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Definition of Management:

1) Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which

individuals comes together to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.

Simply we can say that to create such kind of environment in which different kind of
people comes together for some purpose mean to achieve the organizational goals
effectively and efficiently .

 Effectiveness: It means to achieve your end target. The goals that your are
and you achieve it that’s call Effectiveness.

 Efficiency: It means to achieve your goal with minimum resources and within
minimum time period.
2) Management is the process of working with different resources to achieve
organizational goals.

Organization: A systematic arrangement of people who comes together to accomplish

some specific task.

Manager: An individual in the organization who direct the activities of other.

Functions of management:

we have five functions of management.

1) Planning.
2) Organizing.
3) Staffing.
4) Leading.
5) Controlling.

1) Planning: Planning is specifying the goals to achieve and deciding in advance the
appropriate action taken to achieve the goals. Planning activities include analyzing
the current situation and preparing yourself for future date.
Simply we can say that , planning activities involve selecting missions and objectives
and the steps which are necessary to achieve your goals.

2) Organizing: Organizing mean assembling and controlling the activity in the

organization. It means that collecting different resources which are needed to achieve
the organizational goals. These resources may be Human resource, financial resource,
Information’s, technological resource etc.
When you collect all these resources than you keep a proper check on these resources
that either these are using in a proper way or not.

3) Staffing: This function of management involve filling the vacant position in the
organization. It involve recruitment, selection, training and development,
performance appraisal , compensation and benefit.
It means that the manager have the quality to find out best people for their
organization. The staffing function basically related with HRM. That how you find
out a suitable employee for their organization.

4) Leading: It involves close day to day contact with people , to guide and inspire
them towards their goals. simply we can say that to create a road map for them by
which they can easily achieve goals.

That’s why an effective manager also need to be effective leader. A good manager
have should have the quality that he lead their employee in such a way to motive
them to achieve their desired goals.

5) Controlling: Controlling function of management involve, controlling different

activities , monitor progress and implement necessary change when needed. This
function of management make sure that the goals are achieved or not. The resources
are properly used or not.

Management is a Science or Art:

Management as practice is an Art. Because when we are managing an organization.

We follow different techniques and methods for this purpose. And when we use
these techniques and methods practically. That’s call management is an Art.

For example if a manager want to motivate an employee. Now he will be motivate his
employee by his knowledge , skill and techniques that he learned.. that’s why
management is an Art.

But at the same time we can say that management is a Science. Because when we are
managing the organization, we follow certain rules regulation , methods and
techniques and on the basis of that methods and techniques we make decision in the
light of accurate knowledge.

For example a manager want to motivate his employee. Here the manager will looked
to different things . that how the employee will be motivated.
Here he apply different methods like the employee will be motivated by money or the
employee want some participation in decision making.
These are the methods
Simply we can say that the practical implementation of management is Art. While the
knowledge that we gain is call Science. It shows that Science and Art are
complementary for management. ( like car and oil ) . with out one management is

The role of Management theory:

Management theories play a vital role in the field of management. These theories
provide a clear picture to the manager that how they can easily handle different
activities in the organization.

For example we have a theory called motivation theory. In this theory we have two

1) Motivation by carrot.
2) Motivation by stick.

This theory is for those employees whose performance is not up to the mark in the
organization. Now the manager duty is to motivate their employees .He can use this
theory here to solve this problem.

This theory shows that if the employee performance is low. first we motivate him by
carrot . Carrot means through positive way. Give him some incentives, rewards,
bonuses, recognition and statues. These are the things through which we can motivate
our employees.

But on other hand if the employee performance is still weak. Than the manager will
use alternative way motivate by stick. Its means that if the problem is still there. And
that employee did not improve himself. Here he will give some warning to that
employee to improve himself. Either the manager will stop his increment or stop his

This theory show us that how we improve the performance of our employees. That’s
why we can say that management theories play a huge role in management.

Managerial skills:

A manager needs four basic types of skills.

1) Technical skills.
2) Interpersonal skills.
3) Conceptual skills.
4) Design skills.

Now we explain these one by one

1) Technical skills: It means that the manager should have the ability to handle all kind
of technical problems in the organization. He should be a technically sound person. For a
manager technical skills are very important.

For example we have a production company. In this we use different kind of technology.
So the manager should have the ability to know that how it will be use. And if any
problem occurs he can easily handle it.

2) Interpersonal skills / Human skills: It is the ability to work with different people
within the organization as well as out side the organization. Means you should have the
ability to interact with different people and solve different types of problems which occur
in the organization.
So we can say that a manager needs good interpersonal skills in the organization,
knowledge about human behavior and he has the ability to understand the feelings,
attitude and motives of other.

3) Conceptual skills: Conceptual skills include analytical ability, logical thinking, and
concept formation. It means that a manager should have the ability to solve complex
problems .He always thinks logically. Especially when he is going to make important

4) Design skills: It means that the manager should have the ability to solve their
problems. If any problem occurs in the organization so the manager solve that problem. It
means that he will not be a problem watcher. He should have the ability to take some
practical steps and solve that problem.
The system approach to operational management:

We explain the system approach to operational management with the help of a


Re energizing the system

Inputs Transformation Out put


External Environment


It is the task of manager to transform the Inputs in an effective and efficient way in
Output. But when he start this process. He will look to different things that are
shown in above diagram.

1) INPUTS: These Inputs include Human Resource, Capital, Managerial

skill, Technological knowledge and other kind of information which are
necessary to get out put. When we put these inputs into process that’s call
transformation process.

2) Transformation process: when a manager collect different Inputs means

resources. Than he put it into some process, which is called transformation
process. Every individual or department has assign their own task. When
these entire departments work collectively it give us some Out put.
3) OUT PUT: When we put our Input into process. It gives us out put. These
output may be some products, it is a manufacturing company. These out put
may be in form of services, if these are service providing organization. For
example, Hospital, Different types of consultancies, Hotels. These output may
be in form of profit if these are profit oriented organization . these out put
may be in form of satisfaction , like different type of NGO’S work for the
welfare of humanity.

4) External Environment: External environment include those factor which

are out side the organization and effect the organization. The manager has
no close control over these factors. Because these factors are out side the
organization. These factors include your competitors, customers, economy
of the country, political and legal aspects, technology, moral issues
etc .So the manager duty is to keep close check on these resources. Because
these factors effect the organization. So the manager should be aware about
these things.

5) Reenergizing the system: here in the system model of operational

management there are some out puts which again become inputs. Like the
satisfaction of employee or new skill become inputs. Some time the surplus
capital also becomes input again. When the organization earns extra profit,
some time the owner want to reinvest that surplus amount to expand their

So the manager job is to look all these things and properly utilize it .

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