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Class: . Thermochemistry Experiment 9: To determine the enthalpy change of reaction between NaHCO) and HC! through a scale of the Important instructions: Complete the following before your lab session, 1. Read through the practical worksheet. 2. Read Guide to Calorimetry Page 1-9 3. View the video on Term 3 Experiment 9 ‘on H2 Chemistry google site ‘You are provided with the following, FB 1, 3.00 mol dr hydrochloric acid, HCI ‘Three samples containing different mixtures of sodium carbonate, Na:COs, and sodium hhydrogencarbonate, NaHCOs, each with a total mass of 5.00 9 of mixture. ‘ube labeled [mass of WaxCOg | mass of NaHCOG | by mass ofNaiCO: | FB? 100 a0 20.0 -[—~FB3 2B 250 | 50.0 FB 00 ER 80.0 You are to determine the temperature change, AT, when the contents of each of the tubes FB 2, FB 3 and FB 4 react with an excess of hydrochloric acid, FB 4 aT inal T— Initial T (@) (0) Caloulate the volume of 3.00 mol dm hydrochloric acid required to react with 5.00 g of sodium carbonate, NazCOs, Show your working. NasCOxs) + 2HCl{aq) > 2NaCl(aq) + H.0(0)+ COx(g) | (M60 180 || guts of NaC ys S22-+ 0.049190 CBF) onl at of HEL veqpited 2x0-4H13O> O.O4RHO mal (59) | NO of HO raspired (O.O9MSHOFRODNMODS © Batkem SCRE) 7 {© 20202 Chemistry 97291JCTermstPracticalichem Dapt GH) Cateuiate the volume of 3.00 mol drr? hydrochloric acid required to react with 5.00 9 ‘of sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCOs. Show your working. NaHCOxs) + HCl{aq) > NaCifag) + H0{0 + CO2(a) Mi: NaHCO, 84.0), et oF HaHa, EEE vo. cmRaHnel (GH) om oF HU re ed + PeOOEAT IN LO.OS TERA SH) Wh of HEL required #089634“ oo} = 14.Bent BEF) {(b) 35 cm? of 3.00 mol dm HC! will be used in each experiment ~ an excess of hydrochloric acid Read the following instructions before starting this section. Use a 50 cm? measuring cylinder to measure 35 cm? of FB 1, 3.00 mol dm HCI. Pour FBI into a styrofoam cup supported in a 250 cm? beaker. Measure the steady temperature of the acid in the plastic cup. Tip the contents of the tube labelled FB 2 into the acid as quickly as possible but take care to avoid overflow or acid spray. Str withthe thermometer, measure and record the highest or lowest temperature reached in the reaction, ‘Make certain that all ofthe solid has been transferred from the tube tothe cup. Tap the tube if necessary to dislodge any residual sold Empty and rinse the plastic cup with water. Shake out any residual drops of water. Repeat the experiment for each of the tubes FB 3 and FB 4. Record all measurements of temperature and the temperature changes, AT, in an appropriate form inthe space below. Indicate clearly whether the temperature has increased ‘decreased inthe reaction. Fe FBS Fey Bere} soa | soo | ao fral ghee |:350 220 Be senpeetuel*C ci a ate. 5.0 ar0 Hoe T increstet [ derrersed | rneseated | incrensed desreaied ag 8 (© 20211H2 Chemistry 97290C1/TermaPractiealChom Dept we 1CO; which can be used to prepare two further tubes, Terman & mixture which can be used in the same experiment as described above. erature change when each of these mixtures reacts with hydrochloric acid will be ‘sed with these above to plot five points on a graph. Tube labeled | Wass of Na.CO;/g | Mass of NBHCOs ig FBS 30 2 FB6 30 [30 200 wd Preparation ofthe tubes FB 5 and FB 6 ‘You are provided with ‘+ empty tubes labelled FB 5 and FB 6, ‘+ sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogencarbonate. (@) Prepare each tube and record in an appropriate form in the space below ‘+ allof your weighings, the mass of sodium carbonate in the mixture, ‘+ the mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate in the mixture, ‘© % by mass of sodium carbonate in the mixture. Namen oF [ates | ae tayeous po came, [EE ae FES 300 aes 60 aaa 2.00 408 a) () Carry out the same experiment as in (b) for each of the tubes FB 5 and FB 6 Record all temperature readings and the temperature change, AT, for each of the tubes, Uwithal torpor Ne] Pinal argent] ATIC |Tincraage / FAs —_ aa *R0 | Irceye, FRG zor ano WA | decree. 