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Signature of the Student with date HL 90.7.0) For Office Use Only Instructions to the Candidate: Put Tick mark (v for the questions attended in the tick mark column against each question PART BC Grand Total (in words) Grand Total Declaration by the Exa total is found to be correct Signature of the Examiner NibivesH EC 204 Sibaals bolo S/S — Pont -B ‘5 YCa) = 7 laa) = OrF y(n -2) 426 (0°) 4 21) Soly on Stee 1: To oblain gy ster fonction "(2D The ginen Aewnee Y CSN 0 soled condi Hows auger) | ytnd= OFT ylo-D ~ ote y (0-2) t x (nay x07) | | | | Z-promsby of thax Canaion becomes | | Yl2) = 972 'y (2-07 oy (2) 3 KZ 42 LZ) (1 -o72 + onze yor =(z 42>) x2) Yee 24e y@p Ire? 27 +0022" since YZ? = A(z) ie System fo acon weharve x(2) pin) J-0'7E Foz > | | Way = ZS | (20) (2.-0°3) | 20.7. : j : ey | woven 6 20 T348)Q00bos SWiSH EC oly Stinwhhs Onn S¥S7ér4 . | Poles PRrok Pr-0°3 ard | Zenods 2e-) shu both Hee Pols P&P, Of this , Gyserr ona, inticle. “fe vot Cncle Jz)" Hence ees Systenn ts Stable Step:2 To oblain x (2) The inpot to Be Septet Ys >c(n) * au(ny XC2z = zo! 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