Alvarez, Synthesis 3

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Arianne S.

Alvarez July 25, 2021

Synthesis # 3 Advanced Abnormal Psychology

Anxiety Disorders
 Development of Emotions
o 0-1 mos = cry
o 1-3 mos = happy (smile, laugh)
o 4-7 mos = anger
o 6-9 mos = fear/ anxiety
o 6 mos = stranger
o 9 mos = separation
o 7 y/o = death
 Anxiety is part of our body’s normal survival instinct. It begins with our hypothalamus,
through pituitary gland, adrenal cortex and fight or flight response in Autonomic Nervous
o Palpitations, Sweating, Trembling, Shaking, Shortness of breath, Choking,
Loss/increased appetite, Chest pain, Nausea/vomiting, Fear of loosing control,
Numbness, Loss of sleep, Social Withdrawal, Irritable
 People differ in their responses to stress in accordance to the generation they are born
from. Anxiety is also a chromosomal defect. It can come from Genetics, Upbringing or
social learning, and Traumatic experiences. The number is increasing every year. There
are more females than males who have anxiety. 50 years old and above have the highest
number in age that has anxiety. Yet Young Adults are more likely to report symptoms of
Anxiety and or Depressive disorder during COVID-19 pandemic.
 A pathologic anxiety can be because of Too much norepinephrine / epinephrine, Too
much serotonin, or Too little GABA
 Pathologic Anxieties are
o Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Involves number of life events
o Panic Disorder - Impending doom
o Specific Phobia - specific
o Agoraphobia - social or performance situations
o Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) - Can’t speak in front of others
o Selective Mutism
o Separation Anxiety Disorder - Developmentally inappropriate; concerning
o Substance/ Medication- Induced
o …Medical Condition
o Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorder
o Acute Stress Disorder - Trauma happened less than 1 month ago
o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Trauma happened beyond 1 month ago
o Adjustment Disorder - Does not fulfill any but with stressor
o Reactive Attachment Disorder (child)
o Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (child)
o Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
o Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder - Recurrent thoughts, repetitive behavior
o Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Body defect
o Hoarding Disorder - Hoards
o Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder) - Pulls hair
o Excoriation (Skin-picking) Disorder - Picks skin
 Tools for Diagnosis
o Beck Anxiety Inventory
o Zung Anxiety Rating Scale
o Yale- Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)
 Somatic and Related Disorders – Anxiety/Depression
o Soma = body and Anxiety related to body = “hypochondriacs”
o Somatic Symptom Disorder (including previous Pain Disorder)
o Impairment due to preoccupation with illness; at least 6 mos
o Illness Anxiety Disorder
o Preoccupation with getting sick but no body complaints; at least 6 mos
o Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder)
o Neurologic manifestation of anxiety (at least 1 day); normal labs
o Factitious Disorder (Munchausen Syndrome)
o False but no secondary gain ( vs Malingering = with secondary gain)
o Includes Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another
 Dissociative Disorders – Anxiety/ Depression
o Dissociate = “separate from self”
o Prevalence = 1.5% - 1.8%
o Trauma
o Suicide risk = 70%
o Not weird vs those with Psychotic disorder
 Dissociative Identity Disorder - At least 2 different persons – no recall of
the other (blackouts/ gaps), “experience of possession”
 Dissociative Amnesia - Forget trauma and everything associated with it,
 Depersonalization/ Derealization Disorder - Depersonalization = “outside
observer”; Derealization = “just a dream”
 Treatment
o Serotonin uptake inhibitors
o B-blockers prn - Block epinephrine/adrenaline
 Atenolol
 Propanolol
 Metoprolol
o Psychotherapy
o Behavioral modification
o Cognitive behavioral therapy
o Environmental manipulation
o Conditioning
o Systematic desensitization
o Prayer
o Exercise
o Healthy diet

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