compressor starter and therefore not accessible from the screen.
Yet, the starter gives feedback to the P&V Control system for monitoring when it has entered
standby mode.


By use of level alarms an acoustic warning can be activated if selected.

Status is displayed as Buzzer: ON/OFF
On the screen, when a tank is in alarm condition, the bar will change to red.
After acknowledging of the alarm, the buzzer will be reset.

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The economymeter monitors information of economic importance based on several signals

received from the automation system.


The input signals to the economymeter are each engines fuel-rack position, which is used to
calculate the order, flowmeter input for each engine, which is used to monitor consumption, and
input from the speed log, which is used to calculate the speed and the distance travelled.

The economymeter use the input signals to calculate current readings as fuel consumption for each
engine, total consumption for both engines, the speed of the vessel, consumption/hour, and
consumption / n.mile. Calculated values give a good indication of economic values, but be aware
that they are slightly incorrect.

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The economymeter is equipped with two separate, but identical measurement fields, named Trip
and Accumulated. These fields contain information about measured fuel consumption for each
engine and total for both engines, travelled distance, average consumption / hour and n.mile. Each
field can be separately reset by pressing the Reset button. You will get a warning and a possibility
to cancel the reset if desired. The Trip field is meant to be used as a counter for each trip, while the
Accumulated field is meant to be used as a long-time counter.


By pressing the Setup button, you will enter the economymeter setup menu. From this menu you
can set the following parameters:

Max Speed: Calibration of the maximum speed of the vessel. This information is used to control
the speed graphs 100 % value. You can set the maximum speed in to ways:

1: Point the cursor at the value in the display, and click the left mouse button. You can now
enter the new maximum speed.

2: Run the vessel at maximum speed for about 5 minutes. Then point at the “Max-Speed”
button and click the mouse. The calculated current speed will now be used as max speed.

Max Fuel Consumption: Calibration of the maximum fuel consumption of the vessel. You can
do this in two ways:

1: Point the cursor at the value in the display, and click the left mouse button. You can now
enter the new value.

2: Run the vessel at maximum fuel consumption for about 5 minutes. Then point at the
“Max-Cons.” button and click the mouse. The calculated current consumption will now be
used as maximum consumption

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The Roll Indicator window presents the vessels rollangle and rolltime.

- Rollangle = List in degrees

- Rolltime = Time from max rollangle at port side, to max rollangle at starboard and back to
- Average time/angle is the average of 8 roll periods

In addition to this, the sounding of the stab tanks and a graph (missing in the example) presenting
the recommended level in the stab tanks are shown in this window. The basis for this calculation is
the average rolltime.

A short User’s Guide is also available by pressing the button labelled Users Guide.

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This may be used during loading/unloading to register the amount of fluid cargo loaded/unloaded.
It is also possible to set alarm limits for each group. The alarm limits is measured in cubic metres
and can be enabled/disabled.

SETP. 1 (setpoint no.1) : Click on SETP.1, UMAS Pump & Valve Control will then register
the volume in each group and present the result on the screen. At the
same time SETP.2 and Sum will be reset. (Clicking on Setp.1 behind
each group will read and reset only for the desired group).

After loading/unloading, select the group to be calculated (FW, Ballast, FO, HFO, etc.)
by clicking on SETP. 2 behind the desired group.

Press “PRINT” to receive a printed documentation of the "CARGO SYSTEM


Select and print can be done several times, and it will refer to Setp.1 until Setp.1 is selected again.
A report for all tanks in the system can be printed from the Tk.Level window.

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In the top menu P&V Prewarning is shown as a rectangle (red flashing in case of prewarnings).
Click the rectangle and the prewarning list above will appear on the screen. The prewarning list
can also be activated from the main menu, P&V Prewarnings.

Page Ack will acknowledge all failures in the PreWarning List.

Ack Selected will acknowledge the selected prewarning.

Colour overview for message texts in Prewarning-list:

RED - Prewarning condition, unacknowledged

GREY - Prewarning condition, acknowledged.
BLUE - Prewarning restored but not acknowledged.

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Prewarning messages will not disappear until the error status is gone and the error is


The colour printers are usually connected to computer 1 (PC1) in the control room.
(Printers can also be connected to PC2, PC3 etc).

Alarm printer:
The OKI 280 prints alarm events. This printer is only connected to PC1 on LPT2.

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By pressing the P&V Config button in the main menu, you will activate the P&V Configuration

The P&V Config window presents information about:

- Tank Group
- Tanks
- Flanges
- Several input for configuration the MMI- application.


10 Tank groups are displayed and the names can be changed. Change name by clicking on the
desired group and a pop-up window will appear. Click on "Group name" and the new group name
can be written (max. 8 letters).

15.2 TANKS
Each tank is presented with Name, TK.Name and Groupplacement. The number left to the Name is
the “Channel no.” in the tanksounding unit. Changes can be done to the desired tank by clicking on

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New tank name can be written (max 8 letters)


Click on the desired group. Reset = No group


The name of the vessel and the shipping companys name and address can be edited from the
“P&V Config” window. This information will show at the printouts.


Max.Tanks is the number of tanks the tanksounding unit is sounding. If the number is wrong the
group window will be incorrect.


Flange Name on/off: Toggle flangenames visibility in system windows.

Valve Name on/off: Toggle valvenames visibility in system windows.

The parameters for Flange- and Valvenames are common for all computers in the system.


This parameter sets the time from valve error until prewarning condition. This is an approximate
value in seconds, depending on the cycle time of the PLC. The time must be set longer than the
valve action time (from open to closed position or opposite).

15.9 FILES

For saving/loading Tk.Names, Tk.Nr and Tk.Group

Configuration, click on “Files”. The configuration data can
be saved to a file or read from a file on the computer.
Group Config will be reset when changing Eprom on the
PLC. The files will be stored on C:\ and named Name.txt,
TkName.txt and Gr.txt.

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In case of PLC malfunction the PLC outputs can be diverted to the emergency switches in the
control cabinet. This is done by turning the emergency switch (key) to on. If the emergency
control switch is turned ON during normal operation, the user will be informed in the P&V
prewarning system. The emergency operation cards are placed in a 19" rack in the control cabinet.
Each switch is labelled with its valve number, and refers to the mimic drawings. Each valve has an
indicator (LED) showing if it is open (green) or closed (red).

Single coil valves will switch to the position according to the switches in the panel when the
emergency key is turned. Activating the emergency control without being sure of the position
of the valves / switches may cause danger.

(536068073.doc) page 31

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