Cherry D. Cantuba III DICT 1-5 LESSON 14: Taking Charge of One's Health

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Cherry D.

Cantuba III

DICT 1-5

LESSON 14: Taking Charge of One’s Health

ACTIVITY 1: (75 points) 

Take the Berkeley Well Being Quiz: (10 points)- Show the results of your quiz.

1. After viewing your result. Write down your reflections about it.
Answer: Upon seeing the result of taking the Well-Being survey, it was been based on the
ratings that I have provided to some simple questions given. And I think their feedback is true at
some parts but not entirely accurate. It just gave me some insights about myself that made me
wonder if that’s what I really feel about myself or not.

2. Which areas you need to pay more attention to improving?

Answer: The areas that I need to pay more attention and watch out for is my “Stress” and
Answer: According to the results of the survey, I need improvement for myself in these areas
because this is where I lack the proper tools to cope with it.

3. How do you plan to do it?

Answer: I plan to do it by first Identifying what are the causes of why I get stressed and try to find
a coping mechanism to get over that stress. And second is to learn how to appreciate every
moment we spent living our lives in this world so that I may become mindful with small things in

4. List down your stressors and ways on how to cope with them:


Stressors                 Coping 
1. School Works       1. Playing Games with Friends
2. Pandemic              2. Trying to see positive things amid the pandemic
3. Loneliness             3. Spending more time with my Family
4. Finances              4. None
5. Expectations          5. Not living up with the expectations of others and just accept myself.

ASSESSMENT I (75 points)

Create your own commitment Self-Care Plan on how to take charge of yourself base on the
different areas of the self: 

1. Physical Self 
Answer: Always be engage in physical activities and workouts that will benefit my Physical body.

2. Sexual Self
Answer: I’ll always be in control of my sexual self and always clear on my evaluation of my
sexual feelings and actions.

3. Material or Economic Self

Answer: I will not be tamed by material things in this material world and try to be happy and be
appreciative to whatever I have and may have in my life.
4. Spiritual Self 

Answer: I will always try to identify myself for what I believe for. Letting my faith decide what I
should believe and cling on to go by with my life.

5. Political Self
Answer: I will always stand for what is right for humanity and will be fair no matter what situation
I’ll be in.

6. Digital Self (persona you use when you are online)

Answer: I will show others who I really am online, with no filters or façade because I have the
right to let everyone know the real me.

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