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Chapter-2: Cell and Organism

cell tissue organ organ system organism

1. What is a cell?

➔ Cells are the basic structural and functional unit of life and cells provide structure and stability to
an organism.

2. What are the differences and similarities in structure of plant and animal cell?

Features Plant Cell Animal Cell

Nucleus Present Present

Cytoplasm Present Present

Cell membrane Present Present

Mitochondria Present Present

Ribosomes Present Present

Cell wall Present Absent

Chloroplasts Present Absent

vacuole Present Present but in small sizes not fixed

and big like there is in plant cell.

*****Figure is very important study it to learn labelling and understand the structure of plant and
animal cell and to identify the parts in the cells. ****

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3. Write down the functions of the structures.

Jelly-like substance found in all cells is cytoplasm. It is the site of most of the chemical reactions,
which take place inside a cell necessary for life. Cytoplasm contains nearly all water, about 70%
is water in many cells.

➔ Cell membrane made of a thin layer of protein and lipids. Cell membrane controls the entry and
exit of molecules in and out of the cell. A partially permeable membrane allows some molecules
to enter, but not others. Water enters the cells by osmosis.

➔ It is made up of cellulose (a carbohydrate). It is found outside the cell membrane in plant cells. It
is fully permeable and it allows all the molecules to pass through it by diffusion. it gives the
plant cell a definite shape, protection and also support to the cell.

➔ They contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. The chlorophyll absorbs light energy and
this energy is used for photosynthesis. Some animal cells, however, have granules of other
substances similar to starch, called glycogen.

➔ It looks like a sac; it contains mainly water and store food substances. Plant cells have very large
vacuole, which contain a solution of sugars and other substances, called cell sap.

4. Explain tissues.

→ Large numbers of specialized cells make up tissue.
→ Muscles, blood and nerves are all tissues.

5. Describe Organs.

→ Various tissues together make up an organ.
→ Each organ has its own specific job.
→ The heart, the stomach and the brain are all organs.
→ The heart has to pump blood around the body. It is made up of muscle tissue, blood vessels and

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6. Explain Organ System and Organism with example.

Various organs together make up an organ system. E.g., the circulatory system carries blood to
all parts of the body. It is made up of heart, arteries, veins, capillaries and blood.

Various organ systems together make up an organism.

A human organism has:

→ Respiratory system
→ Digestive system
→ Circulatory system
→ Nervous system
→ Endocrine system

7. What is Ribosome and Mitochondria.

➔ Mitochondria:
It is the power house of the cell, in mitochondria respiration takes place to release energy from
food. They use oxygen to respire.

Ribosomes are tiny dot like structure that are attached on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Ribosomes do protein synthesis in the cell; they play are very important role. Ribosomes are the
places where proteins are made, by joining amino acid together in a long chain.

8. Some modified cell structure and function.

a. Root Hair Cell:


• To absorb water and minerals.

• Increases surface area for absorption.
• Has a larger vacuole to store more H2O.
• Finger-like projection.

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b. Red blood cell:


• To carry/transport oxygen.


• Packed with hemoglobin (red pigment).

• No nucleus so more surface area to absorb more oxygen.
• Biconcave shape.
c. Xylem vessels:


• To transport H2 O and minerals.

• Supporting plant body.

Some more modified cell example:

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