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2013 ACJC TERM EXAM PAPER (Differentiation Techniques Not tested] fa) Differentiate tan'(e**) with respect to x. a Series for y, up to and including the term in x’, out using a graphing ealeulator, solve the inequality at sia. m2 sz BEtcg hel al Hence solve the inequality 29 in investment firm bought a total of 20,000 shares belonging to three local companies on the ck Exchange Market in January 2013 and then sold them all in February of the same year Drokerage charges transaction fees of 3 cents per share per transaction (buying and selling shares are separate transactions). ¢ following table shows the prices at which this firm bought and sold the stocks. Buying Price ] SellingPrice | Net Eamings pershare$ | _ per shareS per share $ 8.10 6.90 1.26 2.21 2.40 4.04 4.50 ‘portfolio indicates thatthe firm held twice as many Ocean Shipping shares as Bao Steel. In ‘sale of all 20,000 stocks, this firm made an overall net profit of $1400. i) Find the net earnings per share in dollars (after subtracting transaction fees) for Ocean Shipping and Ping An Insurance, and write clearly a system of linear equations with three ‘unknowns using the information provided. BI Solve the system of linear equations, and determine the number of shares of each “company held by the firm during the period from January to February 2013. a) The curve C has the equation y (Show that Chas no stationary points. a (i) Sketch the curve C, showing clearly the asymptotes and coordinates of any intersections ~~ with the coordinate axes. By considering the equation of an appropriate line drawn on. the same diagram with the curve C, find the range of values of k for the equation x2-8=k(x-2)' +4(x-2) to have no real roots. 4] 5 The function g is defined by g:xh>-x° +3x+1,x€R, xS/. (i) Find the greatest value of 4 for which g exists. pl (ii) Hence define g” in a similar form. BI B (iti) Hence find h(x) such that gh(x) Boe, x<0. R 16 Scanned with CamScanner 4 +2 r(r+2) Hence find 5 ut Srrs2) where A is a constant to be found. i r(r+2) and show that )”- ey {5} 4 7 An arithmetic progression has n terms and a common difference d. Show that the difference between the sum of the lat five terms and the sum of the first five terms is S|d(n—5). [4] 8 : ener é A fund is established with a single deposit of $5 000 atthe beginning of 2013 to provide an ‘cay pea ot$350; ‘The fund eams interest at 4% per annum, paid at the end of each year. Payout is received at the end of 2013 after interest is earned, what is the amount Femaining inthe fund atthe end of 2014? uh Show that atthe end of» yeas, the amount (in dollars) remaining in the fund is i ~(1.04)"3750+8750. BI he year in which the last payout will be received, 21 ~ End of Paper ~ 5 me) y oe e 2 1 1 ee 2c Rag artes Ping An = $0.40 per share mology: 6000 Ping An Insurance: 11 000 4=372 Sy cS . Serr+2) 12 2\ntl 42 Amount at end of 2014 is $4694. ‘Last payout received in 2033. Scanned with CamScanner 2014 ACJC TERM EXAM PAPER (+(e 3443), 5 ol (C= apa find the range of values of x for which © *D@'—3' #3), 9, 2 G-x) itiation Techniques Not tested] Ix]<1, differentiate e° ") with respect to x. 2 4 +, find an expression for a in 2] 2? +2ax-y" +a" -¥? =0, where b>a>0. e coordinates of the intersection point of the asymptotes. Indicate (x+a)? ee 4+ (x+a)*—6? =1 has two real roots. [2] here a, b c are constants and b > 0. Given that own the value of a and sketch the graph. tes and the coordinates of point G3) (2) coordinates of the e972 415 li) Hence find So —* Bol ose (iii) Explain if the series yee A f 2941)? 4157 +13 Ce oa $157+19 in terms of 7. Scanned with CamScanner * 4 \ 4 7 (@) A one-metre long wire is divided into nine pieces whose pad = geometric. | progression. The length of the longest piece is six times the length of the shortest piece. eve in centi B} @) Find the length of the shortest piece in centimetres. t (ii) Each piece of wire is then bent to form a square. Show that the areas of the ae squares, from smallest to largest, form a geometric progression. (©) The general term, 7, , ofa sequence is given by T,=u,+cn", here cis a constant and u, is the n* term of an arithmetic progression with first 59 Ferm a and common difference d. Given that 7; =3, T, = 28 and 7, = =2, find c. [3] x reR, xs-4, xe-3 4-(Qx+1)?" Es ou mM of y=f(x) and y= fxn *(x) on the same diagram, giving the *s, ifany. Define fin a similar form. [6] ordinate of the point of intersection of the curves in (i) satisfy the +1=0 and find the coordinates of this point of intersection. i 2] *ER, x<0, where kis an integer, ine the largest value of k such that the ve Asymptotes: y=+(x+a) Intercepts: p2b Scanned with CamScanner y=fCx+h) Scanned with CamScanner 2015 ACJC TERM EXAM PAPER (Differentiation Techniques Not tested] oy (Inxet)y 2-0. BI a (Z) wn Without using the calculator, find the exact solution ofthe inequalities 3 9 Teteaa ae [5] te enor ‘The graph has an axial 2,5, |and asymptotes with equations y= = 4x the coordinates of any points where (Find the range of valu (ii) Given that the coordinates of any stationary points and th )) For the value of k found in (i) above, state the num xt +2 +6x7 =(2-x). Scanned with CamScanner © first, third and a and ferms ofa geometic progression ar three consecutive terms Anithmetic progression. that the co mmon ratio, r, of the geometric progression satisfies the equation r-1=0. 