9 (© 202102 Chemistry 97201401 TermarPractiaiChem Dept NaxCOs in the mixture (x-axis, .d in some experiments line until it (9 Plot aT (y-axis, stating at 12 *C) agains the % by mass of starting at 0%). Remember ~ the temperature has increase decreased in others. Draw the most appropriate straight line through the five plotted points. Extend this ‘crosses the y-axis. a ai oe 40 20 «. ae 10 (© 202112 Chemistry 972915C17Terma/Praciealhem Ds ‘AT: tead from the graph for 0% sodium carbonates. (h) You are to use the value i in (9), obtained from the | to calculate the enthal; senge for the reaction between sodiun ) raph, to calculate the enthalpy change ‘um hydrogencarbonate and hycrochioric acid, NaHCO\(s) + HCi(aq) > NaCi(ag) + H.0(0 + COx9) ())Caleulate the energy change inthe plastic cup when 6.00 of NaHCOs reacts with excess hydrochloric acid, [4.3 J are absorbed or released when the temperature of 1.0 em?of solution changes byt °C] Q=mcAT sO = ses cre) 18503 C3:4) (i) Calculate the enthalpy change, AH, for the reaction NaHiCOs(s) + HCi{aq) > NaCi(ag) + H:0(9 + COx(), Give your answer in kJ mot, correc to 3 significant figures. ate sign. (M: NaHCO, 84.0] FO SHI CRE) mal sas AN? Soy * 22B56 CRE) 7 ALE ieol- Cae {Suggest the most significant source of error in this experiment. i Rad ape tidy may crue tHe GAIA cAreorers ro nat fly conch ne expen, erwarg BT te ve er thon expected Suggest a modification o the experimental procedure that would reduce the error described in. Use avd a ves nerratn an mene Hager un da ny dlukeck mart SU changps Vn Merete " (© 2021/M2 Chemistry 9729/JC1Term3IPractcaliChem Dept Name, Planning Skill 6 - Chemical Energs HAis a solid monobasic acd. itis a ‘about 3.44 g dm? under normal it 144.0), is solubie in water. FA 1 isa fine powder of HA with Nad as an impurity. FA 2s 0.975 mol dm’ aqueous sodium hydroxide. ‘The reaction between HA and NaOH ‘conducted using 2.50 9 of FA a Completely to give a temperature i times with diferent masses of FA. Fi ‘used but only partially when 5.50 g were used. To determine the percentage tem different sets of mand V values, ‘mand V values requires for com @) Class, sarent ‘age weak organie acid and its solubility in water is only boratory temperature. Its sodium salt, NaA (M, (aq) is exothermic. A preliminary experiment was 3nd 40 cm* of FA2. The sample of FA 1 dissolved ise of 63°C. The experiment was repeated two more 'A1 dissolved completely whien 5.00 g were by mass of HA in FA.1, m 9 of FA.1 can be reacted with V cm? of FA2 to obtain the temperature rise, AT. By repeating the experiments for 8 suitable graph can be plotted to determine the set of plete neutralisation (the end-point), 't @ series of five experiments is to be carried out, suggest suitable masses and volumes so that ATi at least 10 °C for each experiment. Show relevant calculations Bpetment 1 T i ss] MadEATS [ee]! 5.0 P [wach], gaol] sso mis Ee VrmeclFA2, lyoiot |nae5), [uaeag| tman | aoe i) 2 (© 202102 Chemistry 872915¢1FTemPracialChom Dept Ge ee il () Using the information given above, you are required to write a plan to determit the temperature rise for Experiment | ‘You may assume that you are provided with: + FAA + FA2: * polystyrene cup; * the apparatus and chemicals normally found in a school or college laboratory. in your plan, you should give essential details BI Busy a wwreite, add ¥0.00en! of EAR are he pay ctyer cup Dace the golysryem up in a BSDEME eater for supers mad neuen @Meaause she tenpemture of Me aileak vite a Mermeneser BUo1g on crestor halante wergh 5-00'g ef FAL ond tip the cones into the, paytyen OP A IY oS GOAT, lt ENG Care HO OMA evErOLD Dreserd the aghass tenperure vended by Merete Dikrgty on vine We plgtywoe asp, Shakes ony read aaps of wove. © popert

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