2) Ven that the first term of the geometric progression is a, hence find the sum to finit 2) AF, Chere 4, B and C are constants r+l r+2 Oo 1 1 2 (arine2)" cl Q] is convergent, and state the sum to infinity. 2) XER, -2414+V2 andes OR iWex for 0<0<2. 1 T0050 © aa a Show that ee ee car oR wr) @ ind YY al ) in the form A + fn), where A is a constant. [2] 2] Hence or otherwise, find Se 1 Tears) } Fand g are defined by xd fix sxeR,x>0, 4 six ox xeR. low shows the graph of y=£(x) with a minimum point at (2,2) and an ig ative integers, is defined by nand range exactly. For f~ to exist, the range of fis (2.520). Find Scanned with CamScanner G@) Ite domain of fis restricted tothe subset 5 =[ =I, @ £1), (b) the range of values of x such that ff-! @) 2), find 2] A car was purchased a 5 Pl for Sx on Ist January 2017. For x 20, the function g(x) cts the value of the car on 1* January in the following year. Interpret the meaning of g!%x), a Brand Y batteries were tested to find out which brand has a longer battery life. 4 toy car was released from a starting point and was allowed to run on a circular racing track until it stopped on its own. Each lap of the circular 9 car ran for 23 hours before stopping, find the average speed of last completed lap. [4] Y battery, it completed the first lap in 7.68 seconds and nt lap was 2.5% more than the time for the previous leting the 230th lap, determine which brand show sufficient working to justify your 2] (212.68)(1.025)"" ~205 taken to complete a lap is ~ End of Paper ~ Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 2018 ACJC TERM EXAM PAPER 1 Ata funfair, Ronny spent $76 on 20 food items consis i, Ronny ing of ‘nachos and ch {esis wis ets. The cos of ech pron ofp oars ad aaa ind $5 respectively. Given that he ought atleast 5 portions of each food item y portions of each food item did he buy? 0 a ee i @ _Itis given that 2 ¥ Without using a calculator, find the range of values that y can take, leaving your answer in terms of V2. GI £(x) undergoes, in succession, the following transformations: : jon of 4 units in the direction of the negative y-axis. | parallel to the x-axis by factor 0.5. ation of 1 unit in the direction of the negative x-axis. a det =l yeR,xe-I. Find £(3)- B) 1 Se cise: j point(s) where the curve crosses the x-axis. [2] he point with parameter is —tant. P) a 21 Scanned with CamScanner S| Thesequence 1, is defined by u, =-,r €Z,r21. By considering 4, —#11, show that n n+l fe) Ley Hence find | © Oo. 2] & 2. 3 n ee. @ 2 2% Y “ \teaving your answer in terms of n. BI) [You may assume that lim =0.] © The function fis defined by Fixre for eR, x>-1. @ oo and define it in similar form. B) ii) State the range of values of x such that ff” (x)=x. a) if-3sx<-] if-t7<55] SG) Mee rad (0.1) oi) O int . De de terms oft. sin(t)—sin (31), where 0<1 <2 2) and 2 ‘What can be said about the 1) IC, showing clearly the features of the curve atthe points where + a ay he range of values k such that in(t) ~sin(32))° -(3cos(¢)~cos(31))' = 144 has no real roots. (21 =u =x! ata crosses the axes. Sketch the graph of of any tuming points and Scanned with CamScanner registered on the first the online game is y registered forthe online tered on the 100" day (4) se online credits. A 2017. This player subsequent the player's line game. There are * players who the number of players registe fhe total number of layers” ‘number of players Fee! 8 @) Acomp day, On each subsequent day, players more than te previous day. game afer 100 days is 16 980 000 and the is 189 600, find x andy. The online game generates Te’ player started offby purchasing continued to purchase $10 worth ‘months. The company ensures that account increases by 0.5% atthe end of each month. svenue by allowing a player '0 purcha S30 worth of onlin credits on | AUgUS the first day of each of online credits on ee the online credits in of his online credits, it the end sming that the player did not use any line credits in the player's account at w that the total cash value of the or he nth month is (2030)(1.005)" -2010. 8) Find the month and year in which the total cash value of the online credits in i m0 account will first exceed $120. company organised a toumament in order to generate farther publicity. 8 with 129 140 163 players. 3 players play in each game, and in one winner advances to the next round. Find the total number of games in order to determine the final winner of the tournament. [4] End of Paper ~ Scanned with CamScanner ay _08(t)~cos(31) 6) dx —sin(t)+sin(3r) “6Gii) 050; Astot 250 (iii) Tangent to C is increasingly parallel to the y-axis. 3 — a 14x? Given that x=cosect and y=tant, where 0<¢< 4, show that BI 2] 8 Your answer in the form pina+gln2, where p and g are BI] 3P up a slope such that his first jump covers 1 m, and the ent jump is 10% shorter than that covered by the previous ‘a jump, he also slides back down the slope by 5 cm. inst cover a distance of less than 5 cm? G3] thest point he can reach up the slope. “B] a) 2 ((te2)n2-20) 4 a ey an : (ay ees 5 n> 29.433, 30" jump; 8.13m Gi) Smallest value of n is 81 since n > 80,9 Scanned with CamScanner

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